- 06:53 Ticket #497 (GUICtrlSetFont() does not work in a listview control) closed by
- Works For Me
- 02:02 Ticket #485 (missing related links in helpfile) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 02:01 Ticket #545 (Add other possibility in FAQ, point 13. Howto: custom icon) closed by
- Rejected: SciTE4AutoIt3 and it's tools are not an official part of AutoIt. Adding documentation for how to do things which relies on tools not every user has installed is not a very good idea.
- 01:34 Ticket #511 (GUICtrlCreateTab - doc precision) closed by
- Rejected
- 01:31 Ticket #506 (_FileCountLines) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 20:47 Ticket #546 (FileOpen() Shared/exclusive access) created by
- I would find it useful to add a new flag or flags to the FileOpen() …
- 18:10 Ticket #544 (Read from console with FileRead) closed by
- No Bug: This doesn't need documented. There is a native AutoIt function for doing the same thing so I don't feel that it is necessary for us to document alternate ways.
- 10:21 Ticket #545 (Add other possibility in FAQ, point 13. Howto: custom icon) created by
- In the helpfile under FAQ, point 13 there is written how to add a …
- 07:26 Ticket #544 (Read from console with FileRead) created by
- The description of this feature I missed in the AutoIt Help: …
- 03:21 Ticket #543 (Autoit does not automate high res mouse motion correctly.) created by
- The program I am trying to automate appears to use the directx high …
- 19:18 Ticket #542 (StringRegEx causing a hard crash) created by
- http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=76269&view=findpo …
- 07:28 Ticket #541 (ControlCommand Helpfile typo) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 17:05 Ticket #540 (ProcessExists() causes a large number of page faults) closed by
- No Bug: It goes up by approximately 105 per call for me. However, this doesn't appear abnormal. Process Explorer, which I used to watch the page fault count, goes up by over 250 page faults per update interval. It appears that using the Windows API functions we do to enumerate processes just generates a lot of page faults. It's nothing to be concerned about.
- 12:33 Ticket #541 (ControlCommand Helpfile typo) created by
- Hi, ControlCommand helpfile little typo. "HideDropDown", "" UNdrops …
- 09:31 Ticket #540 (ProcessExists() causes a large number of page faults) created by
- I know that page faults are not errors per se, but ProcessExists() is …
- 02:50 Ticket #539 (StringSplit w/ flag 2 doesn't return string if no delims) created by
- In StringSplit() with flag 2 (no return count in first element), if …
- 00:17 Ticket #538 (GUICtrlCreateGraphic - working on last GUI created) closed by
- No Bug: This is not a bug. ANY control you try to create will fail. Controls are created on the GUI that is set internally as the "current" GUI. Since you deleted the current GUI, creation fails. To control what GUI controls are created on, use GUISwitch().
- 23:58 Ticket #538 (GUICtrlCreateGraphic - working on last GUI created) created by
- Hi, I'm not sure if this is an intended behaviour or a bug. …
- 18:50 Ticket #537 (Strange behaviour while using wrong GUI parameter) closed by
- No Bug: It's not strange. You're passing an HWND as the extended style. Since the HWND changes from run to run, you pass a different value every time. Since the extended style is just bitwise flags, you're passing a different combination each time. That's why the results are unpredictable.
- 17:33 Ticket #537 (Strange behaviour while using wrong GUI parameter) created by
- Hi, I tested this script and my Windows hung up after I clicked the …
- 11:20 Ticket #536 (ControlGetFocus() prevents double-clicks) created by
- It seems that polling which control has the focus with …
- 11:15 Ticket #535 (don't pause the script when the tray menu is open or the gui title bar ...) created by
- Clicking on the script's tray menu or a GUI window title bar pauses …
- 04:19 Ticket #534 (Binary() is ****ed up) closed by
- No Bug: It looks correct to me. It stores the int 256 in binary format which is 0x00000100 in hex. But here's the catch, it's stored in little-endian which is why you see it as 0x00010000. You can use this line to see how the bytes are stored little-endian: […] When you read it right to left, 2 characters at a time, it spells 0xDEADBEEF again showing how little-endian stores it. I also get 0x00010000 both times so I don't see any bugs at all.
