Opened 3 years ago
Last modified 13 months ago
#3884 assigned Bug
MouseCoordMode, cursor moving and DPI unawareness
Reported by: | vadcx | Owned by: | Jon |
Milestone: | Component: | AutoIt | |
Version: | | Severity: | None |
Keywords: | mouse, move, coordinate, click, position, scale, dpi | Cc: |
MouseMove documentation (and others) refer to MouseCoordMode which says:
MouseCoordMode: Sets the way coords are used in the mouse functions, either absolute coords or coords relative to the current active window:
0 = relative coords to the active window
1 = (default) absolute screen coordinates
2 = relative coords to the client area of the active window
So the simple way to acquire absolute screen coordinates when needed:
- Take a screenshot of the entire screen
- Write down coordinates by navigating the picture
Let's say the mouse must be moved to 100,100 absolute.
MouseMove(100, 100)
If you didn't touch Windows' DPI settings (100%) then the cursor will move to 100,100. However if you set the DPI to 125% then the cursor moves to 125,125 and so on. Either the documentation must be clarified or the behaviour changed.
But it gets worse. Windows now has per-display DPI scaling. What is a script supposed to do in that case? This seems to be described in this AHK-related thread that seems to have the exact same problem as Au3.
Attachments (2)
Change History (7)
comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by Jpm
Changed 3 years ago by vadcx
The cursor position was set at default awareness but 125% scaling. The cursor was slightly incorrectly drawn by the screenshot tool but you get the idea
comment:2 Changed 3 years ago by vadcx
The Win32 API lies to you. :) Just for completeness, I forgot to specify the OS: Windows 10 (1-2mo old) at 125% DPI.
I've attached a screenshot and a test script now. The script is supposed to move the cursor to the center of a 1080p screen (assuming you've only 1 display enabled) and show what Windows reports to you BEFORE/AFTER you change own DPI awareness.
From the screenshot:
Default awareness:
GetDpiForSystem: 96 its a lie
MousePos: 961,541 its a lie and, AutoIt, it's off by a pixel
System-wide DPI Awareness set:
GetDpiForSystem: 120 correct, 96*1.25 = 120
MousePos: 1201,676 correct, this is what I see as a user
I used these APIs: GetDpiForSystem, SetProcessDpiAwareness - I wanted to use the per-thread DPI setting, but it required getting hold of DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT - I don't know how to do it in Au3 or if its possible at all to acquire (it's a predefined HANDLE in windef.h)
comment:3 Changed 3 years ago by Jpm
- Owner set to Jpm
- Status changed from new to assigned
Fix sent to Jon
using SetCursorPos() solve the issue
comment:4 Changed 3 years ago by Jpm
- Component changed from Documentation to AutoIt
comment:5 Changed 13 months ago by Jpm
- Owner changed from Jpm to Jon
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I don't know why you conclue they move to 125,125
The following script prove that the Mouse pos return by MouseGetPos() is 100, 100
perhaps a little mistake due to the speed implementation