


14:35 Ticket #418 (GUICreate: $WS_EX_LAYERED documentation error) closed by Gary
No Bug: Changed example 2, extended styles are not BitOr'ed. Also changed comment to: ; transparent MDI child window Don't think the documentation needs to be changed. Setting as no bug.
13:07 Ticket #418 (GUICreate: $WS_EX_LAYERED documentation error) created by kenn
"$WS_EX_LAYERED Creates a layered window. Note that this cannot be …


23:18 Ticket #417 (Changing function parameters on a function call) closed by Gary
No Bug: Not a part of the Standard UDFs either.
23:09 Ticket #417 (Changing function parameters on a function call) created by serg
The folowing script consists of two files: HTTP_UDF.au3: […] And …
16:35 Ticket #416 (Ability to Hide all errors (or write them to a log)) closed by Valik
Rejected: There are a number of reasons I'm closing this as rejected. First, I have in a private list details regarding a better error-reporting system. Second, you can already achieve "silent errors" by ensuring the scripts are invoked with /ErrorStdOut. This forces all errors to go to the stdout stream which will have the end result of the errors not being seen by the user. Third, your script shouldn't have errors in it in the first place, and there are plenty of tools to prevent them. The only errors in a script that are terminal are syntax errors or out of memory. If there are any other terminal error messages they likely need removed.
14:59 Ticket #416 (Ability to Hide all errors (or write them to a log)) created by anonymous
The reason I ask for this is for the company I work for, one of the …
14:51 Ticket #415 (CUI compiled scripts won't execute batch files properly) created by ResNullius
The following script when run uncompiled behaves as expected, you are …
13:59 Ticket #414 (Better OnAutoItStart/OnAutoItExit handling) created by anonymous
I propose to add multiple OnExitFuncs, so that you can easily clean up …


18:27 Ticket #412 (HotKeys do not function if explorer.exe is not running.) closed by Valik
No Bug: Wow, you really didn't think about this one at all. Replying to caplan77: > Hotkeys work only when explorer.exe is running (a user is logged into the PC). This is simply not true. I just shut down Explorer and run a test script. Hotkeys worked just fine. > Hotkeys do not work at the logon prompt (no user logged on, explorer.exe not running). > > I've written a screen saver in AutoIt and would like hotkeys to work when just winlogon.exe is running. I'm sure this is either a security feature or due to the script running under a different session. In either case, I fully expect this behavior. > Hotkeys do not work if the user locks the workstation while logged in. Because it's locked? Wouldn't it be rather insecure if a locked workstation still allowed hotkeys to execute arbitrary code? Definitely no bugs here.
18:21 Ticket #413 (GUICtrlHotKeySet -Hot key input box GUI control.) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Search the issue tracker before posting. Closing as duplicate of #311 (Still rejected).
17:05 Ticket #413 (GUICtrlHotKeySet -Hot key input box GUI control.) created by Caplan77
Autoit has hotkey functions & gui functions but no way to easily set …
16:50 Ticket #412 (HotKeys do not function if explorer.exe is not running.) created by caplan77
Hotkeys work only when explorer.exe is running (a user is logged into …
11:42 Ticket #386 (Notification about "Announcements and Site News" on Italian) closed by Jon
Wont Fix: Forum bug. Generally we don't touch these and wait for the next bugfix/release.


20:07 Ticket #411 (Topmost option) closed by Valik
Rejected: What you want is highly specific and not very useful. See _WinAPI_SetWindowPos() for manipulating the Z-Order to your heart's content. Closing as rejected.
19:57 Ticket #411 (Topmost option) created by anonymous
I'd like to be able to set a window on top incrementally. Meaning, if …
19:09 Ticket #410 (Have installation of Scite editor optional) closed by Valik
Rejected: Redirect the .au3 extension to use a different ProgID (For example, I use "AutoIt3ScriptCustom"). Then the AutoIt installer will still change the "AutoIt3Script" ProgID but since the .au3 extension points to "AutoIt3ScriptCustom" the changes won't be reflected. You can, of course, customize whatever commands you want in your own ProgID. This is basically a one-time customization. Closing as rejected.
18:39 Ticket #410 (Have installation of Scite editor optional) created by BillY
I am an UltraEdit and PSPad user and whenever I install AutoIt I have …
15:14 Ticket #409 (Checkbox check goes to Select Case while not programmed to do so) closed by Jpm
No Bug
15:07 Ticket #409 (Checkbox check goes to Select Case while not programmed to do so) created by Triblade
First, this script is a copied script of somebody I tried to help url: …
10:55 Ticket #399 (Advanced Mode with GuiCtrlRead for Context Menu) closed by Jpm
No Bug


