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Results (501 - 600 of 3874)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Owner Type Milestone Component Ticket
#502 Autoit adds 0.09999999997 instead of 0.01 Bug AutoIt
#503 _Date_Time_FileTimeToLocalFileTime() - Helpfile example is incorrect Gary Bug Documentation
#504 "au3check" doesn't handle special characters properly Jos Bug Other
#505 _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetBkColor doesn't work Bug AutoIt
#506 _FileCountLines Gary Bug AutoIt
#507 Problem with GuiToolTip UDF functions using only TTM_*W message constants. Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#508 Static variables Nutster Feature Request AutoIt
#509 UDP Receive String Feature Request AutoIt
#510 _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem: If columns inside listview exceed visible area, clicks outside of the control Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#511 GUICtrlCreateTab - doc precision Feature Request Documentation
#512 Runas problem with new version. Bug AutoIt
#513 Request: checked row highlight style for Listview controls Feature Request AutoIt
#514 StdoutRead seems broken on latest public & beta Bug AutoIt
#515 Scite4AutoIt3 - add zoom-in zoom-out Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#516 _ChooseFont 64bit Vista Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#517 WinAPI UDF - bad error checking after DllCall() Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#518 IniRead() optionally create default entry if not exists Feature Request AutoIt
#519 Wrong parameters in help file for GUICtrlSetDefBkColor Jpm Bug Documentation
#520 WMI SwbemRefresher Object used in a loop has memory leak Bug AutoIt
#521 Forum Upload Issue Bug AutoIt
#522 TrayMenu Select Option - Works on button down, not button up Feature Request AutoIt
#523 Associative arrays... Feature Request AutoIt
#524 MsgBox(): Text as first parameter Feature Request AutoIt
#525 0x8007007E error when compiled 32 bit. OK when compiled 64 bit. Reopened. Bug AutoIt
#526 0x8007007E error when compiled 32 bit. OK when compiled 64 bit. Reopened. Bug AutoIt
#527 Abend 0xC0000005 at 7C9109F9 in Aut2exe.exe (ntdll.dll) Bug Aut2Exe
#528 Native Control Identification and Property Retrieval using Active Acessibility Feature Request AutoIt
#529 Identifying .NET controls using WM_GETCONTROLNAME Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#530 HotKeySet ignores optional parameters Bug AutoIt
#531 GuiCtrlSetGraphic documentation Valik Bug Documentation
#532 Adding Icons to Tray Menu Feature Request AutoIt
#533 _ArrayBinarySearch allows multi-dimension array when it shouldn't Gary Bug AutoIt
#534 Binary() is ****ed up Bug AutoIt
#535 don't pause the script when the tray menu is open or the gui title bar is right clicked Feature Request AutoIt
#536 ControlGetFocus() prevents double-clicks Bug AutoIt
#537 Strange behaviour while using wrong GUI parameter Bug AutoIt
#538 GUICtrlCreateGraphic - working on last GUI created Bug AutoIt
#539 StringSplit w/ flag 2 doesn't return string if no delims Valik Bug AutoIt
#540 ProcessExists() causes a large number of page faults Bug AutoIt
#541 ControlCommand Helpfile typo Jpm Bug Documentation
#542 StringRegEx causing a hard crash Valik Bug AutoIt
#543 Autoit does not automate high res mouse motion correctly. Bug AutoIt
#544 Read from console with FileRead Bug Documentation
#545 Add other possibility in FAQ, point 13. Howto: custom icon Feature Request Documentation
#546 FileOpen() Shared/exclusive access Valik Feature Request AutoIt
#547 WinGetHandle and WinGetTitle under Vista Bug AutoIt
#548 Array initializing syntax everywhere Feature Request AutoIt
#549 ControlSend sometimes sends wrong text Bug AutoIt
#550 Run() - doc precision Feature Request Documentation