- 03:55 Ticket #534 (Binary() is ****ed up) created by
- heres some example code $nNum = 256 consolewrite(binary($nNum) & @lf) …
- 21:57 Ticket #533 (_ArrayBinarySearch allows multi-dimension array when it shouldn't) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 16:44 Ticket #532 (Adding Icons to Tray Menu) closed by
- Rejected: This is outside the scope of what AutoIt should be doing.
- 15:55 Ticket #533 (_ArrayBinarySearch allows multi-dimension array when it shouldn't) created by
- It's my coding mistake that I tried to use it on a two dimensional …
- 12:05 Ticket #532 (Adding Icons to Tray Menu) created by
- Is there a possibility of having the ability to add icons to Tray …
- 17:28 Ticket #530 (HotKeySet ignores optional parameters) closed by
- No Bug: This is not a bug.
- 16:00 Ticket #531 (GuiCtrlSetGraphic documentation) created by
- This is not major. Just a couple of mistakes in the help file for the …
- 12:49 Ticket #530 (HotKeySet ignores optional parameters) created by
- After executing this function: […] The following Error was …
- 08:50 Ticket #529 (Identifying .NET controls using WM_GETCONTROLNAME) created by
- Having read previous request and response for DataGrid on ticket #23, …
- 08:29 Ticket #528 (Native Control Identification and Property Retrieval using Active ...) created by
- <disclaimer> I request this understanding that it may be outside of …
- 20:19 Ticket #526 (0x8007007E error when compiled 32 bit. OK when compiled 64 bit. Reopened.) closed by
- Duplicate: Appears to be a duplicate of #525
- 20:16 Ticket #525 (0x8007007E error when compiled 32 bit. OK when compiled 64 bit. Reopened.) closed by
- No Bug: You have to turn WOW64 redirection off. Windows is going to continue to redirect the system32 directory for a 32-bit process to the SYSWOW64 directory which contains the 32-bit files. That's why you get the "module not found" error - it's not looking where you think it is. Look at Using AutoIt -> Running under Windows 64-bit Edition in the documentation for more information about directory/registry redirection under 64-bit Windows and what you can do to turn it off. This is still not a bug in AutoIt.
- 20:06 Ticket #524 (MsgBox(): Text as first parameter) closed by
- Rejected
- 19:20 Ticket #527 (Abend 0xC0000005 at 7C9109F9 in Aut2exe.exe (ntdll.dll)) created by
- The attached (unfinished) code runs interpretively out of SciTe, but …
- 15:43 Ticket #526 (0x8007007E error when compiled 32 bit. OK when compiled 64 bit. Reopened.) created by
- The Run function returns error 0x8007007E when I run the attached …
- 15:41 Ticket #525 (0x8007007E error when compiled 32 bit. OK when compiled 64 bit. Reopened.) created by
- The Run function returns error 0x8007007E when I run the attached …
- 12:12 Ticket #524 (MsgBox(): Text as first parameter) created by
- I suggest MsgBox function to have the text parameter to be the first. …
- 15:43 Ticket #523 (Associative arrays...) closed by
- Rejected: The answer doesn't change no matter how many times this is asked for (also known as, search first, please).
- 13:52 Ticket #523 (Associative arrays...) created by
- Please, implant associative arrays it would make scripting for me much …
- 22:55 Ticket #522 (TrayMenu Select Option - Works on button down, not button up) closed by
- Rejected: This is a very specific request and not generally useful.
- 17:00 Ticket #522 (TrayMenu Select Option - Works on button down, not button up) created by
- Hi, I wonder if you would consider putting in an option for TrayMenu …
- 04:37 Ticket #517 (WinAPI UDF - bad error checking after DllCall()) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 23:54 Ticket #521 (Forum Upload Issue) created by
- I'm not sure if this is the right place to report forum issues. …
- 22:57 Ticket #519 (Wrong parameters in help file for GUICtrlSetDefBkColor) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 22:29 Ticket #520 (WMI SwbemRefresher Object used in a loop has memory leak) created by
- Ref: Example Scripts, _ProcessListProperties() function …
- 23:25 Ticket #518 (IniRead() optionally create default entry if not exists) closed by
- Rejected: You're asking for a function that reads to have the ability to write? Think about that for a second. Anyway, this doesn't sound all that useful for the masses. In general, it shouldn't make any difference whether the key exists or not. You obviously realize how trivial it is to wrap the desired functionality in a UDF so I suggest just using that for your own needs.
