- 08:19 Ticket #1720 (adding functionality to GUICtrlSetImage) created by
- Hello! I beg you to realize the possibility of using binary data as a …
- 21:29 Ticket #1718 (Autoit v3.3.6.1 can be decompiled) closed by
- Rejected: This is not the forum where questions are asked. Also use search before posting there since this subject has been covered many times.
- 18:16 Ticket #1719 (Expose the internal function that creates the $CmdLine array?) created by
- I have several scripts that use Run extensively, and look for …
- 08:58 Ticket #1718 (Autoit v3.3.6.1 can be decompiled) created by
- i want some tricks to protect my autoit exe files i will not say the …
- 20:52 Ticket #1716 (HotKeySet("^{F11}", "stamp")) closed by
- No Bug: What does the environment matter? It's an obvious bug in the user's code and not in AutoIt.
- 19:15 Ticket #1715 (Calculation for Easter to be added to Date.au3) closed by
- Rejected: Absolutely not. What general purpose does this function have to the AutoIt community at large? Why not functions to calculate other religious holidays with similar semantics? There are so many logical reasons why this should be a no.
- 18:50 Ticket #1717 (32Bit Compiled exe with a Ping does not work on a 64 Bit Windows 7) closed by
- No Bug
- 15:08 Ticket #1717 (32Bit Compiled exe with a Ping does not work on a 64 Bit Windows 7) created by
- If you use the Ping(..) function in a 32bit compiled script on an …
- 11:21 Ticket #1716 (HotKeySet("^{F11}", "stamp")) created by
- Hello, HotKeySet("+{F11}", "stamp") HotKeySet("{F11}", "stamp2") …
- 10:20 Ticket #1715 (Calculation for Easter to be added to Date.au3) created by
- It was suggested to me that the following UDF would make a nice …
- 12:50 Ticket #1714 (controlID is not evaluated completely) created by
- When determining a control by class, id and text the text is not …
- 10:32 Ticket #1705 (Control Resizing before WinMove) closed by
- No Bug
- 07:55 Ticket #1712 (_FileWriteFromArray() crash.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5914] in version:
- 17:53 Ticket #1713 (Ctrl-Paste method for Send/ControlSend) created by
- It seems like some people, many of whom are overseas, are having …
- 17:26 Ticket #1712 (_FileWriteFromArray() crash.) created by
- If FileWriteFromArray() is passed other than a 1-dimension array, it …
- 17:22 Ticket #1711 (TrayTip Help Error) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5911] in version:
- 10:58 Ticket #1711 (TrayTip Help Error) created by
- In the TrayTip documentation help file it says at the top (2000/XP …
- 10:50 Ticket #1710 (GuiCtrlSetPos) closed by
- Fixed: Thanks it already has been update with ticket #1596
- 08:46 Ticket #1707 (_SoundPlay fails with Windows Media files in Vista/Win7) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5907] in version:
- 08:37 Ticket #1708 (Error in Simple Notepad Automation Tutorial) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5906] in version:
- 15:41 Ticket #1710 (GuiCtrlSetPos) created by
- Absent information about using the value "Default" in parameters of …
- 15:31 Ticket #1709 (GuiCtrlSetResizing (return previous resizing mode)) created by
- This is possible? I want to use GuiCtrlSetResizing with WinMove in my …
- 01:20 Ticket #1708 (Error in Simple Notepad Automation Tutorial) created by
- In the Tutorial, the AutoIt v3 window Info shows a different Visible …
- 11:02 Ticket #1707 (_SoundPlay fails with Windows Media files in Vista/Win7) created by
- A recent thread …
- 09:26 Ticket #1706 (GuiCtrlGetPos) created by
- Can you to add this function ( GuiCtrlGetPos(controlID) ) that will be …
- 05:35 Ticket #1705 (Control Resizing before WinMove) created by
- I saw like a ticket, but there is not clear what exactly fixed. In …
- 08:05 Ticket #1704 (Need UDFs in AutoItx.) created by
- It will be very useful if the user defined functions are added to AutoItX.