19:01 Ticket #322 (SciTE wrong highlighting when using nested #CS/#CE) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed in version:
07:00 Ticket #408 (inetGet will not download from https with bad certificate) created by bart.wical@…
04:24 Ticket #403 (Different results for both for loops) closed by Valik
No Bug: Ultima brings up a good point. One that needs documented. As a result I've created #407 and am closing this as no bug.
04:24 Ticket #407 (Document For...In is read-only for AutoIt arrays) created by Valik
We need to document that when using an AutoIt array with For...In, the …
00:56 Ticket #406 (GUI include file bug!) closed by Valik
No Bug: Bad enough that you posted once, but twice? Once again: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=34658
00:54 Ticket #405 (GUI bug) closed by Valik
No Bug: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=34658
00:46 Ticket #406 (GUI include file bug!) created by blade_quest@…
The single line in any Auto-It script I write is picked up by many …
00:42 Ticket #405 (GUI bug) created by blade_quest@…
The single line in any Auto-It script I write is picked up by many …


17:52 Ticket #404 (the time of the Sleep() command is vague) closed by Valik
No Bug: Not a bug. Could perhaps be documented but it's not anything terribly important.
13:50 Ticket #404 (the time of the Sleep() command is vague) created by De`ak (bigdeak@…
Hello Developers, i did some tests on vista and windows XP, the sleep …
11:50 Ticket #403 (Different results for both for loops) created by anonymous
The two available for loops create different results, when nummeric …
10:27 Ticket #402 (Execute crashe on failure in production version closed by Jpm
Fixed: Solved


19:48 Ticket #402 (Execute crashe on failure in production version created by martin
Execute crashes rather than returning "" on failure in production …
18:24 Ticket #392 (Tidy Region Nesting) closed by Jos
Fixed: Uploaded Tidy v to the Beta section, which now supports nested #region statements for its comment copy options.
15:43 Ticket #338 (Run scripts with no need to save them) closed by Jos
07:03 Milestone completed


16:26 Ticket #401 (Karma / Thanks Mod) closed by Valik
Rejected: You can already rate scripts posted in the Example Scripts forum.
14:01 Ticket #401 (Karma / Thanks Mod) created by anonymous
Could we get a Karma or a Thanks mod for the forums? Somebody helps …
01:12 Ticket #390 (Bugfix in visa.au3) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
01:03 Ticket #400 (SQLite.dll.au3 bug in beta closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:


20:22 Ticket #400 (SQLite.dll.au3 bug in beta created by ivan
uses @ProcessorArch instead of @OSArch. I never reported a bug …
16:32 Ticket #398 (Compiles Scripts won't run with Config of exact same name) closed by Valik
No Bug: This is not a bug. Windows looks for a file with the name appname.exe.config. See here for what the file is for. Your companies naming policy is poor and should be changed. The simplest way to fix it is to stop using "config" as the extension ans use "cfg".
16:23 Ticket #399 (Advanced Mode with GuiCtrlRead for Context Menu) created by anonymous
[…] With AutoIt, it always return "-1" instead of the …
16:16 Ticket #398 (Compiles Scripts won't run with Config of exact same name) created by ChrisA
Our company's naming convention for configuration files is …
16:07 Ticket #397 (Editor) closed by Valik
15:39 Ticket #397 (Editor) created by mlloz
I suggest to create a special editor instead of scite for writing …
03:09 Ticket #396 ("PerformRouteDiscovery" may be corruption of "PerformRouterDiscovery") closed by Gary
No Bug: No bug, bug reports are not for users scripts. Valik the user is referring to (http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=27418&st=0&p=194194&hl=ClientConfig&#entry194194)


