spudw2k Posted April 9, 2020 Posted April 9, 2020 (edited) Project migrated to C# spudw/PassGen: PassGen tool written in C# (github.com) I am migrating this tool to C#, so I have retired the AutoIt version. The last AutoIt version is in the spolier below. Reveal hidden contents So, for a long time we've (my work) been using a very poor practice when sharing encrypted email attachments. (step 1, send an email with an encrypted zip; step 2, send the password in a separate email). In order to make exchanging encrypted attachments more secure, I put this tool together. It generates a Password based on a (pre-shared) Key (shared manually via a secure channel), and a Passphrase. The Passphrase is sent along with the encrypted zip and the tool uses the Key & Passphrase to re-generate the password used to encrypt / decrypt the zip. The password is generated by calculating a hash based on the Key and Passphrase, then coverts the first 20 bytes of the produced hash into a human-friendly password. It also uses the CryptProtectData and Unprotect functions put together by funkey to save the Key (per user) in the registry. expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon = "Icon.ico" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression = 4 Const $VERSION = "" #pragma compile(FileDescription, Password Generator Tool) #pragma compile(ProductName, PassGen) #pragma compile(ProductVersion, #pragma compile(FileVersion, #pragma compile(UPX, false) #Region - Version History #comments-start Version - 2021/08/05 Bug Fix Return of the bug Version - 2021/08/03 Bug Fix [*] Fixed Overwrite/Append warning when Import Key Archive into Blank Key Manager Listview Altered KeyArchiveGetCount function [*] First time use and Key Archive clear bugs (Passphrase field lock/unlock) 1st time can't type in Passphrases inputbox until re-open Key Archive clear doesn't lock Passphrase inputbox Version - 2021/07/19 Startup tweaks [*] Changed startup / upgrade logic slightly [+] Added LNK to Programs folder to add PassGen to Start Menu Version - 2021/07/07 Bug fix Once again...Password not regerating after Key selection change and activation in Key Manager. Added idTxtPassphrase_OnChange on KeyManage_Close Systray Context menu Open did no fully restore GUI Version - 2021/07/07 Bug fix Password not regerating after Key selection change and activation in Key Manager. Version - 2021/06/14 Bug fix idTxtPassphrase_OnChange being called in WM_ACTIVATE was crushing password generation if passphrase was populated Version 2.0.5 - 2021/06/07 Feature changes & Bug fix [+] Key Masking in Key Manager [+] Added View Menu and Show Keys Menu Item to Key Manager UI Unchecked by default each time the Key Manager is displayed [+] Added Key Manager Changes Tracking Array Optimizes Saving operation [+] Key Manager Colorization Added colorized pending changes, utilizing Key Manager Changes Tracking Array [*] Do not unmask Key on main GUI while using Key Manager [*] Fixed bug with Esc hotkey not re-registering after Key Manager value changed [+] Added Export Password confirmation - Enter export password twice [*] Minor Change to AutoStart behaviour Removed Restart and Update splash screen Do not automatically relaunch (restart) local copy [+] Added logic re-size KeyManager listview columns on populate [+] Added Auto-Import (import password automation) if PassGen Export meets Auto-Import criteria Version 2.0.4 - 2021/02/19 Bug Fixes [*] Tooltip not disappearing when cancel edit Version 2.0.3 - 2021/02/19 Minor Cosmetic Changes [*] Changed GUI size and layout Spaced controls more uniformly [*] Show Key button Toggled state text change [*] Passphrase field operation Greyed out Password field when no Password present Type here message with empty, non-focused Passphrase field Version 2.0.2 - 2021/02/18 Bug fixes & AutoUpdate function tweak [*] Import operation Select most recent dated Key as Active [*] HotKeyManager Issues KeyManager Activate Import operation Unsaved changed queue stacking [*] Empty Key Archive Export operation halt New Key doesn't register as change [*] PasswordIsValid Password cleared if Passphrase is cleared logic [*] AutoUpdate Added update message and re-execute from local path logic Version 2.0.1 - 2021/02/17 Minor Bug fixes & cosmetic changes/corrections [*] Changed Key Change Button text [+] Added File Menu options on main GUI Open Key Manager, Import, Export Version 2.0 - 2021/02/17 New Major Version - New Features & Code Cleanup [+] Added dedicated Key Archive Manager UI Change button on Main UI opens new Key Archive Manager (KM) UI KM is equipped with editable listview which enables electing an active key, key date and key values Basic UI functions included (Menubar, context menu, buttons) for performing key archive management functions (add keys, modify keys) [*] Migrated Key Archive functions from ver 1.3 into new Key Archive Manager Version 1.3 - 2021/01/25 New Features & Misc Code Cleanup/Optimization [+] Added KeyArchive / KeyList mechanisms [+] Added Key Archive functions - Select, Add, Remove, Modify, Date-Change, Import, Export, Clear [*] Altered Key Change button - Integrated Key Archive management functions - Dynamic Context Menu with Key Archive management function controls [*] Changed Registry key storage logic to accommodate KeyArchive [*]Key and Password become masked on Window Focus Lost or Minimize [*] Tray Icon Hidden when Not Minimized to Tray [+] Added Auto Purge from Clipboard after timer [*] Periodically checks clipboard and clears copied password or passphrase from clipboard and Copied to labels when clipboard no longer contains password or passphrase [+] Added Key Complexity Requirement [+] Added Legacy Key logic - to migrate RegKey from prior version. Version - 2020/08/24 Minor Tray Tweaks [*] Made system tray icon always shown [*] Minor Tray Menu changes Version 1.2.1 - 2020/08/24 Functional Changes & Minor Code Cleanup [+] Restored Minimize button and added Taskbar Peek Preview GUI hide workaround [+] Added Close to Tray function option [*] Minor Code Cleanup Version 1.2 - 2020/08/21 Code Cleanup & Feature Additions [*] Removed unnecessary code [+] Clear Clipboard on Exit [+] Added Menubar with functions File > Exit Options > Automatic Startup on Login [+] Added Tray Menu with functions Open, Quit [*] Changed Tray Icon behavior - Hide when GUI visible, Show when GUI hidden [*] Changed Tray Icon click behavior Single Left-Click restores GUI Single Right-Click open Tray Menu [-] Removed Minimize button Version 1.1 - 2020/08/20 Feature Additions [+] Added Password Masking functionality [+] Added Minimize to Tray functionality Version 1.0.1 - 2020/02/25 Minor Customization [*] Changed EXE Icon Version 1.0 - 2020/05/20 Original Full Release #comments-end #EndRegion - Version History #Region - Includes and Variables #include <Array.au3> #include <Crypt.