


17:43 Ticket #1332 (Mod funktion wrong output) created by Nike
mod("175367809538821201","1767842701") returns 421042353 but its wrong …
16:54 Ticket #1331 (Help example for _GuiCtrlDTP_SetSystemTimeEx uses wrong struct.) created by martin
The Beta include file StructureConstants.au3 no longer defines …
01:15 Ticket #1330 (_GUICtrlListView_CreateSolidBitMap() - the same as ...) created by Zedna
_GUICtrlListView_CreateSolidBitMap in GUIListView.au3 include file is …


22:08 Ticket #1329 (GUICtrlCreatePic width=height=0.) created by anonymous
If minimize and restore GUI, with using GUICtrlCreatePic with …
14:24 Ticket #1328 (StringFormat() does not produce right output in AutoIt v3.3.1.6 (beta)) created by realMo
There appears to be a bug in the StringFormat() function in the …


21:07 Ticket #1320 (_GUIImageList_DragMove() - bad hWnd parameter) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5430] in version:
21:03 Ticket #1312 (_GUIImageList_BeginDrag.au3 - example in helpfile) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5429] in version:


20:27 Ticket #1327 (F1 in Scite Does Not Open Help File for Some Keywords) created by wraithdu
For some keywords, the help file is not opened via F1 in Scite (with …
08:34 Ticket #1326 (_GuiCtrlListView_DeleteItem does not handle control ID correctly) created by martin
_GuiCtrlListView_DeleteItem works if the listview handle is passed but …


23:24 Ticket #1325 (Date.au3: calls to _Date_Time_SetLocalTime($pSystemTime) are not ...) created by gtyler
In Date.au3, there are several function that call …


21:55 Ticket #1324 (MsgBox: options for size and position) closed by Valik
Rejected: Write your own.
20:01 Ticket #1324 (MsgBox: options for size and position) created by hessebou
It would be nice if normal MsgBox also could be resized and positioned …
12:34 Ticket #1323 (Wrong size of some types in DllStructCreate()) created by trancexx
Documentation says that the size of 'ptr' with DllStructCreate() is 4 …


18:50 Ticket #1322 (ControlCommand with "GetSelected" used on ListView crashes the script) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
To reproduce the bug, just open some Explorer window (folder), and run …
14:06 Ticket #1321 (DllStruct Element Name Limits) created by mleo2003@…
I couldn't find this any where in the documentation, but …
11:48 Ticket #1320 (_GUIImageList_DragMove() - bad hWnd parameter) created by Zedna
In documentation there is mentioned bad (not existent) hWnd parameter: …


16:56 Ticket #1319 (AutoIt3.exe always exists after closing script with RichEdit) created by BugFix
Hi, i've used in SciTE the following script with Windows XP Home SP2. …
11:37 Ticket #1284 (minor fold hickup.) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5426] in version:


20:38 Ticket #1318 (UDFs char/wchar --> bad numbers of bytes for _MemRead()/_MemWrite()) created by Zedna
According to Ticket #1317 there is similar ANSI/Unicode problem also …
19:41 Ticket #1317 (UDFs & DllStructCreate() & char/wchar --> Unicode/ANSI problem) created by Zedna
In latest Autoit version should be used in almost all UDFs wchar …


23:22 Ticket #1316 (SleepUntilTime($hour, $min, $sec) and RunOnTime($hour, $min, $sec, ...) closed by Valik
Rejected: The first one is too trivial and the second one will not work. It seems you didn't notice AutoIt isn't multi-threaded.
23:20 Ticket #1314 (ColorMode (Option) problem) closed by Valik
No Bug: Congratulations on filing a completely useless bug report... twice. I really don't know how to chasten you further because you filed the report against which implies you didn't bother to test with the latest beta like you should have. If you are testing with the latest beta but are for some reason reading the documentation then you should read the changelog for the beta where you will discover the mode has finally been removed after languishing in a deprecated state for years.
22:56 Ticket #1316 (SleepUntilTime($hour, $min, $sec) and RunOnTime($hour, $min, $sec, ...) created by andref
#include<Date.au3> ;Idea of first: Func SleepUntilTime($hour, $min, …
22:22 Ticket #1314 (ColorMode (Option) problem) created by andref
In AutoIT Help: ColorMode(Option)is sugested in PixelGetColor and …
21:50 Ticket #1313 (Add Opt.htm page redirecting to AutoItSetOption.htm) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: The documentation is auto-generated. The next time the online documentation is updated the change would be obliterated. This seems so minor as to not be worth fooling with.
18:02 Ticket #1313 (Add Opt.htm page redirecting to AutoItSetOption.htm) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
This issue is more related to autoit tag on the forum... The …
09:07 Ticket #1312 (_GUIImageList_BeginDrag.au3 - example in helpfile) created by Zedna
"C:\Program …


