


20:43 Ticket #1647 (StringInStr returns wrong value when 4th parm is "Default") closed by Jpm
No Bug: In fact unless stated in the doc "Default keyword cannot replace an optional builtin Autoit parameter function
17:25 Ticket #1646 (Change wording in help file) closed by Valik
Rejected: Definition number 4.
15:32 Ticket #1647 (StringInStr returns wrong value when 4th parm is "Default") created by anonymous
Default Parameter for occurrence is 1 (HelpFile). But …
09:35 Ticket #1646 (Change wording in help file) created by anonymous
Hi! In the help file ("COM Reference" section) I read the following: …
07:30 Ticket #1644 (_InetMail function does not work when Windows Live mail is default client) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5848] in version:
07:18 Ticket #1645 (Change stdinwrite() to asynchronous) created by KaFu


19:22 Ticket #1571 (StringSplit - Add CaseSense parameter) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5847] in version:
19:09 Ticket #1451 (RegRead) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5846] in version:
18:59 Ticket #1637 (Certain charactered missed by StringRegExp() and the replace) closed by Jpm
No Bug
13:22 Ticket #1644 (_InetMail function does not work when Windows Live mail is default client) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
The function _InetMail needs some improvements Install Outlook 2007 …


19:45 Ticket #1641 (Write compiler for autoit) closed by Valik
Rejected: All those posts are from the same user. I'm blocking the user from the site and closing the ticket.
10:37 Ticket #1640 (In name of every autoit's coders) closed by Jpm
Rejected: Sorry but Zedna is right …


19:21 Ticket #1641 (Write compiler for autoit) created by killost
19:18 Ticket #1640 (In name of every autoit's coders) created by flouf@…
Hi, I'm an activing user of AutoIt. I've coded the first Remote …
13:09 Ticket #1639 (Unable to delete ListviewItems created with _GUICtrlListView_AddItem) closed by Jpm
No Bug: If you use _GUICtrl...() functions you better to use _GUICtrl..._Create(). Some mixing works but not all. in your case just change to […]
12:54 Ticket #1636 (_Security_LookupAccountSID for Remote Systems) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5842] in version:


22:25 Ticket #1639 (Unable to delete ListviewItems created with _GUICtrlListView_AddItem) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
Hi, The code below with "_GUICtrlListView_AddItem" does not allow a …
18:39 Ticket #1638 (_Date_Time_FileTimeToStr wrong format output if $bFmt=1) closed by Jpm
Duplicate: duplicate of ticket #1509
17:10 Ticket #1633 (Second AdlibRegister function starts at once when first function is to slow) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5841] in version:
11:27 Ticket #1638 (_Date_Time_FileTimeToStr wrong format output if $bFmt=1) created by anonymous
if $bFmt=1, the result of _Date_Time_FileTimeToStr is in the wrong …


17:56 Ticket #1637 (Certain charactered missed by StringRegExp() and the replace) created by GEOSoft
I can't really provide a meaningfull demo script for this but You can …
14:37 Ticket #1636 (_Security_LookupAccountSID for Remote Systems) created by SkinnyWhiteGuy
I was looking at reading SID values from a remote registry and then …
08:28 Ticket #1632 (UDF to display a table) closed by Jpm
Rejected: As mention by @anonymous just use debug.au3 […]
08:16 Ticket #1631 (Get FilePath from file handle) closed by Jpm
Rejected: as a solution can be done with a UDF using GetFinalPathNameByHandle windows API. We don't plan to extend AutoIt builtin function.
08:10 Ticket #1608 (Encrypting a file about 10 MB destroys the file - crypt.au3 bug ?) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5839] in version:
03:11 WikiStart edited by Valik
Fixed missing link. (diff)


22:10 Ticket #1635 (0 = "") closed by Jos
No Bug: Feature, Use the forum to ask questions.
18:49 Ticket #1635 (0 = "") created by dwsandstrom@…
This may sound silly but after tracking down an erroronous answer in …
18:17 Ticket #1630 (Documentation UDF History page seem to be broken v3.3.6.1) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Thanks, I don't remember if they were a ticket on this but it is already fixed
18:08 Ticket #1634 (Doc,UDF: Encryption Management, wrong #include file.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5838] in version:
15:54 Ticket #1634 (Doc,UDF: Encryption Management, wrong #include file.) created by anonymous
page: User Defined Function Reference, Encryption Management ... …
14:08 Ticket #1633 (Second AdlibRegister function starts at once when first function is to slow) created by funkey
If you have at least two funtions startet by AdlibRegister an one …
10:04 Ticket #1626 (TCPSend( ) only transmits half simplified Chinese characters) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5837] in version:


22:50 Ticket #1632 (UDF to display a table) created by wim_hekkenberg@…
It would be handy to have an UDF who combines the consolewrite …
22:08 Ticket #1631 (Get FilePath from file handle) created by evilertoaster
I had previously sent this as a cod submission via the method …
20:53 Ticket #1630 (Documentation UDF History page seem to be broken v3.3.6.1) created by joecool
Documentation UDF History page seems to be broken... i got that …
17:51 Ticket #1503 (FileGetSize don't works solid) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5835] in version:
14:04 Ticket #1629 (Ability to destroy embedded IE objects to rehash browser settings) created by cheshiresoft
Please add a feature so that we can kill and recreate embedded IE …


21:14 Ticket #1628 (default icon for compiled scripts) created by matwachich
It would be nice if we could compile a script with NO icon, so that it …
18:05 Ticket #1310 (TCPConnect Timeout) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed with ticket #1573
18:05 Ticket #1573 (TCPConnect TCPTimeout) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5826] in version:
18:01 Ticket #1485 (Hard crash with ContinueCase) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5825] in version:
17:40 Ticket #1596 (Allow "Default" parameters for GUICtrlSetPos()) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5824] in version:
17:30 Ticket #1559 (StringRegExpReplace - add Return Value in Helpfile) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Thanks George, I can close it now as I have updated the doc almost the same way as you suggest.
15:01 Ticket #1627 (compiling x64) created by GEOSoft
Not really a request, just a suggestion. When compiling script, the …
03:55 Ticket #1626 (TCPSend( ) only transmits half simplified Chinese characters) created by txj
In AutoIt, run example in TCPRecv( ) first, then run example …


16:32 Ticket #1513 (_GUIToolTip_AddTool() accepts only strings in $sText parameter) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5822] in version:
06:26 Ticket #1620 (debug.au3: single(') quote problem.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5817] in version:
05:20 Ticket #1623 (_WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes() uses Execute() unnecessarily) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5816] in version:
04:55 Ticket #1621 (Spelling error in TCPStartup remarks) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5815] in version:


23:22 Ticket #1624 (_crypt_DecryptData not working in Windows 2000) closed by Jpm
No Bug
21:37 Ticket #1619 (Last line highlighting after undo operation in SciTE) closed by Jos
Wont Fix: I get the same behaviour in the lexers for ".bat" and ".c" files so assume the Scite Editor doesn't request the Scintilla Lexer to update the Syntax colouring. So assuming a SciTE bug which I will not be working on. Jos
21:11 Ticket #1625 (AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI: Compile, directives block update.) closed by Jos
Wont Fix: I am not really planning to work on issues that are the result of copying statements generated by AutoIt3Wrapper. Just never copy this line in whatever flavor, shape or form including commented: #Region ; Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI Jos
20:18 Ticket #1625 (AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI: Compile, directives block update.) created by anonymous
- duplicate directive commands. AutoIt3Wrapper: …


17:13 Ticket #1622 (build secure) closed by Valik
16:50 Ticket #1624 (_crypt_DecryptData not working in Windows 2000) created by brainwilli@…
Please try the example from the AutoIt Help: […] Even Win2000 is …
15:49 Ticket #1623 (_WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes() uses Execute() unnecessarily) created by PsaltyDS
Ref: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=114398 In …
09:58 Ticket #1622 (build secure) created by anonymous
the AutoIt exe are not secure decompilation is easily done, it must …
06:35 Ticket #1621 (Spelling error in TCPStartup remarks) created by Kealper
In the Remarks section for TCPStartup in the help file the first line …
03:44 Ticket #1620 (debug.au3: single(') quote problem.) created by anonymous
file: debug.au3 function: __Debug_ReportWrite() Problem: The $sData …