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WinAPICom.au3> #include <GuiComboBox.au3> #include <GuiDateTimePicker.au3> #include <GuiEdit.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <GuiMenu.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <ListViewConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <TrayConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIvkeysConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Const $STARTUPLINK = @StartupDir & "\PassGen.exe.lnk" Const $PROGRAMPATH = @ProgramsDir & "\PassGen\PassGen.exe" Const $APPPATH = @ProgramsDir & "\PassGen\PassGen.lnk" If _Singleton("PassGen", 1) = 0 Then $sRunningProcessPath = _WinAPI_GetProcessFileName(ProcessExists("PassGen.exe")) If $sRunningProcessPath = @ScriptFullPath Then Exit If _VersionCompare(FileGetVersion(@ScriptFullPath), FileGetVersion($sRunningProcessPath)) = 1 Then ProcessClose("PassGen.exe") Else WinSetState("PassGen","",@SW_SHOW) WinSetState("PassGen","",@SW_RESTORE) Exit EndIf EndIf UpdatePassGen() Opt("GUICloseOnESC", 0) ;Don't send the $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE message when ESC is pressed. Opt("GUIEventOptions", 1) ;suppress windows behavior on minimize, restore or maximize click button or window resize Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ;enable Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1 + 2) ; no default menu & items will not automatically check/uncheck when clicked Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) ;enable TraySetClick(8) Const $TITLE = "PassGen" Const $CHARACTERLIST = "ABCEFGHKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ0987654321abdefghjmnqrtuwy" Const $CHARACTERLISTLEN = StringLen($CHARACTERLIST) Const $REGKEYPATH = "HKCU\Software\PassGen" Const $REGKEYCURRENT = "CurrentKey" Const $tagDATA_BLOB = "DWORD cbData;ptr pbData;" Const $tagCRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT = "DWORD cbSize;DWORD dwPromptFlags;HWND hwndApp;ptr szPrompt;" Enum Step *2 $COMPLEXITY_UPPER, $COMPLEXITY_LOWER, $COMPLEXITY_NUMBER, $COMPLEXITY_SYMBOL Const $BINARYFORMAT_SOH = Binary("0x01") Const $BINARYFORMAT_STX = Binary("0x02") Const $BINARYFORMAT_ETX = Binary("0x03") Const $BINARYFORMAT_EOM = Binary("0x19") Const $BINARYFORMAT_RS = Binary("0x1E") Const $BINARYFORMAT_US = Binary("0x1F") Const $BINARYFORMAT_SUB = Binary("0x1A") Const $BINARYFORMAT_FS = Binary("0x1C") Const $EXPORTFILEHEADER = $BINARYFORMAT_SOH & StringToBinary("PGEF") & $BINARYFORMAT_STX ;[Start of Heading] MagicNumber [Start of text] Const $EXPORTFILEEOF = $BINARYFORMAT_ETX & StringToBinary("PGEF") & $BINARYFORMAT_EOM ;[End of Text] MagicNumber [End of Medium] Const $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYDATE = $BINARYFORMAT_RS & StringToBinary("KD") & $BINARYFORMAT_US ;[Record Separator] MagicNumber [Unit Separator] Const $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYVALUE = $BINARYFORMAT_US & StringToBinary("KV") & $BINARYFORMAT_US ;[Unit Separator] MagicNumber [Unit Separator] Const $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYLENGTH = $BINARYFORMAT_US & StringToBinary("KL") & $BINARYFORMAT_US ;[Unit Separator] MagicNumber [Unit Separator] Const $EXPORTFILEENCRYPTEDHEADER = $BINARYFORMAT_SUB & StringToBinary("PGENCEXP") & $BINARYFORMAT_FS ;[Substitution] MagicNumber [File Separator] Const $EXPORTFILEHEADERLEN = BinaryLen($EXPORTFILEHEADER) Const $EXPORTFILEEOFLEN = BinaryLen($EXPORTFILEEOF) Const $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYDATELEN = BinaryLen($EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYDATE) Const $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYVALUELEN = BinaryLen($EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYVALUE) Const $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYLENGTHLEN = BinaryLen($EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYLENGTH) Const $EXPORTFILEENCRYPTEDHEADERLEN = BinaryLen($EXPORTFILEENCRYPTEDHEADER) Const $DATEFORMATBYTELEN = StringLen("YYYY/MM/DD") Dim $aGUI[1] = ["hwnd|id"] Enum $hGUI = 1, $idMnuFile, $idMnuFileKeyMgr, $idMnuFileImport, $idMnuFileExport, $idMnuFileQuit, $idMnuOptions, $idMnuOptionsAutoStart, $idMnuOptionsCloseToTray, _ $idTrayOpen, $idTrayQuit, $idBtnRevealKey, $idLblKey, $idTxtKey, $idCmbKeyList, $idDateKeyDatePicker, $idBtnKey, $idLblPassphrase, $idLblPassphraseUse, _ $idTxtPassphrase, $idBtnPassphrase, $idLblPassphraseMsg, $idLblPassword, $idLblPasswordUse, $idTxtPassword, $idBtnPassword, $idLblPasswordMsg, $iGUILast ReDim $aGUI[$iGUILast] Dim $aKeyManagerGUI[1] = ["hwnd|id"] Enum $hKeyManagerGUI = 1, $idKMMnuFile, $idKMMnuFileNew, $idKMMnuFileExport, $idKMMnuFileImport, $idKMMnuFileClose, _ $idKMMnuEdit, $idKMMnuEditRemove, $idKMMnuEditSelectAll, $idKMMnuEditDeselectAll, $idKMMnuView, $idKMMnuViewShow, _ $idKMListView, $hKMListView, $idKMBtnCancel, $idKMBtnSave, $idKMListViewDummy, $iKeyManagerGUILast ReDim $aKeyManagerGUI[$iKeyManagerGUILast] Enum $e_KMActivate = 1000, $e_KMEditDate, $e_KMEditValue, $e_KMEditRemove Enum Step *2 $e_HotKeyESC, $e_HotKeyDEL, $e_HotKeyEnter Global $aItemPos, $idTempEditCtrl, $hTempEditCtrl, $aCurrentListViewItem[2], $bChangesMade = False, $bChangesPending = False, $bListViewSortDirection = False, $g_iEditing = False Global $g_iCurCol = -1, $g_iSortDir = 1, $g_bSet = False, $g_iCol = -1 Global $hTimer, $g_aKeyArchive, $g_aKeyMgrChanges, $g_bKeyManagerBusy = False Const $sEmptyPassphraseMsg = "Type Passphrase Here", $sHiddenPassword = "●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●", $AUTOPURGETIME = 3 ;minutes Const $CHANGEDVALUECOLOR = 0xFF0000 #EndRegion - Includes and Variables #Region - UI Creation $aGUI[$hGUI] = GUICreate($TITLE & " v" & $VERSION, 510, 230, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_SYSMENU)) $aGUI[$idMnuFile] = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File") $aGUI[$idMnuFileKeyMgr] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open Key &Manager" & @TAB & "Ctrl + M", $aGUI[$idMnuFile]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "GUIEvents") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $aGUI[$idMnuFile]) $aGUI[$idMnuFileImport] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Import Key Archive" & @TAB & "Ctrl + I", $aGUI[$idMnuFile]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "GUIEvents") $aGUI[$idMnuFileExport] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Export Key Archive" & @TAB & "Ctrl + E", $aGUI[$idMnuFile]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "GUIEvents") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $aGUI[$idMnuFile]) $aGUI[$idMnuFileQuit] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Quit" & @TAB & "Ctrl + Q", $aGUI[$idMnuFile]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "GUIEvents") $aGUI[$idMnuOptions] = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Options") $aGUI[$idMnuOptionsAutoStart] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Automatic Start on Login", $aGUI[$idMnuOptions]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "GUIEvents") $aGUI[$idMnuOptionsCloseToTray] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Enable Close to Tray", $aGUI[$idMnuOptions]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "GUIEvents") TrayCreateItem("PassGen v" & $VERSION) TrayItemSetState(-1, $TRAY_DISABLE) TrayCreateItem("") $aGUI[$idTrayOpen] = TrayCreateItem("Open") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TrayEvents") TrayItemSetState(-1, $TRAY_DEFAULT) TrayCreateItem("") $aGUI[$idTrayQuit] = TrayCreateItem("Quit") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TrayEvents") $aGUI[$idBtnRevealKey] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("&Show", 12, 10, 44, 34, BitOR($BS_PUSHLIKE, $BS_AUTOCHECKBOX)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "GUIEvents") $aGUI[$idLblKey] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Key:", 64, 18, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD, $GUI_FONTUNDER) $aGUI[$idTxtKey] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 104, 10, 326, 34, $ES_PASSWORD) Const $ES_PASSWORDCHAR = GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR, 0, 0) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, $FW_BOLD, Default, "Consolas") $aGUI[$idBtnKey] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Key &Mgr", 442, 10, 58, 34, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "GUIEvents") $aGUI[$idLblPassphrase] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Passphrase:", 16, 86, 100, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD, $GUI_FONTUNDER) $aGUI[$idLblPassphraseUse] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Send with Email", 15, 106, 100, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_NORMAL, $GUI_FONTITALIC, "Times New Roman") $aGUI[$idTxtPassphrase] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 104, 80, 326, 34) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_FOCUS) idTxtPassphrase_SetStyle(1) $aGUI[$idBtnPassphrase] = GUICtrlCreateButton("C&opy", 442, 80, 58, 34) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "GUIEvents") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $aGUI[$idLblPassphraseMsg] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 104, 114, 330, 40, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD, $GUI_FONTITALIC) $aGUI[$idLblPassword] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password:", 30, 156, 80, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD, $GUI_FONTUNDER) $aGUI[$idLblPasswordUse] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Use to Encrypt", 24, 175, 100, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_NORMAL, $GUI_FONTITALIC, "Times New Roman") $aGUI[$idTxtPassword] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 104, 150, 326, 34, BitOR($ES_READONLY, $SS_CENTER, $ES_PASSWORD)) idTxtPassword_Enable(False) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, $FW_BOLD, Default, "Consolas") $aGUI[$idBtnPassword] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Co&py", 442, 150, 58, 34) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "GUIEvents") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $aGUI[$idLblPasswordMsg] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 104, 184, 330, 20, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD, $GUI_FONTITALIC) GUIRegisterMsg($WM_ACTIVATE, "WM_ACTIVATE") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND, "WM_COMMAND") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "GUIEvents") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE, "GUIEvents") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_RESTORE, "GUIEvents") TraySetOnEvent($TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYUP, "GUIShow") Local $aAccelKeys[][2] = [["^m", $aGUI[$idMnuFileKeyMgr]], ["^i", $aGUI[$idMnuFileImport]], ["^e", $aGUI[$idMnuFileExport]], ["^q", $aGUI[$idMnuFileQuit]]] GUISetAccelerators($aAccelKeys) $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKeyManagerGUI] = GUICreate("Key Archive Manager", 318, 400, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_SIZEBOX, $DS_SETFOREGROUND)) $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFile] = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File") $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFileNew] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Add &New Key" & @TAB & "Ctrl + N", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFile]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFile]) $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFileImport] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Import Key Archive" & @TAB & "Ctrl + I", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFile]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFileExport] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Export Key Archive" & @TAB & "Ctrl + E", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFile]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFile]) $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFileClose] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Close" & @TAB & "Ctrl + X", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFile]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEdit] = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Edit") $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEditRemove] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Remove Selected Key(s)" & @TAB & "DEL", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEdit]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEdit]) $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEditSelectAll] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Select &All" & @TAB & "Ctrl + A", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEdit]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEditDeselectAll] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Deselect All" & @TAB & "Ctrl + D", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEdit]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuView] = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&View") $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuViewShow] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Show Keys" & @TAB & "Ctrl + S", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuView]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMListView] = GUICtrlCreateListView("Active|Key Date|Key Value|GUID", 4, 4, 308, 310, BitOR($LVS_SORTDESCENDING, $WS_BORDER, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS), BitOR($LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKBORDERS) $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] = GUICtrlGetHandle($aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMListView]) $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMListViewDummy] = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMBtnCancel] = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Cancel", 10, 320, 140, 30) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM + $GUI_DOCKSIZE) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMBtnSave] = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Save", 166, 320, 140, 30, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM + $GUI_DOCKSIZE) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView], False, False) GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "WM_NOTIFY") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_GETMINMAXINFO, "WM_GETMINMAXINFO") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "KeyManager_GUIEvents") Local $aAccelKeys[][2] = [["^n", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFileNew]], ["^i", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFileImport]], ["^e", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFileExport]], ["^x", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFileClose]], ["^a", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEditSelectAll]], ["^d", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEditDeselectAll]], ["^s", $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuViewShow]]] GUISetAccelerators($aAccelKeys) #EndRegion - UI Creation #Region - Main _Crypt_Startup() _LegacyKeyConvert() UILock() KeyReadFromReg(RegistryKeyGetCurrent()) If idTxtKey_Read() Then UILock(False) If AutoStartIsEnabled() Then GUICtrlSetState($aGUI[$idMnuOptionsAutoStart], $GUI_CHECKED) If CloseToTrayIsEnabled() Then GUICtrlSetState($aGUI[$idMnuOptionsCloseToTray], $GUI_CHECKED) If $CmdLineRaw = "/silent" Then GUIHide() Else GUIShow() EndIf While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd #EndRegion - Main #Region - UI Event Functions Func _Exit() If $bChangesMade Then If Not KeyManager_Close("Quit") Then Return 0 EndIf ClipboardClear() _GUICtrlListView_UnRegisterSortCallBack($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView]) _Crypt_Shutdown() $hTimer = 0 Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit Func GUICtrl_Enable($iCtrl, $bFlag = True) Return GUICtrl_SetState($iCtrl, $bFlag, $GUI_ENABLE, $GUI_DISABLE) EndFunc ;==>GUICtrl_Enable Func GUICtrl_GetChecked($iCtrl) Local $iState = GUICtrl_Read($iCtrl) Return (BitAND($iState, $GUI_CHECKED) ? True : False) EndFunc ;==>GUICtrl_GetChecked Func GUICtrl_GetState($iCtrl, $iState) Return BitAND(GUICtrlGetState($iCtrl), $iState) EndFunc ;==>GUICtrl_GetState Func GUICtrl_MenuItemToggle($iCtrl) If BitAND(GUICtrl_Read($iCtrl), $GUI_CHECKED) Then Return GUICtrl_SetChecked($iCtrl, False) Else Return GUICtrl_SetChecked($iCtrl) EndIf EndFunc ;==>GUICtrl_MenuItemToggle Func GUICtrl_Read($iCtrl) Return GUICtrlRead($iCtrl) EndFunc ;==>GUICtrl_Read Func GUICtrl_SetChecked($iCtrl, $bFlag = True) Return GUICtrl_SetState($iCtrl, $bFlag, $GUI_CHECKED, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndFunc ;==>GUICtrl_SetChecked Func GUICtrl_SetData($iCtrl, $sValue) Return GUICtrlSetData($iCtrl, $sValue) EndFunc ;==>GUICtrl_SetData Func GUICtrl_SetFocus($iCtrl, $bFlag = True) Return GUICtrl_SetState($iCtrl, $bFlag, $GUI_FOCUS) EndFunc ;==>GUICtrl_SetFocus Func GUICtrl_SetState($iCtrl, $bEval, $iTrueValue, $iFalseValue = 0) If Not IsBool($bEval) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iState = ($bEval = True) ? $iTrueValue : $iFalseValue Return SetExtended(GUICtrlSetState($iCtrl, $iState), $iState) EndFunc ;==>GUICtrl_SetState Func GUICtrl_Show($iCtrl, $bFlag = True) Return GUICtrl_SetState($iCtrl, $bFlag, $GUI_SHOW, $GUI_HIDE) EndFunc ;==>GUICtrl_Show Func GUIEvents() $iCtrl = @GUI_CtrlId Switch $iCtrl Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE If @GUI_WinHandle = $aGUI[$hGUI] Then Return (CloseToTrayIsEnabled()) ? GUIHide() : _Exit() Else KeyManager_Close() EndIf Case $GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE GUIMinimize() Case $GUI_EVENT_RESTORE GUIRestore() Case $aGUI[$idMnuFileKeyMgr] KeyManager_OpenGUI() Case $aGUI[$idMnuFileImport] KeyManager_OpenGUI() KeyArchiveImportRoutine() Case $aGUI[$idMnuFileExport] KeyArchiveExportRoutine() Case $aGUI[$idMnuFileQuit] _Exit() Case $aGUI[$idMnuOptionsAutoStart] idMnuOptionsAutoStart_Click() Case $aGUI[$idMnuOptionsCloseToTray] idMnuOptionsCloseToTray_Click() Case $aGUI[$idBtnRevealKey] idBtnRevealKey_Click() Case $aGUI[$idBtnKey] idBtnKey_Click() Case $aGUI[$idBtnPassphrase] idBtnPassphrase_Click() Case $aGUI[$idBtnPassword] idBtnPassword_Click() EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>GUIEvents Func GUIHide() GUIMinimize() TraySetState($TRAY_ICONSTATE_SHOW) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $aGUI[$hGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $aGUI[$hGUI]) EndFunc ;==>GUIHide Func GUIMinimize() KeyHide() GUISetState(@SW_MINIMIZE) EndFunc ;==>GUIMinimize Func GUIRestore() GUISetState(@SW_RESTORE) EndFunc ;==>GUIRestore Func GUIShow() TraySetState($TRAY_ICONSTATE_HIDE) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $aGUI[$hGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $aGUI[$hGUI]) GUIRestore() WinActivate($aGUI[$hGUI]) EndFunc ;==>GUIShow Func KeyManager_GUIEvents() $iCtrl = @GUI_CtrlId Switch $iCtrl Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFileClose] KeyManager_Close() Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFileNew] KeyManager_AddKey() If idKMListView_GetCount() = 1 Then idKMListView_CheckItem(0) Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEditRemove] KeyManager_RemoveSelected() Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEditSelectAll] KeyManager_SelectAll() Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuEditDeselectAll] KeyManager_SelectAll(False) Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMListViewDummy] KeyManager_KeyActivateEvent() Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMListView] KeyManager_Sort() Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMBtnCancel] KeyManager_Cancel() Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMBtnSave] KeyManager_Save() Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFileImport] KeyArchiveImportRoutine() Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuFileExport] KeyArchiveExportRoutine() Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuViewShow] KeyManager_ShowKeysToggle() EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_GUIEvents Func TrayEvents() $iCtrl = @TRAY_ID Switch $iCtrl Case $aGUI[$idTrayOpen] GUIShow() Case $aGUI[$idTrayQuit] _Exit() EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>TrayEvents Func WM_ACTIVATE($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $iCode = BitAND($wParam, 0xFFFF) Switch $hWnd Case $aGUI[$hGUI] Switch $iCode Case 0 ;WA_INACTIVE KeyHide() PasswordHide() ToolTip("") HotKeyManager() Case 1 To 2 ;WA_ACTIVE & WA_CLICKACTIVE HotKeyManager() ;~ KeyManager_Close() EndSwitch Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKeyManagerGUI] Switch $iCode Case 0 ;WA_INACTIVE If Not KeyManager_IsBusy() Then If $g_iEditing Then KeyManager_DeleteTempEditControl() KeyManager_ShowKeys(False) GUICtrl_SetChecked($aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuViewShow], False) ToolTip("") HotKeyManager() Else ;~ KeyManager_Close() EndIf Case 1 To 2 ;WA_ACTIVE & WA_CLICKACTIVE If ClipboardContainsPass() Then ClipboardClear() idBtnPassphrase_Enabled(False) idBtnPassword_Enabled(False) idTxtPassword_Enable(False) idTxtPassword_SetData("") idLblPassphraseMsg_SetMessage() idLblPasswordMsg_SetMessage() HotKeyManager($e_HotKeyDEL) EndSwitch EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>WM_ACTIVATE Func WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $iIDFrom = BitAND($wParam, 0xFFFF) ; LoWord - this gives the control which sent the message Local $iCode = BitShift($wParam, 16) ; HiWord - this gives the message that was sent Switch $wParam Case $e_KMActivate KeyManager_SetActive() Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG Case $e_KMEditDate KeyManager_ActivatedItem($aCurrentListViewItem[0], 1) KeyManager_EditItem() Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG Case $e_KMEditValue KeyManager_ActivatedItem($aCurrentListViewItem[0], 2) KeyManager_EditItem() Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG Case $e_KMEditRemove KeyManager_RemoveSelected() Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndSwitch Switch $iCode Case $EN_CHANGE ; If we have the correct message Switch $iIDFrom ; See if it comes from one of the inputs Case $aGUI[$idTxtPassphrase] Return idTxtPassphrase_OnChange() Case $idTempEditCtrl TempEditControlValidKeyValue() Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndSwitch Case $EN_SETFOCUS Switch $iIDFrom Case $aGUI[$idTxtPassphrase] idTxtPassphrase_SetStyle(0) If idTxtPassphrase_Read() = $sEmptyPassphraseMsg Then idTxtPassphrase_SetData("") Case $aGUI[$idTxtPassword] Return PasswordShow() EndSwitch Case $EN_KILLFOCUS Switch $iIDFrom Case $aGUI[$idTxtPassphrase] If Not StringLen(idTxtPassphrase_Read()) Then idTxtPassphrase_SetStyle(1) idTxtPassphrase_SetData($sEmptyPassphraseMsg) EndIf Case $aGUI[$idTxtPassword] Return PasswordHide() Case $idTempEditCtrl EndSwitch EndSwitch Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_COMMAND Func WM_GETMINMAXINFO($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) If $hWnd = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKeyManagerGUI] Then $minmaxinfo = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int", $lParam) DllStructSetData($minmaxinfo, 7, 332) ; min X DllStructSetData($minmaxinfo, 8, 250) ; min Y DllStructSetData($minmaxinfo, 9, 332) ; max X DllStructSetData($minmaxinfo, 10, 700) ; max Y Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>WM_GETMINMAXINFO Func WM_NOTIFY($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $lParam) $hWndFrom = HWnd(DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "HwndFrom")) $iCode = DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "Code") If $iCode = -12 Then ; $NM_CUSTOMDRAW Local $tNMLVCUSTOMDRAW = DllStructCreate($tagNMLVCUSTOMDRAW, $lParam) $dwDrawStage = DllStructGetData($tNMLVCUSTOMDRAW, "dwDrawStage") Switch $dwDrawStage ; Holds a value that specifies the drawing stage Case 1 ; $CDDS_PREPAINT ; Before the paint cycle begins Return 32 ; $CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW - Notify the parent window of any item-related drawing operations Case 65537 ; $CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT ; Before painting an item Return 32 ; $CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW - Notify the parent window of any subitem-related drawing operations Case 196609 ; BitOR($CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT, $CDDS_SUBITEM) If Not IsArray($g_aKeyMgrChanges) Then Return 2 $iItem = DllStructGetData($tNMLVCUSTOMDRAW, "dwItemSpec") ; Row index Local $iSubItem = DllStructGetData($tNMLVCUSTOMDRAW, "iSubItem") ; Column index If $hWndFrom == GUICtrlGetHandle($aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMListView]) Then If $iItem <= UBound($g_aKeyMgrChanges) - 1 And $iSubItem <= UBound($g_aKeyMgrChanges, 2) - 1 Then If $g_aKeyMgrChanges[$iItem][$iSubItem] == True Then DllStructSetData($tNMLVCUSTOMDRAW, "ClrText", $CHANGEDVALUECOLOR) Else DllStructSetData($tNMLVCUSTOMDRAW, "ClrText", 0x000000) EndIf EndIf EndIf Return 2 ; $CDRF_NEWFONT must be returned after changing font or colors EndSwitch EndIf Switch $hWndFrom Case $hTempEditCtrl Switch $iCode Case $DTN_CLOSEUP