pixelsearch Posted June 16, 2021 Posted June 16, 2021 Hi everybody In the script below, this is what happens when you click the Button : 1) If the horizontal scrollbar was on the left side, then all is good. 2) If the horizontal scrollbar was moved to the middle (or to the right) then the GUI disappears in the background after you clicked the button. #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> $hGUI = GUICreate("Test", 500, 400) $idListView = GUICtrlCreateListView("Col0|Col1|Col2|Col3|Col4|Col5|Col6|Col7|Col8|Col9", 10, 10, 480, 300) For $i = 0 To 9 _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idListView, $i, 200) Next $idItem = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9", $idListview) $idButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Click me", 200, 340, 85, 25) GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $idButton ; click when scrollbar is on left, then with scrollbar on right _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($idListView, 0) EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGui) Is it a known behavior of _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem ? Thanks "I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."
spudw2k Posted June 16, 2021 Posted June 16, 2021 Interesting behaviour. It appears the way the function works is by finding the rectangle area of the indexed item, then clicking in the center of it. You can see that when you drag the slider to the right as you described, the rectangle area is outside of the window area--if you change the mouse move parameter to true you can see exactly where it is clicking. Behind the scenes, the MouseMove parameter always moves the mouse there to click, then moves it back if the parameter is False. As a workaround, I would suggest using ControlFocus & _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected; you might also have to use EnsureVisible. If you absolutely have to click it then you might have to get a little creative and get the item rectangle coordinates, but instead of clicking the X position, just click the Y position and reference the control X position. pixelsearch 1 Spoiler Things I've Made: Always On Top Tool ◊ AU History ◊ Deck of Cards ◊ HideIt ◊ ICU ◊ Icon Freezer ◊ Ipod Ejector ◊ Junos Configuration Explorer ◊ Link Downloader ◊ MD5 Folder Enumerator ◊ PassGen ◊ Ping Tool ◊ Quick NIC ◊ Read OCR ◊ RemoteIT ◊ SchTasksGui ◊ SpyCam ◊ System Scan Report Tool ◊ System UpTime ◊ Transparency Machine ◊ VMWare ESX Builder Misc Code Snippets: ADODB Example ◊ CheckHover ◊ Detect SafeMode ◊ DynEnumArray ◊ GetNetStatData ◊ HashArray ◊ IsBetweenDates ◊ Local Admins ◊ Make Choice ◊ Recursive File List ◊ Remove Sizebox Style ◊ Retrieve PNPDeviceID ◊ Retrieve SysListView32 Contents ◊ Set IE Homepage ◊ Tickle Expired Password ◊ Transpose Array Projects: Drive Space Usage GUI ◊ LEDkIT ◊ Plasma_kIt ◊ Scan Engine Builder ◊ SpeeDBurner ◊ SubnetCalc Cool Stuff: AutoItObject UDF ◊ Extract Icon From Proc ◊ GuiCtrlFontRotate ◊ Hex Edit Funcs ◊ Run binary ◊ Service_UDF
pixelsearch Posted June 16, 2021 Author Posted June 16, 2021 Thanks @spudw2k for the confirmation, It's hard to believe it never happened to anyone else during all these years. I faced this issue in this post 3 days ago. As the problem appeared after having added a ghost column 0 at the left of the LV in a complicated script, then it wasn't easy to know what was the exact cause. Before presenting the simple script above, I did this to debug : Script "2u", search "a" (for example), context menu "Show all rows" => F3 to start the search Modify function _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem() in a COPY of GuiListView.au3 Insert a ConsoleWrite between each of its lines : Func _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($hWnd, $iIndex, $sButton = "left", $bMove = False, $iClicks = 1, $iSpeed = 1) If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hWnd) ConsoleWrite("1 " & WinActive("[ACTIVE]") & @crlf) _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($hWnd, $iIndex, False) ConsoleWrite("2 " & WinActive("[ACTIVE]") & @crlf) Local $tRECT = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemRectEx($hWnd, $iIndex, $LVIR_LABEL) ConsoleWrite("3 " & WinActive("[ACTIVE]") & @crlf) Local $tPoint = _WinAPI_PointFromRect($tRECT, True) etc... Launch script "2u" Horizontal Scrollbar on the left, Console display : 1 0x02070622 2 0x02070622 3 0x02070622 4 0x02070622 5 0x02070622 6 0x02070622 7 0x02070622 8 0x02070622 9 0x02070622 10 0x02070622 11 0x02070622 12 0x02070622 13 0x02070622 14 0x02070622 15 0x02070622 16 0x02070622 Horizontal Scrollbar on the right, Console display : 1 0x02070622 2 0x02070622 3 0x02070622 4 0x02070622 5 0x02070622 6 0x02070622 7 0x02070622 8 0x02070622 9 0x02070622 10 0x02070622 11 0x02070622 12 0x006F04FC => change of handle, GUI is no more the active window 13 0x006F04FC 14 0x006F04FC 15 0x006F04FC 16 0x006F04FC So issue happens between step 11 and 12 when F3 is pressed and Horizontal Scrollbar is on the right (GUI is no more the active window) In the function _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem(), the line between step 11 and 12 is : MouseClick($sButton, $iX, $iY, $iClicks, $iSpeed) I added just after it : ConsoleWrite("$sButton = " & $sButton & " $iX = " & $iX & " $iY = " & $iY & " $iClicks = " & $iClicks & " $iSpeed = " & $iSpeed & @crlf) Example of result when ok (Horizontal Scrollbar on the left) $sButton = left $iX = 202 $iY = 130 $iClicks = 1 $iSpeed = 1 Example of result when bad behavior (Horizontal Scrollbar on the right) and the GUI disappears (I restored it from the tray in the pic below) : $sButton = left $iX = 106 $iY = 160 $iClicks = 1 $iSpeed = 1 So I moved the horizontal scrollbar 78 pixels on the right and the function clicks on 96 pixels (202-106) on the left, outside GUI (coords to be reconfirmed) 55 minutes ago, spudw2k said: f you absolutely have to click it then you might have to get a little creative Count on me for that Now I have to add a little post in the other thread, linking to this one, so LarsJ won't investigate in case he reads it. Thanks for your confirmation & advices. "I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."
