- 23:20 Ticket #348 (Compiler complains that $STDERR_MERGED is undefined global variable) closed by
- No Bug
- 23:05 Ticket #348 (Compiler complains that $STDERR_MERGED is undefined global variable) created by
- The helps for Run indicate a new standard_i/o_flag option described …
- 22:11 Ticket #347 (Add _WinAPI_SetFilePointer) created by
- _WinAPI file-handling functions are very useful, but would be enhanced …
- 14:30 Ticket #345 (@OSVersion Windows 2008) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 23:43 Ticket #346 (Remove the FileOpenDialog/FileSaveDialog filter length limit) created by
- There appears to be a 260-character limit for the filter string. If …
- 13:48 Ticket #345 (@OSVersion Windows 2008) created by
- Hello, @OSVersion reports as WIN_VISTA under Windows 2008; help file …
- 17:06 Ticket #344 (RunAs + StdxxxRead doesn't work as expected on XP SP1 and XP RTM) created by
- When running a script like this one: […] ...on Windows XP RTM and …
- 16:04 Ticket #343 (Window checks to return only visible windows (option)) closed by
- Rejected: Replying to amokoura: > Yes you could use WinGetState but it requires BitAnd(). You could create some kind of a helper function also. It just gets dirty in my opinion. If you find writing functions dirty, then stop using programming languages immediately. The proposed "WinVisible" is trivial to write using the tools we've already provided you with. It doesn't need to be built in. > I assume most of the window automation is done on visible windows and every time a window is hidden, it causes confusion, especially for new AutoItters. Thats why a setting for managing visible windows only would be useful. I think you're wrong here. Given that most of the ways of automating a window work just fine on hidden windows, there's no real need to have the window visible, only in existence. So the assumption most automation is done on visible windows is a very bad assumption. And lastly, asking for new things to be added to Opt() is a big no-no. It's mentioned as one of the things not to ask for. The penalty is death. Most definitely closing this as rejected.
- 09:33 Ticket #343 (Window checks to return only visible windows (option)) created by
- Opt("WinCheckVisible") 0 = Check all windows (default) 1 = Check only …
- 06:45 Ticket #339 (GUICtrlDelete() crashes at special occasions.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 00:59 Ticket #342 (Syntax Check after Build/Compile) created by
- I find it interesting to compile / build a script syntax check first, …
- 21:19 Ticket #341 (Extend TraySetIcon() undocumented keywords) created by
- Currently TraySetIcon() supports 5 (seemingly) undocumented internally …
- 19:38 Ticket #340 (Marquee progress bar) created by
- Add the ability to use marquee progress bars on ProgressOn, and to set …
- 16:21 Ticket #339 (GUICtrlDelete() crashes at special occasions.) created by
- Getting hard crash with this code: […] Seems to only occur on …
- 15:19 Ticket #291 (TCPRecv() example in help file incorrect) closed by
- No Bug: no error under
- 15:12 Ticket #282 (Transparency issue with icon controls on tabs (revisited)) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 14:41 Ticket #338 (Run scripts with no need to save them) created by
- I think it's a good idea to insert a "Run" voice in SciTe which runs …
- 07:55 Ticket #337 (TraySetIcon causes read only error) created by
- TraySetIcon causes read-only error when loading icon from read-only …
- 22:44 Ticket #336 (Add DirGetTime function) closed by
- Rejected: FileGetTime() works on directories. Closing as Rejected.
- 22:25 Ticket #336 (Add DirGetTime function) created by
- I think a good idea add DirGetTime function. I need this and …
- 14:58 Ticket #335 (Sample Code, Help File, covering ToolTip( )) created by
- Hello, I'd like to suggest to slightly modify the example code for …
- 14:38 Ticket #334 (Sqlite UDF and Vista64) created by
- The example from helpfile for _Sqlite_StartUp() works fine for 32bit …
- 07:16 Ticket #318 (GUICtrlSetTip problem on TreeViewItem) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 14:36 Ticket #332 (Helpfile addition) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 09:35 Ticket #333 (Directive for disabling /AutoItExecuteScript) created by
- Look at the possibility of adding a directive for disabling …
- 03:39 Ticket #332 (Helpfile addition) created by
- You may like to put in the helpfile under the _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create …
- 20:04 Ticket #327 (SciTE/Tidy bug. False message: "endfunc" is closing previous "if") closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in tidy v2.0.23.15 Jos
- 15:42 Ticket #331 (menuradioitem is not work?) closed by
- Duplicate: Closing as a Duplicate of #325. Ultima, don't link tickets explicitly. Just type #<ticketnumber> and Trac will automagically link it. There are a couple reasons for this. First, you have now hard-coded a link to that ticket into the system. If we ever change URL's for the issue tracker, that link becomes invalid. Second, I use the secure (https) version of the issue tracker but you've linked to the non-secured (http) version. Not a big deal really, but still. Lastly, the ticket isn't striked-out to show that it's closed since it's just a normal link.
