


14:00 Ticket #1064 (DriveGetSerial ( "path" )) closed by Jpm
No Bug: See Ghost doc to update the drive serial. A clone can be a real clone without any bit change No AutoIt bug
10:48 Ticket #1064 (DriveGetSerial ( "path" )) created by Goguy
i am cloned two computer with symnatec ghost two computer, two …


23:44 Ticket #1063 (Documentation: _ArraySearch() example script missing a prameter) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:44 Ticket #1061 (PowerPoint 2007 presentation adding doesn't work on Vista) closed by Valik
No Bug: Read WikiStart. This is not a support area.
16:37 Ticket #1063 (Documentation: _ArraySearch() example script missing a prameter) created by PsaltyDS
The 2D search example is missing a parameter in the _ArraySearch() …
08:26 Ticket #1062 (language support) created by xyz33
GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem doesn't support korean language
07:53 Ticket #1061 (PowerPoint 2007 presentation adding doesn't work on Vista) created by Nad
I need to open PowerPoint 2007 and add new presentation and slide. …


11:07 Ticket #1060 (Run return 0, but failed) created by anonymous
When I use a long argument(more than 120 char) for functions: Run, …
03:14 Ticket #1059 (Incorrect error handling in _FileListToArray()) created by Spiff59
FLTA is documented to return an @error = 4 condition when a call …


23:25 Ticket #1058 (Eventlog.au3 in Beta) created by twillster
EventLog.au3 in Beta does not read the event log description …
19:39 Ticket #1056 (InetGet rundll32.exe error on Vista / Windows 7 on "Screen-saver" desktop) reopened by Jpm
I reopen so Valik or other dev can have a look. For me the security token is not validate when this screen saver run that's the reason of the failure
18:56 Ticket #1057 (SciTe ToolTip negative coordinates) closed by Valik
Rejected: We do not make SciTE. We are not the people to ask.
15:11 Ticket #1057 (SciTe ToolTip negative coordinates) created by Supercross
I would like to request that the ToolTip feature in SciTE support …
13:20 Ticket #1056 (InetGet rundll32.exe error on Vista / Windows 7 on "Screen-saver" desktop) closed by Jpm
No Bug
13:19 Ticket #1056 (InetGet rundll32.exe error on Vista / Windows 7 on "Screen-saver" desktop) reopened by Jpm
13:17 Ticket #1056 (InetGet rundll32.exe error on Vista / Windows 7 on "Screen-saver" desktop) closed by Jpm
Fixed: You cannot run under screen saver a function which need to be loggin as you request the "On Resume, display logon screen" which means that when the screen saver fire no user are logon
02:10 Ticket #1049 (InetRead() inserts arbitrary \0 characters.) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:


22:30 Ticket #1056 (InetGet rundll32.exe error on Vista / Windows 7 on "Screen-saver" desktop) created by caplant@…
InetGet("valid url") generates an error window: "rundll32.exe - …
19:31 Ticket #1055 (WinAPI CreateCompatibleBitmap: The specified module could not be found.) closed by Jpm
Duplicate: in fact there was a bug in _ScreenCapture_Capture which was not releasing e GDI object. It is already fixed in Next time report with the Standard release today in your case it would have been the same error.
15:04 Ticket #1055 (WinAPI CreateCompatibleBitmap: The specified module could not be found.) created by anbunathan@…
am getting the following error message after running Autoit script. …
05:35 Ticket #1025 (Box-comment in SciTe) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: This is a bug in SciTE. That means it needs reported on the Scintilla/SciTE bug tracker found here. Closing as won't fix. It'll need to be fixed in standard SciTE before it will be fixed in our version.
05:28 Ticket #1033 (UDF's missing @error checks after DLLCalls()) reopened by Valik
05:25 Ticket #1043 (ClipPut Function bug or limitation) closed by Valik
Works For Me: The following test script works fine. I get the results I expect. Closing as works for me. […]


17:07 Ticket #1054 (Character Encoding) created by anonymous
Would like to know what character encoding the file has. FileOpen() or …