23:13 Ticket #395 (DriveGetDrive and @ScriptDir under windows Vista run as administrator) closed by Valik
No Bug: This is not unexpected (to me) nor is it a bug. This blog explains it better than I can. You can test with Windows Explorer (with elevated privileges) that the issue isn't isolated to AutoIt. Closing as no bug.
23:12 Ticket #396 ("PerformRouteDiscovery" may be corruption of "PerformRouterDiscovery") created by hedles
In scripts AUT2EXE VERSION: …
22:15 Ticket #395 (DriveGetDrive and @ScriptDir under windows Vista run as administrator) created by bart.wical@…
If you mount a drive then run a compiled script as administrator. The …
16:37 Ticket #385 (Option for _ArrayDisplay()) closed by Valik
Rejected: Press the ESC key to dismiss the dialog. Closing as rejected.
15:41 Ticket #394 (Strange TreeView behaviour, 2 different problems.) closed by Valik
No Bug: There is a lot wrong with that code. You need support, not reporting a bug. Some things I see wrong off-hand: * You don't use any of the information given to you by the message which gives you useful information about the item being clicked. * You're comparing numeric values as strings. Why? Your code really doesn't make sense there. * You don't return a value when you handle the click yourself. So you handle the click, then you let AutoIt handle the click, too. Your code is a long way from being correctly written. Post on the forum to get support and get your code written correctly. Closing this as no bug because it's too hard to tell if the problem is you or AutoIt.
09:27 Ticket #394 (Strange TreeView behaviour, 2 different problems.) created by Wooltown
In the treeview, the first time the WM Notify event is fired off, the …
02:41 Ticket #393 (SoundSetWaveVolume() doesn't do anything.) created by monoceres
SoundSetWaveVolume() doesn't seem to do anything on vista, nor does it …


20:51 Ticket #392 (Tidy Region Nesting) created by LongBowNZ
[…] The above changes to below when tidy is used […] More Info: …
15:53 Ticket #391 (TreeView to just accept select in the checkboxes) closed by Valik
Rejected: In a word. Yes. But not by anything built-in (or UDF). You would need to use GUIRegisterMsg() to trap the click event for the TreeView, then check the coordinates and only allowed the AutoIt internal event to proceed when those coordinates are within the rectangle specifying the checkbox. Closing as rejected as this isn't going to happen on our end. Ask on the forum and I'm sure you can get help should you need any.
08:01 Ticket #391 (TreeView to just accept select in the checkboxes) created by Wooltown
I want a feature in treeview, just accepting that you click in the …


18:36 Ticket #233 (Inetget + "automatically detect proxy settings" = HUGE RAM usage) reopened by Valik
Re-opening to make sure Jon sees this.
16:23 Ticket #376 (GUICtrlSetBkColor() causes button to catch enter key) reopened by Valik
11:23 Ticket #376 (GUICtrlSetBkColor() causes button to catch enter key) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
10:47 Ticket #390 (Bugfix in visa.au3) created by jdoering@…
In the visa.au3 not only the DLLCall for viQueryf needs the int:cdecl …
06:25 Ticket #389 (ProcessExists or ProcessWaitClose) closed by Valik
No Bug: What a dumb ticket. The code is doing exactly what you told it to, so no bug there. As for the suggestion to "fix" the "problem" (only you have)? Totally stupid. You're suggesting the user's email client be forcibly terminated. Does that really sound like a good idea to you? If it does, implement that logic into your script, don't suggest such poor logic be implemented in the standard UDF. Closing as no bug and again wishing I had a "this is a dumb ticket" resolution.
06:02 Ticket #389 (ProcessExists or ProcessWaitClose) created by anixon
The following process fails to stop script execution when Outlook has …
02:30 Ticket #388 (_GUICtrlToolbar_SetButtonSize example in helpfile incorrect) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
02:02 Ticket #388 (_GUICtrlToolbar_SetButtonSize example in helpfile incorrect) created by volly
Example for _GUICtrlToolbar_SetButtonSize does not show command being …