15:55 Ticket #1311 (MouseGetCursor() - identify also standard hand cursor (IDC_HAND)) created by Zedna
I'm looking at sources of MouseGetCursor() in script_misc.cpp …
07:04 Ticket #1310 (TCPConnect Timeout) created by Proggy
I'd like the TCPconnect() function to have a parameter where you can …


08:39 Ticket #1309 (BitShift() as Unsigned Integer by Default) closed by Valik
Rejected: No. AutoIt needs to have better handling of unsigned integers in general. This will not be done on a function-by-function basis.
07:40 Ticket #1309 (BitShift() as Unsigned Integer by Default) created by wraithdu
Change AutoIt's default BitShift() behavior to peform the operation as …


23:19 Ticket #1308 (Execute to assign variable) closed by Valik
Rejected: One of these days Assign() and Eval() will support arrays. That makes this feature request redundant.
20:18 Ticket #1308 (Execute to assign variable) created by P5ych0Gigabyte
It would be nice if the execute() function could assign variables. …


22:40 Ticket #1307 (Better and consistent naming of boolean parameters in UDF functions) closed by Valik
Rejected: Code comes from more than one individual and we currently have no requirements on how it should be formatted. I'm closing this because it's an all or nothing thing. Either we review all code and ensure it conforms to a format we come up with, or we do nothing. At this point in time, we do nothing.
22:15 Ticket #1307 (Better and consistent naming of boolean parameters in UDF functions) created by Bowmore
I would like to request that a bit more consistent logic is used in …
19:37 Milestone completed
18:05 Ticket #975 (GUICtrlCreateCheckbox() on tabs.) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5418] in version:
17:12 Ticket #1153 (User-defined libraries support with 'Open Include'.) closed by Valik
17:10 Ticket #1306 (DriveGetSerial Docs can be misleading) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5417] in version:
17:03 Ticket #1296 (_GUICtrlTreeView_ClickItem fails with item text wider than TreeView) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5416] in version:
16:56 Ticket #1290 (_GUICtrlTreeView_DisplayRectEx with "$fTextOnly = True" returns same ...) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5415] in version:
03:22 Ticket #1306 (DriveGetSerial Docs can be misleading) created by GEOSoft
This is not important at all because most of us know the answer but …


12:56 Ticket #1294 (WinGetTitle freezes script when reading the title of a ...) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5412] in version:


06:47 Ticket #1305 (GUISetFont, GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem, korean language combination bug) closed by Valik
No Bug: This is not a bug. The font you choose must contain Chinese and Korean characters in order for it to know what to render. Presumably the default font you have configured contains those characters. When you change to a different font that doesn't contain those characters... then the non-Latin characters can't be rendered.
06:14 Ticket #1305 (GUISetFont, GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem, korean language combination bug) created by xyz33 <flash8@…>
If you use the korean language with a treeview …


17:27 Ticket #1279 (_FTP_FilePut() - DOC precission - for parametres) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5406] in version:
17:06 Ticket #1304 (_GDIPlus_BitmapLockBits() input parameters are incorrect) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5404] in version:
14:45 Ticket #1277 (_GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext needs to be "disposed" in help example) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5402] in version:
14:39 Ticket #1291 (FileSetTime() Error descripton) closed by Jon
Completed: Added by revision [5401] in version:
11:42 Ticket #1304 (_GDIPlus_BitmapLockBits() input parameters are incorrect) created by QED
[…] According to the help file, $iRight and $iBottom refer to the …


22:05 Ticket #1270 (GUISetIcon (@ScriptName) sets the 48x48 icon to the GUI) closed by Jon
Completed: Added by revision [5393] in version:
20:04 Ticket #1295 (Crashed with fileread and filewrite on windows 7 X64) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5392] in version:
09:00 Ticket #1303 (script to replace the @ScriptLineNumbe) created by Odin
Add in the possibility of replacing SciTe @ScriptLineNumber on line …
02:46 Ticket #1301 (Bug InetGetSize through a proxy) closed by Valik
No Bug: It works fine for me. I can clearly see the connection passing through the proxy (by looking at the proxy access log).
02:21 Ticket #1297 (wrong $bPasswordHash in the example of _Crypt_HashData-documentation, ...) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5390] in version:
02:15 Ticket #1300 (DllCall() unloads the loaded module) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5389] in version:
02:09 Ticket #1299 (AU3Check: #include with Single-Quote character, File not found.) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5388] in version:


20:43 Ticket #1302 (InetGet - Multiple) closed by Valik
Completed: Maybe you should have looked at the beta? It's been available in the beta since May.
18:56 Ticket #1302 (InetGet - Multiple) created by anonymous
Hello, Would it be possible to enable the use of 2 or more instances …
12:36 Ticket #1301 (Bug InetGetSize through a proxy) created by PSandu.Ro
InetGetSize() with "username:password@" did not go through a proxy. …


