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Hi all, ok i just spend quite sometime reading in the forums about declaring multi dimentional arrays. (funny how over years you can still be clueless about simple things cause you never really needed them)

Anyways i figured it out thanks to posts from 2004 :-p

When declaring arrays this way the Rows are grouped together.

#include <Array.au3>
Dim $MyArray[2][5] = [['Row[0] Col[0]', 'Row[0] Col[1]', 'Row[0] Col[2]', 'Row[0] Col[3]', 'Row[0] Col[4]'], _
        ['Row[1] Col[0]', 'Row[1] Col[1]', 'Row[1] Col[2]', 'Row[1] Col[3]', 'Row[1] Col[4]']]

Now my question is is there anyway of declaring an multiple dimentional array with the Cols grouped together?

Posted (edited)

Try not to think of them specifically as rows and columns.

You could just as easily swap the initializers to organize your elements differently, It just depends on how You want to organize the data.

#include "array.au3"
Dim $arr1[3][2]=[["First Name","Last Name"],["Spud","W"],["D","jarlo"]]

Dim $arr2[2][3]=[["First Name","Spud","D"],["Last Name","W","jarlo"]]

Maybe I'm not understanding the result you are looking to achieve.


I once made a function to "transform" a two-dimension array by swapping (rebuilding) the dimensions, effectively converting say $arr[3][2] to $arr[2][3] while retaining it's elements, but it's not on this computer (where I'm posting from). I'll see if I can dig it up later if you think it may be of use to you.

Edited by spudw2k
Posted (edited)


Maybe I'm not understanding the result you are looking to achieve.

Not trying to achieve anything specific but learning a little something about array declaration :-)

Yes i do realize that in fact they are not really cols and rows, and your right, to work with them youll have to let that idea go.


I once made a function to "transform" a two-dimension array by swapping (rebuilding) the dimensions, effectively converting say $arr[3][2] to $arr[2][3] while retaining it's elements, but it's not on this computer (where I'm posting from). I'll see if I can dig it up later if you think it may be of use to you.

No thanks i just needed to know if they could be declared in such a way, and you answered that :-) I might not like it but hey once ya get used to it it wont matter anymore.

Thanks for your help.

Edited by Djarlo
Posted (edited)

in case you change your mind...i found the "transform" (properly dubbed transpose) function.

here it is unsolicited.

edit: It is designed for Two-Dimensional Arrays

edit: Added Function Description/Usage Header and error checking

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _ArrayTranspose
; Description ...: Transpose a two-dimensional array
; Syntax.........: _ArrayTranspose(ByRef $arr)
; Parameters ....: $arr - The array to Transpose
; Return values .: Success - $arr Transposed
;                 Failure - 0, sets @error to:
;                 |1 - $arr is no an array
;                 |2 - $arr is not a two-dimensional array
; Author ........: Spudw2k
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _ArrayTranspose(ByRef $arr)
If Not IsArray($arr) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
If Not UBound($arr,0) = 2 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
Dim $arrTrans[UBound($arr,2)][UBound($arr,1)]
For $x = 0 To UBound($arrTrans,2)-1
    For $y = 0 To UBound($arrTrans)-1
Return $arrTrans

Usage Example:

#include "array.au3"
Dim $array[3][2]=[["First Name","Last Name"],["John","Smith"],["David","Copperfield"]]
$array = _ArrayTranspose($array)
Edited by spudw2k

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