


19:04 Ticket #93 (ControlTreeView() - sets @error=1 even if command works OK) reopened by Zedna
Now in version Check, Select, Expand commands are OK but problem is with Exists command - return 1 and also sets @error to 1.
18:50 Ticket #40 (Pixel functions should accept HWND) closed by Jpm
completed: Added in version:
14:00 Milestone completed


15:50 Ticket #106 (Gui Double Buffering Flag / exStyle) closed by Valik
rejected: That's rather a lot of work for such a small problem that can be solved in other ways. Not to mention, performance will suffer for those GUIs since drawing is rather expensive. The best solution depends on the circumstances. If updating one control a lot, only update the control when the content really changes (as opposed to setting the same content repeatedly). Or if updating a large amount of stuff all at once, lock the GUI before updating so that everything is only redrawn once when the GUI is unlocked. Resolving as rejected.
07:48 Ticket #107 (DllStructGetField) created by sic_goat
Returns the field string used to reference an index of a dll …
07:46 Ticket #106 (Gui Double Buffering Flag / exStyle) created by sic_goat
Add an optional flag, possibly an extended style, that forces a …


00:38 Ticket #105 (_IEAttach does not work with embedded mode) closed by Valik
duplicate: This is already fixed in beta Remember, always test with the latest version of AutoIt before reporting a bug. Resolving as duplicate since it's already fixed.


21:33 Ticket #104 (Problem with _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack and WM_NOTIFY) closed by Gary
fixed: Fixed in version:
21:18 Ticket #105 (_IEAttach does not work with embedded mode) created by melik@…
When trying to attach to an IE control that is embedded in another …
08:48 Ticket #104 (Problem with _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack and WM_NOTIFY) created by Wooltown <sven.ullstad@…>
If you in the same script use _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack …


21:16 Ticket #103 (a-squared Free says exe's are trojans) closed by Valik
nobug: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=34658
20:42 Ticket #103 (a-squared Free says exe's are trojans) created by jcasablanca@…
The latest malware signatures for a-squared Free …
15:15 Ticket #102 (ControlCommand(SelectString) - wrong selection order again) closed by Jpm
fixed: Fixed in version:
12:38 Ticket #102 (ControlCommand(SelectString) - wrong selection order again) created by Zedna
When there is value ABC|ABC_DEF in ComboBox then …


21:29 Ticket #101 (_ScreenCapture_Capture: Cursor is not on the right position) closed by Gary
fixed: Fixed in version:
15:22 Ticket #101 (_ScreenCapture_Capture: Cursor is not on the right position) created by progandy
If you make a Screenshot and the upper left corner is not 0,0 the …
15:17 Ticket #100 (ControlSend Error) closed by Valik
nobug: This is a bug in edit control focus and has been fixed in It's not a bug in any Control* function so I'm resolving it as no bug. All the edit focus bugs are fixed in, however.
14:02 Ticket #100 (ControlSend Error) created by ChrisL
in Autoit 3.2.10 and 3.2.11 controlsend doesn't just send the …
10:16 Ticket #99 (_GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack, Sort arrow not visible) closed by Gary
nobug: Documentation needs minor correction for the sort order arrows will only show for Windows XP and above.
07:42 Ticket #99 (_GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack, Sort arrow not visible) created by Wooltown <sven.ullstad@…>
Tried the _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack function, as in the …


22:07 Ticket #98 (SplashImage (or GUI) without border) closed by Valik
rejected: As I mention on the forum thread, you need to use the right combination of styles. Please don't post any more feature requests until you have researched how to do it.
20:34 Ticket #98 (SplashImage (or GUI) without border) created by masvil
As reported here: …
04:11 Ticket #97 (WinMenuSelectItem()) closed by Valik
nobug: You say it doesn't work as expected, but you don't say what you expect. Looking at the code, clicking "Test WinMenuSelectItem" should trigger the event which displays a message box. It does that for me. Resolving as no bug as I don't see anything wrong here.
03:20 Ticket #97 (WinMenuSelectItem()) created by Piano_man
This does not seem to be working as expected. AutoItVersion: …


22:30 Ticket #95 (StringReplace doesn't recognize some number types as not strings) closed by Jpm
fixed: Fixed in version:
19:20 Ticket #61 (Hashes) closed by Valik
rejected: This answer to this is still "We don't plan to add support for new data-types". Resolving as rejected.
19:12 Ticket #36 (MS SQL BigInt masked with 0xFFFFFF00) closed by Valik
fixed: Fixed in version:


23:36 Ticket #96 (Display problems with 2 embedded WebBrowser objects in GUI) closed by Jpm
nobug: Just reread rthe doc, $WS_CLIPCHILDREN is needed […]
22:46 Ticket #91 ("_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd" does not work on Win2k) closed by Gary
22:40 Ticket #94 (_ClipPutFile drops drive letters) closed by Gary
fixed: See: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=60635
19:38 Ticket #96 (Display problems with 2 embedded WebBrowser objects in GUI) created by DaleHohm
When 2 WebBrowser controls are embedded in a GUI and are sequentially …
16:26 Ticket #93 (ControlTreeView() - sets @error=1 even if command works OK) closed by Jpm
fixed: Thanks, example added too
13:45 Ticket #95 (StringReplace doesn't recognize some number types as not strings) created by PsaltyDS
Reported in General Support topic #63374 by jennico. Tested in …
11:23 Ticket #94 (_ClipPutFile drops drive letters) created by MISIIM
_ClipPutFile seems to drop the drive letter. However I can paste to …
10:53 Ticket #93 (ControlTreeView() - sets @error=1 even if command works OK) created by Zedna
Touched commands: Check, Select, Expand Checking/Selecting/Expanding …


15:45 Ticket #92 (DllStructGetData() truncation) created by Valik
DllStructGetData() truncates the last element of a (char/wchar) array …
11:58 Ticket #91 ("_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd" does not work on Win2k) created by Moto
When I try to use "_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd" function defined in …


22:58 Ticket #90 (RunAs fails for a Limited User if run-as user's Profile is loaded) created by DaveF
Using beta on XP SP2: If the RunAs function is called in a …
22:19 Ticket #89 (RunAs w/ Profile does not grant acess to user environment) created by DaveF
Using beta on XP SP2: In a child process spawned by the …
19:48 Ticket #70 (AutoIt3Wrapper Attempts to Update 64bit Executables) closed by Jos
fixed: Closing this ticket and will threat the X64 support as a feature request which I am close at implementing native Resourse updating in the next version of Autoit3Wrapper.
18:40 Ticket #66 (BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON getting lost) closed by Valik
fixed: Fixed in version
15:15 Ticket #88 (Help file (Round)) closed by Jpm
fixed: Fixed in version:
14:57 Ticket #88 (Help file (Round)) created by JamesB
In the help file under round, you have: $x = Round(-1.582, 1) …
09:53 Ticket #84 (SciTE doing syntax checking in comments in certin instances) closed by Jos
fixed: Fixed in version:
09:18 Ticket #86 (Scite, switching to other tab/file before Tidy is finished.) closed by Jos
fixed: I have changed Tidy to first "open" the script again forcing the focus back to the correct tab before doing the revert command which ensures the updated script is loaded. Tidy v2.0.23.9 is available from the SciTE Download page : http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/download/Tidy.exe
08:57 Ticket #87 (Label disappears when clicking on a button) closed by Jpm
08:57 Ticket #87 (Label disappears when clicking on a button) reopened by Jpm
08:55 Ticket #87 (Label disappears when clicking on a button) closed by Jpm
08:52 Ticket #3 (GuiListView Hiding Behind BG Image) closed by Jpm
08:52 Ticket #3 (GuiListView Hiding Behind BG Image) reopened by Jpm
08:51 Ticket #3 (GuiListView Hiding Behind BG Image) closed by Jpm
fixed: In fact Listview behave as tab control so $GUI_ONTOP is needed Doc Updated for
07:16 Ticket #87 (Label disappears when clicking on a button) created by anonymous
The first time you click on the button at the bottom, the label, which …
07:09 Ticket #58 (Add a new button Type called Splitbutton) closed by Valik
rejected: Resolving this as rejected. It's highly unlikely we are going to add the control as a native function. Maybe if somebody gets it working correctly it can be added as a UDF but that's up to Gary. For now, closing this.
07:03 Ticket #85 (Scite, 'console' to 'source error line' jumping. (filename issue)) closed by Valik
wontfix: This is not a bug and even if it was there's nothing we could do about it anyway since we don't maintain SciTE. What happens is the lexer is confused by the unexpected () in the path-name and thinks it's a line number or some other token it recognizes. The simple solution is, don't use files with () in the name. Resolving as wontfix since I agree that it is ideal but also I know we can't fix it and that it's highly unlikely the SciTE maintainer will fix it.
06:09 Ticket #86 (Scite, switching to other tab/file before Tidy is finished.) created by M.v.Gulik
WHEN using the 'Tidy AutoIt Source' tool function, AND switching to a …
05:45 Ticket #85 (Scite, 'console' to 'source error line' jumping. (filename issue)) created by M.v.Gulik
A filename or path with '('...')' text, virtually disables the …
04:19 Ticket #75 (_IEPropertyGet($oIE,"toolbar") Fails) closed by Valik
04:19 Ticket #75 (_IEPropertyGet($oIE,"toolbar") Fails) reopened by Valik
04:17 Ticket #52 (RegRead REG_MULTI_SZ AutoIt3_X64 Dr Watson) closed by Valik
04:17 Ticket #52 (RegRead REG_MULTI_SZ AutoIt3_X64 Dr Watson) reopened by Valik
04:16 Ticket #52 (RegRead REG_MULTI_SZ AutoIt3_X64 Dr Watson) closed by Valik
fixed: Fixed in version