- 14:12 Ticket #331 (menuradioitem is not work?) created by
- menuradioitem is not work? […]
- 14:22 Ticket #305 (GuiCtrlCreateCombo and GUICtrlSetFont causing highlight) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 13:45 Ticket #325 (Radio menu items not firing events) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 06:22 Ticket #330 (ControlSend Bug?) closed by
- No Bug: That's not the place to ask support go to forum please
- 06:07 Ticket #324 (DllCall - related) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 06:01 Ticket #323 (DllStructCreate - related) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 05:30 Ticket #330 (ControlSend Bug?) created by
- Hi, I am a new user of AutoIt and is having some problem. I am not …
- 01:29 Ticket #329 (#RequireAdmin) created by
- #RequireAdmin RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Test", "TestKey", "REG_SZ", …
- 01:08 Ticket #328 (Faster string manipulation with use of ASCII decimal values.) created by
- StringSplitASCII("String") or StringToASCII("String") Return an array …
- 20:17 Ticket #326 (Autoit with Windows Mobile) closed by
- Rejected
- 17:29 Ticket #327 (SciTE/Tidy bug. False message: "endfunc" is closing previous "if") created by
- There is a Tidy bug in _ITE function: Error -> "endfunc" is closing …
- 17:15 Ticket #326 (Autoit with Windows Mobile) created by
- Hello, Is it possible that you can write applications with Autoit for …
- 07:10 Ticket #325 (Radio menu items not firing events) created by
- Exactly as the title implies, radio menu items do not fire events. It …
- 23:20 Ticket #324 (DllCall - related) created by
- In related section is missing link to "DllStructCreate" which is …
- 23:18 Ticket #323 (DllStructCreate - related) created by
- In related section is link to itself "DllStructCreate"
- 21:34 Ticket #322 (SciTE wrong highlighting when using nested #CS/#CE) created by
- […] This code work perfect and there is no beep at all. But... in …
- 00:13 Ticket #321 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_GetText() --> truncation on Unicode) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 21:04 Ticket #321 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_GetText() --> truncation on Unicode) created by
- _GUIStatusBar.au3 --> _GUICtrlStatusBar_GetText() siao has found this …
- 16:00 Ticket #319 (BitOR gives error) closed by
- No Bug: Please save yourself, and us, a lot of time and read the changelog so you actually know what changed when you update so you don't create stupid bug reports like this.
- 13:27 Ticket #320 (_WinNet_EnumResource Bug. + Fix.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 11:53 Ticket #320 (_WinNet_EnumResource Bug. + Fix.) created by
- When try using the function _WinNet_EnumResource, error 487 is …
- 10:38 Ticket #319 (BitOR gives error) created by
- GUICreate("Test", 400, 610, -1, -1, …
- 09:29 Ticket #318 (GUICtrlSetTip problem on TreeViewItem) created by
- I try to make a tooltip on an GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem, it gives code …
- 07:00 Ticket #316 (_Singleton sample invalid) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 05:42 Ticket #317 (ShellExecute/ShellExecuteRun verb-keyword "run" missing in helpfile.) closed by
- No Bug: There's no reason to mention it. It's nothing interesting or special. There are also better ways of re-running the same script than this. Closing as no bug.
- 04:24 Ticket #317 (ShellExecute/ShellExecuteRun verb-keyword "run" missing in helpfile.) created by
- When running this script in SciTE (F5), it works OK. When omiting the …
- 03:27 Ticket #316 (_Singleton sample invalid) created by
- Using version of AutoIt, the _Singleton sample is invalid. …
- 16:48 Ticket #306 (Wrong Error message when a variable is not an array) closed by
- No Bug
- 16:46 Ticket #297 (Scite doc outdated) closed by
- Fixed: Ok, understand now. As said the "*" lines shouldn't be there so they since they where used for debugging and forgotten to REM out. I did change the input file to lowercase at some point but don;t remember why I did that so will test for a while without doing that en when it works made that change for the next released version of Tidy.
