


06:59 Ticket #454 (FileRead handle files as UTF-8 even BOM is missing) closed by Jpm
Completed: $FO_UTF8 will work for opening in read mode


22:40 Ticket #597 (Documentation @TempDir needs updating) closed by Valik
No Bug: That's wrong. @TempDir will return whatever it finds first: 1. The path specified by the TMP environment variable. 2. The path specified by the TEMP environment variable. 3. The path specified by the USERPROFILE environment variable. 4. The Windows directory. So it will find TMP first if it exists: […] I don't see that this needs documented, however. People have been using the macro for years and have never needed to know how it was implemented.
21:07 Ticket #597 (Documentation @TempDir needs updating) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
Macro Reference - Directory @TempDir -> path to the temporary files …


20:23 Ticket #596 (String<From/To>ASCIIArray() functions) created by Valik
There are potential issues with these functions I need to look at. …


23:51 Ticket #454 (FileRead handle files as UTF-8 even BOM is missing) reopened by Valik
Alright, somebody actually gave me a file which demonstrated the problem and the desired outcome and I now see what the OP means. Would have been helpful to have that from the start, however.
23:18 Ticket #454 (FileRead handle files as UTF-8 even BOM is missing) closed by Valik
Rejected: I don't know what your expectations are. UTF-8 files don't need a BOM because it's pretty much pointless for the encoding so the comment on it being missing is irrelevant. As for the behavior, UTF-8 is fully backwards compatible with ANSI so if your file contains all ANSI characters it's going to be treated as ANSI, BOM or not. If there was a problem with the behavior here it would actually be bug and not a feature request. Since nobody else has clearly demonstrated any issue I'm closing this as rejected.
18:07 Ticket #520 (WMI SwbemRefresher Object used in a loop has memory leak) closed by Valik
No Bug: This is not a leak in AutoIt. I tried calling the Remove() and DeleteAll() methods on the $oRefresher object to get rid of the enumeration but it still leaks. I tested with identical VBS code and it also leaks. Here's the AutoIt code I used: […] And the VBS which is identical other than it lacks a hotkey. […] Closing as no bug.


23:14 Ticket #539 (StringSplit w/ flag 2 doesn't return string if no delims) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
22:58 Ticket #531 (GuiCtrlSetGraphic documentation) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
22:08 Ticket #542 (StringRegEx causing a hard crash) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
10:52 Ticket #595 (Typo in help file.) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
08:17 Ticket #595 (Typo in help file.) created by ryantollefson
Under the "_WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx" section (WinAPI Management) it …
07:34 Ticket #594 (wintitlematchmode) closed by Valik
Rejected: While in theory I can agree that specifying the match mode on a per-call basis would be superior, it's too late in the game for that. It's also a lot of work at this point for virtually no gain. Further, the match modes are largely redundant with the advanced window descriptions. For example, I believe that using the TITLE property is the same as doing an exact match (mode 3). Modes 1 and 2 can be achieved by the REGEXPTITLE depending on how you specify the pattern (it's not complex to do basic anchored/substring matching). Lastly you should be operating on HWND's as much as possible and not using anything else. I use the advanced descriptors in a call to WinGetHandle() to get the handle to the window which I use from then on. Basically, everything I just said also applies to controls.
06:08 Ticket #594 (wintitlematchmode) created by anonymous
This is really a two part request. I believe WinTitleMatchMode should …
05:58 Ticket #593 (Process Path) closed by Valik
Rejected: If somebody wishes to contribute a well-written function that would be fine. But since I don't see any submission attached I'm closing this. You should be able to get one of the functions working by making sure it's opening the process with the correct access rights. Chances are people have just been lazy and used the all-access rights which will fail if you are not an admin (which you won't be on Vista if it's set up).


