


18:12 Ticket #1375 (An array element alias) closed by Valik
Rejected: What you're asking for is called a dictionary or associate array. There are no plans to implement it.
17:11 Ticket #1377 (Help file - _ColorGet* functions) created by Melba23
The Help file states that the parameter for the _ColorGet*
16:12 Ticket #1376 (FileOpen()) created by xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
Please make in FileOpen($Filename, $Mode) ‘mode’ parameter …
15:51 Ticket #1375 (An array element alias) created by xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
Will be useful, if there will may create alias name for an array …
13:14 Ticket #1374 (FileGetShortName returns wrong result on Win7) closed by Jos
No Bug
10:40 Ticket #1374 (FileGetShortName returns wrong result on Win7) created by KaFu
$sFilename = "c:\test.par2" $output = $sFilename & @crlf & …
05:16 Ticket #1373 (filecopy filemove with independent thread) created by thesnoW
filecopy filemove with independent thread. like inet func,return a …
02:57 Ticket #1367 (GUIDelete() crashes program when called from WM_* message handler) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5485] in version:
02:31 Ticket #1370 (StringInStr()) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5484] in version:
02:15 Ticket #1372 (HTTPSetUserAgent bad description) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5483] in version:


23:13 Ticket #384 (More extensive testing of RunAs()) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5480] in version:
20:34 Ticket #1372 (HTTPSetUserAgent bad description) created by Greek
Help file only says that it works with InetGet() But it works with …
17:41 Ticket #1371 (_TempFile() update) created by xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
Add this in _TempFile() to accept "Default" keyword or -1 value […]
17:19 Ticket #1369 (Static.au3 example not working) closed by Valik
No Bug: As the documentation says, Static isn't finished so reporting bugs on it is stupid.
16:50 Ticket #1370 (StringInStr()) created by anonymous
15:02 Ticket #1369 (Static.au3 example not working) created by JamesBrooks
Trying out the new Static keyword, I looked at the help file, and …
00:58 Ticket #1343 (Docs spelling error > _GUICtrlTreeView_SetIcon.htm) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5477] in version:


20:04 Ticket #1368 (_ClipBoard_GetData($CF_BITMAP) not working on created by eukalyptus
this code workes fine on AutoIt, but returns zero (no …
18:18 Ticket #1367 (GUIDelete() crashes program when called from WM_* message handler) created by isolation@…
GUIDelete() crashes the autoit compiled executable and also the …
16:08 Ticket #1366 (TrayCreateItem() bug) created by anonymous
TrayCreateItem(text [, menuID [, menuentry [, menuradioitem]]]) works …
12:47 Ticket #1365 (Windows 2000: GUICtrlCreateLabel before GUICtrlCreateCombo prevent ...) created by Mulder
This is a very old bug ( own this bug too) If ( a …


20:08 Ticket #1364 (IniReadSection update) closed by Valik
Duplicate: No shit? I guess #15 isn't good enough?
18:09 Ticket #1364 (IniReadSection update) created by xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
IniReadSection ( "filename", "section" ) Only the first 32767 chars …
17:58 Ticket #1363 (FileSetPos() error) created by xrewndel
FileSetPos($hFile, $num, $FILE_CURRENT) works incorrectly. Result is …


05:16 Ticket #1362 (_WinAPI_WindowFromPoint() broken on x64) created by Ultima
Indeed, I've seen #974, but I think the problem I'm addressing is …


20:32 Ticket #1359 (Embed a file in compiled script) closed by Valik
19:55 Ticket #1361 (_SetTime() and _SetDate() crash when accessing non-array) created by gtyler
Here's the trace: […] I suggest changing two lines of code: 2245: …
18:55 Ticket #1360 (for what are these files) created by Tweaky
I think you doesn`t need these two file for the help file: …


20:22 Ticket #1359 (Embed a file in compiled script) created by flackrobert@…
It would be nice to be able to embed a file into the compiled autoit …
16:34 Ticket #1344 (_WinAPI_CreateFile - Use of magic number and resulting 64-bit ...) closed by Jpm
06:10 Ticket #1358 (FileCreateNTFSLink Example has mixed up Parameters) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5469] in version:


23:07 Ticket #1358 (FileCreateNTFSLink Example has mixed up Parameters) created by anonym
In section "Examples" of FileCreateNTFSLink are parameters "source", …
21:11 Ticket #1357 (New concatenation operator for Static) closed by Valik
Rejected: I guess you didn't bother to read this very large message in the documentation? […] The feature is not complete, it contains bugs. Asking for new functionality for a feature that isn't even complete is just... annoying. Please wait until the feature is actually fully supported before trying to discuss it.
20:35 Ticket #1357 (New concatenation operator for Static) created by trancexx
Special concatenation operator with new Static is missing. This …


21:58 Ticket #1356 (Problem with table data for _GDIPlus_GraphicsMeasureString) created by Mat
The data that we want is squashed over to the far right in the …
21:27 Ticket #1355 (Data types mixed) reopened by Valik
00:52 Ticket #1355 (Data types mixed) closed by Valik
No Bug: AutoIt displays all values as signed integers. The values you are working with are unsigned. The same bits are set in either case. This is not a bug.


23:54 Ticket #1355 (Data types mixed) created by trancexx
With new version there are issue(s) with data types with …
08:54 Ticket #1338 (_arrayDisplay() GUI position error) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5465] in version:
07:49 Ticket #1354 (sqlite function problem...) created by anonymous111
I updated autoit from v3.3.0.0 to v3.3.2.0. but, extracted korean …


21:55 Ticket #1353 (_FileWriteToLine() excessively strict on input text type) created by PsaltyDS
Reported by user anixon: …
20:34 Ticket #1352 (StringSplit hard crash on binary data) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
Theese examples will show that script is crashing when using …
12:49 Milestone completed


21:18 Ticket #1351 (Why "text" = 0 ?) closed by Jos
No Bug: Use the forum to ask questions.
20:46 Ticket #1351 (Why "text" = 0 ?) created by anonymous
Environment = under WIN_XP/Dodatek Service Pack 2 X86 […] …
18:27 Ticket #1350 (Obfuscator line excludes) closed by Jos
Rejected: This is implemented already. […] Ask support via the forum.
17:37 Ticket #1349 (InetGet not working without Filename) closed by Valik
No Bug: Feedback? If you want feedback then you ask on the forum. Where you would have been told this is not a bug.
15:33 Ticket #1350 (Obfuscator line excludes) created by sbrown@…
there are two lines in my code where I am comparing strings and the …
11:08 Ticket #1349 (InetGet not working without Filename) created by Gismo_0307@…
There is no network communication for InetGet if the optional …
03:30 Ticket #1348 (aut2exe Mangles Named RCDATA Resources) created by wraithdu
If I add a named resource to AutoItSC.bin with ResHacker, then compile …
01:43 Ticket #1347 (Restoring cursor position after certain scite4autoit tools.) closed by Valik
Rejected: Since you still haven't offered any insight into what you are talking about I'm closing this.


19:26 Ticket #1347 (Restoring cursor position after certain scite4autoit tools.) created by anonymous
Making them feel more like how scite's own 'duplicate'(alt-d) tool …
17:55 Ticket #1345 ( Number("35.") returns 0) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5456] in version:
17:42 Ticket #1346 (Send doesn't work with windows opened under another user) closed by Valik
No Bug: I suggest you debug your code a bit further. There is a mistake in your code and once you correct that it will work just fine.
15:28 Ticket #1346 (Send doesn't work with windows opened under another user) created by podws@…
Send doesn't work with windows opened under another user. Following …
15:16 Ticket #1345 ( Number("35.") returns 0) created by MeJonah@…
As the summary says, Number() used on a string that contains a number …
14:36 Ticket #1344 (_WinAPI_CreateFile - Use of magic number and resulting 64-bit ...) created by Miraged
Said function tests for 0xFFFFFFFF (which equals INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE …


18:09 Ticket #1343 (Docs spelling error > _GUICtrlTreeView_SetIcon.htm) created by GEOSoft
In _GUICtrlTreeView_SetIcon.htm $iImageMode [optional] 2=normal image …


21:08 Ticket #1342 (DllStructCreate does not accept variable names with underscore) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Replying to thomas.baglin@…: > Hoping I am not wasting your time :-) You are because you: * Didn't check the issue tracker to see it's already been reported. * Didn't test with the latest beta to see that it's already been fixed. Closing as duplicate of #1321.
20:31 Ticket #1342 (DllStructCreate does not accept variable names with underscore) created by thomas.baglin@…
$dllstruct=dllstructcreate("int titi_1") consolewrite("@error reported …