- 08:32 Ticket #312 (Cannot create dynamic arrays $foo[$bar]) closed by
- No Bug: $countspecies is certainly <=0
- 08:28 Ticket #313 (DirMove on same volume) closed by
- No Bug: I don't know why this functions was implemented as such but there is no error as the doc say […]
- 05:37 Ticket #309 (runas() from a network path) closed by
- Fixed
- 05:37 Ticket #309 (runas() from a network path) reopened by
- 05:35 Ticket #309 (runas() from a network path) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 22:03 Ticket #315 (GUICtrlSetOnEvent() doesn't work if there are too many controls on one form) closed by
- No Bug: This is not a bug. Your label is too wide and it obscures the button. Clicks do not get through to the button. The simple answer is, don't overlap controls. Closing as no bug.
- 21:27 Ticket #315 (GUICtrlSetOnEvent() doesn't work if there are too many controls on one form) created by
- If the button isn't created & linked before other controls are, it …
- 20:20 Ticket #314 (FileCreateShortcut cannot create for non-existing Universal Naming Path) created by
- […] hangs, or creates a disfunctional result …
- 17:19 Ticket #313 (DirMove on same volume) created by
- […] […] Should be: […] Is: […] If Dirtest1 and …
- 05:38 Ticket #312 (Cannot create dynamic arrays $foo[$bar]) created by
- Since latest revision creating an array depending on another variable …
- 02:52 Ticket #311 (GUICtrlCreateHotKey - as new native AutoIt control) created by
- Here is link to MSDN: …
- 12:21 Ticket #310 (visual Autoit studio) created by
- A install package with Autoit and Scite4Autoit, would be a good step I …
- 08:02 Ticket #307 (Add a link to Trac) closed by
- Completed: Changed the logo link to go to the forum.
- 04:35 Ticket #309 (runas() from a network path) created by
- I have written a script that will elevate an uninstall process to …
- 21:49 Ticket #308 (Controls embedded in statusbar lose theire position if GUI is ...) closed by
- No Bug: Being the statusbar is not built-in and the controls embedded are you'll have to make sure the statusbar gets updated when the gui re-paints. For example: […]
- 17:33 Ticket #308 (Controls embedded in statusbar lose theire position if GUI is ...) created by
- GuiStatusBar UDF Bug OS WinXP SP2 AutoIt Progress bars and …
- 21:08 Ticket #307 (Add a link to Trac) created by
- Is it difficult to add a link from Trac back to the main forum? That …
- 21:04 Ticket #306 (Wrong Error message when a variable is not an array) created by
- This used to return a message about the variable not being an array. …
- 17:19 Ticket #305 (GuiCtrlCreateCombo and GUICtrlSetFont causing highlight) created by
- Although there is a workaround, this should be fixed at the source. …
- 16:47 Ticket #304 (subtract of @MIN results in negative value) closed by
- No Bug: Weaponx covered it, closing as no bug.
- 10:39 Ticket #303 (Clock.au3 sample needs fixing) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 10:38 Ticket #304 (subtract of @MIN results in negative value) created by
- Whenever I subtract a number of @MIN (or the other date/time macros), …
- 07:54 Ticket #303 (Clock.au3 sample needs fixing) created by
- C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Examples\GUI\Advanced\Clock.au3 is currently …
- 15:50 Ticket #271 (FTP - make it as standard include file (or native AutoIt)) reopened by
- Let's leave this one open. I've used the functions myself and would be nice to document/include if we (or the author/anyone else) ever got the time.
- 14:17 Ticket #271 (FTP - make it as standard include file (or native AutoIt)) closed by
- Rejected: If the author wishes this to be a part of the UDFs or if the author can not be contacted to have it added, would still need a proper submission of examples and include file.
- 14:14 Ticket #272 (_FileListArrayEx() - with recursive option) closed by
- Rejected: As I stated in the thread if he wishes it to be a part of the UDFs it's up to him to submit it properly.