21:30 Ticket #387 (Change DllCallbackFree() to check handle validation or erase it) created by MsCreatoR <mscreator@…>
From the help file: […] First of all, i think none of built-in …
21:11 Ticket #386 (Notification about "Announcements and Site News" on Italian) created by MsCreatoR <mscreator@…>
* This is a "forum related" bug. I recieving the notification of …
20:55 Ticket #364 (Error at runtime caused by obfuscator) closed by Jos
No Bug: Received the test files and they all worked fine for me on WinXP sp2 & 3.
19:33 Ticket #385 (Option for _ArrayDisplay()) created by sulfurious
I have seen a few versions of _ArrayDisplay(). It seems as the …
19:32 Ticket #384 (More extensive testing of RunAs()) created by Valik
Adding as an issue that I need to do some more extensive testing with …
17:50 Ticket #383 (Include A3X file as a script) created by anonymous
I would like to see a way to include compiled scripts in my scripts. …
17:22 Ticket #382 (Gui constants in Help file) created by cramaboule
Hello all AU3 team ! As you changed the guicontants.au3, it would be …
08:18 Ticket #381 (DirCreate, Trailing BackSlach.) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed in version:
07:18 Ticket #381 (DirCreate, Trailing BackSlach.) reopened by Jpm
07:13 Ticket #381 (DirCreate, Trailing BackSlach.) closed by Jpm
No Bug


20:55 Milestone completed
20:08 Ticket #381 (DirCreate, Trailing BackSlach.) created by M.v.Gulik
09:30 Ticket #379 (Tray OnEvents ignored) closed by Jpm
No Bug
03:41 Ticket #352 (v3.2.12.0 + RegRead (REG_MULTI_SZ)) closed by Valik
Works For Me: Your report is confusing. Here's what I can say. If you really do mean "key", then yes, a limit of 255 is correct. Each key name can only be 255 characters. The full path can be longer than 255 characters but any one individual key name can only be 255 characters. This does not appear to be a bug, although I can't find mention in a quick scan of MSDN. If you mean the size of the data a value can hold, then it's definitely not limited at 255. Since you mention REG_MULTI_SZ, you may be experiencing an issue with an improperly formatted data. This would not be an AutoIt bug, either. Without a proper script to reproduce the issue and without clarification of the terminology which is rather critical, there's nothing to do but close this as works for me. I tried a few things and could not reproduce what you describe.


18:05 Ticket #380 (@OSVersion return WIN_2003 on Windows XP x64 MUI) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:42 Ticket #372 (Parent GUI of -1 causes dramatic problems) closed by Jon
No Bug: It's not documented that -1 is OK here, so I'm ok with it and don't think it needs a check. Closing as no bug.
17:37 Ticket #337 (TraySetIcon causes read only error) closed by Jon
Works For Me: We've not been able to reproduce this. We suspect it may be an AV related problem.
14:04 Ticket #380 (@OSVersion return WIN_2003 on Windows XP x64 MUI) created by anonymous
The Macro @OSVersion returns a wrong value on Windows XP x64 MUI. It …
02:14 Ticket #368 (Success of _ArrayToClip is now -1 (used to be 1 and as still documented)) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
00:16 Ticket #375 (GUICtrlSetState($GUI_DISABLED) delayed in Vista) closed by Valik
No Bug: This is not a bug. If you notice, the controls fade out in a sort of animation. This takes time, obviously. This fading is likely done via WM_TIMER (Speculation, I didn't check). Well, the SAPI object is blocking whatever is performing the animation. If it is indeed a WM_TIMER message doing the fading, then the SAPI object would prevent AutoIt from processing it's message queue, which means those WM_TIMER events would be backed up until AutoIt gets a chance to process them again. There are 2 solutions. Find which of Vista's appearance settings affects control animations. I turned all of them off and I do not get the problem any longer. Turning them all off isn't necessary, there's a various obviously named preference but I did not confirm if it was the culprit. The second, more reasonable solution is to simply insert a minor sleep statement. I wouldn't think you'd need over 250ms and could probably get away with less. You have to let the animation complete before starting the SAPI call as it's obviously blocking the animation from completing. Closing as no bug.


