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Posted (edited)

I went thru the commands available in the help, but not sure which one works

If i navigated to a certain website , i want to match a specific text in the website like "The weather is" to trigger executing a command.


If th e phrase "the weather is" available in the website Then

do something.

which command will look to the phrase "the weather is" and match it so i can use it in a conditional statement

Thanks in advance

Edited by Rami

See the IE functions in the help file under User Defined Function>>IE Management.

_IEBodyReadText() is a good start.

Also, if you don't need to actually go to the page then have a look at





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The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number.

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I made a script once that scanned the ebaumsworld scavenger hunt pages and pulled out the keys from each page. Here's an example of what geo is talking about.

$file = FileRead("temp.html")
If StringInStr($file,"I'm Feeling Lucky") > 0 Then
    msgbox(0,"Found 'I'm Feeling Lucky on page.","Do Something")

Thank you a lot guys, the example helped alot too

$oIE = _IECreate ("http://www.arabfun.com/entertainment/loginc.cgi", 1, 1, 1, 0)
 $sText = _IEBodyReadText ($oIE)
 If StringInStr($sText,"*** Command: /cd [HEX or color name] Sets your Default Color (example: /cd green)") > 0 Then
 WinWaitActive("ArabFun!", "", "")
ControlEnable("ArabFun!", "", "mesg")
Send("/cd black{ENTER}")
_IELoadWait ($oIE)

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