23:55 Ticket #966 (_FileListToArray - new flag (4)) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:
22:32 Ticket #1005 (TraySetClick bug) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
20:07 Ticket #1053 (The computer hangs for a while when used DllCallbackRegister()) closed by Valik
No Bug: Multiple event sources are put into a queue. You're creating a conflict here. This is not a bug, it's a design limitation.
20:05 Ticket #1026 (_Gdiplus_BitmapCreate* functions document wrong resource disposal function) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:24 Ticket #1053 (The computer hangs for a while when used DllCallbackRegister()) created by Yashied
The computer hangs for a while (from several seconds or more), if any …
08:11 Ticket #1052 (GUICtrlCreateIcon() returns 0 if the file does not exist) closed by Jpm
No Bug


22:37 Ticket #1040 (_ScreenCapture_Capture(): GDI object leak with cursor capture) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
21:38 Ticket #1052 (GUICtrlCreateIcon() returns 0 if the file does not exist) created by Yashied
GUICtrlCreateIcon() returns 0 if the file does not exist, but …
11:59 Ticket #1013 (MDI childs doesn't adjust to parent windows client rect) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
11:45 Ticket #1051 (Au3Check does not detect invalid statement) created by Jpm
[…] is not detected


14:37 Ticket #1037 (tagNMHDR not working on x64) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
14:16 Ticket #1048 (_WinAPI_EnumDisplayDevices() Example in Help-File wrong) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:


07:36 Ticket #1050 (TextPad v5 syntax files) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:
03:50 Ticket #1050 (TextPad v5 syntax files) created by poebel@…
Add an auto install script for TextPad v5 syntax files (attached) …


16:26 Ticket #1049 (InetRead() inserts arbitrary \0 characters.) created by GEOSoft
I'm classing this as a bug but it may be more of a feature request. …
09:18 Ticket #1048 (_WinAPI_EnumDisplayDevices() Example in Help-File wrong) created by KaFu
; HiHo Devs, ; the example for _WinAPI_EnumDisplayDevices() in the …


04:59 Ticket #1047 (/in is dir, it's crash) closed by Valik
Works For Me: Always test with the latest beta before filing a bug report. It does not crash with the current beta.
04:26 Ticket #1047 (/in is dir, it's crash) created by anonymous
just i try : X:\X-USB\App\Development\AutoIt\Program …


20:40 Ticket #1046 (Hard crash when parsing larger strings using StringSplit()) closed by Valik
No Bug: The practical limits to the amount of characters is much less than the theoretical limit. Right off the bat concatenation means you only get 230 characters instead of the listed 231 characters since there must be room for both the old string and the new string (with data concatenated) to exist. Then you need to understand that every character is actually 2 bytes because AutoIt uses UNICODE. So now you're down to 229. Then you factor in some memory is reserved and some is used for the program itself. So the total number of character available is less than 229. Now, as for the error message: It's working as designed. Running out of memory is not an easy error to recover from. For one thing, AutoIt itself doesn't know why it ran out of memory. It would be a tremendous amount of effort, bloat the code and slow the language down if we tried to handle memory exhaustion in a recoverable manner. And even then, how would AutoIt even know if it could recover from the error? What would you expect to happen in your example? How would you even test for out-of-memory in AutoIt? So there's no bug to see here. Everything is working as expected and designed.
20:16 Ticket #1046 (Hard crash when parsing larger strings using StringSplit()) created by Bowmore
Environment = under WIN_XP/Service Pack 3 X86 Environment = …
17:05 Ticket #1045 (ConstantsAll.au3 or GUIConstantsAll.au3 - new include file/files) closed by Valik
Rejected: Absolutely not. You should be shot on the spot for even suggesting this. I did a tremendous amount of work to remove this stupid bloated cock-up from our library and now you want it back? No way in hell. Rejected with extreme prejudice.
14:21 Ticket #1045 (ConstantsAll.au3 or GUIConstantsAll.au3 - new include file/files) created by Zedna
ConstantsAll.au3 or GUIConstantsAll.au3 - new include file/files …