- 14:07 Ticket #275 (Addition of _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPolygon() to GDIPlus.au3) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 11:01 Ticket #294 (Fix for _FileFreadToArray()) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 10:16 Ticket #258 (bugfix: hard crash when using _ClipBoard_GetData, (from the Clipboard UDF)) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 01:08 Ticket #240 (Add as Snippet) closed by
- Works For Me: I expect it to error in Win9x. I can't duplicate the problem on WinXP Pro SP2 or SP3.
- 00:50 Ticket #290 (_WinAPI_FloatToInt() --> obsolete in GDIPlus.au3) closed by
- Completed: Changed in version:
- 00:05 Ticket #292 (_EventLog__Clear()) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 22:23 Ticket #302 (to, Valik 2) closed by
- No Bug
- 22:19 Ticket #302 (to, Valik 2) created by
- "This issue tracker is no a personal messaging system. Stop wasting …
- 22:03 Ticket #301 (to, Valik) closed by
- No Bug: This issue tracker is no a personal messaging system. Stop wasting our time.
- 21:56 Ticket #301 (to, Valik) created by
- please don't steal my message to jon. I want to talk to jon, not child …
- 21:28 Ticket #299 (_GUICtrlTab_SetItemText text display problem) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 21:12 Ticket #300 (to jon, "using CLASS and TEXT together...") closed by
- No Bug: What the hell are you on about? See the Advanced (Class) line you circled a few things in? That's what you need to be using. Why do you want to specify the text *and* the instance? The properties are "AND" properties. Your code says "I want the 10th button and it's text should be &Move". What you want to say is "I want the 10th button" or "I want the first button with the text &Move". But that's not what your code says. This is not a bug. You're being a retard even after having it explained to you. And now you're being insulting to Jon by saying something that makes sense lacks sense just because you don't have the sense to understand how it works. Closing.
- 20:39 Ticket #300 (to jon, "using CLASS and TEXT together...") created by
- 1. [[Image(...)]] …
- 18:34 Ticket #299 (_GUICtrlTab_SetItemText text display problem) created by
- With the latest release the _GUICtrlTab_SetItemText function no longer …
- 18:08 Ticket #298 (Active Directory & Groups) closed by
- Rejected: Replying to umoshe0@gmail.com: > Hello, > > First let me tell you that you have an awsome program. > i have few major requests: > > 1. interface for mysql and ms sql > 2. active directory functions > 3. "in group" like functions similr to kix You can do all of this with COM. > please hurry up with this Get lost. We are not here to serve you. Ticket closed as rejected.
- 11:07 Ticket #293 (using CLASS and TEXT together...) closed by
- No Bug: I wrote the help. You want the FIRST instance of a "Button" class containing the text "&Move". OR the 10th instance of a "Button" class. Working as intended. No bug.
- 10:15 Ticket #298 (Active Directory & Groups) created by
- Hello, First let me tell you that you have an awsome program. i have …
- 09:29 Ticket #296 (Random(1, 1, 1)) closed by
- No Bug: Min cannot be equal to Max so @error is set to 1 indicating bad parameters
- 19:17 Ticket #297 (Scite doc outdated) created by
- Self Expanding Abbreviations Reference is outdated at some points. …
- 14:58 Ticket #286 (_GUICtrlReBar_AddBand() UDF: controls move off rebar bands after beta ...) closed by
- No Bug: The rebar is not part of the built-in functions so you'll have to make sure it refreshes. The built-in controls created are going to repaint at the location specified when created.
- 08:34 Ticket #285 (UDF Misc - _ChoosColor broken with Autoit closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:08 Ticket #296 (Random(1, 1, 1)) created by
- Random(1, 1, 1) generated each time 0 - zero
- 15:58 Ticket #295 (Test ticket) closed by
- No Bug: Testing done.
- 15:57 Ticket #295 (Test ticket) reopened by
- 15:57 Ticket #295 (Test ticket) closed by
- No Bug
- 15:47 Ticket #295 (Test ticket) created by
- This is a test ticket, ignore me.
- 03:32 Ticket #294 (Fix for _FileFreadToArray()) created by
- Fixes the situation where the file contains no @LF NOTE: This also …
- 03:31 Ticket #293 (using CLASS and TEXT together...) created by
- there was fix in this issue with v3.2.10.0. (Fixed: Control...() …
- 03:09 Ticket #292 (_EventLog__Clear()) created by
- my os: windows xp pro sp3 clear eventlog without backup is not …
- 22:33 Ticket #288 (GuiSetTitle) closed by
- Duplicate: Duplicated of #289.
