Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#1083 closed Bug

ClipPut Function bug or limitation-from ticket 1043 — at Version 6

Reported by: sistemas@… Owned by: Jon
Milestone: Component: AutoItX
Version: Severity: Blocking
Keywords: clipboard ClipPut setclipboard characters length limitation Cc:

Description (last modified by Valik)

[from ticket 1043-more explanation]
If you put more than 127 characters into clipboard, this function fail and the clipboard is clear.
For understand this. The ClipPut function returns 0 (not a failure code), but the content of the clipboard is flushed, so the clipboard is empty after using ClipPut with a string with more than 127 characters.

I don't know why but I try with a string with {TAB},{CR}, and {LF} characters in this string.
I try with version 3.3.0 and beta version and both have the same problem.

I don't know if this is a new limitation. But I think that the clipboard function must support 65535 chars at least.

But with version this work fine and you can put into clipboard text with more than 127 characters.
So I must to put back the version until this problem is fixed.

This happen with the 32bits version of the dll: AutoItX3.dll
Running under Windows 2003 R2 SP2 server.

If this can help...



if sTexto.value has more than 127 characters:

Clip.ClipPut sTexto.value FAIL!!! clipput flush the clipboard (empty)
Clip.ClipPut CStr(sTexto.value) FAIL!!!
Clip.ClipPut left(sTexto.value,128) FAIL!!!
Clip.ClipPut left(sTexto.value,127) WORK FINE

This is the script that fail:

sub main
'	*****************************************************
'	* This script need AutoItX3.dll
'	*
'	* Download and extract from:
'	*
'	*
'	*
'	* Copy to:
'	* C:\WINDOWS\system32\ 
'	*
'	* register with command:
'	* regsvr32.exe "C:\WINDOWS\system32\AutoItX3.dll"
'	*****************************************************
	on error resume next
	Set Clip = CreateObject ("AutoItX3.Control")
	'verify if DLL is missing or unregister
	if err.number <> 0 then
		msgbox "Se requiere AutoItX3.dll para copiar al portapapeles con la funcion 'SetClipboard'!" & vbcrlf & "Consulte al administrador...", vbCritical, "Error!"
		'double check for errors
		copyerror = Clip.ClipPut(sTexto.value)
		copyerror = copyerror + Clip.error
		if copyerror = 0 then
			returnvalue = true
			returnvalue = false
			msgbox "Error#" & copyerror & " al copiar al portapapeles con AutoItX3.dll!" & vbcrlf & "Consulte al administrador...", vbCritical, "AutoItX3.dll version " & Clip.version & " error!"
		end if
		'verify if the content of the string was copy to the clipboard
		if Clip.ClipGet = sTexto.value then
			returnvalue = true
			returnvalue = false
			msgbox "Hubo un error al copiar al portapapeles con AutoItX3.dll!" & vbcrlf & "Consulte al administrador...", vbCritical, "AutoItX3.dll version " & Clip.version & " error!"
		end if
		Set Clip = nothing
	end if
	on error goto 0
end sub

example of the failure
input variable:sTexto.value
sTexto.value="Descripcion: RENOLIN SC 68 - Tambor x 205
Codigo: 100233 - T2
Densidad: 0,869
Unidad de Medida: Litro
Envase: Tambor
Capacidad: 205 LTS
Peso Neto: 178,14 KGR
Peso Bruto: 196,14 KGR
Número ONU: 1268
Carga IMO:
Pos. Arancelaria: 2710.19.32.900Z



Change History (7)

Changed 16 years ago by sistemas@…

notepad++ display of the string example content

comment:1 follow-ups: Changed 16 years ago by sistemas@…

I try to reopen the Ticket 1043 but I can't, so I create a new one.

comment:2 in reply to: ↑ 1 Changed 16 years ago by Ricky Valdivia <sistemas@…>

Perhaps the problem is the regional settings or unicode.
I use Spanish-Argentina for all, including non-unicode.

Wrong component selected in the ticket!!'''

Switch to AutoItX

comment:3 follow-up: Changed 16 years ago by Ricky Valdivia <sistemas@…>

I really believe it's a unicode problem or definition type of the variables in AutoItX.dll

I test this:
1.) Run CLIPBRD.exe to see the clipboard in live.
2.) copy a lot of plain text to the clipboard, about 3000 chars.
3.) in debugging mode, test this sentence: Clip.ClipPut(Clip.ClipGet)

after that, the first 4 characters of the clipboard was replaced with this Unicode characters:
chrW(376)+chrW(2751)+chrW(376)+chrW(2751)+[rest of the clipboard]

in OEM Text this is similar to this:
chr(159)+chr(63)+chr(159)+chr(63)+[rest of the clipboard]

This is very strange, but I think is useful to detect the failure.

comment:4 in reply to: ↑ 3 Changed 16 years ago by Ricky Valdivia <sistemas@…>

Repeating the test:

1.) Copy to the clipboard the content of the example above (sTexto.value="Descripcion...")
2.) Running again Clip.ClipPut(Clip.ClipGet)

flush/empty the clipboard again.

comment:5 in reply to: ↑ 1 Changed 16 years ago by Valik

Replying to sistemas@…:

I try to reopen the Ticket 1043 but I can't, so I create a new one.

I guess you're too stupid to realize you can still add comments to a closed ticket?

Go read WikiStart. Now, before you even bother replying. It's perfectly clear you haven't read it because you've done a number of very annoying things that are covered by WikiStart.

comment:6 Changed 16 years ago by Valik

  • Component changed from AutoIt to AutoItX
  • Description modified (diff)
  • Owner set to Jon
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