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CD/DVD Burning UDF


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One question :

How can I delete a folder/file from the fs ? Is it possible ?

(I'm planning to do an app for this UDF ... :) )



I will make a function for it, but you can do it yourself quite simple:

$oFileSystem.RemoveTree("Some dir")


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I will make a function for it, but you can do it yourself quite simple:

$oFileSystem.RemoveTree("Some dir")


Scratch that, this is the correct way of doing it:

$oRoot.RemoveTree("Some tree structure")

Silly me :)

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am studying how to implement burning cd or dvd by useing imapi.Now I meet some questions. I have download the KB932716 update file,but it appears somes problems.

"Setup cannot update your Windows XP files because the language installed on your system is different from the update language."

How should I do ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick question....do you know how to find out information about the burner? I want to know if a burner can burn dvd-r's, dvd+r's, etc...THANKS!


I will look into it and post an update :P

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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I will look into it and post an update :P

Two new functions added.


- Returns an array of media types that is supported by a drive that corresponds to the constants defined in the top of the UDF


- Returns true if the inserted media in a drive is blank


Edited by monoceres

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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New update!

Finally some iso support! :P

New functions:

  • _IMAPI2_BurnImageToDrive
  • _IMAPI2_AddFileToFS
  • _IMAPI2_CreateFSForMedia
  • _IMAPI2_FSCountDirectories
  • _IMAPI2_FSCountFiles
  • _IMAPI2_FSItemExists
  • _IMAPI2_DriveMediaFreeSpace
  • _IMAPI2_DriveMediaTotalSpace

Enjoy :P

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

this is great UDF, but just have a few Q's

i'm trying to get a progress feedback bat can't get it to work, the best i've done is that it chages once at the end, but it don't show progress as it burns, am i using the function wrong?

modified IMAPI2_Example.au3

$fs=_IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive($drive,"Sample Title"); Create a filesystem
ProgressOn("Progress Meter", "Ouch! that burns!", "ready...")


ProgressSet(100 , "Done", "Complete")

Func _Progress($array)
;   ConsoleWrite("Current action: "&$array[0]&@CRLF)
;   ConsoleWrite("Remaing time: "&$array[1]&@CRLF)
;   ConsoleWrite("Elapsed time: "&$array[2]&@CRLF)
;   ConsoleWrite("Total time: "&$array[3]&@CRLF)

    ProgressSet((Round($array[2])/Round($array[3])*100),"Current action: "&$array[0] & " Remaing time: "&$array[1] & " Elapsed time: "&$array[2] & " Total time: "&$array[3])


also, when i put in a disc and click OK the default windows "what do you want to do with this disc" dialog box comes up, is there a way i can stop it from coming up? (WinXP/SP3) or should i just WinActive to check for it and close it?

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this is great UDF, but just have a few Q's

i'm trying to get a progress feedback bat can't get it to work, the best i've done is that it chages once at the end, but it don't show progress as it burns, am i using the function wrong?


also, when i put in a disc and click OK the default windows "what do you want to do with this disc" dialog box comes up, is there a way i can stop it from coming up? (WinXP/SP3) or should i just WinActive to check for it and close it?

Ii actually works that way for me too, but my burner is in a really bad shape and since nobody else noticed this I thought it was my burner (my computer almost completely freeze when burning anything). I will try to find a solution when I get the time :P

I think the WinActive solution will wrk, but I'm convinced that there is another solution, same as above.

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know the steps required to append files to an un-finalized CD-R? I'm thinking you have to read in the FS somehow and then combine it with your new files before writing it backl or you'll lose reference to the existing files.

Anyone tried getting this to work?


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Does anyone know the steps required to append files to an un-finalized CD-R? I'm thinking you have to read in the FS somehow and then combine it with your new files before writing it backl or you'll lose reference to the existing files.

Anyone tried getting this to work?



There are methods in the IFileSystemImage object that allows you to import the filesystem on the inserted media. When I get the time, I'll incorporate them into the UDF :P

Methods in the IFileSystemImage object


Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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There are methods in the IFileSystemImage object that allows you to import the filesystem on the inserted media. When I get the time, I'll incorporate them into the UDF :P

Methods in the IFileSystemImage object


I found this out there... seems like just what the doctor ordered:

"Creating a Multisession Disc"


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This will help me imensly. Not sure how to spell that.

I found a bug though. I am running xp with sp3 and came across this error msg.

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\IMAPI2.au3 (274) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.:

Return StringLeft($sTemp[0], 1)

Return StringLeft($sTemp^ ERROR

How can I make it work properly?

And now this one for some reason:

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\IMAPI2_Example.au3 (13) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.:

$drive = _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj($ids[2])

$drive = _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj($ids^ ERROR


Edited by dansxmods
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This will help me imensly. Not sure how to spell that.

I found a bug though. I am running xp with sp3 and came across this error msg.

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\IMAPI2.au3 (274) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.:

Return StringLeft($sTemp[0], 1)

Return StringLeft($sTemp^ ERROR

How can I make it work properly?