Danyfirex Posted June 16, 2021 Posted June 16, 2021 Hello, I fixed like this: expandcollapse popup#include <GuiListView.au3> #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> $hGUI = GUICreate("Test", 500, 400) $idListView = GUICtrlCreateListView("Col0|Col1|Col2|Col3|Col4|Col5|Col6|Col7|Col8|Col9", 10, 10, 480, 300) For $i = 1 To 9 _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idListView, $i, 200) Next $idItem1 = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9", $idListView) $idItem2 = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9", $idListView) $idButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Click me", 200, 340, 85, 25) GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $idButton ; click when scrollbar is on left, then with scrollbar on right _GUICtrlListView_ClickItemMod($idListView, 0) EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) Func _GUICtrlListView_ClickItemMod($hWnd, $iIndex, $sButton = "left", $bMove = False, $iClicks = 1, $iSpeed = 1) If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hWnd) _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($hWnd, $iIndex, False) Local $tRECT = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemRectEx($hWnd, $iIndex, $LVIR_LABEL) Local $tPoint = _WinAPI_PointFromRect($tRECT, True) Local $iXPlus = DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Left") < 0 ? DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Left") * -1 : 0 $tPoint = _WinAPI_ClientToScreen($hWnd, $tPoint) Local $iX, $iY _WinAPI_GetXYFromPoint($tPoint, $iX, $iY) Local $iMode = Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1) If Not $bMove Then Local $aPos = MouseGetPos() _WinAPI_ShowCursor(False) MouseClick($sButton, $iX + $iXPlus, $iY, $iClicks, $iSpeed) MouseMove($aPos[0], $aPos[1], 0) _WinAPI_ShowCursor(True) Else MouseClick($sButton, $iX + $iXPlus, $iY, $iClicks, $iSpeed) EndIf Opt("MouseCoordMode", $iMode) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListView_ClickItemMod Saludos pixelsearch 1 Danysys.com AutoIt... UDFs: VirusTotal API 2.0 UDF - libZPlay UDF - Apps: Guitar Tab Tester - VirusTotal Hash Checker Examples: Text-to-Speech ISpVoice Interface - Get installed applications - Enable/Disable Network connection PrintHookProc - WINTRUST - Mute Microphone Level - Get Connected NetWorks - Create NetWork Connection ShortCut
pixelsearch Posted June 16, 2021 Author Posted June 16, 2021 (edited) Hello @Danyfirex Thanks for your input. But In my case (column 0 hidden), _GUICtrlListView_ClickItemMod() isn't quite enough to have the row selected when the horizontal scrollbar has been moved to the right (even just a bit). After adding 2 ConsoleWrite to _GUICtrlListView_ClickItemMod() , here are the results : Local $tRECT = ... ConsoleWrite('DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Left") = ' & DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Left") & @crlf) MouseClick(...) ConsoleWrite("$iX = " & $iX & " $iXPlus = " & $iXPlus & " $iX + $iXPlus = " & $iX + $iXPlus & " $iY = " & $iY & @crlf) We launch the script (the one in your post) and drag column 0 divider to the left, so column 0 is now hidden, then : 1) With horizontal scrollbar completely to the left, we click the button and the row becomes selected : DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Left") = 4 $iX = 277 $iXPlus = 0 $iX + $iXPlus = 277 $iY = 222 2) Deselect the row, then with horizontal scrollbar dragged just a little bit to the right, button clicked, row is not selected : DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Left") = -16 $iX = 257 $iXPlus = 16 $iX + $iXPlus = 273 $iY = 222 Maybe the rough solution would be to add sometimes 4 pixels to $iXPlus ? Edit : here is a result that show a case where 273 should be "readjusted" to 277 : DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Left") = 4 $iX = 277 $iXPlus = 0 $iX + $iXPlus = 277 $iY = 222 DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Left") = 0 $iX = 273 $iXPlus = 0 $iX + $iXPlus = 273 $iY = 222 Edited June 16, 2021 by pixelsearch "I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."