20:10 Ticket #1044 (StdErr constants for Run()) closed by Valik
No Bug: It is a completely separate flag. It merges the stdout and stderr stream into a single stream. This is not the same thing as stdout having its own stream and stderr having it's own stream.
19:34 Ticket #1044 (StdErr constants for Run()) created by GEOSoft
I'm not sure if the docs are wrong here or not […] however …
16:53 Ticket #1041 (WinExists Error) closed by Valik
No Bug: I suggest you re-read the documentation to learn what the syntax you are using really means. Second, even if it behaved how you wish, it would always return true because there are always hidden windows with no title in existence. In fact, most of the windows in the system do not have a title.
16:49 Ticket #1043 (ClipPut Function bug or limitation) created by sistemas@…
If you put more than 127 characters into clipboard, this function fail …
11:57 Ticket #1042 (AURecord has problems with save/save as) created by anonymous
AutoIt3.exe AU3Record.exe Windows 2008 english 64-Bit …
10:11 Ticket #1041 (WinExists Error) created by Wooltown <sven.ullstad@…>
The script below returns any window that exists, I have a problem: we …


20:46 Ticket #1040 (_ScreenCapture_Capture(): GDI object leak with cursor capture) created by rover
The returned bitmap handles from _WinAPI_GetIconInfo() are not …
09:11 Ticket #990 (Wiki thumbnail creator broken) closed by Jon


09:21 Ticket #1039 (DocStrings?) closed by Valik
Rejected: There is no need to build anything directly into AutoIt. Docstring-esque functionality can be obtained by specially formatted comments or pre-processor statements. A UDF can be written to parse the document and transform the output to whatever.
08:59 Ticket #1039 (DocStrings?) created by HydroXidE
Could AutoIT feature DocStrings similar to Python? It could feature a …


17:33 Ticket #1038 (Add icon to menu item) closed by Valik
Rejected: I suggest looking around on the forum. It took me less than 30 seconds to find a thread on how to do custom menus.
13:35 Ticket #1038 (Add icon to menu item) created by anonymous
I want to add icon to the menu items, like this in ahk: …
11:56 Ticket #1037 (tagNMHDR not working on x64) created by ProgAndy
The definition of tagNMHDR in StructureConstants.au3 is wrong. It is …
03:25 Ticket #1036 (InetClose and InetGetInfo error in compiled script (not in uncompiled ...) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
02:23 Ticket #1036 (InetClose and InetGetInfo error in compiled script (not in uncompiled ...) created by Pinchly
InetClose throws the error "Unknown function name" when a beta …
00:59 Ticket #1035 (Different SendModes) created by albertzhen93@…
Since there is more than one keyboard out there, having more than one …
00:23 Ticket #1034 (SetLocale()?) created by NeedHelp
Sorry if this isn't possible and it's wasting your time to read this. …


22:41 Ticket #1031 (_ClipBoard_SetData inconsistency with new _ClipBoard_GetData) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
19:34 Ticket #1033 (UDF's missing @error checks after DLLCalls()) created by Ascend4nt
I've gone through and compiled a list of all standard include UDF's …
18:00 Ticket #1032 (_winapi_getlasterror and _winapi_getlasterrormessage do not work as ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: You should not be mixing native AutoIt functions and the Windows API. This is not supported. This is not a bug.
17:10 Ticket #1032 (_winapi_getlasterror and _winapi_getlasterrormessage do not work as ...) created by SeraphTC
I am testing this as follows: I have a drive (X:) mapped to …
14:59 Ticket #1031 (_ClipBoard_SetData inconsistency with new _ClipBoard_GetData) created by Ascend4nt
Not sure if this is the place to put this, but this isn't really a …