KeyManager_EditDate() EndSwitch Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG Case $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] Local $tInfo = DllStructCreate($tagNMLISTVIEW, $lParam) Local $iItem = DllStructGetData($tInfo, "Item") Local $iSubItem = DllStructGetData($tInfo, "SubItem") If $iItem < 0 Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG Switch $iCode Case $NM_CLICK, $NM_DBLCLK If $iSubItem == 0 Then KeyManager_ActivatedItem($iItem, $iSubItem) GUICtrlSendToDummy($aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMListViewDummy]) _GUICtrlListView_SetSelectedColumn($hWndFrom, -1) Else _GUICtrlListView_SetSelectedColumn($hWndFrom, $iSubItem) EndIf Case $NM_RCLICK KeyManager_ActivatedItem($iItem, $iSubItem) KeyManager_SelectAll(False) idKMListView_SelectItem($iItem) KeyManager_ContextMenu() Case $LVN_ITEMACTIVATE If $iSubItem == 0 Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG KeyManager_ActivatedItem($iItem, $iSubItem) KeyManager_EditItem() EndSwitch EndSwitch Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_NOTIFY #EndRegion - UI Event Functions #Region - UI Control Functions Func idBtnKey_Click() KeyManager_OpenGUI() EndFunc ;==>idBtnKey_Click Func idBtnKey_Enabled($bFlag = True) GUICtrl_Enable($aGUI[$idBtnKey], $bFlag) EndFunc ;==>idBtnKey_Enabled Func idBtnKey_Focus() GUICtrl_SetFocus($aGUI[$idBtnKey]) EndFunc ;==>idBtnKey_Focus Func idBtnPassphrase_Click() ClipboardCopyData(GUICtrl_Read($aGUI[$idTxtPassphrase])) idLblPasswordMsg_SetMessage() idLblPassphraseMsg_SetMessage("Copied to Clipboard") AutoPurgeTimer() EndFunc ;==>idBtnPassphrase_Click Func idBtnPassphrase_Enabled($bFlag = True) GUICtrl_Enable($aGUI[$idBtnPassphrase], $bFlag) EndFunc ;==>idBtnPassphrase_Enabled Func idBtnPassword_Click() ClipboardClear() ClipboardCopyData(GUICtrl_Read($aGUI[$idTxtPassword])) idLblPassphraseMsg_SetMessage() idLblPasswordMsg_SetMessage("Copied to Clipboard") AutoPurgeTimer() EndFunc ;==>idBtnPassword_Click Func idBtnPassword_Enabled($bFlag = True) GUICtrl_Enable($aGUI[$idBtnPassword], $bFlag) EndFunc ;==>idBtnPassword_Enabled Func idBtnRevealKey_AcceleratorOption($iFlag = 0) GUICtrl_SetData($aGUI[$idBtnRevealKey], ($iFlag = 1) ? "&Hide" : "&Show") EndFunc ;==>idBtnRevealKey_AcceleratorOption Func idBtnRevealKey_Click() Local $iState = GUICtrl_Read($aGUI[$idBtnRevealKey]) If $iState = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then KeyHide() Else KeyShow() EndIf EndFunc ;==>idBtnRevealKey_Click Func idBtnRevealKey_Depressed($bFlag = True) GUICtrl_SetChecked($aGUI[$idBtnRevealKey], $bFlag) EndFunc ;==>idBtnRevealKey_Depressed Func idBtnRevealKey_Enabled($bFlag = True) GUICtrl_Enable($aGUI[$idBtnRevealKey], $bFlag) EndFunc ;==>idBtnRevealKey_Enabled Func idKMBtnSave_Enable($bFlag = True) GUICtrl_Enable($aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMBtnSave], $bFlag) EndFunc ;==>idKMBtnSave_Enable Func idKMListView_CheckItem($iItem) Return _GUICtrlListView_SetItemChecked($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView], $iItem) EndFunc ;==>idKMListView_CheckItem Func idKMListView_GetCount() Return _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView]) EndFunc ;==>idKMListView_GetCount Func idKMListView_GetItem($iItem, $iSubItem) Return _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView], $iItem, $iSubItem) EndFunc ;==>idKMListView_GetItem Func idKMListView_SelectItem($iItem) Return _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView], $iItem) EndFunc ;==>idKMListView_SelectItem Func idLblPassphraseMsg_SetMessage($sMsg = "") GUICtrl_SetData($aGUI[$idLblPassphraseMsg], $sMsg) EndFunc ;==>idLblPassphraseMsg_SetMessage Func idLblPasswordMsg_SetMessage($sMsg = "") GUICtrl_SetData($aGUI[$idLblPasswordMsg], $sMsg) EndFunc ;==>idLblPasswordMsg_SetMessage Func idMnuOptionsAutoStart_Click() Local $iState = GUICtrl_MenuItemToggle($aGUI[$idMnuOptionsAutoStart]) AutoStart(($iState == $GUI_CHECKED) ? True : False) EndFunc ;==>idMnuOptionsAutoStart_Click Func idMnuOptionsCloseToTray_Click() Local $iState = GUICtrl_MenuItemToggle($aGUI[$idMnuOptionsCloseToTray]) CloseToTraySetting(($iState == $GUI_CHECKED) ? True : False) EndFunc ;==>idMnuOptionsCloseToTray_Click Func idTempEditCtrl_Read() Return GUICtrl_Read($idTempEditCtrl) EndFunc ;==>idTempEditCtrl_Read Func idTxtKey_Enable($bFlag = True) GUICtrl_Enable($aGUI[$idTxtKey], $bFlag) EndFunc ;==>idTxtKey_Enable Func idTxtKey_IsEnabled() Return (GUICtrl_GetState($aGUI[$idTxtKey], $GUI_ENABLE)) ? True : False EndFunc ;==>idTxtKey_IsEnabled Func idTxtKey_OnChange() AutoPurgeTimer(False) EndFunc ;==>idTxtKey_OnChange Func idTxtKey_Read() Return GUICtrl_Read($aGUI[$idTxtKey]) EndFunc ;==>idTxtKey_Read Func idTxtKey_SetData($sValue) GUICtrl_SetData($aGUI[$idTxtKey], $sValue) EndFunc ;==>idTxtKey_SetData Func idTxtKey_Visible($bFlag = True) GUICtrl_Show($aGUI[$idTxtKey], $bFlag) EndFunc ;==>idTxtKey_Visible Func idTxtPassphrase_Enable($bFlag = True) GUICtrl_Enable($aGUI[$idTxtPassphrase], $bFlag) EndFunc ;==>idTxtPassphrase_Enable Func idTxtPassphrase_OnChange() AutoPurgeTimer(False) If idTxtPassphrase_Read() <> $sEmptyPassphraseMsg Then If PassphraseIsValid() Then GUICtrl_Enable($aGUI[$idBtnPassphrase]) GUICtrl_Enable($aGUI[$idBtnPassword]) idTxtPassword_Enable() GeneratePassword() Else GUICtrl_Enable($aGUI[$idBtnPassphrase], False) GUICtrl_Enable($aGUI[$idBtnPassword], False) idTxtPassword_Enable(False) EndIf Else idTxtPassword_Enable(False) EndIf EndFunc ;==>idTxtPassphrase_OnChange Func idTxtPassphrase_Read() Return GUICtrl_Read($aGUI[$idTxtPassphrase]) EndFunc ;==>idTxtPassphrase_Read Func idTxtPassphrase_SetData($sValue) GUICtrl_SetData($aGUI[$idTxtPassphrase], $sValue) EndFunc ;==>idTxtPassphrase_SetData Func idTxtPassphrase_SetStyle($iFlag = 0) Local $idCtrl = $aGUI[$idTxtPassphrase] Local $iFontAttr, $iColor, $iStyle, $iSize Switch $iFlag Case 0 $iFontAttr = Default $iColor = 0x000000 $iStyle = $ES_LEFT $iSize = 18 Case 1 $iFontAttr = $GUI_FONTITALIC $iColor = 0xA0A0A0 $iStyle = $SS_CENTER $iSize = 16 EndSwitch GUICtrlSetFont($idCtrl, $iSize, $FW_BOLD, $iFontAttr, "Consolas") GUICtrlSetColor($idCtrl, $iColor) GUICtrlSetStyle($idCtrl, $iStyle) EndFunc ;==>idTxtPassphrase_SetStyle Func idTxtPassword_Enable($bFlag = True) GUICtrlSetBkColor($aGUI[$idTxtPassword], ($bFlag = True) ? 