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Results (101 - 153 of 153)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Milestone Ticket
#2326 Cancel not detected in _WinAPI_GetSaveFileName() Jpm Bug closed
#2329 _ScreenCapture_Capture Wrong output size Bug closed
#2330 Error occurs when using some object properties with AutoIt Bug closed
#2332 Uncertainty in the calculations Bug closed
#2337 Au3Record: Unicode and endianness Jpm Bug closed
#2339 IsAdmin() and Sandboxie Bug closed
#2341 dllcall() function causes GUI hang. Bug closed
#2343 Obfuscator's documentation regarding AutoIt3Wrapper Bug closed
#2349 Windows 8 #RequireAdmin Broken in Scite Bug closed
#2353 FileSelectFolder doesn't refresh after creating new folder with individual name Bug closed
#2368 Inconsistent GUICreate results Bug closed
#2369 .exe is not working in driver Bug closed
#2373 @ScriptDir returns trailing slash Bug closed
#2379 WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL and GUICtrlCreateMenu causes bug Bug closed
#2384 UDPRecv() and TCPRecv() not setting @error correctly in some instances. Jon Bug closed
#2434 Different behaviour between "=" and "==" Bug closed
#2435 Different behaviour between "=" and "==" Bug closed
#2437 IniWriteSection does not sufficiently control the "data" parameter. Bug closed
#2453 FileFindNextFile can find not-matching mask files if non-English letters presented in the file name Jon Bug closed
#2458 _FTP_FileTimeLoHiToStr - description Bug closed
#2461 GUICtrlSetImage doesn't handle certain types of .gif file Jon Bug closed
#2463 RunWait does not wait if running an admin mode program (UAC popup) Bug closed
#2465 in _IEPropertyGet - out of date links in "ClientInfo Properties" Jpm Bug closed
#2467 SW_SHOWDEFAULT always return 10 Bug closed
#2470 $GUI_EVENT_(PRIMARY and SECONDARY)DOWN not triggered after WinActivate Bug closed
#2471 Bad restore for script using $WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL Jon Bug closed
#2472 Infinite Loop Bug closed
#2491 AutoIt doesn't functions properly Bug closed
#2500 _IEDocGetObj Help example $oDoc.fileCreatedDate error Bug closed
#2507 Problem with ObjCreate() on a 64bit PC when compiled with AutoIT_64 Bug closed
#2510 Empty variable Bug closed
#2514 _FileWriteFromArray - Count of elements in 2nd dimension is fixed to 3! Bug closed
#2515 Force close the std out stream will have memory leak in windows XP Bug closed
#2527 Checkbox background colour change after mouse hovering Bug closed
#2529 Add Extended Window Styles constant $WS_EX_NOACTIVATE Bug closed
#2535 Strange behaviour with FileOpenDialog and the return order of multi-selection of files Bug closed
#2543 Run on WriteOnly Medium Bug closed
#2545 HttpProxySet Return value Bug closed
#2549 Window controls do not always relocate with GUICtrlSetPos Bug closed
#2550 _GUICtrlComboBox_GetEditText Melba23 Bug closed
#2562 StringRegExp & Null character Jon Bug closed
#2567 Unknown strange Bug Bug closed
#2627 WinExists not working on Windows 8 Bug closed
#2646 _ArraySearch still has a bug! Bug closed
#2691 Bitshift is returning incorect results Bug closed
#2694 AutoitX3_x64.dll not working for ControlListView and ControlTreeView in 32bit application Jon Bug closed
#2708 re calculate "to" statment in "for ... to" loop Bug closed
#2712 RegDelete, RegRead and RegWrite operate on the wrong "keyname". Bug closed
#2729 32-bit integers converted to doubles after division Bug closed
#2754 Bug in guiSetState( @SW_RESTORE, $gui ) .... Bug closed
#2766 AUTOIT forum confirmation not send. Bug closed
#2773 _FTP_ProgressUpload - examples guinness Bug closed
#2786 MDI childs don't adjust to parent windows client rect #2 Bug closed
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.