- 22:02 Ticket #519 (Wrong parameters in help file for GUICtrlSetDefBkColor) created by
- GUICtrlSetDefBkColor mistakingly uses the same parameters table as …
- 21:50 Ticket #518 (IniRead() optionally create default entry if not exists) created by
- For scripts that use INI files, the option to create default INI …
- 10:53 Ticket #517 (WinAPI UDF - bad error checking after DllCall()) created by
- This line is missing in many functions after DllCall: […] …
- 23:30 Ticket #500 (_ChooseColor 64bit problems) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 21:28 Ticket #516 (_ChooseFont 64bit Vista) created by
- _ChooseFont does not work. The function return a value as if the user …
- 16:23 Ticket #515 (Scite4AutoIt3 - add zoom-in zoom-out) closed by
- Rejected: As far as I know, Notepad++ is built using the Scintilla control, not based on SciTE. But either way I'll save Jos the trouble of replying, the SciTE we distribute is as close as possible to the official version distributed by Neil Hodgson. We'd like to keep it that way which is why we defer features requests/bug reports to the SciTE/Scintilla community.
- 16:19 Ticket #514 (StdoutRead seems broken on latest public & beta) closed by
- No Bug: Replying to anonymous: > Could at least mention in help file that now need a processwaitclose before doing the read... But that is only true if you actually want to wait until the process closes. Honestly? Your code as written before was flawed. You should have always been relying on ProcessWaitClose() anyway. There was no guarantee your old way would actually return all the text you wanted.
- 15:29 Ticket #515 (Scite4AutoIt3 - add zoom-in zoom-out) created by
- This is in NotePad++ (opensource) based on the same Scite sources and …
- 10:51 Ticket #514 (StdoutRead seems broken on latest public & beta) created by
- Updated to the latest Public ( today so as to gain support …
- 01:33 Ticket #513 (Request: checked row highlight style for Listview controls) closed by
- Rejected: There's already too much custom behavior as is. If we added all the useful custom behaviors we'd have everything bloated so big it'd be ridiculous.
- 20:08 Ticket #513 (Request: checked row highlight style for Listview controls) created by
- I'd love to see the code below included as an easily usable extended …
- 13:06 Ticket #504 ("au3check" doesn't handle special characters properly) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 11:09 Ticket #489 (Add _GDIPlus_ImageSaveAddImage & _GDIPlus_ImageSaveAdd to GDIPlus.au3) closed by
- Rejected
- 11:08 Ticket #494 (Add more resource functions to WinAPI.au3) closed by
- Rejected
- 11:07 Ticket #492 (Add to GDIPlus Image functions for retrieving frames from multi-frame ...) closed by
- Rejected
- 03:51 Ticket #512 (Runas problem with new version.) closed by
- No Bug: Well, if the caller is a non-administrator account and the Flash Player installer requires administrator rights, then the error is correct because you use RunWait() to call the installer. At any rate, I don't see anything wrong, I know RunAs[Wait]() works with that simple code (when written correctly), so I'm closing this as no bug.
- 22:56 Ticket #512 (Runas problem with new version.) created by
- Hello I write a program when coulndt run correctly I have tried with …
- 21:44 Ticket #511 (GUICtrlCreateTab - doc precision) created by
- Please add folowing: When you create control on the Tab by UDF …
- 03:20 Ticket #510 (_GUICtrlListView_ClickItem: If columns inside listview exceed visible ...) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 00:51 Ticket #510 (_GUICtrlListView_ClickItem: If columns inside listview exceed visible ...) created by
- In the function _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem, if the columns inside the …
- 21:03 Ticket #503 (_Date_Time_FileTimeToLocalFileTime() - Helpfile example is incorrect) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 19:45 Ticket #508 (Static variables) closed by
- Rejected: Gary, the value needs to be mutable. For example, a counter for the number of times a function is called could be implemented as a static variable (or global, obviously). cbruce, much like many other things that some other languages offer as "features", you can do this yourself. It just requires you to develop your own rigid naming system to prevent collisions. For example, a name in the form "$g_vStatic_MyVar" will help reduce collisions. Adding the function name in can help disambiguate names further at the cost of increased length in the name. Closing as rejected.