22:38 Ticket #593 (Process Path) created by daywalker_eg@…
I Hope You Add Function To Get Process Path In Vista Because All …
06:55 Ticket #575 (@ProgramFilesDir) closed by Jpm
No Bug: In Fact under Vista the return is independent from the Windows language version and can be use as such whatever that is not the value displayed by the explorer
00:02 Ticket #555 (bug in _GUICtrlListView UDF) closed by Gary
Works For Me: Closing as works for me.
00:01 Ticket #516 (_ChooseFont 64bit Vista) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:


00:54 Ticket #592 (a collection of prime based or prime related math functions) created by jennico
;#=#INDEX#============================================================= …


17:49 Ticket #586 (Function _GuiCtrlListView_SetGroupInfo Don't Work Twice) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
01:53 Ticket #591 (_GUICtrlListBox_AddString goes loopy when passing array instead of string) closed by Valik
No Bug: Replying to Annonymous: > Valik once said that Autoit shouldn't hard crash under any circumstance. Indeed. In this case, though, it's technically not AutoIt's crash. The array is converted to a number and passed to SendMessage(). The message that's being used expects a string, so when it encounters a number it tries to do stuff and crashes. There isn't anything we can do about this. In certain cases (Using DllCall(), sending messages) it's up to the caller (you) to make sure you don't pass invalid data. No bug.
00:47 Ticket #591 (_GUICtrlListBox_AddString goes loopy when passing array instead of string) created by Annonymous
First of all, I know you aren't suppose to pass an array to the $sText …
00:36 Ticket #590 (AutoIT Script corrupting file names in script directory) closed by Valik
No Bug: Not enough information and the example script is way too long. Try asking for support on the forum to isolate the issue and determine if it's actually a bug.
00:09 Ticket #590 (AutoIT Script corrupting file names in script directory) created by asfarley@…
After I run my script, the names of the files in the same directory as …


20:23 Ticket #550 (Run() - doc precision) closed by Valik
Rejected: I'm not sure how useful it is to document this. It wasn't really added to be useful for user's but rather for us in debugging. For now I think it should still be undocumented.
20:21 Ticket #565 (Calculate Membership in group or ranges) closed by Valik
Rejected: This should be possible via a COM object, 3rd-party tool or DllCall(). In other words it should be possible via a UDF of some sort. Closing as rejected.
20:20 Ticket #529 (Identifying .NET controls using WM_GETCONTROLNAME) closed by Valik
Rejected: Since you did figure out how to do it via I'm closing this as rejected.
20:19 Ticket #528 (Native Control Identification and Property Retrieval using Active ...) closed by Valik
Rejected: I believe that objects implementing accessibility functionality do so via a COM interface that is IDispatch enabled. In short, that means you should be able to, in some manner or other, access it via AutoIt's COM functionality. I don't see this being built-in.
20:07 Ticket #509 (UDP Receive String) closed by Valik
Rejected: You can just cast the returned data via String() and it will do the same thing your proposed flag would.
20:05 Ticket #548 (Array initializing syntax everywhere) closed by Valik
Rejected: It would be nice in some ways but I don't think it's worth the effort and the syntax issues it could cause.
20:03 Ticket #535 (don't pause the script when the tray menu is open or the gui title bar ...) closed by Valik
Rejected: There's really not much that can be done about this due to the way AutoIt is designed. You can avoid some of it by disabling the tray menu.
19:53 Ticket #587 (ControlGetPos array error) closed by Valik
No Bug: I agree with Saunder's assessment here. Also, I'm not really sure what the "SciTE help index" is so I really don't know what you have tried. Anyway, this is unlikely to be a real bug so I'm closing this.
19:51 Ticket #521 (Forum Upload Issue) closed by Valik
No Bug: You can view your attachments at this link. Otherwise, you'll have to bring the issue up with Jon on the forum because there's nothing anybody else can do to help you.
19:39 Ticket #574 (Problem with sending the Windows Key + L) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
19:10 Ticket #584 (Scite4AutoIt3 reports DLL error on start up) closed by Valik
No Bug: The latest versions of SciTE4AutoIt will not work on Windows 98. A version that came out around the time of should still work on Windows 98.
18:54 Ticket #507 (Problem with GuiToolTip UDF functions using only TTM_*W message constants.) closed by Valik
No Bug: I just tested with AutoItMacroGenerator02.exe. It doesn't do what I said but it is doing something that I can't identify. Here are my observations: * I tested with 2 different programs that have a toolbar. When I press 1 or 2 when hovering over a toolbar button I get _1_ window (_ArrayDisplay()) showing me information on the button I'm hovering over. * When I do the same thing with AutoItMacroGenerator02.exe I get a lot of windows showing me information on every toolbar button. This says to me that AutoItMacroGenerator02.exe is doing something non-standard or something not compatible with the enumeration method you are trying to use. As best I can tell, this isn't a bug in AutoIt.
18:32 Ticket #583 (Using @MSEC produces an error) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:23 Ticket #589 (mixed compare result, bools and values.) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:51 Ticket #589 (mixed compare result, bools and values.) created by anonymous
02:19 Ticket #588 (StringRegExpReplaceCallback) created by RobSaunders
I know that it's annoying when people compare AutoIt to other …
01:38 Ticket #587 (ControlGetPos array error) created by anonymous
I am trying to use the ControlGetPos() but I am running into problems …


