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Status: closed (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Version Severity Ticket
#21 Scite Jump to Function case sensitive Valik Bug Other minor
#68 GUIWrapper not saving option Bug Other minor
#70 AutoIt3Wrapper Attempts to Update 64bit Executables Jos Bug Other major
#86 Scite, switching to other tab/file before Tidy is finished. Jos Bug Other
#167 SciTe4AutoIt3 8-3-2008 Installs beta Aut2exe.exe Jos Bug
#174 au3.api for v3.2.10.0 is missing RunAsSet Jos Bug
#297 Scite doc outdated Jos Bug Other None
#327 SciTE/Tidy bug. False message: "endfunc" is closing previous "if" Jos Bug None
#392 Tidy Region Nesting Jos Bug Other None
#476 Function Trace lines have to be removed manually Jos Bug Other None
#554 AutoIt3Wrapper not processing "&" in path properly Jos Bug None
#692 Tidy crashes on long lines Jos Bug None
#731 GUIWrapper Add required Constants *.au3 to your scripts changes #AutoItWrapper_Run_After Jos Bug None
#879 AutoIT installation fails to use 64-bit versions on 64-bit OS Win 2008 Jos Bug None
#923 Tidy upcases .eval COM object method Jos Bug Other None
#980 Scite4AutoIt3 - include latest Koda version Jos Feature Request None
#1076 SciLexer.dll beta, passing EOL. Jos Bug Other None
#1078 find skipping quote caracters. Jos Bug Other None
#1090 trivial artifact, persistand tidy error message line. Jos Bug Other None
#1095 tidy indent with $var_ exception. Jos Bug Other None
#1146 Obfuscator & OnAutoItExitRegister. Jos Bug Other None
#1235 Tidy does not format negative cases properly Jos Bug None
#1256 Scite Config for AutoIt3 Link Issue Jos Bug Other None
#1259 scite config, AU3 font settings. Jos Bug Other None
#1502 Missing keyword highlight on autoit3wrapper keywords. Bug Other None
#1616 AutoIt3Wrapper Icon Resource Error Bug Other None
#1670 SciTE4AutoIt3 Abbreviation Expanson Errors Jos Bug None
#1817 Tidy incorrectly formats an objects parenthesis Jos Bug None
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.