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I have a problem to access a network file.
I have one folder on an USB stick sitting direct at my Fritz!Box NAS. If I mount it with the script

Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'NET USE Z: \\fritz.box\FRITZ.NAS\FNAS password /user:user /PERSISTENT:NO', "", @SW_HIDE)

everything is fine and I can access the drive Z: without any problem.

I also have a folder in an external Nextcloud server. If I mount that with the script

Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'NET USE Z: \\fritz.box\FRITZ.NAS\FNAS password /user:user /PERSISTENT:NO', "", @SW_HIDE)

I can see the new drive Q: in Explorer and I can access it with apps without Admin rights, e.g. if I open "cmd" without Admin rights a 'dir Q:' will show the content, but if I open
"cmd" with Admin rights, a 'dir Q:' generates the error message 'The system cannot find path specified'.
The result is, that some application will find drive Q:, others do not.
How can I fix it?


^ This

From my experience if you map a drive with elevated perms, whether it is the same user account or not, you can not access the mapped drive without elevated perms; and vice versa.  If you need to access the mapping with both elevated and non-elevated, you need to map it with both levels of privilege.


Thanks everybody for their hints. Concerning the MS notes, I tried it all without success. I still would like to understand, why I have no problems to access the files on my FritBoxNAS - which is in my local network - and the other files in the external network. Could that be a problem because of Nextcloud rights?

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