14:18 Ticket #996 (Beta documentation errors (Tweaky)) closed by Jpm
Fixed: 7/8/9 should be fixed
14:15 Ticket #1028 (_ClipBoard_GetData does not work properly) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
14:09 Ticket #1030 (Check spelling) closed by Jpm
11:21 Ticket #1030 (Check spelling) created by ZNote
Check spelling of minimum in _GUICtrlEdit_ShowBalloonTip() & …
03:58 Ticket #1029 (New Feature: Restrict users from changing windows) closed by Valik
Rejected: AutoIt is a scripting language, not a does everything Hilmy wants in a built-in way language. The point of letting you write your own code is so you can implement features like you describe which are not generally useful.
02:35 Ticket #1029 (New Feature: Restrict users from changing windows) created by hilmy2002@…
Hi, I don't believe there is a function in AutoIT yet where you can …


22:14 Ticket #1028 (_ClipBoard_GetData does not work properly) created by Ascend4nt
In working with _ClipBoard_GetData() and looking at the code (in …
21:40 Ticket #1016 (_WordDocSaveAs - if path exist) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:52 Ticket #1027 (SS_BITMAP Constant Value is Wrong) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:16 Ticket #1027 (SS_BITMAP Constant Value is Wrong) created by wraithdu
The value of $SS_BITMAP in StaticConstants.au3 is wrong. Currently it …
16:02 Ticket #1026 (_Gdiplus_BitmapCreate* functions document wrong resource disposal function) created by wraithdu
With the exception of _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(), all …


14:17 Ticket #1025 (Box-comment in SciTe) created by jay_paans@…
In SciTe, the use of Ctrl+Shift+B (aswell as the call via the menu in …
07:55 Ticket #1024 (GUICtrlSetTip for tabitems sets incorrectly in certain situations) created by Lazycat
For example, we have a tab with three tabitems. Setting single tips to …


10:32 Ticket #1023 (Error in document _FileListToArray) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
09:39 Ticket #1023 (Error in document _FileListToArray) created by anonymous
There's an error in the example of _FileListToArray […] The @error …


23:39 Ticket #999 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetFocused) closed by Gary
20:38 Ticket #1022 (Different between " and ' like PHP) closed by Valik
Rejected: You expect us to fundamentally break the language 5 years in?
20:31 Ticket #1022 (Different between " and ' like PHP) created by athiwatc@…
make ' and " react differently. For \r\n and be use for new lines if " …
11:15 Milestone completed
09:41 Ticket #529 (Identifying .NET controls using WM_GETCONTROLNAME) closed by Jon
Completed: Added in version:
09:32 Ticket #529 (Identifying .NET controls using WM_GETCONTROLNAME) reopened by Jon
06:14 Ticket #1021 (AutoIt Installer broken) closed by Valik
Works For Me: It's probably your anti-virus or some network issue on your end. It works fine for 99.9% of people.
06:10 Ticket #1021 (AutoIt Installer broken) created by anonymous
Download link …
05:54 Ticket #1019 (_GUICtrlListView_SetItemCut and other UDF's not working correctly) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:


16:37 Ticket #1020 (FileCreate or FileSave) closed by Valik
11:28 Ticket #1020 (FileCreate or FileSave) created by anonymous
I'd like to have these files so i can finish my notepad replacer.[i …


10:53 Ticket #1008 (Math function mod( ) result display bug) closed by Jpm
No Bug: as this function can work on floating number the computation is done in float so the result is in float too. The mod function always return a nulber with the same sign as the divisor. That the reason you get a -0 due to the precision display. I understand that can be a little confusing when using integers just use int(mod(x,y)) if you use only integers
09:59 Ticket #1018 (SplashImageOn example not correct for Vista) closed by Jpm
Rejected: already fixed under
07:13 Ticket #1019 (_GUICtrlListView_SetItemCut and other UDF's not working correctly) created by Qsek
With these functions you can set an items state but can not reset the …


12:54 Ticket #1018 (SplashImageOn example not correct for Vista) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
The file @Systemdir & "\oobe\images\mslogo.jpg" does not exist in …
07:20 Ticket #1017 (StringRegExpReplace - back-references --> add this as example in Helpfile) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:


15:26 Ticket #1017 (StringRegExpReplace - back-references --> add this as example in Helpfile) created by Zedna
According to this my post: …
02:59 Ticket #1016 (_WordDocSaveAs - if path exist) created by Volly
When using _WordDocSaveAs and the path does not exist, one does not …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.