23:33 Ticket #83 (_ChooseFont) closed by Gary
23:33 Ticket #83 (_ChooseFont) reopened by Gary
23:32 Ticket #83 (_ChooseFont) closed by Gary
fixed: Corrected Thanks
08:01 Ticket #84 (SciTE doing syntax checking in comments in certin instances) created by anonymous
this... […] returns this in console... ERROR: illegal characters …
06:38 Ticket #83 (_ChooseFont) created by Bert
The syntax in the helpfile says: […] And then the params says: …
06:32 Ticket #22 (Send() doesn't work when trying to Alt+Printscreen) closed by Jpm
worksforme: I close it as everything is working as it should for me with the proposed script.
04:09 Ticket #82 (Variable declared on same line = Undeclared) closed by Valik
nobug: This is a question. The issue tracker is not the place for asking questions. This is clearly not a bug. The variable is in the process of being declared so of course you can't use it in the declaration because it doesn't exist yet. Mark as no bug. In the future, please refrain from asking support questions (which belong on the forum) on the issue tracker.
03:58 Ticket #82 (Variable declared on same line = Undeclared) created by anonymous
If you try this code: […] you will get an error "$str possibly …
02:12 Ticket #81 (_ArraySort output bad if first chararacter of alphanumeric string is ...) closed by Valik
nobug: There's no bug here. First of all, you're using an array that's way bigger than you need. That means with the default sort direction, all those empty values are going to be first (Which explains why you get no output). Correcting the array size to be 4, your expected output is still wrong. Again, the default option for _ArraySort() is to start at index 0. What you expect is to star at index 1. This code does what you want, mostly because it's written correctly. […]
01:54 Ticket #24 (Aut2Exe throws a "failed to UPX error" on occasion) closed by Valik
worksforme: I can't reproduce this nor can I see how it would fail unless UPX really is failing. So it seems that the problem I occasionally get is related to UPX genuinely failing and is not an Aut2Exe issue. Resolving as worksforme.
01:50 Ticket #81 (_ArraySort output bad if first chararacter of alphanumeric string is ...) created by autoitfan
;Following sample program demonstrates problem. #include <array.au3> …
01:31 Ticket #34 (Pixelchecksum returns wrong values) closed by Valik
worksforme: With the above attached file, since you didn't provide one, it runs fine on 64-bit Windows running with 32-bit AutoIt/AutoItX. I'm marking this as works for me.
01:07 Ticket #64 (Enhance special description for recognizing controls) closed by Valik
rejected: I'm closing this as rejected. I've opened 78, 79 and 80 which cover the three requests I find acceptable. You can track the tickets there.
01:06 Ticket #80 (Au3Info showing advanced window descriptions) created by Valik
Au3Info should be modified to show the advanced window description …
01:05 Ticket #79 (Allow searching for windows/controls by position.) created by Valik
Expand the advanced window descriptor to use X, Y, W, H for match …
01:02 Ticket #78 (Regex in CLASS for window titles) created by Valik
Need to add REGEXPCLASS to window title support.
00:04 Ticket #74 (expose C (CRT) _finite(double x) function as IsFinite($x) in Autoit) closed by Valik
rejected: The function is in msvcrt.dll. You can use DllCall() to invoke it.
00:03 Ticket #77 (ConsoleWriteLine to write to the console with @CRLF at the end of line) closed by Valik
rejected: Not going to happen. Adding new functions to save typing < 10 characters is not really good enough justification. And please don't try to argue "But FileWriteLine!" I could do without FileWriteLine() and it wasn't my decision to add it.