- 19:23 Ticket #503 (_Date_Time_FileTimeToLocalFileTime() - Helpfile example is incorrect) reopened by
- 18:50 Ticket #509 (UDP Receive String) created by
- UDPRecv For backwards compatibility to 3.2 want to have a new …
- 18:40 Ticket #503 (_Date_Time_FileTimeToLocalFileTime() - Helpfile example is incorrect) closed by
- Rejected: They both return the same if you run both the old example and add your code in.
- 18:31 Ticket #495 (_GUICtrlTreeView_GetTree returns only 1 parent) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:18 Ticket #508 (Static variables) created by
- AutoIt is a wonderful product folks - thank you so much... It would …
- 14:31 Ticket #507 (Problem with GuiToolTip UDF functions using only TTM_*W message constants.) created by
- Win XP Pro Sp2 AutoIt Last known working version AutoIt …
- 12:57 Ticket #506 (_FileCountLines) created by
- Same problem as I mentioned before with _FileReadToArray. The function …
- 10:08 Ticket #505 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetBkColor doesn't work) closed by
- Works For Me
- 08:09 Ticket #505 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetBkColor doesn't work) created by
- The function returns the background color, but the statusbar color …
- 08:03 Ticket #504 ("au3check" doesn't handle special characters properly) created by
- When storing an include file, in a folder wich contains special …
- 20:58 Ticket #503 (_Date_Time_FileTimeToLocalFileTime() - Helpfile example is incorrect) created by
- The helpfile example uses _Date_Time_EncodeFileTime() to create an …
- 19:57 Ticket #502 (Autoit adds 0.09999999997 instead of 0.01) closed by
- No Bug: This is not a bug. Floating-point numbers are not precise so repeatedly adding a floating point number leads to these sorts of problems. You can find plenty of literature on the internet about it.
- 19:54 Ticket #502 (Autoit adds 0.09999999997 instead of 0.01) created by
- After adding 0.01 to $c few times, $c will be incremented by 0.999999 …
- 16:58 Ticket #92 (DllStructGetData() truncation) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 16:26 Ticket #501 (ProcessGetStats) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 12:05 Ticket #501 (ProcessGetStats) created by
- ProcessGetStats does not work for SYSTEM's username PID's. This also …
- 05:22 Ticket #500 (_ChooseColor 64bit problems) created by
- I just got a 64bit version of Vista and encountered several problems. …
- 20:40 Ticket #499 (Missing quotes from WinWaitActive causes crash) closed by
- Wont Fix: The current beta's do not crash (although they give a somewhat obscure error). I'm going to close this as wont fix since the behavior of the beta is not a hard-crash but rather an error message.
- 19:55 Ticket #499 (Missing quotes from WinWaitActive causes crash) created by
- Also, WinActivate. Run from SciTe using the F5 key The following …
- 11:43 Milestone completed
- 22:12 Ticket #498 (Make AutoIt release with UDF fixes) closed by
- Rejected: This would require one of us (Jon, most likely) to install Visual Studio 2005 (We've all migrated to 2008). Updating the version number requires recompiling. The 3.2.12.x branch is pretty much dead.
- 21:21 Ticket #498 (Make AutoIt release with UDF fixes) created by
- There are some serious UDF bugs which could be fixed also in …
- 20:38 Ticket #497 (GUICtrlSetFont() does not work in a listview control) created by
- Example: GUICtrlSetFont($LV_AR[$i], 8.5, 800) ;Bold
- 17:33 Ticket #496 (obsolete @Unicode macro still in helpfile) closed by
- Duplicate: Duplicate #493
- 14:52 Ticket #496 (obsolete @Unicode macro still in helpfile) created by
- (XXth, YYY 200x) (Next Release) - Changed: @Unicode renamed …
- 12:22 Ticket #495 (_GUICtrlTreeView_GetTree returns only 1 parent) created by
- _GUICtrlTreeView_GetTree sould return the whole treeview-structure for …
- 06:17 Ticket #494 (Add more resource functions to WinAPI.au3) created by
- _WinAPI_FindResource _WinAPI_FindResourceEx _WinAPI_SizeOfResource …
- 18:21 Ticket #493 (GuiCtrlCreateDate Help example needs updating) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:14 Ticket #491 (AU3Check and spaces in if statement) closed by
- Wont Fix: I tried to fix this and was successful, however, the fix introduced a lot more problems so I've reverted it. I can't see any way to fix this issue due to the way Au3Check is written. Since the issue is trivial, I'm going to close it as won't fix.