- 22:33 Ticket #289 (GuiSetTitle) closed by
- Rejected: WeaponX is right, closing as Rejected.
- 22:32 Ticket #287 (Suggestion: Add an optional parameter "Referrer" to the Fuction "InetGet()") closed by
- Rejected: WeaponX hit this. Closing as Rejected.
- 18:08 Ticket #291 (TCPRecv() example in help file incorrect) created by
- Line: Local $aRet = …
- 14:11 Ticket #290 (_WinAPI_FloatToInt() --> obsolete in GDIPlus.au3) created by
- _WinAPI_FloatToInt() is declared in WinApi.au3 UDF and it's used in …
- 13:51 Ticket #289 (GuiSetTitle) created by
- Maybe I just missed it but I can't find something like GuiSetTitle. I …
- 13:47 Ticket #288 (GuiSetTitle) created by
- Maybe I just missed it but I can't find something like GuiSetTitle. I …
- 13:36 Ticket #287 (Suggestion: Add an optional parameter "Referrer" to the Fuction "InetGet()") created by
- Hello. I hope that I got the sense of the "referrer" information …
- 13:17 Ticket #286 (_GUICtrlReBar_AddBand() UDF: controls move off rebar bands after beta ...) created by
- Problem using _GUICtrlReBar_AddBand() with standard controls after …
- 11:57 Ticket #285 (UDF Misc - _ChoosColor broken with Autoit created by
- UDF: Misc Management - _ChooseColor gives errors with new Autoit …
- 09:13 Milestone completed
- 23:40 Ticket #284 (help file error) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 20:27 Ticket #284 (help file error) created by
- history.htm contains a link to a non-existant file <li>Added: <a …
- 09:47 Ticket #283 (Duplicated Windows Messages) created by
- All the windows messages (codes) in the help file are duplicated
- 02:12 Ticket #282 (Transparency issue with icon controls on tabs (revisited)) created by
- This is actually an issue with AutoIt v3.2.12.0 RC4. The problem I'm …
- 23:52 Ticket #281 (CLI and help) closed by
- Rejected: Replying to anonymous: > Request here for CLI (command line interface) What? If you could be any more ambiguous than this, I don't know how. > and need user32.dll and kernel.dll actions listed in help file Right. So you want us to double the size of the documentation to provide information for something that's not part of AutoIt. Something that already has it's own site dedicated to it, which I won't tell you so you can waste time finding it on your own since you made me waste time with this poorly done ticket. Obviously, closed as Rejected. If you're going to make tickets put some effort into it.
- 22:49 Ticket #281 (CLI and help) created by
- Request here for CLI (command line interface) and need user32.dll …
- 16:55 Ticket #250 (@CurrentScript) closed by
- Rejected
- 16:55 Ticket #250 (@CurrentScript) reopened by
- Re-opening to fix JP's mistake. This is still Rejected. JP just accidentally triggered the script which automatically sets the fields he set.
- 16:52 Ticket #280 (built-in scite lite is not showing autocomplete-tooltip for variables) closed by
- No Bug: It's called SciTE-Lite for a reason. It's missing many features and has different behavior than normal SciTE because it has none of the Lua scripts that provide the functionality. Not a bug.
- 10:24 Ticket #259 (_ArraySort UDF not returning 1 on succes,) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 10:20 Ticket #260 (_ArrayToString, Return Value, Success: 1) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 10:11 Ticket #280 (built-in scite lite is not showing autocomplete-tooltip for variables) created by
- if i want to write a variable, that is already designed, there is no …
- 23:18 Ticket #279 (AddressOfVar($VariableName), SizeOfVar($VariableName)) closed by
- Rejected: Oops, habit of hitting "No Bug". Meant to Reject.
- 23:18 Ticket #279 (AddressOfVar($VariableName), SizeOfVar($VariableName)) reopened by
- 23:17 Ticket #279 (AddressOfVar($VariableName), SizeOfVar($VariableName)) closed by
- No Bug: AutoIt doesn't need typecast tricks. Besides, on the rare occasion that you do need to cast something, there are functions like Int() and the like to do that. Further, this will never work, AutoIt's types aren't simple. This isn't like overlaying a double onto an int64 to work with the raw bits. The Variant class in AutoIt is highly complex.