23:59 Ticket #75 (_IEPropertyGet($oIE,"toolbar") Fails) closed by Valik
fixed: Fixed in (Ignore milestone, it's wrong).
22:43 Ticket #71 (Au3Info supporting Internet Explorer ComponentFromPoint) closed by Valik
rejected: That method does not do what you think. It only returns information about a scrollbar under the mouse. It does not allow you to see what sort of control is under the mouse in a page unless that control happens to be a scrollbar. Closing as rejected.
22:34 Ticket #77 (ConsoleWriteLine to write to the console with @CRLF at the end of line) created by MsCreatoR
This request based on this forum thread: …
22:34 Ticket #23 (Acces to DataGridView for .net 2.0) closed by Valik
rejected: Maybe someday AutoIt will be able to interact better with .NET controls but that day is not today.
22:26 Ticket #73 (DirMove on different volume) closed by Valik
fixed: Fixed in version:
22:23 Ticket #76 (Test Bug) closed by Valik
fixed: Fixed in version:
22:22 Ticket #76 (Test Bug) created by Valik
Ignore this, test bug.
16:33 Ticket #75 (_IEPropertyGet($oIE,"toolbar") Fails) created by fkennedy@…
_IEPropertyGet($oIE,"toolbar") returns a ==> The requested action …
14:23 Ticket #74 (expose C (CRT) _finite(double x) function as IsFinite($x) in Autoit) created by Bowmore
Determines whether the given double-precision floating-point value is …
13:58 Ticket #41 (Cleanup/Rename internal and User Defined Functions.) closed by Gary
completed: Being there has not been anything else added in a week I'm closing this ticket.
13:56 Ticket #69 (_GUICtrlListView_Create) closed by Gary
fixed: When the control is created it needs a control id, fixed for next version.
06:45 Ticket #73 (DirMove on different volume) created by hawkear@…
When the destination already exists and the overwrite flag is …
04:19 Ticket #72 (MFC ActiveX Control doesn't work w/ AutoIt) closed by Valik
nobug: The object does not implement IDispatch. Objects must properly implement IDispatch in order for AutoIt to use them. This is not a bug.
03:34 Ticket #72 (MFC ActiveX Control doesn't work w/ AutoIt) created by livewire
MFC ActiveX controls' properies and methods cannot be accessed/invoked …


11:00 Ticket #71 (Au3Info supporting Internet Explorer ComponentFromPoint) created by junkew@…
Would be very nice if AutoIt can do more with Internet Explorer. For a …
07:26 Ticket #70 (AutoIt3Wrapper Attempts to Update 64bit Executables) created by The Kandie Man
The AutoIt3 Wrapper is attempting to update 64bit executables. It …
01:51 Ticket #69 (_GUICtrlListView_Create) created by alexmadman
Whenever you try to move an item in a listview created with the UDF …


17:45 Ticket #68 (GUIWrapper not saving option) closed by Jos
fixed: Yeap, see i missed a section in the update process. Its fixed in Version currently availble as seperate download in the Downloads page: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/downloads.shtml
16:52 Ticket #67 (GUICtrlSetGraphic in help file) closed by Jpm
fixed: Fixed in version:
11:09 Ticket #68 (GUIWrapper not saving option) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
When selecting a RequestExecutionLevel Scite output windows says …
09:54 Ticket #67 (GUICtrlSetGraphic in help file) created by anonymous
GUICtrlSetGraphic example in the help file shows a misspelled word : …


18:53 Ticket #66 (BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON getting lost) created by Larry
If I tab around or click somewhere and tab I lose the …
14:00 Milestone completed


20:50 Ticket #65 (Au3Check gives wrong error with Const ByRef params) created by Valik
The following code: […] produces this error: […] The error is …
19:40 Ticket #64 (Enhance special description for recognizing controls) created by junkew@…
Actually 2 request(s) to combine and not yet sure whats most logical …
16:47 Ticket #22 (Send() doesn't work when trying to Alt+Printscreen) reopened by anonymous
Hi JPM, I'm sorry for not providing a repro. This is the simplest version of the code that is causing me problems: […] Although I can't understand why I'm getting only a fraction of the active window, I suspect it's somehow related to the mouse being active (up/down) at the moment the printscreen is initiated. That being said sleep() doesn't seem to provide any amelioration. Thanks, Christian Blackburn
07:36 Ticket #62 (Pressing F1 from within Scite editor Runs the script & runs multiple ...) closed by Jos
wontfix: This has been asked many times and explained that SciTE's Job queue has issues and is not something we (the autoit dev team) will work on. I know that somebody has been working on a new Job queue mechanism for SciTE, but haven't seen much progress on it lately. I have reported this bug in the SciTE interest site and that's all I can do. Closing as "WontFix"
06:55 Ticket #63 (Overlay UAC icon on scripts with #RequireAdmin) created by Valik
It would be cool if Aut2Exe would automatically overlay the Windows …
03:41 Ticket #62 (Pressing F1 from within Scite editor Runs the script & runs multiple ...) created by anonymous
F1 brings up the help screen , and runs the underlying code. This …


19:50 Ticket #61 (Hashes) created by doug@…
Any chance that hashes (as in PERL) might be implemented? If not as …
15:54 Ticket #60 (Test Bug) closed by Valik
fixed: Fixed in version:
15:38 Ticket #60 (Test Bug) created by Valik
Ignore this, test bug.