#551 ControlClick with "new" buttons syntax error (au3check) Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#552 ProcessExist/ProcessList optional username parameter Bug AutoIt
#553 _ArrayDisplay() has another problem if using literal pipes in the array Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#554 AutoIt3Wrapper not processing "&" in path properly Jos Bug Future Release SciTE4AutoIt
#555 bug in _GUICtrlListView UDF Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#556 Change to SciTE4AutoIt3.exe installer. Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#557 InputBox: Left & Top 'Default' keyword not working. Bug AutoIt
#558 Documentation Error Bug AutoIt
#559 FileCopy does not work when there is a file exist with the same name of the "dest dir" Bug AutoIt
#560 WinWait and similar functions fails if in TITLE parameter there is form caption and after that CLASS name description (in that order) Bug AutoIt
#561 WinWait and similar functions fails if in TITLE parameter there is form caption and after that CLASS name description (in that order) Bug AutoIt
#562 WinWait and similar functions fails if in TITLE parameter there is form caption and after that CLASS name description (in that order) Valik Bug AutoIt
#563 Not really a future request and Not really a bug -> Msgbox Left and Right Margin Bug AutoIt
#564 Suggestion Feature Request AutoIt
#565 Calculate Membership in group or ranges Feature Request AutoIt
#566 Error Helpfile Sample-Script, Appendix @OSLang Values Valik Bug Documentation
#567 missing function Bug Other
#568 _INetSmtpMail(): Two features: 1.) email priority, 2.) possibility to add attachments Jos Feature Request AutoIt
#569 TCPRecv - SocketToIp() function in Helpfile example has incorrect DllCall() Jpm Bug Documentation
#570 AutoIt problems handling filenames with two or more consecutive dollar signs Bug AutoIt
#571 Return value documentation is incorrectly copied in ListBox module Gary Bug Documentation
#572 Provide WinRar integration Feature Request Aut2Exe
#573 Random ($min, $max) when $min = $max Bug AutoIt
#574 Problem with sending the Windows Key + L Valik Bug AutoIt
#575 @ProgramFilesDir Bug AutoIt
#576 Autoit3 Portable Feature Request AutoIt
#577 Would you like to save money? Bug AutoIt
#578 #570 CLOSED? AutoIt problems handling filenames with two or more consecutive dollar signs Bug AutoIt
#579 OCR Feature Request AutoIt
#580 ControlListView - Get Text under SysListView32 Bug AutoIt
#581 DeAssign() ?? Feature Request AutoIt
#582 Tab Item on a Tab Control, Tips not showing Jpm Feature Request AutoIt
#583 Using @MSEC produces an error Valik Bug AutoIt
#584 Scite4AutoIt3 reports DLL error on start up Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#585 _Singleton with iFlag = 1 returns mutex handle on success Valik Bug Documentation
#586 Function _GuiCtrlListView_SetGroupInfo Don't Work Twice Valik Bug AutoIt
#587 ControlGetPos array error Bug AutoIt
#588 StringRegExpReplaceCallback Valik Feature Request AutoIt
#589 mixed compare result, bools and values. Valik Bug AutoIt
#590 AutoIT Script corrupting file names in script directory Bug AutoIt
#591 _GUICtrlListBox_AddString goes loopy when passing array instead of string Bug AutoIt
#592 a collection of prime based or prime related math functions Feature Request AutoIt
#593 Process Path Feature Request AutoIt
#594 wintitlematchmode Feature Request AutoIt
#595 Typo in help file. Gary Bug Documentation
#596 String<From/To>ASCIIArray() functions Valik Feature Request AutoIt
#597 Documentation @TempDir needs updating Bug Documentation
#598 database access (Microsoft) Feature Request AutoIt
#599 _FileListToArray costs O(N^2) instead of O(NlogN) Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs
#600 Array.au3 in Beta the functions don't work with 2D Array Gary Bug AutoIt
#601 Helpfile should mention that ToolTip "title" can be max 99 characters Jpm Bug Documentation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.