23:16 Ticket #1341 (Win7 x64 - Cannot send any messages to dialog controls) created by anonymous
Script here: Dim $total WinWaitActive("Progress Quest - New …
21:53 Ticket #1340 (Send("{ENTER}") in IE7) created by jeromeys@…
If I create a login script which simply uses Send for all functions: …
08:53 Ticket #1327 (F1 in Scite Does Not Open Help File for Some Keywords) reopened by Jos
It actually would make more sense to me when we double-quote the command itself. could you try that for me as i have no issues on my installation? command.help.$(au3)="$(autoit3dir)\Autoit3Help.exe" $(CurrentWord) Thanks Jos


21:12 Milestone completed
21:05 Ticket #1339 (Update helpfile translations links) created by Xenobiologist
Hi, if there is some time available, these links should be updated. …
20:22 Ticket #1338 (_arrayDisplay() GUI position error) created by Bowmore
The _arrayDisplay() function calculates a very poor GUI location when …
18:31 Ticket #1337 (Custom context (popup) menus not working on non-compiled script) closed by Valik
No Bug
09:09 Ticket #1337 (Custom context (popup) menus not working on non-compiled script) created by danielkza2@…
Just found a very weird issue while testing some menus I intend to use …
04:13 Ticket #1326 (_GuiCtrlListView_DeleteItem does not handle control ID correctly) closed by Valik
No Bug: You should never destroy something AutoIt created with anything other than the specified function for destruction. To that end the Example2() in the documentation is actually doing something bad. Likewise, your suggestion is doing something bad. AutoIt will never free the internal resources for any items destroyed that way.
04:05 Ticket #1329 (GUICtrlCreatePic width=height=0.) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: I'm closing this as "Won't fix". It's definitely a bug but it's the exact sort of bug that reminds me why the current GUI implementation is absolute garbage and why it needs ripped out and written by somebody who knows what they are doing. I'm afraid you're going to have to live with this one for a very long time.
03:45 Ticket #1330 (_GUICtrlListView_CreateSolidBitMap() - the same as ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: It looks like it's a thin wrapper provided for convenience. I think it's fine the way it is.
03:43 Ticket #1325 (Date.au3: calls to _Date_Time_SetLocalTime($pSystemTime) are not ...) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5440] in version:
00:20 Ticket #1333 (Some AUTOIT scripts does not work with SMS/SCCM) closed by Gary
No Bug: As a Administrator on SCCM I can say that all current versions work just fine. If you have a script expecting screens, they are not going to work. This should of been posted on the forum as question.


21:03 Ticket #1335 (_ColorConvertRGBtoHSL incorrectly normalised to 240) closed by Valik
No Bug: What makes you think it's wrong? Because it's not. Go open MSPaint and try to type 300 into any of the Hue, Saturation or Luminance fields of the color picker and see what it does.
19:27 Ticket #1328 (StringFormat() does not produce right output in AutoIt v3.3.1.6 (beta)) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5438] in version:
19:03 Ticket #1331 (Help example for _GuiCtrlDTP_SetSystemTimeEx uses wrong struct.) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5437] in version:
18:54 Ticket #1336 (Remove UDF hard-coded buffer sizes.) created by Valik
Using hard-coded buffer sizes is horrible programming. This ticket is …
18:32 Ticket #1323 (Wrong size of some types in DllStructCreate()) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5436] in version:
05:34 Ticket #1322 (ControlCommand with "GetSelected" used on ListView crashes the script) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5435] in version:
05:01 Ticket #1321 (DllStruct Element Name Limits) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5434] in version:
01:30 Ticket #1332 (Mod funktion wrong output) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5432] in version:


20:25 Ticket #1303 (script to replace the @ScriptLineNumbe) closed by Jos
Rejected: This isn't going to be added to Obfuscator because that doesn't belong in there. It is easy to write a script to preprocess the input script which will: - add all include files. (Got a script for this already available) - replaces all @ScriptLineNumber with something like Filename/Original line number. There will be some hurdles to take and it doesn't look like to OP is interested in investing time here to properly define the scope. My current suggestion is to write a POC first yourself to demonstrate what is wanted and post that in the examples forum. Jos
20:17 Ticket #1327 (F1 in Scite Does Not Open Help File for Some Keywords) closed by Jos
Works For Me: closed as there is no reply and cannot replicate the issue. Jos
19:09 Ticket #1334 (dynamic include - rt embedding - Bug found?) closed by Valik
Rejected: Too long, didn't read. The title says it all. AutoIt is a compiled language, there is no place for "dynamic #include" in AutoIt. Also I suggest you learn the language a little bit better and you should be able to design your own extension interface using existing functionality.
18:12 Ticket #1335 (_ColorConvertRGBtoHSL incorrectly normalised to 240) created by QED
At the end of the UDF, HSL values are multiplied by 240 for no reason. …
12:17 Ticket #1334 (dynamic include - rt embedding - Bug found?) created by benjamin-thomas.schreiber@…
How about the try to do dynamic includes like: #include $myFile[0]
11:21 Ticket #1333 (Some AUTOIT scripts does not work with SMS/SCCM) created by sudheer_bangera@…
Some of the scripts created using AUTOIT versions later than 3.1.1 …


17:43 Ticket #1332 (Mod funktion wrong output) created by Nike
mod("175367809538821201","1767842701") returns 421042353 but its wrong …
16:54 Ticket #1331 (Help example for _GuiCtrlDTP_SetSystemTimeEx uses wrong struct.) created by martin
The Beta include file StructureConstants.au3 no longer defines …
01:15 Ticket #1330 (_GUICtrlListView_CreateSolidBitMap() - the same as ...) created by Zedna
_GUICtrlListView_CreateSolidBitMap in GUIListView.au3 include file is …


22:08 Ticket #1329 (GUICtrlCreatePic width=height=0.) created by anonymous
If minimize and restore GUI, with using GUICtrlCreatePic with …
14:24 Ticket #1328 (StringFormat() does not produce right output in AutoIt v3.3.1.6 (beta)) created by realMo
There appears to be a bug in the StringFormat() function in the …


21:07 Ticket #1320 (_GUIImageList_DragMove() - bad hWnd parameter) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5430] in version:
21:03 Ticket #1312 (_GUIImageList_BeginDrag.au3 - example in helpfile) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5429] in version:


20:27 Ticket #1327 (F1 in Scite Does Not Open Help File for Some Keywords) created by wraithdu
For some keywords, the help file is not opened via F1 in Scite (with …
08:34 Ticket #1326 (_GuiCtrlListView_DeleteItem does not handle control ID correctly) created by martin
_GuiCtrlListView_DeleteItem works if the listview handle is passed but …


23:24 Ticket #1325 (Date.au3: calls to _Date_Time_SetLocalTime($pSystemTime) are not ...) created by gtyler
In Date.au3, there are several function that call …


21:55 Ticket #1324 (MsgBox: options for size and position) closed by Valik
Rejected: Write your own.
20:01 Ticket #1324 (MsgBox: options for size and position) created by hessebou
It would be nice if normal MsgBox also could be resized and positioned …
12:34 Ticket #1323 (Wrong size of some types in DllStructCreate()) created by trancexx
Documentation says that the size of 'ptr' with DllStructCreate() is 4 …


18:50 Ticket #1322 (ControlCommand with "GetSelected" used on ListView crashes the script) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
To reproduce the bug, just open some Explorer window (folder), and run …
14:06 Ticket #1321 (DllStruct Element Name Limits) created by mleo2003@…
I couldn't find this any where in the documentation, but …
11:48 Ticket #1320 (_GUIImageList_DragMove() - bad hWnd parameter) created by Zedna
In documentation there is mentioned bad (not existent) hWnd parameter: …


16:56 Ticket #1319 (AutoIt3.exe always exists after closing script with RichEdit) created by BugFix
Hi, i've used in SciTE the following script with Windows XP Home SP2. …
11:37 Ticket #1284 (minor fold hickup.) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5426] in version:


20:38 Ticket #1318 (UDFs char/wchar --> bad numbers of bytes for _MemRead()/_MemWrite()) created by Zedna
According to Ticket #1317 there is similar ANSI/Unicode problem also …
19:41 Ticket #1317 (UDFs & DllStructCreate() & char/wchar --> Unicode/ANSI problem) created by Zedna
In latest Autoit version should be used in almost all UDFs wchar …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.