14:40 Ticket #1619 (Last line highlighting after undo operation in SciTE) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
Just type this single line (without any other empty lines) in the …
14:28 Ticket #1618 (ShellExecute("C:\") causes script hanging) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
If we use ShellExecute("C:\") as last command in the script …
07:31 Ticket #1527 (@ScriptDir & "\Test1.xls") closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5814] in version:


22:33 Ticket #1615 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetStateImageIndex() prohibits 0 in $iIndex parameter) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5813] in version:


18:20 Ticket #1617 (Lockup: failed GuiCreate + undeleted window.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5812] in version:


23:00 Ticket #1617 (Lockup: failed GuiCreate + undeleted window.) created by anonymous
[…] @jpm: Wow. That list is getting smaller every day. (or: Thanks …
18:28 Ticket #1564 (Not able to get text using controlistview("","","","gettext",$index) ...) closed by Jpm
No Bug: closed lack of info
18:18 Ticket #1399 (_ColorSetRGB() is returning wrong color value) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5811] in version:
17:19 Ticket #1531 (Windows textcolor not honored by Inputbox, Edit-, List- and Combo-Control) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5810] in version:
15:45 Ticket #1397 (HotKeySet not working when default keyboard layout set as non-english) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5809] in version:


14:02 Ticket #1616 (AutoIt3Wrapper Icon Resource Error) closed by Jos
Fixed: Made the update to $tB_GroupIcon and uploaded a new version to the SciTE Beta directory. Please test to see if that fixes it for you. Thanks Jos
07:40 Ticket #1480 (Corrupting registry when importing a .reg file with a delete key in it) closed by Jpm
No Bug: I don't understand the corruption you mention. But to have it working you must launch Reg.exe in admin mode. so you must add a #requireAdmin
07:23 Ticket #1384 (404 Not Found error when clicking links for explanations of functions) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5808] in version:
02:05 Ticket #1616 (AutoIt3Wrapper Icon Resource Error) created by SkinnyWhiteGuy
I was trying to add around 75 icons to a program I was writing, so I …


20:15 Ticket #1471 (_ClipPutFile is not unicode aware) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5807] in version:


21:17 Ticket #1615 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetStateImageIndex() prohibits 0 in $iIndex parameter) created by doudou
If _GUICtrlTreeView_SetStateImageIndex() encounters 0 in $iIndex …
16:41 Ticket #1614 (_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd(): Ignoring that Right and Bottom are ...) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5806] in version:
16:23 Ticket #1282 (WinMove results in unespected resizing behavior of controls) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5805] in version:
15:59 Ticket #1614 (_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd(): Ignoring that Right and Bottom are ...) created by anonymous
Effect: Allows capture range to be one pixel to big on right and …


22:24 Ticket #1613 (Default (keyword), Auto conversion.) closed by Jpm
No Bug: is it the same anonymous which give a so clear explanation? Anyway I think the doc explain what is happening.
21:33 Ticket #1612 (Add a FileDeleteLine function.) closed by Valik
Rejected: Your shortcomings are not sufficient grounds to add features to the language when those of us without said shortcomings are capable of implementing it ourselves.
21:28 Ticket #1610 (FileSetTime error on "linux" NAS) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Duplicate of #1611.
20:26 Ticket #1613 (Default (keyword), Auto conversion.) created by anonymous
Not to sure. But if there test true. (they do) […] than (I think) …
19:43 Ticket #1533 (FileSaveDialog/FileOpenDialog return selected filter type) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5803] in version:
17:54 Ticket #1612 (Add a FileDeleteLine function.) created by raythorne2005@…
There is a FileWriteLine and FileReadLine, but not a FileDeleteLine. …
16:34 Ticket #1611 (FileSetTime error on "linux" NAS) created by FranckGrieder
FileSetTime() always return an error on Linux based NAS shares even …
16:33 Ticket #1610 (FileSetTime error on "linux" NAS) created by FranckGrieder
FileSetTime() always return an error on Linux based NAS shares even …
15:25 Ticket #1507 (help file improvement) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: I am not sure of what is your request. Examples are just a starter. For me the GUICtrlRead() is clear about you can get rom for any control
15:21 Ticket #1499 (Performance increase to internal __FTP_ListToArray()) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5802] in version:
15:00 Ticket #1478 (Make _ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd convert HWnd) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5801] in version:
10:24 Ticket #1435 (Additions to RichEditConstants.au3 for Find replace dialog.) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5799] in version:
10:08 Ticket #1262 (Add SMTP AUTH to _INetSmtpMail() in inet.au3) closed by Jpm
Rejected: Closed with lack of information
10:07 Ticket #1380 (Inform user of required parameters in _Timer_Settimer()) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5798] in version:
09:18 Ticket #1371 (_TempFile() update) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5796] in version:


22:37 Ticket #1588 (Modified Debug functionality) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5794] in version:
21:15 Ticket #1517 (_GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort not sorts checkboxes defined by ...) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5793] in version:
20:48 Ticket #1609 (GUICtrlCreateGroup() size/position affected by default font size.) closed by Jpm
No Bug: In fact no the group control is created at the same position . You can verify using "AutoIt Info Tool". It look like the way the group is drawnis affected internaly by the font. Just Ask MS why …
12:24 Ticket #1529 (TrayItemSetText() sets incorrect text) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by ticket 1599
12:21 Ticket #1545 (RegRead 64bit) closed by Jpm
No Bug: All case return the same value running in X86 mode with or without HKLM64
10:58 Ticket #1578 (DirCopy doesn't work unless you specify option 1 - Overwrite) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: Replying to MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>: > Replying to Jpm: > > can you be more explicit does output dir already have those input dir files? > > if yes that not a bug > I have checked that issue, and indeed there is a bug - the destination folder exists but it's empty, files are not copied from source dir (with flag = 0). I understand your point but overiding is needed to reuse the target stuff. So any problem in creation lead to an error not just the files copy. Perhaps doc must be more precise.
10:40 Ticket #1592 (Int() does not set error status on fail) closed by Jpm
No Bug: reread the doc there is no @error setting for a string
10:19 Ticket #1599 (TrayItemSetText Win7 x64) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5792] in version:
07:42 Ticket #1609 (GUICtrlCreateGroup() size/position affected by default font size.) created by Spiff59
As the small demo script shows, the top coordinate (and therefore also …


21:45 Ticket #1601 (_GUIImageList_AddIcon returns wrong value if failed) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5791] in version:
21:36 Ticket #1608 (Encrypting a file about 10 MB destroys the file - crypt.au3 bug ?) created by brainwilli@…
Tested with Version Encrypting a file over a size limit of …
20:16 Ticket #1607 (ControlTreeView not fully working with SysTreeView32) created by anonymous
The ControlTreeView options "Check", "UnCheck" and "IsChecked" are not …
16:02 Ticket #1606 (Remove AutoItX) closed by Valik
Rejected: I doubt very seriously Jon will consider this.
16:02 Ticket #1605 (FileExists/FileCopy can't handle spaces in file names) closed by Valik
No Bug: Read the guidelines.
15:10 Ticket #1606 (Remove AutoItX) created by Richard Robertson <icekirby1@…>
I propose removal of AutoItX altogether. I haven't seen any real …
07:08 Ticket #1605 (FileExists/FileCopy can't handle spaces in file names) created by lt.brouwer@…
I have written a script which does the following: Create a drive …
00:39 Ticket #1604 (Add Send To Mail Recipient Feature to SciTE) closed by Valik


22:57 Ticket #1604 (Add Send To Mail Recipient Feature to SciTE) created by joe.cordiano@…
It would be useful to have a feature in SciTE that would allow for …
22:31 Ticket #1603 (Comment-Before Character) closed by Valik
Rejected: What practical purpose does this serve? People write and read code left-to-write. You do not want to read a piece of code only to learn it was just a comment. That makes no sense.
21:59 Ticket #1603 (Comment-Before Character) created by jaberwocky6669
I propose a comment character that will comment out code that appears …
17:56 Ticket #1600 (please check "=" Operator bug) closed by Valik
No Bug: What do I have to do to make it clear to you people that if you are asking a question on the issue tracker you're in the wrong place? I mean, I only have it in the big giant red box. I suggest you try reading it next time because your failures in creating this ticket are numerous.
16:53 Ticket #1602 (_ArrayMinIndex and Void entries) created by any0day@…
Thought I would just point out that for void entries, when calling …
14:32 Ticket #1601 (_GUIImageList_AddIcon returns wrong value if failed) created by doudou
In contradiction to documentation and to how MSDN describes the corr. …
14:14 Ticket #1600 (please check "=" Operator bug) created by ssmmhh@…
please check "=" Operator bug 1. ConsoleWrite (0 = "x") ; -> True …
11:04 Ticket #1599 (TrayItemSetText Win7 x64) created by JamesBrooks
The function, TrayItemSetText does not seem to work on Win7 x64 …
06:35 Ticket #1575 (AURecord 3.3 -creates invalid calls to _WinWaitActivate) closed by Jpm
No Bug: in fact all text is included as au3record cannot select the right one. It is the user responsability to correct the script selecting the one he wants.
06:23 Ticket #1582 (_GUICtrlListView_GetHeader returns no handle) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5787] in version:
06:12 Ticket #1597 (Debug.au3, Message box mode.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5786] in version:


01:47 Ticket #1598 (standalone combobox function (like inputbox)) closed by Valik
Rejected: AutoIt is a scripting language, not a does everything [subject name here] wants out-of-the-box language.


17:14 Ticket #1598 (standalone combobox function (like inputbox)) created by gcue
would be nice to have this feature to avoid gui creating to simply …
00:10 Ticket #1597 (Debug.au3, Message box mode.) created by anonymous
Message box case is setting a none existing function. -> used with …


16:50 Ticket #1596 (Allow "Default" parameters for GUICtrlSetPos()) created by Spiff59
Could you implement "Default" parms (top, left, width, height) for the …
13:14 Ticket #1595 (SupportedOS ID for manifest) created by sklocke
== Introduction == With Windows 7, Microsoft introduces a new section …
10:59 Ticket #1589 (_GuiCtrlTab_ClickTab() Revision) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5785] in version:
01:40 Ticket #1593 (Prevent script Exit from OnAutoItExitRegister function) closed by Valik
Rejected: This request does not make sense. If you do not wish for a script to exit then take control of the exit points (GUI events, tray events).


17:37 Ticket #1594 (Allow "-1" default parameters for GUICtrlSetPos()) closed by Valik
Rejected: I assume you are completely oblivious to the fact that -1 is a perfectly valid position. I also assume you never bothered to look into the Default keyword which was designed for exactly this situation.
16:49 Ticket #1594 (Allow "-1" default parameters for GUICtrlSetPos()) created by Spiff59
Could you implement "-1" parms (top, left, width, height) for the …
13:38 Ticket #1593 (Prevent script Exit from OnAutoItExitRegister function) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
It would be usefull if we could prevent the exit from script inside …
12:20 Ticket #1592 (Int() does not set error status on fail) created by mward@…
The documentation for Int( expression ) says <snip> Return Value …
09:05 Ticket #1591 (about InetGetSize,InetRead......) created by 184661031@…
For examples: $test= …
04:32 Ticket #1590 (restore FileOpen("con", 4) in AutoIt created by txj
in AutoIt, statement […] open console, then user can …


18:10 Ticket #1589 (_GuiCtrlTab_ClickTab() Revision) created by exodius <exodius@…>
The version of _GuiCtrlTab_ClickTab in GuiTab.au3 doesn't allow for …
17:26 Ticket #1587 (Modified Debug functionality) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Closing as duplicate of #1588.
13:02 Ticket #1588 (Modified Debug functionality) created by jr@…
After installing the newest version of AutoIT I found that the …
13:02 Ticket #1587 (Modified Debug functionality) created by jr@…
After installing the newest version of AutoIT I found that the …


01:24 Ticket #1586 (DllStructSetData(char, 1, string-with-NUL-character), junk data(?)) created by anonymous
kinda expect the character part to end up with 0x61. or …


21:54 Ticket #1543 (DirMove behaviour) closed by Jpm
No Bug: Did you reread the doc […] I know it can be seen as funny but it was a old time design decision
10:19 Ticket #1546 (Creating new excel book is not working.) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: under Win7, office 2007 with dir you can write in, it is working for me even with the old release
09:59 Ticket #1560 (Errors in implementation of _Security_... functions) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5781] in version:
02:11 Ticket #1585 (Keys) created by Deathboy
Hi there I'm missing the mouse scrolls in Autoit It would be nice if …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.