19:34 Ticket #586 (Function _GuiCtrlListView_SetGroupInfo Don't Work Twice) created by TalivanIBM
This function works only one time, after one application don't work. …


02:09 Ticket #585 (_Singleton with iFlag = 1 returns mutex handle on success) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:


23:37 Ticket #585 (_Singleton with iFlag = 1 returns mutex handle on success) created by wraithdu
The documentation says the return value of _Singleton is 1 when …


22:49 Ticket #584 (Scite4AutoIt3 reports DLL error on start up) created by danuttall@…
I installed the latest version of Scite4AutoIt3 and tried to edit an …
20:09 Ticket #583 (Using @MSEC produces an error) created by dormmamu
Using the latest Beta v3.2.13.7 the recently added @MSEC macro …
17:28 Ticket #581 (DeAssign() ??) closed by Valik
Rejected: Once a variable exists in a scope, there is no way to remove that variable from a scope. You can clear the contents by assigning it an empty string but the variable will still exist. This will not be changed.
14:16 Ticket #582 (Tab Item on a Tab Control, Tips not showing) created by atc
I have a Tab control with several tabs on it. My aim is that a tip …
11:22 Ticket #581 (DeAssign() ??) created by anonymous
need DeAssign() func. […] HOW to destroy variable "test"? […] …


18:00 Ticket #580 (ControlListView - Get Text under SysListView32) closed by Valik
No Bug: As I explained in the forum post: The list-view data is managed by the program itself (it has LVS_OWNERDATA set). That means data is not stored or accessed in the standard way. There is a second, different way to access the data and the code you are using does not try the alternate way. The control is what's called a "Virtual List-View" and you can find information on MSDN for how to work with it. This is not a bug, closing it as such.
02:00 Ticket #580 (ControlListView - Get Text under SysListView32) created by muskie88@…
ControlListView _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString …


01:03 Ticket #579 (OCR) closed by Valik
Rejected: This is not something that should be built into AutoIt. A better alternative is accessing an OCR library via DllCall() or the still experimental Plugin architecture.
00:18 Ticket #579 (OCR) created by anonymous
Integration of OCR is extremeley desiarable for Automation. Just …


17:16 Ticket #578 (#570 CLOSED? AutoIt problems handling filenames with two or more ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: Straight from the documentation for "ExpandVarStrings": > when in this mode and you want to use a literal $ or @ then double it up: "This is a single dollar $$ sign". It has absolutely nothing to do with file names. It has everything to do with the feature you chose to turn on working working exactly as it was designed and documented. The behavior you describe is not a bug. As for the false assumptions, all your comments on "compile-time" versus "run-time" are a load of ignorant conjecture. AutoIt is not a true compiled language. Very little is done at compile-time because AutoIt does not have an optimizing compiler. The only things that are done at compile-time are things that can't be done at run-time. Changing this to a bug and closing it, again.
15:00 Ticket #553 (_ArrayDisplay() has another problem if using literal pipes in the array) closed by Gary
No Bug: Just change the separator character to something not used in the literal string. For example: […]
14:00 Ticket #577 (Would you like to save money?) closed by Gary
No Bug: Moron
11:55 Ticket #578 (#570 CLOSED? AutoIt problems handling filenames with two or more ...) created by S-O
#570 CLOSED? AutoIt problems handling filenames with two or more …
09:48 Ticket #577 (Would you like to save money?) created by anonymous
We are professional brand shoes,Apparel and Accessories supplier in …
06:47 Ticket #570 (AutoIt problems handling filenames with two or more consecutive dollar ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: Replying to sven-olof.gransten2@tele2.se: > It seems that it has to do with the use of Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1) function. > It seems that AutoIt is not differentiating between literals and variabelnames and > the actual contents of variabelnames. Literals and varaiabelnames is part of the > AutoIt language at compilation time and should be interpreted at compilation time. I have made a simpel script to show what I meen. AutoIt is intepreting the contents of variabels at runtime (looking for $ signs) when it shouldn't. > I am running Windows XP PRO SP3 (English version) and AutoIt > I like AutoIt very much and wan't to be some help if I can! > See attachment for the script FilenameTest.au3. It creates 5 txt files with 2 lines in each. > > Regards > S-O A little more reading of the documentation and a little less making false assumptions about how the language works will go a long way towards remedying your issue which is not a bug.