- 05:05 Ticket #1703 (I have a problem when using "filecopy" with extension. "vbe") created by
- I have a problem, i can´t copy files with extension "vbe.". In version …
- 22:18 Ticket #1702 (Example code does not match description for DllStructCreate) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5902] in version:
- 14:31 Ticket #1702 (Example code does not match description for DllStructCreate) created by
- In documentation for DllStructCreate the example code uses type …
- 13:07 Ticket #1701 (Bug in date control) created by
- When i need following code: […] then i can not view any Months …
- 02:31 Ticket #1700 (Synchronous ObjEvent) created by
- With reference to IE Events in particular, synchronous events would …
- 07:16 Ticket #1698 (GUICtrlSetLimit, limit 32767) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5899] in version:
- 06:12 Ticket #1699 (Send() in raw is not working in Windows 7 for the game) created by
- Hi, I use AutoIt3 to send commands to the game Teos(Shaiya) …
- 21:42 Ticket #1690 (GuiTreeView.au3, GuiListView.au3 and possibly others ASCII mode Bug) closed by
- No Bug: There is no reason for you to create ANSI controls. AutoIt and Windows are both native UNICODE so using ANSI is just needlessly incurring performance penalties as UNICODE is translated to ANSI. If you insist on using ANSI then you are on your own.
- 07:38 Ticket #1698 (GUICtrlSetLimit, limit 32767) created by
- http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20647&st=0&p=1427 …
- 23:35 Ticket #1697 (SQLight CSV functions) closed by
- Rejected: please goto to forum. SQLight is not deliver with AutoIt
- 19:55 Ticket #1697 (SQLight CSV functions) created by
- Please add 2 functions to SQLight …
- 14:44 Ticket #1696 (Build in autoit) created by
- Can you create a buildin autoit version on one or more dll. function …
- 10:44 Ticket #1695 (Add some better discription to help file how to usw the modes from FileOpen) created by
- Hi I was spending now more then one hour to find out why I wasnt able …
- 11:00 Ticket #1694 (Number(), Fails to return proper value for int32 value range case.) created by
- (split of from ticket:1519) Number() Fails to return proper value for …
- 08:21 Ticket #1693 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_Create example) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5898] in version:
- 07:40 Ticket #1692 (GUICtrlSetOnEvent - during event fuction other event are waiting ...) closed by
- No Bug: AutoIT is not multithreaded so taking a long time in an event routine just freeze the whole process.
- 07:17 Ticket #1687 (_IECreate/Navigate dont support login in url) closed by
- No Bug
- 21:42 Ticket #1693 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_Create example) created by
- The helpfile states "You must call _GUICtrlRichEdit_Destroy() before …
- 18:05 Ticket #1692 (GUICtrlSetOnEvent - during event fuction other event are waiting ...) created by
- #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; Change to …
- 08:52 Ticket #1557 (Constants.au3 update) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [5897] in version:
- 08:35 Ticket #1691 (ControlCommand is not working for .net checkboxes.) created by
- I have tried the ControlCommand for .net checkboxes. It is returning …
- 18:19 Ticket #1690 (GuiTreeView.au3, GuiListView.au3 and possibly others ASCII mode Bug) created by
- I didn't have the time to check through all of the functions in these …
- 10:03 Ticket #1689 (Standard _Debug UDF functions and Obfuscator) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5894] in version:
- 07:52 Ticket #1689 (Standard _Debug UDF functions and Obfuscator) created by
- Hi, My script : […] Using AutoIt.exe to run my script is OK. If I …
- 06:17 Ticket #1688 (InetGet help file typo) closed by
- Fixed: thanks, We already figure out this error in April, just wait the next beta/release.
- 06:04 Ticket #1686 (AU3_PixelSearch crashes with access violation at address 0x00000008) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5893] in version:
- 00:48 Ticket #1688 (InetGet help file typo) created by
- There is a misprint in the AutoIt help file InetGet page. There is no …
- 18:34 Ticket #1687 (_IECreate/Navigate dont support login in url) created by
- I figured out that _Ienavigate doesnt support login credentials in url …
- 06:46 Ticket #1685 (BitRotate, incorrect/misleading (old?) param info.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5891] in version:
- 06:33 Ticket #1680 (Global variable gives "Variable used without being declared" in SQLite.au3) closed by
- No Bug: Thanks jchd for the identification of the "No BUG"
- 14:26 Ticket #1686 (AU3_PixelSearch crashes with access violation at address 0x00000008) created by
- Both the latest stable and beta versions (seems to be older …
- 13:35 Ticket #1667 (WinMove, Child-Window, Default.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5890] in version:
- 11:45 Ticket #1685 (BitRotate, incorrect/misleading (old?) param info.) created by
- >BitRotate ( value , shift [, size] ) >Parameters >value The …
- 08:32 Ticket #1660 (Mod function causes AutoIt to crash) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5887] in version:
- 06:45 Ticket #1618 (ShellExecute("C:\") causes script hanging) closed by
- Works For Me: as I understand it cannot be reproduced in an non latin window version. Sorry for those designers/users. So I close it as "Work for me"
- 06:40 Ticket #1678 (DirCreate() can return 1 (success) without creating any directory) closed by
- No Bug
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.