23:16 Ticket #370 (RunAs() and I/O redirection does not work on Windows 2000) closed by Valik
No Bug: Complicated series of events leads to the end result that this wasn't a bug after all.
23:15 Ticket #373 (GUI - Moving Mouse Across Edit or Input) closed by Valik
No Bug
21:35 Ticket #344 (RunAs + StdxxxRead doesn't work as expected on XP SP1 and XP RTM) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: This is a bug in Windows. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/818858 for details and a hotfix. Closing as wont fix since I can't fix this in AutoIt.
19:48 Ticket #378 (_GUICtrlTreeView_Expand doesn't work on non topmost item) closed by Gary
No Bug
18:32 Ticket #379 (Tray OnEvents ignored) created by corz
In the following proof of concept, fire the DoRun() function via the …
15:22 Ticket #377 (F1 act same as F5 in Scite when Help is running) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: This is a known limitation with SciTE. There's nothing we can do to fix it, the SciTE we distribute is virtually identical to the official version of SciTE. Until it's fixed in the official version of SciTE, any AutoIt-specific derivatives will exhibit the same behavior. There's also little sense in bothering SciTE's maintainer with this, he's aware.
14:11 Ticket #378 (_GUICtrlTreeView_Expand doesn't work on non topmost item) created by Wooltown
If I make a _GUICtrlTreeView_Expand on a non topmost item, it doesn't …
13:15 Ticket #377 (F1 act same as F5 in Scite when Help is running) created by sandin@…
If my script in scite is already in test mode (F5), and I press F1 for …


18:10 Ticket #374 (Pb with new RUNAS()) closed by Valik
Rejected: First of all, no you couldn't. RunAsSet() simply did not work like that. If you think otherwise, then lay off whatever mind altering substance you're on. Second, does this look like the support forum to you? Closing as rejected and contemplating adding a "damn this is a stupid ticket" resolution for crap like this.
16:32 Ticket #376 (GUICtrlSetBkColor() causes button to catch enter key) created by amokoura
By using GUICtrlSetBkColor() on a button causes it to catch enter key. …
12:59 Ticket #375 (GUICtrlSetState($GUI_DISABLED) delayed in Vista) created by MikeOsdx
GUICtrlSetState() does not seem to take effect imediately when being …
10:12 Milestone completed
09:13 Ticket #374 (Pb with new RUNAS()) created by cbarthelemy@…
Hello I have a problem with the new function "RUNAS". Before I could …