22:54 Ticket #576 (Autoit3 Portable) closed by Valik
Rejected: AutoIt is portable. It requires no installation or registry keys to run. Search the forum, there's information on how to configure SciTE and AutoIt to run off things like USB drives.
22:26 Ticket #576 (Autoit3 Portable) created by Moddy
As far as I know there is no IDE that i can take with me on a portable …
15:53 Ticket #575 (@ProgramFilesDir) created by JPPercy
It doesn't work correctly in Windows Vista Portuguese. […] My …


18:18 Ticket #569 (TCPRecv - SocketToIp() function in Helpfile example has incorrect DllCall()) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:06 Ticket #572 (Provide WinRar integration) closed by Valik
Rejected: There are at least two ways to achieve what you're asking for without having to modify anything. This doesn't need to be built in.
17:02 Ticket #573 (Random ($min, $max) when $min = $max) closed by Valik
No Bug: I don't know why you think a Random() function in another language means anything. The fact that Delphi behaves differently than AutoIt doesn't make AutoIt wrong since the function is working how it's designed and documented.
14:11 Ticket #574 (Problem with sending the Windows Key + L) created by Ainner
I'm using the Novell client. Send("#l") This lock the workstation …
11:29 Ticket #573 (Random ($min, $max) when $min = $max) created by anonymous
I tried in Delphi 2007 and Random($min, $max) = $min (or $max) …
11:08 Ticket #571 (Return value documentation is incorrectly copied in ListBox module) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
09:20 Ticket #572 (Provide WinRar integration) created by splintor@…
Since you already "know" how to compile a script to an executable, it …
09:08 Ticket #571 (Return value documentation is incorrectly copied in ListBox module) created by splintor@…
In GuiListBox.au3, the Return Value description of the functions …


22:02 Ticket #570 (AutoIt problems handling filenames with two or more consecutive dollar ...) created by sven-olof.gransten2@…
Ihave used functions FileGetLong and FileGetTime and both gives error …
19:11 Ticket #569 (TCPRecv - SocketToIp() function in Helpfile example has incorrect DllCall()) created by wraithdu
The first DllCall() in this function should be - […] The parameter …


19:00 Ticket #527 (Abend 0xC0000005 at 7C9109F9 in Aut2exe.exe (ntdll.dll)) closed by Valik
Works For Me: I can't reproduce. Closing as works for me.
18:51 Ticket #562 (WinWait and similar functions fails if in TITLE parameter there is ...) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:12 Ticket #566 (Error Helpfile Sample-Script, Appendix @OSLang Values) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:02 Ticket #568 (_INetSmtpMail(): Two features: 1.) email priority, 2.) possibility to ...) created by rudi
Hi Develeopers! It would be great to have two additional things for …
17:59 Ticket #567 (missing function) closed by Valik
No Bug: Following up further, this is the reason stripping is and will not be a built-in feature. In the case where a function is a callback, you must tell the stripping mechanism not to strip the function because otherwise it will since it doesn't know it's being called. This is not a bug.
16:14 Ticket #567 (missing function) created by grzesiek
Obfuscator does not add _GUICtrlListView_Sort() function to compiled …
14:07 Ticket #566 (Error Helpfile Sample-Script, Appendix @OSLang Values) created by Polyphem
Sample not working, should be: MsgBox(0, "Your OS Language:", …


