
Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 12 months ago

#3948 assigned Bug

Map object: keys [0] and ["["] clash

Reported by: Simon E. <…> Owned by: Jon
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: maps, keys Cc:


Hi team,

I realise that map objects are experimental and bug reports are not wanted, but I just thought I'd record this here in case anyone is interested.

When a map object contains a key of 0 and a key of [ these seem to clash in some way and tend to overwrite each other. But somewhat intermittently.

Here's an example script:

Local $map[]

$map["a"] = 1
$map["0"] = 2
$map[0]   = 3
$map["["] = 4

ConsoleWrite($map["a"] & @CRLF)         ; expecting 1
ConsoleWrite($map["0"] & @CRLF)         ; expecting 2
ConsoleWrite($map[0]   & @CRLF)         ; expecting 3, but sometimes prints 4
ConsoleWrite($map["["] & @CRLF)         ; expecting 4

$map[0] = 5

ConsoleWrite($map[0]   & @CRLF)         ; expecting 5
ConsoleWrite($map["["] & @CRLF)         ; expecting 4, but sometimes prints 5

When running this script, I would expect the console to show:


This happens intermittently, on about 40% of executions. On the other 60%, I get this result instead, where any assignment to $map[0] and $map["["] ends up overwriting each other:


I suspect that somehow, internally, 0 and [ are assigned the same value, resulting in the clash.

I uncovered this while trying to create a map of various characters and their binary representations. One workaround is to ensure the keys are all strings, and not use integer keys. It was a confusing bug for a while, though.

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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 12 months ago by Jpm

  • Owner set to Jpm
  • Status changed from new to assigned

comment:2 Changed 12 months ago by Jpm

  • Owner changed from Jpm to Jon

Fix sent to Jon

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