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Results (101 - 130 of 130)

1 2
Ticket Summary Owner Type Milestone Component Ticket
#2649 AutoIt3 Source Obfuscator v1.0.31.1 bug Bug Other
#2719 "Misc. functions Reference" - table - Function list guinness Feature Request Documentation
#2727 optional Datatypes Feature Request AutoIt
#2786 MDI childs don't adjust to parent windows client rect #2 Bug AutoIt
#2815 GUICtrlSetImage resets the icon size Bug AutoIt
#2879 objcreate("Microsoft.Update.Session","REMOTEHOST") is not connecting to REMOTEHOST Bug AutoIt
#2884 AutoIt tries to call COM VariantClear() on uninitialized memory Bug AutoIt
#2902 Incorrect GUI Scrolling when GUI is resizeable Bug Documentation
#2925 _WinAPI_ShellChangeNotifyRegister problem Bug AutoIt
#2931 _ExcelRangeFind helpfile example doesn't work with v. beta Bug AutoIt
#2960 SciTE show code abnormal Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#2994 Can't run _Excel_RangeFind example in Bug Standard UDFs
#3141 Wrong Screen Size Dimension Problem in Windows10 in Combination with the preferences „size of text apps and other items“ > 100% Bug AutoIt
#3163 Windows PE - Unknown software exeption 0xc000001d Bug AutoIt
#3164 problem with the function ToolTip COM Interface Jon Bug AutoItX
#3581 Dot notation with DllStruct fails if the variable is a constant Bug AutoIt
#3602 _PathSplit Strip Blanks Bug AutoIt
#3624 Ternary statement cannot be just an expression. Bug Au3Check
#3666 Au3Check issue when error is in include at last line and there is no crlf at the end Bug Au3Check
#3691 Wrong link in the CLSID List page Bug Documentation
#3692 SciTE v. - the function luaL_register has removed Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3703 2 ^ 49 and further return wrong results Bug AutoIt
#3724 _DateTimeSplit should ignore trailing Z (to accept parsing RFC3339 formated date time) Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3729 GUICtrlSetDefColor and GUICtrlSetDefBkColor cause inputs to fire other controls' events Bug AutoIt
#3749 Example in help file is wrong (StdoutRead) Bug Documentation
#3786 DirMove function returns success instead of failure Bug AutoIt
#3795 Missing documention for MapAppend() Feature Request Documentation
#3801 AutoIt #include does not handle symlinks right if included file has #include-once Bug AutoIt
#3854 Setting Control Color has unintended consequences in GUI Bug AutoIt
#3989 SplashOff() not being parsed correctly by SyntaxCheck Prod and Tidy Bug Au3Check
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