And now this one for some reason:

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\IMAPI2_Example.au3 (13) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.:

$drive = _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj($ids[2])

$drive = _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj($ids^ ERROR


I'm guessing your errors are actually a result of a prior statement not populating those variables.

Did you install Microsoft's KB932716-V2 IMAPI2 update?

I scrolled down and went with the 32-bit XP SP2 download. MS claims the hotfix was included in SP3 but googling "IMAPI2" and "SP3" shows others have found missing IMAPI2 dll's after the SP3 update. Manually reinstalling the SP2 version got things working for me.

Edited by Spiff59
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Microsoft's example for appending data to an exisiting open CD, resulting in a multi-session CD almost worked. I made a few coasters and eventually found that the following code works fine. It will add a folder to a blank CD, or, if the CD has data and is not finalized, it will load the data from the prior session, append your new data, then burn a new session with everything intact. I couldn't use the functions in the existing UDF as I needed to reference the Writer object prior to defining the FileSystem. So, here's some working test code, minus any frills, parm-passing, or error checks:

Dim $oDiscmaster, $oRecorder, $oWriter, $oFileSystem, $aDriveInfo[5][5], $drives

; MAIN =========================================================================

$folder = FileSelectFolder("Select source folder to burn to CD", "")
If $folder = "" Then Exit


;For $x = 1 to $drives
;   MsgBox(1,"","Drive " & $x & ": " & $aDriveInfo[$x][1] & "   " & $aDriveInfo[$x][2] & " " & $aDriveInfo[$x][3] & " " & $aDriveInfo[$x][4])


; SUBROUTINES ==================================================================

Func _IMAPI2_Identify_Drives()
    $oDiscmaster = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscMaster2")
    If Not IsObj($oDiscmaster) Then 
        Msgbox(1,"","ObjCreate error: IMAPI2.MsftDiscMaster2")
    $drives = 0
    For $x = 0 To $oDiscmaster.Count() - 1
        $oRecorder = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscRecorder2")
        If Not IsObj($oRecorder) Then 
            Msgbox(1,"","ObjCreate error: IMAPI2.MsftDiscRecorder2")
    ; bypass DaemonTools/Roxio/MagicISO virtual 'SCSI' drives as they crash IMAPI2. IDE and USB drives work fine.       
        If StringMid($oDiscmaster.Item($x), 5, 4) <> "scsi" Then 
            $drives += 1
            $aDriveInfo[$drives][0] = $oDiscmaster.Item($x); Drive Identifier
            $z = $oRecorder.VolumePathNames
            $aDriveInfo[$drives][1] = $z[0]; Drive Letter
            $aDriveInfo[$drives][2] = $oRecorder.VendorId
            $aDriveInfo[$drives][3] = $oRecorder.ProductId
            $aDriveInfo[$drives][4] = $oRecorder.ProductRevision
    $oDiscmaster = ""

Func _IMAPI2_FolderToCD($curdrive)
    $oRecorder = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscRecorder2")
    $oWriter = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data")
    $oWriter.recorder = $oRecorder
    $oWriter.ClientName = @ScriptName

    $oFileSystem = ObjCreate("IMAPI2FS.MsftFileSystemImage")
    If $oWriter.MediaHeuristicallyBlank Then
        $oFileSystem.MultisessionInterfaces = $oWriter.MultisessionInterfaces

    $oFileSystem.FileSystemsToCreate = 3; ISO9660 + Joliet
    $oFileSystem.VolumeName = "X-Ray Images"

    $oRootDir = $oFileSystem.Root
    $oRootDir.AddTree($folder, False)

    $oResult = $oFileSystem.CreateResultImage()
    $vStream = $oResult.ImageStream
    $oWriter.write($vStream); bypass to save cd'S during testing
    $oFileSystem = ""
    $oWriter = ""
    $oRecorder = ""
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  • 2 weeks later...


I got a ? for ya that maybe you can help me understand. I'm getting closer and closer to integrating this wonderful UDF into my burner script; and I was looking through your code and got confused about a func. The FSItemExists func. The func basically return the value of an object method called Exists. My question is (since I haven't got far enough along to test yet) what if you have two files of the same name but in different directories. Do you know how the object method handles that?


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Cool Stuff: AutoItObject UDF â—Š Extract Icon From Proc â—Š GuiCtrlFontRotate â—Š Hex Edit Funcs â—Š Run binary â—Š Service_UDF


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I got a ? for ya that maybe you can help me understand. I'm getting closer and closer to integrating this wonderful UDF into my burner script; and I was looking through your code and got confused about a func. The FSItemExists func. The func basically return the value of an object method called Exists. My question is (since I haven't got far enough along to test yet) what if you have two files of the same name but in different directories. Do you know how the object method handles that?


According to the msdn page it's the full path to the file.

If you read it you will also see that my documentation is wrong about the return type (1 = directory, 2= file).

However I just tested this function and I can't get it to work. I have no idea why. I will check it when I get time. It's not an essential function however so you might wanna think about keeping the info if a file has been added internally.

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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