- 18:12 Ticket #491 (AU3Check and spaces in if statement) reopened by
- 17:27 Ticket #491 (AU3Check and spaces in if statement) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 16:30 Ticket #277 (@ProcessorArch) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 00:11 Ticket #493 (GuiCtrlCreateDate Help example needs updating) created by
- Hi, GuiCtrlCreateDate help example needs updating The example …
- 23:37 Ticket #492 (Add to GDIPlus Image functions for retrieving frames from multi-frame ...) created by
- _GDIPlus_ImageGetFrameDimensionCount …
- 20:46 Ticket #491 (AU3Check and spaces in if statement) created by
- Very minor bug, but still a bug. AU3Check doesn't recognize this as …
- 20:39 Ticket #468 (Milliseconds Macro) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 18:59 Ticket #233 (Inetget + "automatically detect proxy settings" = HUGE RAM usage) closed by
- Works For Me: Alright, I just tested this. I'm fairly sure I have everything working. I used a Linux virtual machine to host the wpad.dat file. When I put a bogus proxy address in the wpad.dat, IE fails to load anything. I grabbed the IP of a proxy server off the internet and stuck that in and IE works. I tested the script you posted in both cases - with a working proxy and without. I saw nothing abnormal. Memory usage stayed constant as did processor usage. When I was using a valid proxy address, the file was downloaded. When I had an invalid address, nothing was downloaded. It all seemed really normal. So, I'm closing this as works for me.
- 01:15 Ticket #490 (Ability to have GUICtrlCreate... accept hide, show, enable and disable ...) closed by
- Rejected: To create a control disabled, use the WS_DISABLED style at creation time. Otherwise, the control is created enabled. AutoIt forces the control to be visible so there's no way to create a control that is initially not visible. However, you can just change the state before you show the GUI so I don't see much point in any of this.
- 00:32 Ticket #490 (Ability to have GUICtrlCreate... accept hide, show, enable and disable ...) created by
- Example: GUICtrlCreateButton("", 10, 10, 60, 25, $GUI_HIDE) …
- 15:52 Ticket #489 (Add _GDIPlus_ImageSaveAddImage & _GDIPlus_ImageSaveAdd to GDIPlus.au3) created by
- _GDIPlus_ImageSaveAddImage _GDIPlus_ImageSaveAdd Both function are …
- 22:38 Ticket #488 (ObjGet() needs an instance parameter) created by
- [http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=77250&view=fi …
- 18:27 Ticket #481 (Add margin parameter to SplashTextOn) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 18:14 Ticket #483 (obsolete @ProcessorArch still in helpfile) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:09 Ticket #484 (ObjGet failures) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 17:34 Ticket #482 (AutoIt3.chm::/html/autoit_changelog.txt) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 16:40 Ticket #487 (Associative arrays) closed by
- Rejected: There are no plans to add or modify any data-types. Rejected.
- 16:37 Ticket #486 (ControlGetFocus and ControlGetHandle never return exact ControlRef#) closed by
- No Bug: Based on my own experience, no bug. And based on your test script... oh wait. No bug.
- 16:23 Ticket #479 (soundplay don't work always) closed by
- No Bug: You don't have the right decoder installed. When I play it, I see that the ffdshow decoder is being used. Not a bug.
- 12:51 Ticket #487 (Associative arrays) created by
- Core support for associative arrays : $array[0]="whatever";normal …
- 07:02 Ticket #486 (ControlGetFocus and ControlGetHandle never return exact ControlRef#) created by
- ControlGetFocus doesn't return exact ControlRef# instead always …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.