0xFFFFFF : 0xF0F0F0) GUICtrl_Enable($aGUI[$idTxtPassword], $bFlag) EndFunc ;==>idTxtPassword_Enable Func idTxtPassword_Read() Return GUICtrl_Read($aGUI[$idTxtPassword]) EndFunc ;==>idTxtPassword_Read Func idTxtPassword_SetData($sValue) GUICtrl_SetData($aGUI[$idTxtPassword], $sValue) EndFunc ;==>idTxtPassword_SetData #EndRegion - UI Control Functions #Region - Additonal Functions Func AutoPurgeClipboard() If (TimerDiff($hTimer) >= (1000 * 60 * $AUTOPURGETIME)) Or (ClipboardContainsPass() = False) Then $hTimer = TimerInit idLblPassphraseMsg_SetMessage("") idLblPasswordMsg_SetMessage("") If ClipboardContainsPass() Then ClipboardClear() EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>AutoPurgeClipboard Func AutoPurgeTimer($bFlag = True) Switch $bFlag Case True $hTimer = TimerInit() AdlibRegister("AutoPurgeClipboard", 10000) Case False $hTimer = 0 AdlibUnRegister("AutoPurgeClipboard") EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>AutoPurgeTimer Func AutoStart($bEnable = True) Switch $bEnable Case True ;~ FileCopy(@ScriptFullPath, $PROGRAMPATH, $FC_CREATEPATH + $FC_OVERWRITE) FileCreateShortcut($PROGRAMPATH, $APPPATH) FileCreateShortcut($PROGRAMPATH, $STARTUPLINK, "", "/silent") Case False If FileExists($STARTUPLINK) Then Return FileDelete($STARTUPLINK) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>AutoStart Func AutoStartIsEnabled() Local $aShortcut = FileGetShortcut($STARTUPLINK) If @error Then Return False Return (FileExists($aShortcut[0])) ? True : False EndFunc ;==>AutoStartIsEnabled Func ClipboardClear() ClipPut("") EndFunc ;==>ClipboardClear Func ClipboardContainsPass() $sClipboardText = ClipboardGet() If $sClipboardText == idTxtPassphrase_Read() Then Return SetError(0, 1, True) If $sClipboardText == idTxtPassword_Read() Then Return SetError(0, 2, True) Return False EndFunc ;==>ClipboardContainsPass Func ClipboardCopyData($vData) ClipPut($vData) EndFunc ;==>ClipboardCopyData Func ClipboardGet() Return ClipGet() EndFunc ;==>ClipboardGet Func CloseToTrayIsEnabled() RegRead($REGKEYPATH, "NoCloseToTray") Return (@error <> 0) ? True : False EndFunc ;==>CloseToTrayIsEnabled Func CloseToTraySetting($bEnable = True) Switch $bEnable Case True RegDelete($REGKEYPATH, "NoCloseToTray") Case False RegWrite($REGKEYPATH, "NoCloseToTray", "REG_DWORD", 0) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>CloseToTraySetting Func GeneratePassword() ;Create Password based on Key & Passphrase hash $sKey = KeyGetValue() $sPassphrase = PassphraseGetValue() $dHash = _Crypt_HashData($sKey & "-" & $sPassphrase, $CALG_SHA1) $sPassword = "" For $iX = 1 To 20 $hByte = BinaryMid($dHash, $iX, 1) $iChar = Mod(Int(Dec(StringRight($hByte, 2))), $CHARACTERLISTLEN) $sPassword &= StringMid($CHARACTERLIST, $iChar + 1, 1) Next $sPassword = StringMid($sPassword, 1, 4) & "-" & StringMid($sPassword, 5, 4) & "-" & StringMid($sPassword, 9, 4) & "-" & StringMid($sPassword, 13, 4) & "-" & StringMid($sPassword, 17, 4) idTxtPassword_SetData($sPassword) idBtnPassword_Click() EndFunc ;==>GeneratePassword Func HotKeyManager($iHotKeys = 0) HotKeySet("{ESC}") HotKeySet("{DEL}") HotKeySet("{ENTER}") If BitAND($iHotKeys, $e_HotKeyDEL) = $e_HotKeyDEL Then HotKeySet("{DEL}", "KeyManager_RemoveSelected") EndIf If BitAND($iHotKeys, $e_HotKeyESC) = $e_HotKeyESC Then HotKeySet("{ESC}", "KeyManager_Cancel") EndIf If BitAND($iHotKeys, $e_HotKeyEnter) = $e_HotKeyEnter Then HotKeySet("{ENTER}", "KeyManager_Save") EndIf EndFunc ;==>HotKeyManager Func InputboxMask($iCtrl, $bMask = True) Switch $bMask Case False GUICtrlSendMsg($iCtrl, $EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, 0, 0) Case True GUICtrlSendMsg($iCtrl, $EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, $ES_PASSWORDCHAR, 0) EndSwitch Local $aRes = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "RedrawWindow", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle($iCtrl), "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "dword", 5) EndFunc ;==>InputboxMask Func IsStringComplex($sText, $iMinLength = 8, $iMinReq = 4, $iReqFlags = Default) ;Input Parameter Error Checking $sText = StringStripWS(String($sText), $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) If Not IsInt($iMinLength) Or $iMinLength < 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, Null) ;$iMinLen is not an integer Or is less then 0 If Not IsInt($iMinReq) Then Return SetError(3, 0, Null) ;$iMinReq is not an intger If $iMinReq < 0 Or $iMinReq > 4 Then Return SetError(3, 1, Null) ;$iMinReq integer is outside acceptable range If $iReqFlags = Default Then $iReqFlags = BitOR($COMPLEXITY_UPPER, _ $COMPLEXITY_LOWER, $COMPLEXITY_NUMBER, $COMPLEXITY_SYMBOL) If Not IsInt($iReqFlags) Then Return SetError(4, 0, Null) ;$iReqFlags is not an integer If $iReqFlags < 0 Or $iReqFlags > 15 Then Return SetError(4, 1, Null) ;$iReqFlags integer is outside acceptable range Local $iReqChecksCount = 0 If BitAND($iReqFlags, $COMPLEXITY_UPPER) Then $iReqChecksCount += 1 If BitAND($iReqFlags, $COMPLEXITY_LOWER) Then $iReqChecksCount += 1 If BitAND($iReqFlags, $COMPLEXITY_UPPER) Then $iReqChecksCount += 1 If BitAND($iReqFlags, $COMPLEXITY_UPPER) Then $iReqChecksCount += 1 If $iReqChecksCount > $iMinReq Then Return SetError(5, 0, Null) ;$iReqFlags is not compatible with $iMinReq - More Required Flags set than Minimum Required ;First String Complexity Test - String Length If Not (StringLen($sText) >= $iMinLength) Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) ;Failed due to string length being less than $iMinLength ;Conduct Remaining String Complexity Test Local $iTestPassCount = 0 Local $iFailedReq = 0 Local $bTest $bTest = (StringRegExp($sText, "[[:upper:]]")) ? True : False If $bTest Then $iTestPassCount += 1 If BitAND($iReqFlags, $COMPLEXITY_UPPER) And $bTest = False Then $iFailedReq += $COMPLEXITY_UPPER $bTest = (StringRegExp($sText, "[[:lower:]]")) ? True : False If $bTest Then $iTestPassCount += 1 If BitAND($iReqFlags, $COMPLEXITY_LOWER) And $bTest = False Then $iFailedReq += $COMPLEXITY_LOWER $bTest = (StringRegExp($sText, "[[:digit:]]")) ? True : False If $bTest Then $iTestPassCount += 1 If BitAND($iReqFlags, $COMPLEXITY_NUMBER) And $bTest = False Then $iFailedReq += $COMPLEXITY_NUMBER $bTest = (StringRegExp($sText, "[[:punct:]]")) ? True : False If $bTest Then $iTestPassCount += 1 If BitAND($iReqFlags, $COMPLEXITY_SYMBOL) And $bTest = False Then $iFailedReq += $COMPLEXITY_SYMBOL ;Evaluate Test Results If $iTestPassCount < $iMinReq Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) ;Failed due to less than $iMinReq If $iFailedReq Then Return SetError(3, $iFailedReq, False) ;Failed due to