21:13 Ticket #558 (Documentation Error) closed by Gary
Duplicate: duplicate of #434
16:27 Ticket #564 (Suggestion) closed by Valik
Rejected: That is far too much text for the issue tracker. You have about five thousand different issues. You mention applications that are not directly related to AutoIt, things that are on the "do not ask about these" list, things that allow you to create bad code, a lot of things that can be done yourself if you'd just spend some time thinking and learning the language a little better, and things that should not be implemented in AutoIt at all. Closing as rejected.
11:44 Ticket #565 (Calculate Membership in group or ranges) created by Dschingis
A function for calculating the membership in a group or range, which …
08:40 Ticket #564 (Suggestion) created by geld722@…
--------------------Written-----By-----Geld722---------------------- …
02:20 Ticket #563 (Not really a future request and Not really a bug -> Msgbox Left and ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: The function is a standard system function. We do not control the appearance.


20:16 Ticket #563 (Not really a future request and Not really a bug -> Msgbox Left and ...) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
Hi, I think the right right margin of a messagebox should be …


16:29 Ticket #557 (InputBox: Left & Top 'Default' keyword not working.) closed by Jpm
No Bug
16:19 Ticket #559 (FileCopy does not work when there is a file exist with the same name ...) closed by Jpm
No Bug: It can't work as *.txt is referencing a group of files that cannot be copied in a file Whatever you use the override/creation dir flag.
16:13 Ticket #560 (WinWait and similar functions fails if in TITLE parameter there is ...) closed by Jpm
16:13 Ticket #561 (WinWait and similar functions fails if in TITLE parameter there is ...) closed by Jpm
14:55 Ticket #562 (WinWait and similar functions fails if in TITLE parameter there is ...) created by blackgilmor@…
WinWain function, and other similar, fails when in title parameter is …
14:53 Ticket #561 (WinWait and similar functions fails if in TITLE parameter there is ...) created by blackgilmor@…
WinWain function, and other similar, fails when in title parameter is …
14:51 Ticket #560 (WinWait and similar functions fails if in TITLE parameter there is ...) created by blackgilmor@…
WinWain function, and other similar, fails when in title parameter is …
06:20 Ticket #559 (FileCopy does not work when there is a file exist with the same name ...) created by anonymous
FileCopy does not work when there is a file exist with the same name …


20:28 Ticket #558 (Documentation Error) created by FrozenTeeth
In the windows help file I found a possible error. Please verify. …
15:26 Ticket #557 (InputBox: Left & Top 'Default' keyword not working.) created by PeteW
Hello, According to the v3.2.12.1 Help file, the keyword Default …


19:51 Ticket #556 (Change to SciTE4AutoIt3.exe installer.) closed by Jos
Rejected: Don't see how this works as you didn't install upgrade for SciTE4AutoIt3. I do try to keep it as Backwards compatible as possible but do not have the gift to make it forwards compatible. Jos
19:48 Ticket #554 (AutoIt3Wrapper not processing "&" in path properly) closed by Jos
17:43 Ticket #536 (ControlGetFocus() prevents double-clicks) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: This can't be fixed. It's a quirk of windows that when getting focus the input state is reset (keyboard state, mouse state, et cetera). You can still double-click, you just now have to do it faster than the polling interval since it's going to reset the mouse input each time. Closing as won't fix because while it is undesirable behavior it can't be fixed since it's a Windows design problem.
16:12 Ticket #556 (Change to SciTE4AutoIt3.exe installer.) created by dg0421
I would like to suggest that the SciTE4AutoIt3.exe installer check the …
13:41 Ticket #555 (bug in _GUICtrlListView UDF) created by anonymous
_GUICtrlListView_SetItemDropHilited didnt work properly, so we tried …
06:46 Ticket #549 (ControlSend sometimes sends wrong text) closed by Jpm
No Bug: depending what you are oing simulteaneously when running your script eg you can have such behaviour if the shift key used. the zedna suggestion is perfectly valid (controlsettext)


18:38 Ticket #554 (AutoIt3Wrapper not processing "&" in path properly) created by dg0421
My source files are contained in: E:\ACE-IDS\XP & 2003 …


17:27 Ticket #551 (ControlClick with "new" buttons syntax error (au3check)) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:21 Ticket #553 (_ArrayDisplay() has another problem if using literal pipes in the array) created by GEOSoft
I seldom use this function but it seems that each time I do, I find …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.