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Deck of Cards


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Latest Code edit: removed AddToHand and CombineDecks. Can just use _ArrayConcatenate()

#include <Array.au3>
$newdeck = _CutDeck(_ShuffleDeck(_InitializeDeck()))

While 1
    $newhand = _DrawCards($newdeck,5)
    _ArrayDisplay($newhand,"Five Cards Drawn")
    If _ArraySearch($newhand,"12~3") <> -1 Then ExitLoop


Func _InitializeDeck($faces=0,$suits=0,$decks=1)
    If Not IsArray($faces) Then Dim $faces[13]=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]
    If Not IsArray($suits) Then Dim $suits[4]=[0,1,2,3]
    Dim $deck[4]
    Dim $suit = 0
    Dim $card = 0
    For $i = 1 to $decks
        For $x = 0 To UBound($faces)-1
            ReDim $deck[$card+4]
                $deck[$card] = $suits[$suit] & $faces[$x]
                $card += 1
                $suit +=1
            Until $suit >= 4
            $suit = 0
    Return $deck

Func _ShuffleDeck($deck)   
    For $x = 0 To 50
    For $x = 51 To 1 Step -1
    Return $deck

Func _CutDeck($deck,$count=0)
    If $count <= 0 Or $count >= UBound($deck)-1 Then $count = Random(13,39,1)
    For $i = 1 to $count
    Return $deck

Func _DrawCards(ByRef $deck,$count)
    If Ubound($deck) <= $count Then $deck = _CutDeck(_ShuffleDeck(_InitializeDeck()))
    Dim $cards[$count]
    For $i = 0 to $count-1
        $cards[$i] = $deck[UBound($deck)-1]
    Return $cards

Func _PlayCards(ByRef $hand,$cards)
    Dim $played[UBound($cards)]
    For $i = 0 To UBound($played)-1
        $card = _ArraySearch($hand,$cards[$i])
        $played[$i] = $hand[$card]
    Return $played
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do you see where 012 = 12? or 013 = 13 ect...

Edited by nitekram

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I think the prob is with the creation of the deck. Notice how when the _DrawCards() func is caled the first line recreates the deck if not enough cards are in it. The default _InitializeDeck does not match your card naming scheme.

Edited by spudw2k
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I think the prob is with the creation of the deck. Notice how when the _DrawCards() func is caled the first line recreates the deck if not enough cards are in it. The default _InitializeDeck does not match your card naming scheme.

I think I found the issue - your code only deals the card but does not shuffle after each deal? So after the 52 cards are dealt out the cards reinialize and then the potential for double cards. Does that fit your tests?

Let me know what you find.

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I think I found the issue - your code only deals the card but does not shuffle after each deal? So after the 52 cards are dealt out the cards reinialize and then the potential for double cards. Does that fit your tests?

Let me know what you find.

Yeah, i'm not too sure what doubles you are finding. Each time the deck is "initialized" it starts from scratch and I've never seen the deck creation process produce doubles.

$deck = _NewDeck()

Func _NewDeck()
    Dim $faces[13]=[12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24]
    Dim $suits[4]=[1,2,3,4]
    Return _CutDeck(_ShuffleDeck(_InitializeDeck($faces,$suits)))
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Yeah, i'm not too sure what doubles you are finding. Each time the deck is "initialized" it starts from scratch and I've never seen the deck creation process produce doubles.

$deck = _NewDeck()

Func _NewDeck()
    Dim $faces[13]=[12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24]
    Dim $suits[4]=[1,2,3,4]
    Return _CutDeck(_ShuffleDeck(_InitializeDeck($faces,$suits)))
Here test my code - newest version 2.6 - I left the array displays in place - each time you press the deal it should start the deck over.

So to test - press deal then clear, then deal and clear, then deal and clear, the third time you should see the array display again, before all the cards have been dealt. Let me know what you think. I am also thinking that each card has been dealt 1 time only as if the cards had never been shuffled.


I found the same with your code - if you run yours 10 times you will not get a dupe card, but once you start the 11th time you will get 3 dupes. I think what the issue is, is the deck is not getting shuffled after each deal.

Edited by nitekram

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I found the same with your code - if you run yours 10 times you will not get a dupe card, but once you start the 11th time you will get 3 dupes. I think what the issue is, is the deck is not getting shuffled after each deal.

I reread my first edit and it makes no sense - in your code you deal 5 cards, if you continue to deal out 5 cards you will never see the same card twice until the 11th time you deal the cards. That should be impossible as the same card should have a chance of showing up on the very next deal - your code deals one card one time and never deals it again until all the cards have been dealt one time. I hope that I have explained it better, if not let me know.

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"Sometimes you have to go back to where you started, to get to where you want to go." 

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I think I know what you mean: you are trying to simulate having 2 decks together in one large deck, but the way the code is now, it's like using 2 decks separately, where you won't see the 2nd deck till all cards are dealt from the first deck.

Easiest solution: initialize a bigger deck, with 2 copies of everything. Or 3, or however many you want. The deal code deals all cars from a deck before creating a brand new deck, and dealing from it. So, by creating a bigger deck to start with, that will do what your looking for it to do.

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the third var in the Init func is how many decks to create (in one deck)

I am not sure I quite understand, but I changed the third var to 2 and found that there was really no random hands, a lot of the times there was 4 cards of the same suite over and over again. Do you see the same thing?

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"Sometimes you have to go back to where you started, to get to where you want to go." 

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What do you think of such a code to deal?

#include <Array.au3>
global $set[1]
for $i=1 to 52 

for $i=1 to 52
    for $k=$j to 1+$i Step -1

It operates a simple permutation over [1..52]. You have no more to do than give a correspondance between [1..52] and the cards.

I don't know if it is really uniformly random but I imagine it is if random is uniform over (min..max).


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What do you think of such a code to deal?

You mean shuffle right? It seems random enough, but for some reason this method creates doubles. Can you confirm?
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happyuser said:

Yes you are right, the code is wrong.

Line 9 should be $j=Int(random($i-1,52))+1 because int truncates (we need an integer between 1 and 52).

That way it seems to be OK with no double.

Cool, looks better. It seemed to be about a efficient as the current shuffle, so I combined the two methods and updated the code.


edit: recent revisit to this post and reworked / cleaned up some of the code.  See OP.

Edited by spudw2k
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