21:59 Ticket #373 (GUI - Moving Mouse Across Edit or Input) created by Larry
Moving the mouse across an edit or input field causes an awful …
21:15 Ticket #371 (_GDIPlus_Startup() returns wrong boolean value) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
21:06 Ticket #372 (Parent GUI of -1 causes dramatic problems) created by MeJonah@…
$gui = guicreate("TEST", 100, 100, default, default, default, default, …
20:45 Ticket #371 (_GDIPlus_Startup() returns wrong boolean value) created by wraithdu
The GdiplusStartup() function returns 0 on success, so the last line …
19:57 Milestone completed
18:44 Ticket #340 (Marquee progress bar) closed by Valik
Rejected: In all honesty, the ProgressSet stuff should be removed from AutoIt as native functions and replaced as a set of UDF's. It's a terribly simple thing to do yourself and for that reason this is being closed as rejected.
18:42 Ticket #367 (StdOutRead Error in compiled program) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:33 Ticket #311 (GUICtrlCreateHotKey - as new native AutoIt control) closed by Valik
Rejected: This is a niche control. If there are already UDF's for this (which I see there are), then that's the best place for it. Maybe as some UDF's it can get added, but not native.
18:31 Ticket #270 (Obfuscate /striponly functionality --> as default behaviour of Aut2Exe) closed by Valik
Rejected: You already have a working solution. As nice as this would be it's a can of worms that once opened will require a massive amount of work to do all that should be done. Closing as rejected.
18:29 Ticket #267 (SendMessage/PostMessage as native AutoIt function) closed by Valik
Rejected: There's no real point to this.
18:27 Ticket #335 (Sample Code, Help File, covering ToolTip( )) closed by Valik
Rejected: No further input and I do not see what's wrong with the current documentation so closing.
18:26 Ticket #342 (Syntax Check after Build/Compile) closed by Valik
Rejected: Seems this can be closed.
18:23 Ticket #370 (RunAs() and I/O redirection does not work on Windows 2000) created by Valik
Reminder for myself that RunAs() with STDIO redirection will fail on …
18:20 Ticket #369 (RunAsWait and RunAs) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Sigh. Not a bug in AutoIt, we still fixed it anyway since user's are idiots. Couldn't you have bothered checking the tracker first? See #309 which doesn't mention the fix but the changelog for the next version will. Closing as duplicate.
18:09 Ticket #369 (RunAsWait and RunAs) created by anonymous
When launching a program using Runaswait and giving a flag value but …
17:58 Ticket #360 (RunAs() function not working on Windows 2000) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
16:51 Ticket #365 (Forum for standard UDF candidates) closed by Valik
Rejected: The easier it is for every moron on the planet to contribute, the more crap we have to reject or the more crap we pointlessly distribute. The current system is fine. Remember, the mentality "every UDF is good" is a bad one to have. Only really hard things that take a lot of work and are written by talented people should be considered. Those things have a habit of attracting their own attention. Closing as rejected.
12:15 Ticket #368 (Success of _ArrayToClip is now -1 (used to be 1 and as still documented)) created by John.Rainbow@…
The "Success" return of function _ArrayToClip is now -1 (older …
08:31 Ticket #366 (Weird crashing bug) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
07:43 Ticket #314 (FileCreateShortcut cannot create for non-existing Universal Naming Path) closed by Jon
No Bug: Actually no. It's allowed to create shortcuts to non-exist unc paths (pre-creating future shortcuts). You need to do a manual FileExists() check prior to calling if you need to be sure the location exists.
07:42 Ticket #314 (FileCreateShortcut cannot create for non-existing Universal Naming Path) reopened by Jon
07:32 Ticket #314 (FileCreateShortcut cannot create for non-existing Universal Naming Path) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed in version:


20:44 Ticket #310 (visual Autoit studio) closed by Jon
Rejected: It would be too large, and we already ship with a "lite" version that handles the basics.
20:42 Ticket #329 (#RequireAdmin) closed by Jon
Works For Me
19:10 Ticket #367 (StdOutRead Error in compiled program) created by anonymous
Hallo, StdOutRead produces an error in the compiled program: …
17:28 Ticket #366 (Weird crashing bug) created by anonymous
This line of code, anywhere within a script, whether it is ever …
16:40 Ticket #357 (@AutoItUnicode - obsolete) closed by Jpm
Completed: Removed in version:
11:10 Ticket #355 (Child dialogs not visible) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
10:15 Ticket #347 (Add _WinAPI_SetFilePointer) closed by Gary
Rejected: Write one up and submit for addition to the Standard UDFs.
09:23 Ticket #365 (Forum for standard UDF candidates) created by Wooltown
It would be nice if there could be a section in the forum, where the …


22:53 Ticket #362 (_GUICtrlListView_InsertItem() - doc typo) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
20:58 Ticket #356 (ConsoleWrite not working on Vista.) closed by Jon
No Bug
17:52 Ticket #233 (Inetget + "automatically detect proxy settings" = HUGE RAM usage) closed by Jon
Works For Me: Unable to repro and no new info.
17:50 Ticket #334 (Sqlite UDF and Vista64) closed by Jon
Wont Fix: Not something we have control over.
17:01 Ticket #364 (Error at runtime caused by obfuscator) created by madflame991
After I compile this I get "Line -1: Error: Array variable subscript …
16:42 Ticket #363 (UDF Func Declaration & #CS #CE Comment) closed by Valik
No Bug: First of all, this is an Au3Check issue, which you fail to mention. AutoIt works just fine. However, I'm surprised AutoIt works (not really, I know how the code works). But anyway, your #cs and #ce statements are invalid. You have: […] You need a space between #cs and the dashes. This makes Au3Check happy, and is the correct thing to do anyway. No bug.
16:14 Ticket #363 (UDF Func Declaration & #CS #CE Comment) created by goldenix
Try Running This, You will see, that its Not Skipping the #Cs Comments …
14:03 Ticket #362 (_GUICtrlListView_InsertItem() - doc typo) created by Zedna
Parameters $sText Item text. If set to -1, the item set is set …
12:20 Ticket #283 (Duplicated Windows Messages) closed by Jon
No Bug: Not enough info.
12:17 Ticket #359 (Autoit Info Window) closed by Jon
Works For Me: Not enough information to reproduce.
12:16 Ticket #358 (Install Directory Structure --> no ANSI versions) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed in version:
11:00 Ticket #361 (_GUICtrlListView_InsertItem() - bad order of parametres) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
09:21 Ticket #361 (_GUICtrlListView_InsertItem() - bad order of parametres) created by Zedna
_GUICtrlListView_InsertItem() - in yellow section order of …
09:05 Ticket #360 (RunAs() function not working on Windows 2000) created by CleM71
Hi, I try to use the RunAs() and RunAsWait() functions on Windows …