Nine Posted June 16, 2021 Posted June 16, 2021 May be this ? Func _GUICtrlListView_ClickItemMod($hWnd, $iIndex, $sButton = "left", $bMove = False, $iClicks = 1, $iSpeed = 1) If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hWnd) _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($hWnd, $iIndex, False) Local $tRECT = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemRectEx($hWnd, $iIndex, $LVIR_LABEL) Local $tPoint = _WinAPI_PointFromRect($tRECT, True) $tPoint = _WinAPI_ClientToScreen($hWnd, $tPoint) Local $iX, $iY _WinAPI_GetXYFromPoint($tPoint, $iX, $iY) Local $tCtrl = _WinAPI_GetWindowInfo($hWnd) $iX = DllStructGetData($tCtrl, 'rClient', 1) + 4 Local $iMode = Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1) If Not $bMove Then Local $aPos = MouseGetPos() _WinAPI_ShowCursor(False) MouseClick($sButton, $iX, $iY, $iClicks, $iSpeed) MouseMove($aPos[0], $aPos[1], 0) _WinAPI_ShowCursor(True) Else MouseClick($sButton, $iX, $iY, $iClicks, $iSpeed) EndIf Opt("MouseCoordMode", $iMode) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlListView_ClickItemMod Zedna, pixelsearch and spudw2k 3 “They did not know it was impossible, so they did it” ― Mark Twain Spoiler Block all input without UAC Save/Retrieve Images to/from Text Monitor Management (VCP commands) Tool to search in text (au3) files Date Range Picker Virtual Desktop Manager Sudoku Game 2020 Overlapped Named Pipe IPC HotString 2.0 - Hot keys with string x64 Bitwise Operations Multi-keyboards HotKeySet Recursive Array Display Fast and simple WCD IPC Multiple Folders Selector Printer Manager GIF Animation (cached) Debug Messages Monitor UDF Screen Scraping Round Corner GUI UDF Multi-Threading Made Easy
mLipok Posted June 16, 2021 Posted June 16, 2021 (edited) Is it win64 ? Maybe it is similar issue which @LarsJ help me fix recently but with treeview... ? Edited June 16, 2021 by mLipok Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... * Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 * My contribution to others projects or UDF based on others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related: * How to use IE.au3 UDF with AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/206771-winhttpau3-download-problem-youre-speaking-plain-http-to-an-ssl-enabled-server-port/ "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming" , be and \\//_. Anticipating Errors : "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
pixelsearch Posted June 16, 2021 Author Posted June 16, 2021 (edited) @mLipok no it's not win64, but you know, LarsJ often got in his scripts this "4 pixels thing" when it comes to column 0, for example in one of his scripts : If $iSubItem Then aRect = _GUICtrlListView_GetSubItemRect( $hListView, $iItem, $iSubItem ) ; Subitem rectangle Else ; $iSubItem = 0, the listview item, first column ; This calculation of $aRect for the listview item is necessary to get ; things to work properly if $LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP style is applied. $aRect = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemRect( $hListView, $iItem, 2 ) ; 2 - The bounding rectangle of the item text $aRect[0] -= 4 EndIf And yes, I also got the $LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP style @Nine where do you find these incredible messages ? I never heard of WINDOWINFO structure until now and it seems so useful, thanks for sharing ! So with your function, results look promising in all cases : ============ Col 0 hidden ============ Scrollbar placed at left : $iX = 277 $iX = 279 $iY = 222 Scrollbar placed at Right : $iX = -1047 $iX = 279 $iY = 222 ============= Col 0 visible ============= Scrollbar placed at left : $iX = 298 $iX = 279 $iY = 222 Scrollbar placed at right : $iX = -1068 $iX = 279 $iY = 222 279 in all cases, what to ask for more ? Especially the working 277 (in precedent post) seems "a bit too close" of LV border. Guys, thank you so much. your 3 answers are really helpful. I would like to "mark as solution" the 3 of you but it seems impossible (I tried on 2 of you before I saw Nine post and didn't succeed) . Have a great evening Edit: I wonder if a Trac ticket should be opened for this _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem() function Edited June 16, 2021 by pixelsearch "I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."
Nine Posted June 16, 2021 Posted June 16, 2021 Glad you like 10 minutes ago, pixelsearch said: I wonder if a Trac ticket should be opened Yep there is definitely a bug there. À tout seigneur, tout honneur : I will let you write it. “They did not know it was impossible, so they did it” ― Mark Twain Spoiler Block all input without UAC Save/Retrieve Images to/from Text Monitor Management (VCP commands) Tool to search in text (au3) files Date Range Picker Virtual Desktop Manager Sudoku Game 2020 Overlapped Named Pipe IPC HotString 2.0 - Hot keys with string x64 Bitwise Operations Multi-keyboards HotKeySet Recursive Array Display Fast and simple WCD IPC Multiple Folders Selector Printer Manager GIF Animation (cached) Debug Messages Monitor UDF Screen Scraping Round Corner GUI UDF Multi-Threading Made Easy
pixelsearch Posted June 16, 2021 Author Posted June 16, 2021 Done. Trac Ticket #3827 created Nine 1 "I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."
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