22:57 Ticket #59 (_GUICtrlTreeView_GetState hard crashes external app) closed by Gary
fixed: (In [2870]) Fixed ticket:59 _GUICtrlTreeView_GetState hard crashes external application(s)
22:35 Ticket #59 (_GUICtrlTreeView_GetState hard crashes external app) created by Gary
This is a reminder for myself to fix by adding in memory calls.
19:58 Ticket #58 (Add a new button Type called Splitbutton) created by ptrex
Addition of the "BS_SPLITBUTTON" type button. …
12:49 Ticket #55 (Show function ToolTip in SciTE) closed by JdeB


19:51 Ticket #56 (Some features for discussion) closed by Gary
rejected: Examples forum is where you should put these to get feedback from the user community. Tickets should not be made up for discussing things.
19:48 Ticket #57 (unable to click hyperlink in any window) closed by Valik
rejected: The issue tracker is not a place to ask for general support. That's what the forum is for. Closing ticket.
19:22 Ticket #57 (unable to click hyperlink in any window) created by devendray
I am trying to automate a windows application which contains …
15:39 Ticket #56 (Some features for discussion) created by Xenobiologist
Hi, GaryFrost openend a thread how to submit udfs. I searched through …
15:04 Ticket #27 (ControlClick with alternate mouse buttons (Like MouseClick's Primary, ...) closed by Jon
completed: (In [2860]) Changed: ControlClick() now accepts the same mouse buttons as MouseClick() - left/right/middle/primary/secondary/main/menu. Completed ticket:27


15:46 Ticket #55 (Show function ToolTip in SciTE) created by Xenobiologist
Hi, I noticed that there is a problem with showing the function …
11:01 Ticket #54 (_DateDiff) closed by JdeB
fixed: I see a fix is committed for the version.
10:58 Ticket #22 (Send() doesn't work when trying to Alt+Printscreen) closed by Jon
01:30 Ticket #54 (_DateDiff) created by Xenobiologist
Hi, _DateDiff is missing in Scite for highlightning. So long, Mega …


21:31 Ticket #53 (change taborder of controls in GUI) closed by Gary
rejected: see _WinAPI_SetWindowPos in the help
19:58 Ticket #53 (change taborder of controls in GUI) created by hazed
The order tabstops on a GUI is the order that the control was created. …
16:34 Ticket #52 (RegRead REG_MULTI_SZ AutoIt3_X64 Dr Watson) created by angrybuzzy@…
Attempting to read a REG_MULTI_SZ value that exists but has no data on …
15:15 Ticket #37 (Wine Compatibility Notice) closed by Valik
rejected: I agree with Jos. If things work in Wine, that's great, but it is not a platform we actively target. Also, I doubt everything AutoIt is doing works the same way under Wine. There are inevitably going to be differences due to interpretation and differences due to the fact that the Wine developers just haven't implemented everything. Marking as rejected.
15:10 Ticket #51 (Problem with "Au3Check" and "IsDeclared") closed by Valik
nobug: If you're going to write that much code and still hard-code the constant anyway, you might as well just hard-code it with a different name if you're really that concerned about the symbol not being found. Personally, I find that code to be one of the stupidest blocks of code you can write in AutoIt. Resolving as nobug as I don't consider this a bug.
11:33 Ticket #51 (Problem with "Au3Check" and "IsDeclared") created by Holger
Au3Check 'seems' to have a problem with correct checking of lines with …
02:23 Ticket #48 (_GUICtrlTab_GetItemState, _GUICtrlTab_SetItemState not working) closed by Gary
fixed: (In [2835]) Fixed #48: _GUICtrlTab_GetItemState, _GUICtrlTab_SetItemState, _GUICtrlTab_GetItem, _GUICtrlTab_SetItem State Mask was missing