23:34 Ticket #359 (Autoit Info Window) created by anonymous
There is some type of bug with the info window. It keeps freezing up …
23:33 Ticket #358 (Install Directory Structure --> no ANSI versions) created by Zedna
Install Directory Structure section is not updated. From AutoIt 3.2.13 …
23:21 Ticket #357 (@AutoItUnicode - obsolete) created by Zedna
@AutoItUnicode Returns 1 if running using the Unicode version of …
18:18 Ticket #356 (ConsoleWrite not working on Vista.) created by Tlem
Perhaps I made something wrong, but on Vista this code doesn't work : …
05:46 Ticket #355 (Child dialogs not visible) created by Ultima
[…] Expected behavior: The child dialog should be displayed …


15:38 Milestone completed


20:13 Ticket #354 (Transparency with images) created by anonymous
Transparency with autoit is different on computers based on that …
18:15 Ticket #353 (Aut2exe adding weird blank icons to compiled apps) closed by Valik
No Bug: It is in fact an intentional change. However, no matter what, it is not a bug. AutoIt does not officially support modifying resources. You are using 2nd- and 3rd-party tools to add your own icons. It is not our responsibility to fix this because we did not break anything we officially support. If you choose to add resources to your compiled scripts, then the onus is on you to maintain your script to correctly reference them.
17:21 Ticket #353 (Aut2exe adding weird blank icons to compiled apps) created by corz
I have recently upgraded my AutoIt installation (from to …
15:43 Ticket #352 (v3.2.12.0 + RegRead (REG_MULTI_SZ)) created by Stéphane
if you try to read a REG_MULTI_SZ realy big key > 255 chars, RegRead …
11:57 Ticket #351 (Reverse PixelSearch) created by dennis@…
Searching in other directions then left -> right and top -> bottom. …
09:52 Ticket #350 (FileInstall fails when user login name is non-English chars) created by ehaerim@…
$execdir = "C:\HelpDesk\" FileInstall("winvnc.exe", $execdir, 1) …
01:15 Ticket #349 (guiconstants.au3) closed by Gary
Rejected: No sense in discussing it, it's already changed as well as the examples.
01:03 Ticket #349 (guiconstants.au3) created by jennico
i would like to continue the discussion about the gui constants. i …


23:20 Ticket #348 (Compiler complains that $STDERR_MERGED is undefined global variable) closed by Valik
No Bug
23:05 Ticket #348 (Compiler complains that $STDERR_MERGED is undefined global variable) created by david@…
The helps for Run indicate a new standard_i/o_flag option described …
22:11 Ticket #347 (Add _WinAPI_SetFilePointer) created by anonymous
_WinAPI file-handling functions are very useful, but would be enhanced …
14:30 Ticket #345 (@OSVersion Windows 2008) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:


23:43 Ticket #346 (Remove the FileOpenDialog/FileSaveDialog filter length limit) created by anonymous
There appears to be a 260-character limit for the filter string. If …
13:48 Ticket #345 (@OSVersion Windows 2008) created by PeteW
Hello, @OSVersion reports as WIN_VISTA under Windows 2008; help file …