- 23:05 Ticket #279 (AddressOfVar($VariableName), SizeOfVar($VariableName)) created by
- These new functiona will return memory Address/Size Of given AutoIt's …
- 22:27 Ticket #278 (Au3Check reporting syntax errors on dictionary object.) closed by
- No Bug: This script (or similar) would have been better. Yours contains loads of pointless crap and misses something rather obvious. You're making the assumption that just because operator += doesn't throw an AutoIt error, that it works. It does not in work so Au3Check flagging it as an error is actually an improvement over AutoIt's behavior. Now, whether AutoIt should or should not actually support the behavior is another issue entirely. […] Closing this as NO BUG as there isn't really a bug here unless it's in AutoIt not throwing an error for the syntax Au3Check knows is invalid.
- 17:43 Ticket #278 (Au3Check reporting syntax errors on dictionary object.) created by
- It reported this as a syntax error, but the code seems to be working …
- 16:09 Ticket #276 ($GUI_DISABLE on a control blocks OnEvent ESC button msg) closed by
- No Bug: This is not our responsibility. If you are disabling a control, it is up to you to ensure that focus goes somewhere sensible. We can not choose sensible for you. This is NO BUG and should not be changed.
- 14:58 Ticket #274 (AutoIt V2 Website) closed by
- Fixed: Removed AutoIt v2 website and redirected all links to v3 pages.
- 13:58 Ticket #277 (@ProcessorArch) created by
- I think @ProcessorArch is badly named as it gives the OS architecture …
- 09:38 Ticket #276 ($GUI_DISABLE on a control blocks OnEvent ESC button msg) created by
- Run the code below, Hit the ESC key and it works as it should. Run the …
- 03:20 Ticket #275 (Addition of _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPolygon() to GDIPlus.au3) created by
- […] Example attached
- 22:30 Ticket #274 (AutoIt V2 Website) created by
- Is it still supported since you made the V2 forum and Archive (AutoIt2 …
- 19:46 Ticket #257 (Memory allocation error when lots of ram still available.) closed by
- Wont Fix
- 16:19 Ticket #273 (Hard-error on executing this) closed by
- No Bug: I agree with JP. You write stupid code, we can't protect you from that. This is definitely No Bug.
- 09:11 Ticket #273 (Hard-error on executing this) created by
- code: $hardwarestatus=DllStructCreate("ubyte",0xFFBC015F) …
- 23:00 Ticket #272 (_FileListArrayEx() - with recursive option) created by
- Make it as standard UDF because it's very common functionality …
- 22:58 Ticket #271 (FTP - make it as standard include file (or native AutoIt)) created by
- bacause it's very common functionality …
- 22:54 Ticket #270 (Obfuscate /striponly functionality --> as default behaviour of Aut2Exe) created by
- Obfuscate /striponly remove all not used global constants and …
- 22:52 Ticket #269 (ImageSearch()) created by
- existing DLL will be better as native AutoIt command like …
- 22:51 Ticket #268 (SoundSet()/SoundGet()) created by
- new functions for get/set master/wav/mic/... volume/mute or at least …
- 22:47 Ticket #267 (SendMessage/PostMessage as native AutoIt function) created by
- instead of UDF because it's VERY common
- 22:46 Ticket #266 (GUICtrlCreateStatusBar - as native AutoIt control) created by
- Now it's possible to create/modify StatusBar control in GUI only with …
- 22:44 Ticket #265 (GUICtrlCreateToolBar - as native AutoIt control) created by
- Now it's possible to create/modify StatusBar control in GUI only with …
- 22:42 Ticket #264 (Debug mode) created by
- Some support for "Debug mode" directly inside AtoIt to help …
- 22:39 Ticket #263 (Drop PluginOpen()/PluginClose() in favor of an #import statement) created by
- One idea is to drop PluginOpen() and PluginClose() and use a …
- 22:38 Ticket #262 (Plugins - array parameters) created by
- AutoIt plugins should be able to return/receive array's.