23:07 Ticket #49 (cSnippet.exe (outdated and no unicode version)) closed by Gary
rejected: Already fixed with the exception of 2 warnings for Will be fixed for that also.
22:50 Ticket #49 (cSnippet.exe (outdated and no unicode version)) reopened by Xenobiologist
Hi, #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= […] Latest beta and stable of Autoit and latest beta of Scite. So long, Mega
22:18 Ticket #49 (cSnippet.exe (outdated and no unicode version)) closed by Gary
rejected: That about covers it.
22:04 Ticket #50 (Handle COM Byte-Array) created by anonymous
Reference: LDAP Byte return - is not recognized, Valik, Jon to …
21:47 Ticket #49 (cSnippet.exe (outdated and no unicode version)) created by Xenobiologist
Hi, I thought about a good solution to share my udfs and sample …
21:37 Ticket #48 (_GUICtrlTab_GetItemState, _GUICtrlTab_SetItemState not working) created by Gary
State Mask not set in _GUICtrlTab_GetItem and _GUICtrlTab_SetItem
15:59 Ticket #47 (FileInstall() to use the same Flag values as FileCopy) closed by Valik
rejected: I'm marking this rejected. FileInstall is going to see a major rewrite in the future and this may or may not be necessary at that time.
15:46 Ticket #47 (FileInstall() to use the same Flag values as FileCopy) created by Bowmore
I would like FileInstall() to use the same Flag parameter values as …
12:45 Ticket #43 (IniReadSectionNames returning incorrect number of sections (extra ...) closed by Jpm
12:45 Ticket #43 (IniReadSectionNames returning incorrect number of sections (extra ...) reopened by anonymous
12:43 Ticket #43 (IniReadSectionNames returning incorrect number of sections (extra ...) closed by jpm
fixed: (In [2829]) Fixed #43: IniReadSectionNames() returning incorrect number of sections under Win9x.
00:53 Ticket #45 (Resizing GUI after _GUICtrlStatusBar_EmbedControl (Marquee Progress bar)) closed by Gary


22:39 Ticket #45 (Resizing GUI after _GUICtrlStatusBar_EmbedControl (Marquee Progress bar)) reopened by big_daddy
As I've stated, I attempted to control the resizing using the WM_SIZE message with the same results. The code you provided hard crashes AutoIt when the window is resized using the size box. This has been verified on multiple computers.
22:10 Ticket #46 (Wrong example _ArrayTrim in help) closed by Gary
22:09 Ticket #46 (Wrong example _ArrayTrim in help) reopened by Gary
22:08 Ticket #46 (Wrong example _ArrayTrim in help) closed by Gary
fixed: (In [2822]) Fixed #46: Doc Example for _ArrayTrim
22:00 Ticket #45 (Resizing GUI after _GUICtrlStatusBar_EmbedControl (Marquee Progress bar)) closed by Gary
worksforme: I think the resize needs to be handled by the person writing the script. This works for me. […]
21:40 Ticket #42 (_FileWriteFromArray outputs too many CRLF (File.au3)) closed by Gary
fixed: (In [2821]) Fixed #42: _FileReadToArray leaving last line feed in the array (mlowery)
20:49 Ticket #46 (Wrong example _ArrayTrim in help) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
[…] Should Be […] _ArrayTrim( $avArray, 1, 1,0,4) instead …
19:29 Ticket #45 (Resizing GUI after _GUICtrlStatusBar_EmbedControl (Marquee Progress bar)) created by big_daddy
The progress bar disappears when you try to resize the gui in the …
15:08 WikiStart edited by Valik
Added bit about this not being a support system. (diff)
14:49 Ticket #42 (_FileWriteFromArray outputs too many CRLF (File.au3)) reopened by mlowery
Thanks for the link; I did a forum search but was looking for the function name. :( The fix above corrects the order of data and CRLF on a line, but the file will still grow if read/written multiple times. Here's an example that reads and writes an array from a file multiple times. Blank lines are added at the beginning or end (depending on whether the CRLF comes before or after the data), and the array item count returned increases each time. […] It's possible that the real issue is in _FileReadToArray, which should discard the very last CRLF it finds.
11:39 Ticket #44 (Input, in InputBox use Send command) closed by JdeB
rejected: Looks like a support request to me which NEEDS to be posted in the forum.
11:02 Ticket #42 (_FileWriteFromArray outputs too many CRLF (File.au3)) closed by Gary
fixed: Already Fixed in http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=58503 […]
10:38 Ticket #41 (Cleanup/Rename internal and User Defined Functions.) reopened by Xenobiologist
Hi, I didn't meant to let Tidy do the job. I meant you should thing about doing this changes directly in Autoit. If your are doing not backwards compatible changes, then use this chance to make as much as you can to restructure Autoit. So long, Mega
10:24 Ticket #44 (Input, in InputBox use Send command) created by heryisme@…
Send("{CTRLDOWN}") Send("{C}") Send("{CTRLUP}") Sleep(50) …
09:50 Ticket #41 (Cleanup/Rename internal and User Defined Functions.) closed by JdeB
rejected: I don't see how I can ever make this fullproof and is very risky. Tidy's function really is to Tidy code and don't want it to change the code at all, just Indent, add/remove whitespace and proper case syntax. I wouldn't want Tidy to replace _SoundPlay() with Soundplay because that could/will break the script when it uses Handles in stead of filenames. Jos
03:05 Ticket #43 (IniReadSectionNames returning incorrect number of sections (extra ...) created by lte5000
IniReadSectionNames returns an extra blank section that does not exist …
02:49 AutoItNotOnToDoList edited by Valik
Fixed a couple HTML tags that were in the document. (diff)
02:13 Ticket #42 (_FileWriteFromArray outputs too many CRLF (File.au3)) created by mlowery <matin@…>
Lines output from the _FileWriteFromArray function in the standard …