17:06 Ticket #344 (RunAs + StdxxxRead doesn't work as expected on XP SP1 and XP RTM) created by DaveF
When running a script like this one: […] ...on Windows XP RTM and …
16:04 Ticket #343 (Window checks to return only visible windows (option)) closed by Valik
Rejected: Replying to amokoura: > Yes you could use WinGetState but it requires BitAnd(). You could create some kind of a helper function also. It just gets dirty in my opinion. If you find writing functions dirty, then stop using programming languages immediately. The proposed "WinVisible" is trivial to write using the tools we've already provided you with. It doesn't need to be built in. > I assume most of the window automation is done on visible windows and every time a window is hidden, it causes confusion, especially for new AutoItters. Thats why a setting for managing visible windows only would be useful. I think you're wrong here. Given that most of the ways of automating a window work just fine on hidden windows, there's no real need to have the window visible, only in existence. So the assumption most automation is done on visible windows is a very bad assumption. And lastly, asking for new things to be added to Opt() is a big no-no. It's mentioned as one of the things not to ask for. The penalty is death. Most definitely closing this as rejected.
09:33 Ticket #343 (Window checks to return only visible windows (option)) created by amokoura
Opt("WinCheckVisible") 0 = Check all windows (default) 1 = Check only …
06:45 Ticket #339 (GUICtrlDelete() crashes at special occasions.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
00:59 Ticket #342 (Syntax Check after Build/Compile) created by fherrero@…
I find it interesting to compile / build a script syntax check first, …


21:19 Ticket #341 (Extend TraySetIcon() undocumented keywords) created by Queue
Currently TraySetIcon() supports 5 (seemingly) undocumented internally …
19:38 Ticket #340 (Marquee progress bar) created by Túlio
Add the ability to use marquee progress bars on ProgressOn, and to set …
16:21 Ticket #339 (GUICtrlDelete() crashes at special occasions.) created by monoceres
Getting hard crash with this code: […] Seems to only occur on …
15:19 Ticket #291 (TCPRecv() example in help file incorrect) closed by Jpm
No Bug: no error under
15:12 Ticket #282 (Transparency issue with icon controls on tabs (revisited)) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
14:41 Ticket #338 (Run scripts with no need to save them) created by torels
I think it's a good idea to insert a "Run" voice in SciTe which runs …
07:55 Ticket #337 (TraySetIcon causes read only error) created by Queue
TraySetIcon causes read-only error when loading icon from read-only …


22:44 Ticket #336 (Add DirGetTime function) closed by Valik
Rejected: FileGetTime() works on directories. Closing as Rejected.
22:25 Ticket #336 (Add DirGetTime function) created by fherrero@…
I think a good idea add DirGetTime function. I need this and …
14:58 Ticket #335 (Sample Code, Help File, covering ToolTip( )) created by rthilo
Hello, I'd like to suggest to slightly modify the example code for …
14:38 Ticket #334 (Sqlite UDF and Vista64) created by Dschingis
The example from helpfile for _Sqlite_StartUp() works fine for 32bit …
07:16 Ticket #318 (GUICtrlSetTip problem on TreeViewItem) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:


14:36 Ticket #332 (Helpfile addition) closed by Gary
Completed: Added in version:
09:35 Ticket #333 (Directive for disabling /AutoItExecuteScript) created by Jon
Look at the possibility of adding a directive for disabling …
03:39 Ticket #332 (Helpfile addition) created by anonymous
You may like to put in the helpfile under the _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create …


20:04 Ticket #327 (SciTE/Tidy bug. False message: "endfunc" is closing previous "if") closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed in tidy v2.0.23.15 Jos
15:42 Ticket #331 (menuradioitem is not work?) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Closing as a Duplicate of #325. Ultima, don't link tickets explicitly. Just type #<ticketnumber> and Trac will automagically link it. There are a couple reasons for this. First, you have now hard-coded a link to that ticket into the system. If we ever change URL's for the issue tracker, that link becomes invalid. Second, I use the secure (https) version of the issue tracker but you've linked to the non-secured (http) version. Not a big deal really, but still. Lastly, the ticket isn't striked-out to show that it's closed since it's just a normal link.
14:12 Ticket #331 (menuradioitem is not work?) created by YGYL
menuradioitem is not work? […]
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