23:05 Ticket #1300 (DllCall() unloads the loaded module) created by trancexx
There is a possible situation with freeing loaded modules that are …
17:38 Ticket #1298 (Poor Behavious of UBound Function) closed by Valik
Rejected: The behavior of VB is stupid.
16:49 Ticket #1299 (AU3Check: #include with Single-Quote character, File not found.) created by anonymous
AU3Check ( versus ( AU3Check ( can't …
14:53 Ticket #1298 (Poor Behavious of UBound Function) created by nitrogen
For UBound function, it gives me an impression that it should return …
02:16 Ticket #1009 (Remove hard-coded calls to ConsoleWrite() in SQLite.au3) reopened by Valik


22:11 Ticket #1297 (wrong $bPasswordHash in the example of _Crypt_HashData-documentation, ...) created by skyteddy <rainer@…>
Hello, the $bPasswordHash in the example of the …
16:23 Ticket #975 (GUICtrlCreateCheckbox() on tabs.) reopened by Valik
Undoubtedly a regression caused by the "fix" for #1087.


19:42 Ticket #1230 (Changes to the build process.) reopened by Valik
Re-opening because there's more stuff to do, no longer blocking, though.
03:36 Ticket #1283 (aut2exe_x64 Ignores /pack Parameter When Compiling x86 Executable) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5379] in version:


21:08 Ticket #1292 (_IETagNameGetCollection) closed by Valik
No Bug: Closing due to Dale's comments, thanks Dale.
17:42 Ticket #1296 (_GUICtrlTreeView_ClickItem fails with item text wider than TreeView) created by ResNullius
If a TreeView or Gui containing a TreeView is not wide enough to show …
16:44 Ticket #1295 (Crashed with fileread and filewrite on windows 7 X64) created by thesnoW
Crashed with fileread and filewrite on windows 7 X64 And,if file is …
15:56 Ticket #1280 (wrong lines in au3.api) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5378] in version:
02:27 Ticket #1294 (WinGetTitle freezes script when reading the title of a ...) created by marc0v
Not really a bug, so it is a feature request... If an autoit script …


22:51 Ticket #1293 (odd value returned when assigning "default" to Scripting.Dictionary) closed by Valik
No Bug: Um, okay. I'm not sure how you expect an AutoIt-specific keyword to be stored and preserved in an external object. This is certainly not a bug.
19:06 Ticket #1293 (odd value returned when assigning "default" to Scripting.Dictionary) created by Gabriel13
When the AutoIt "default" value is assigned to a Scripting.Dictionary …


23:51 Ticket #1286 (FileGetShortName does not expand . or .. directories) closed by Valik
No Bug: […] No bug, not a feature we will add.
18:04 Ticket #1281 (ControlClick()) closed by Valik
No Bug: An example is supposed to actually reproduce the problem. Yours doesn't and for good reason: Notepad doesn't have a control with ID 123. At least not in Windows XP SP3. Anyway, there's no bug here, just user error.
17:57 Ticket #1276 (_TicksToTime() displayed seconds increment at wrong time) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5376] in version:
17:39 Ticket #1278 (_FTP_ProgressUpload() - german comment in example in helpfile) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5375] in version:
17:36 Ticket #1269 (One some laptops OnEvent mode misses some events.) closed by Valik
Works For Me: Not enough information provided. Closing.
17:34 Ticket #1287 (_Debug functions are changing Blockinput() Flag) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5374] in version:
17:29 Ticket #1288 (DLLStructSetData behavior with binary variant data) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5373] in version:
16:28 Ticket #1285 (Unexpected result when using BitShift) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5372] in version:
07:13 Ticket #1292 (_IETagNameGetCollection) created by Wooltown
I have a script which is downloading the anti virus files from …


20:46 Ticket #1291 (FileSetTime() Error descripton) created by anonymous
Suggestion Additional explanation in Helpfile: succes: but …
09:05 Ticket #1290 (_GUICtrlTreeView_DisplayRectEx with "$fTextOnly = True" returns same ...) created by ResNullius
"Left" value when the $ftextOnly parameter is "True" returns 0, same …
01:39 Ticket #1289 (Port to Mac) closed by Valik
Rejected: It's good to see you read WikiStart and more specifically AutoItNotOnToDoList before making this request. I also especially enjoy how you opened a bug report instead of a feature request.
01:19 Ticket #1289 (Port to Mac) created by anonymous
Great app. Can it be ported to mac. Everything up to the GUI …


19:35 Ticket #1288 (DLLStructSetData behavior with binary variant data) created by evilertoaster
As demonstrated in …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.