22:22 Ticket #41 (Cleanup/Rename internal and User Defined Functions.) created by Xenobiologist
Hi, I read about some changes which may break old scripts. If you are …
17:55 Ticket #30 (GUICtrlSetBkColor() bug with GUICtrlCreateLabel() and GUICreate with ...) closed by Jpm
16:50 Ticket #28 (ControlGetPixel) closed by Valik
duplicate: Someday I intend to modify the current Pixel-related functions to accept an HWND. Your request would be covered by that since a Control is a Window with an HWND. I'm marking this as duplicate of #40 which I've just created to cover the more generic idea.
16:49 Ticket #40 (Pixel functions should accept HWND) created by Valik
The following pixel functions should accept an HWND: PixelCheckSum …
16:44 Ticket #39 (Add HWND to common dialogs) created by Valik
I (or somebody else) needs to add an HWND (parent) parameter to the …
16:15 Ticket #35 (ProcessClose() as an admin doesn't close other user's process) closed by Valik
completed: Done.
12:22 Ticket #38 (_SoundLength) closed by JdeB
09:08 Ticket #38 (_SoundLength) created by Bert
Ok. This is my script: […] I need to get the length of a MP3 …


21:42 Ticket #37 (Wine Compatibility Notice) created by annonamous
I believe that the Autoit homepage and front page of the helpfile …
21:33 Ticket #36 (MS SQL BigInt masked with 0xFFFFFF00) created by jpoulsen2
When storing an integet value as a bigint, decimal or numeric in MS …
20:47 Ticket #35 (ProcessClose() as an admin doesn't close other user's process) created by anonymous
The ProcessClose() function doesn't terminate other user's processes …
20:09 AutoItNotOnToDoList edited by Valik
Bold important words that previously had invalid BBC tags around it. (diff)
18:00 WikiStart edited by Jon
10:52 Ticket #34 (Pixelchecksum returns wrong values) created by stevy80@…
Hello, I developed an application with visual c# under windows xp. …
03:02 Ticket #33 (_IsNumber() & IsInt() both incorrectly return true) closed by Valik
nobug: Break down what you're doing. You call Number("K") and it returns 0, which is a number. You then pass 0 to IsInt() or IsNumber(), both of which correctly return True since you gave it numeric input. Not a bug.
01:53 Ticket #33 (_IsNumber() & IsInt() both incorrectly return true) created by squirrely1
XP SP2 EN x86 […]


14:29 Ticket #31 (AutoIt user agent added to internet functions) closed by Jon
completed: (In [2795]) User agent is set to "AutoIt". May add user-defined agent in future. Completed ticket:31
13:12 Ticket #32 (_GUICtrlTreeView_GetNext does not return 0 for last item) closed by Gary
fixed: Already Fixed: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=58299
12:43 Ticket #29 (Game Engine Incorperatrion) closed by JdeB
rejected: Closed.. and please do not re-open this.
12:23 AutoItNotOnToDoList edited by Jon
12:23 WikiStart edited by Jon
12:14 Ticket #32 (_GUICtrlTreeView_GetNext does not return 0 for last item) created by DarkTurok
The following code shows a bug in _GUICtrlTreeView_GetNext. The bug …
12:06 AutoItNotOnToDoList created by Jon
10:05 Ticket #31 (AutoIt user agent added to internet functions) created by Jon
AutoIt currently uses a blank user agent for internet functions. Many …
10:03 Ticket #26 (Setting Color with words) closed by JdeB
07:09 Ticket #29 (Game Engine Incorperatrion) reopened by anonymous
Why not though? Everyone would want it to happen. If I made them it would all be crappy 2D sprites with lots of glitches.
06:16 Ticket #29 (Game Engine Incorperatrion) closed by Gary
rejected: If you want a game engine UDF go ahead and create one. Will not be created/added to the standard UDFs by the DEVs.
06:05 Ticket #29 (Game Engine Incorperatrion) reopened by Kesne
You should add these. Autoit is SO limited when it comes to gaming.
05:38 Ticket #30 (GUICtrlSetBkColor() bug with GUICtrlCreateLabel() and GUICreate with ...) created by atomman
With every combo of BitOR() i've tried, GUICtrlSetBkColor() fails. If …
04:54 Ticket #29 (Game Engine Incorperatrion) closed by Gary
04:51 Ticket #29 (Game Engine Incorperatrion) created by keen@…
There should be a game engine feature that allows users to make games …
04:15 Ticket #28 (ControlGetPixel) created by Hiyoal
It would be great if you could make autoit capable of searching for …


