Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#564 closed Feature Request

Suggestion — at Initial Version

Reported by: geld722@… Owned by:
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: Cc:



Hello Jonathan Bennett & AutoIt Team,

1) TraySetFont() or TrayItemSetFont()

TrayGetfont() or TrayItemGetFont()

TrayReplaceFont() or TrayItemrReplaceFont()

TrayHotKeySet()-> when pressed will display/hide the menu.

(Multiple HotKeys for different menus)

How to set font on tray items (common & individual)?

Example: You can see tray menu items are bold in the

latest version of kaspersky Internet Security.
Right Click on tray icon & you will find
kaspersky Internet Security text is bold.

If you don't want to add these things, atleast please
tell us how to make changes in the font for all or each

tray item/s

2) A function or macro or module for converting any type

of array to variable/s.

Example: Global array1[50]

_ArraytoVariable(array1,"var",0, 0, 50)


array1 is the array
"var" is the variable name (user can change) 0(Default) is for variable scope (local,user can change)
0 is starting index of array1 ( optional )
50 is last index of array1 ( optional )

It will return 1 if success else 0 if failure

What will _Arraytovariable do?

  • It will make the programmer to use the variable at any place at any time without concerning about the errors that are produced during array handling, Such as array subscript is invalid.. and many other errors.
  • It will create 51 variables by writing only two lines ( $var0,$var1,$var2,$var3.......$var51 ), Rather than creating 51 variables, which will eventually take more time and the programmer will get tired.
  • It will be also useful in all tray functions, As array makes tray functions very complicated.
  • As you will be using this function at any place all calculated values in the array will be ready to use without concerning about their index values

  • It will make size of code smaller.
  • _ArrayToString & _ArrayToClip doesn’t satisfy any of the above things and many other things.
  • And there are many more advantages according to the programmers perspectives.
  • Ex: $Array1[44] = 10


msgbox(64,"Ex",$Array[44]) ; 1

msgbox(64,"Ex",$var44]) ; 2

; 1 & 2 will display result 10

; $Array1 with index 44 created local variable
; $var44 which contains value as 10

3) - IsSpace: Checks whether it is a space/s or not

  • Ptr example not found.
  • How to create linked list in AutoIt? (singly,circular,doubly)

  • How to create:-

node->next = node1->prev

node1->next = NULL

in AutoIt?

  • Can you integrate asm files with AutoIt? If yes? Then How?
  • A function to convert week number to date

Ex: _WeekNoToDate($no)

(valid no.: 1 to 53)

4) A ToolTip example showing real time update method

Ex: System Clock with seconds & milliseconds

continuously updating without using higher
CPU usage.

( same as it is present in opera browser

Transfers(Ctrl+J) tab, just move your mouse pointer
to the name of file & you will see realtime
tooltip update method i.e downloading status
displayed in realtime. )

5) A function or module or macro to delete/remove

blank lines from a file (ex: text document)



$file: file name or file handle
0: Do not remove/delete written lines
1: Remove/delete 1st blank line that is found first ( if 0 then remove/delete all blank lines )

Similarly if you want add blank lines to file
for any writing process (ex: folder listing to file)
you need:-

_FileAddLines(Line_to_write,No of Lines)

(No of lines: Number of times line to be written)

_ReplaceStringInFile is somewhat similar but additional parameters are needed & it is going to
replace the line & not remove lines & not change
line positions. When blank lines are removed
the line after blank line should get the position
of the blank line that was removed.

6) Help Files:-

We are new to windows API programming. There is not

much information given in the compiled HTML help
file for WinAPI, Handle(hwnd), Functions available
in DLL files (such as "CreateSolidBrush" in gdi32.dll),
No examples for WinAPI & many $ & @ things. Offline information is more important than Online
information. Rather than using MSDN online help
we would like to use your provided information.

If you don't want to add information in NSIS installer
package, you can provide white pages links, name of
ebooks (direct links), files which contain info,
etc on your website. So that every person who is
not familiar to windows programming can learn & understand it & use it through AutoIt.

You can also make an examples file of any format which will contain all examples related to all the things
that are present in the Index tab (2nd tab) i.e present in your help file (AutoIt Help) provided in the NSIS installer.

You can include this file with the NSIS installer or
provide a link in the help file & also on your website.
So that everybody can download it & use it.

Also in current help file you have to click on the
index area or right side of it to use the scroll
with mouse scroll button, please try to enable vertical/
horizontal scroll where the mouse pointer is present

7) Other Platforms:-

Compiled AutoIt scripts do run on linux through wine

emulator. But if you are ready to provide additional support for linux platform then it will result in more

number of users. Are you developing or have developed
linux version of AutoIt? If yes when are you going to

launch it?

8) SciTE4AutoIt3:-

i) AutoIt3Wrapper GUI:-

Where is the decompiler when you compile using
AutoIt3Wrapper? or How do you get source code
when you compile using AutoIt3Wrapper?

How to display or use ASCII Charcaters 169,
174,... from your help file in the legal
copyright, extra resource fields,etc?

ii) SciTE editor:-

  • No close icon on tab/s
  • Shortcut Key for wrap?
  • Hide line numbers through shortcut key

  • Availability for adjusting the Grey part where line nos are present.
  • When New AutoIt file is created using right click cursor position should be below the comment ' ; Script Start - Add your code below here '.
  • Zoom in / Zoom Out
  • If possible add magnifier
  • Clear History option
  • At Full Screen, realtime Clock display
  • Store Search Keywords & results & also clear them
  • Save Current Changes (view,options...)

  • Export to pdf is great (it saves colors too) but even when you wrap the bigger horizontal lines are not included in the pdf file completely.

  • Try to get horizontal scroll bar when the user points at it else make it invincible. It will be only shown when user goes near it. (no clicks) Ex: Windows Media Player 11, Goto Library

& select any Recently added or artist.
You will find a vertical invincible line
(adjustable horizontally) near it which is
only displayed when you go near it.
(right side of tree)

iii) AutoItMacroGenerator:-

  • Kaspersky Antivirus detects "TheHook.dll" as trojan/virus/... harmful.

  • Is it really harmful or not?

  • Whom to believe?

iv) Tidy:-

  • You can add comments for variable declarations.

  • A table listing total no of variables used, total no. of functions used, total no of lines used for commenting, total no of lines not used for commenting i.e code lines, Add date/time, file size/attributes,total no of blank lines,etc. ( whole table is a comment )

9) We are using AutoIt v3.2.12.1 and SciTE4AutoIt3 (05/17/2008)


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