- 20:33 Ticket #251 (GUIRegisterMsg return bug regression) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 17:21 Ticket #261 (Small type in Macro Reference - Directory) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 14:24 Ticket #261 (Small type in Macro Reference - Directory) created by
- Macros for "All User" data. Most values are read from …
- 09:30 Ticket #255 (Random() bug) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 06:27 Ticket #260 (_ArrayToString, Return Value, Success: 1) created by
- manual: _ArrayToString Return Value Success: 1 should probebly say …
- 04:39 Ticket #259 (_ArraySort UDF not returning 1 on succes,) created by
- Manual states that success returns 1, But its always returning zero. …
- 01:27 Ticket #258 (bugfix: hard crash when using _ClipBoard_GetData, (from the Clipboard UDF)) created by
- This one's been around a while, and I think maybe I've fixed it. Or …
- 20:33 Ticket #257 (Memory allocation error when lots of ram still available.) created by
- OS = WinXP SP2 RAM = 2.00Gb AutoIt Ver = I'm not sure if …
- 17:03 Ticket #256 (Multiple windows and tab controls) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 16:47 Ticket #256 (Multiple windows and tab controls) created by
- With multiple windows and tab controls when you select a tab on one …
- 11:52 Ticket #253 (Various TODO ideas) closed by
- Rejected: Please submit individual feature requests so we can track them. :)
- 11:39 Ticket #254 (GUIGetCursorInfo does not return the correct primary/secondary down info) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 07:59 Ticket #255 (Random() bug) created by
- Random(0, 1, 1) always returns 0
- 06:51 Ticket #254 (GUIGetCursorInfo does not return the correct primary/secondary down info) created by
- Hello Jon, i have no permission to reopen a fixed bug report, so i …
- 01:06 Ticket #253 (Various TODO ideas) created by
- Some of them are from older AutoIt's ToDo lists and other comes from …
- 10:49 Ticket #252 (Control focus changing when window loses/regains focus) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 09:06 Ticket #252 (Control focus changing when window loses/regains focus) created by
- This bug appears to have been introduced in Steps to …
- 09:03 Ticket #251 (GUIRegisterMsg return bug regression) created by
- The example script should be enough, but just to be clear, it appears …
- 23:29 Ticket #250 (@CurrentScript) closed by
- Rejected: There's already a @ScriptLineNumber. As for anything else, it's a lot of overhead for little gain. There are debugging techniques and tools to provide the same effect without requiring AutoIt to provide macros.
- 22:29 Ticket #250 (@CurrentScript) created by
- I would like to request a macro for the script you are currently …
- 21:13 Ticket #249 (_WinAPI_UpdateLayeredWindow() - missing error checking) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 16:32 Milestone completed
- 16:26 Ticket #235 (_GUICtrlListView_AddItem() VS GUICtrlCreateListViewItem() + Fix.) closed by
- No Bug: as I say the builtin is trying to adjust the column size each time you introduce a new item so the flickering occur. just at a GUISetState(@SW_LOCK) before creating the 100 entries and GUISetState(@SW_UNLOCK) afterThat's the difference between the builtin and the UDF
- 15:46 Ticket #246 (GUIGetCursorInfo does not return the correct primary/secondary down info) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 15:00 Ticket #244 (AutoItX: work with ControlTreeView via ActiveX/Com) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 13:21 Ticket #249 (_WinAPI_UpdateLayeredWindow() - missing error checking) created by
- in WinApi.au3 include file in _WinAPI_UpdateLayeredWindow() is missing …
- 12:48 Ticket #248 (StringStripWS Helpfile incomplete) closed by
- No Bug: The docs say to add the values you want together so it's correct. 1+2 = 3 :)
- 12:37 Ticket #238 (Remove "ColorMode" option) closed by
- Completed: Removed in version:
- 12:32 Ticket #248 (StringStripWS Helpfile incomplete) created by
- The parameter "flag = 3 => strip leading and trailing white space" is …
- 05:08 Ticket #247 (Global variables scope) closed by
- Rejected: I suggest you think again. Look at how the UDF library is constructed and you'll find that there are files that contain nothing but global variables which are then included in one or more files where they are needed. Closing as rejected.
- 05:03 Ticket #247 (Global variables scope) created by
- Right now the variables are visible ONLY in current script file. In …
- 22:42 Milestone completed
- 17:39 Tickets #89,90 batch updated by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 10:16 Ticket #245 (GUICtrlCreatePic, GUICtrlSetImage - add notes about supported image ...) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 20:33 Ticket #246 (GUIGetCursorInfo does not return the correct primary/secondary down info) created by
- http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14038&hl=GUIGetCu …
- 12:52 Ticket #245 (GUICtrlCreatePic, GUICtrlSetImage - add notes about supported image ...) created by
- Maybe something like: Supported types are: BMP,JPG,GIF (but not …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.