23:46 Ticket #27 (ControlClick with alternate mouse buttons (Like MouseClick's Primary, ...) created by Saunders <admin@…>
Copied from …
14:48 Ticket #25 (_WinAPI_LoadShell32Icon doc typo) closed by Gary
fixed: (In [2790]) Fixed ticket:25 UDF Doc corrected for _WinAPI_LoadShell32Icon
13:34 Ticket #26 (Setting Color with words) created by JamesB
I don't think this has been suggested, but could we have AutoIt allow …
09:50 Ticket #25 (_WinAPI_LoadShell32Icon doc typo) created by MadBoy
It says: When you are done with the icon, call _API_DestroyIcon to …
00:07 Ticket #24 (Aut2Exe throws a "failed to UPX error" on occasion) created by Valik
It seems there is a race condition in Aut2Exe somewhere. Sometimes it …


10:27 Ticket #23 (Acces to DataGridView for .net 2.0) created by Gandi
Could You make funtion which recognize and have acess to read date …
02:58 Ticket #22 (Send() doesn't work when trying to Alt+Printscreen) created by christian.blackburn@…
Hi Gang, I'm able to Send("{PRINTSCREEN}") without problems, but …


23:54 Ticket #10 (_IsPressed Keys list) closed by Jpm
23:54 Ticket #10 (_IsPressed Keys list) reopened by Jpm
15:46 Ticket #21 (Scite Jump to Function case sensitive) closed by Valik
fixed: I've fixed the script. Will send it to Jos soon. Going to mark fixed.
15:37 Ticket #19 (FileSetTime() erronously rounds UP on non NTFS partition) closed by Valik
fixed: Replying to jpm: > (In [2762]) Public: > Fixed #19: FileSetTime() erronously rounds UP on non NTFS partition. That message. And STOP re-opening this. It's FIXED. I don't know what else you are expecting. AutoIt is closed source, it's not like you're going to see a patch attached. We aren't going to do a spot release for some insignificant bug like this. So other than the above message (Which in my opinion is pretty clear since it says it was fixed), how do you expect us to convey to you that the issue is fixed? This works just like the bug reports forum, people. You report a bug. We fix it, mark it as fixed (and set the milestone to the version it will appear in). But at any rate, once something is marked as fixed wait for the next release. Seriously, don't re-open tickets about a bug until you've actually tested that the bug is not fixed. It's extremely rude and obnoxious to continually re-open a ticket the developers have closed, whether you agree or understand or not. This will be the second time I've closed the ticket which is the third time after the automatic closing from JP's fix commit.
15:18 Ticket #19 (FileSetTime() erronously rounds UP on non NTFS partition) reopened by Phil Seakins <pseakins@…>
I'm sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean it was fixed? Jpm changed the assignment to fixed, but I don't see any indication of how it was fixed. Has the fix been applied to a new release? It doesn't say so in any of the comments assigned to this report?
15:13 Ticket #21 (Scite Jump to Function case sensitive) created by Jpm
Ctrl-J does found the function is the case does not match. As AutoIt …
09:15 Ticket #20 ([:class:] in regex) closed by Jpm
rejected: Replying to anonymous: > StringRegExp says that [:space:] is recognized. > > But this one works: > > StringRegExpReplace($s,"(re:|fw:|fwd:)\s*","") > > but these didn't: > > StringRegExpReplace($s,"(re:|fw:|fwd:)[:space:]*","") > StringRegExpReplace($s,"(re:|fw:|fwd:)([:space:])*","") as stated by Mega there is no error as the [:space:] must me included in []. It is described in the doc
06:55 Ticket #19 (FileSetTime() erronously rounds UP on non NTFS partition) closed by Valik
fixed: In case you didn't pay attention, JP fixed the issue, or so the commit message says. There was no need to re-open the ticket just to rant at me when somebody else already addressed the problem. I'm re-closing this.
06:09 Ticket #19 (FileSetTime() erronously rounds UP on non NTFS partition) reopened by Phil Seakins <pseakins@…>
Valik. This is a bug. I would suggest you test it. I am well aware of the two second granularity of FAT partitions. What this bug is doing is adding two seconds to the specified time. If you set it to 19:14:16 it actually gets set to 19:14:18. As a workaround I have had to write special code to decrement the timestamp by TWO seconds before calling FileSetTime. Eg, to set it to 19:14:16 I need to specify 19:14:14. Using Borland's "Touch.exe" on the same filesystem yields correct results. AutoIt's FileSetTime() per the example, gives the wrong result. To save typing in a long explanation in the initial report I created and tested the working example. I get so mad when people don't take my reports seriously.
00:09 Ticket #20 ([:class:] in regex) created by anonymous
StringRegExp says that [:space:] is recognized. But this one works: …
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