one or more $iRegFlags failing Return True EndFunc ;==>IsStringComplex Func KeyArchiveClear($bForce = False) If $bForce = False Then If MsgBox(BitOR($MB_ICONWARNING, $MB_YESNO, $MB_DEFBUTTON2), "Clear Key Archive", "Are you absolutely sure you want to clear the Key Archive?" & _ @CRLF & @CRLF & "This action can not be undone!") <> $IDYES Then Return 0 EndIf KeyArchiveGet() For $sKey In $g_aKeyArchive RegDelete($REGKEYPATH, $sKey) Next RegDelete($REGKEYPATH, $REGKEYCURRENT) EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveClear Func KeyArchiveClearFromMem() $g_aKeyArchive = 0 EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveClearFromMem Func KeyArchiveExportCanceled($sCustomMsg = "") If $sCustomMsg <> "" Then $sCustomMsg &= @CRLF & @CRLF EndIf $sCustomMsg &= "Export Canceled" MsgBox(0, "", $sCustomMsg) Return KeyManager_Busy(False) EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveExportCanceled Func KeyArchiveExportKey($sDate, $sKey) If Not _DateIsValid($sDate) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not IsString($sKey) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) $dKeyBytes = StringToBinary($sKey, 4) $iKeyByteLen = StringToBinary(BinaryLen($dKeyBytes)) Return $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYDATE & StringToBinary($sDate) & $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYVALUE & $dKeyBytes ;~ Return $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYDATE & StringToBinary($sDate) & $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYLENGTH & $iKeyByteLen & $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYVALUE & $dKeyBytes EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveExportKey Func KeyArchiveExportRoutine() HotKeyManager() KeyManager_OpenGUI() KeyManager_Busy() If Not _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView]) Then Return KeyArchiveExportCanceled("Nothing to Export") If $bChangesMade Then $iRet = MsgBox(BitOR($MB_YESNO, $MB_ICONWARNING, $MB_DEFBUTTON2), "Unsaved Changes", "You have unsaved changes." & _ @CRLF & "Unsaved changes may not be exported." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Do you want to continue with exporting?") If $iRet = $IDNO Then KeyArchiveExportCanceled() Return 0 ElseIf $iRet = $IDCANCEL Then Return KeyManager_Show() EndIf EndIf Local $sPassGenExportFilePath = FileSaveDialog("PassGen Key Archive Export", @MyDocumentsDir & "\", "PassGen Key Archive (*.pge)", $FD_PROMPTOVERWRITE, "PassGenKeyArchive.pge") If @error Then Return KeyArchiveExportCanceled() Local $sPGEPassword = "" Do $sPGEPassword = InputBox("Enter Export Password", "Enter a password to protect the export." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "The password must have at least 8 characters and contain at least 3 of the 4 requirements:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Upper case, Lower case, Number, or Symbol.", $sPGEPassword) If @error = 1 Then Return KeyArchiveExportCanceled() EndIf Local $bPasswordIsValid = IsStringComplex($sPGEPassword, 8, 3, 0) If Not $bPasswordIsValid Then MsgBox(BitOR($MB_ICONERROR, $MB_TASKMODAL), "Password Error", "Password does not meet complexity requirements.") $sPasswordConfirmation = InputBox("Confirm Export Password", "Re-enter the same password to confirm it was typed correctly.") Local $bPasswordConfirmed = False If $sPasswordConfirmation == $sPGEPassword Then $bPasswordConfirmed = True If Not $bPasswordConfirmed Then MsgBox(BitOR($MB_ICONERROR, $MB_TASKMODAL), "Password Mismatch", "Re-entered password does not match.") Until $bPasswordIsValid And $bPasswordConfirmed $sBIN = $EXPORTFILEHEADER KeyArchiveGet() For $iKey In $g_aKeyArchive $sBIN = $sBIN & KeyArchiveExportKey(KeyArchiveParseDate($iKey), KeyArchiveParseValue($iKey)) Next $sBIN = $sBIN & $EXPORTFILEEOF Local $dEncryptionKey = _Crypt_DeriveKey(StringToBinary($sPGEPassword), $CALG_AES_256) $sPGEPassword = "" If @error Then Return KeyArchiveExportCanceled("An unexpected error occured while preparing the Encryption key") $hExportFile = FileOpen($sPassGenExportFilePath, BitOR($FO_OVERWRITE, $FO_CREATEPATH, $FO_BINARY)) If $hExportFile = -1 Then Return KeyArchiveExportCanceled("An unexpected error occured while attempting to create the export file") FileWrite($hExportFile, $EXPORTFILEENCRYPTEDHEADER) FileWrite($hExportFile, _Crypt_EncryptData($sBIN, $dEncryptionKey, $CALG_USERKEY)) _Crypt_DestroyKey($dEncryptionKey) ; Destroy the cryptographic key. FileClose($hExportFile) MsgBox(0, "Export Complete", "PassGen Key Archive exported successfully", 5) KeyManager_Busy(False) EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveExportRoutine Func KeyArchiveGet() Local $iRegValIndex = 1 Local $aKeyArchive[0][2] While 1 Local $sRegValName = RegEnumVal($REGKEYPATH, $iRegValIndex) If @error Then ExitLoop If StringLeft($sRegValName, 1) == "{" And StringRight($sRegValName, 1) == "}" Then Local $sRegValue = KeyUnprotect(RegRead($REGKEYPATH, $sRegValName)) _ArrayAdd($aKeyArchive, $sRegValName & "|" & $sRegValue) EndIf $iRegValIndex += 1 WEnd _ArraySort($aKeyArchive, 1, 0, 0, 1) $g_aKeyArchive = $aKeyArchive _ArrayColDelete($g_aKeyArchive, 1, True) Return $aKeyArchive EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveGet Func KeyArchiveGetCount() Return idKMListView_GetCount() EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveGetCount Func KeyArchiveImportCanceled($sCustomMsg = "") If $sCustomMsg <> "" Then $sCustomMsg &= @CRLF & @CRLF EndIf $sCustomMsg &= "Import Canceled" MsgBox(0, "", $sCustomMsg) Return KeyManager_Busy(False) EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveImportCanceled Func KeyArchiveImportFileParse(ByRef $dExportFileData) ;Routine to Parse Binary Key Archive File [decrypted] Local $iExportFileLen = BinaryLen($dExportFileData) Local $iBinaryLocation = $EXPORTFILEHEADERLEN + 1 Local $iKeyDateLocation, $iKeyValueStartLocation, $iKeyValueEndLocation If Not _BinaryCheckRecordHeader($dExportFileData, $iBinaryLocation, $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYDATELEN, $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYDATE) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ;Record header not found where expected. Local $bErr = False Local $bEOF = False Local $dKeys Do $iBinaryLocation += $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYDATELEN $iKeyDateLocation = $iBinaryLocation $iBinaryLocation += $DATEFORMATBYTELEN If Not _BinaryCheckValueHeader($dExportFileData, $iBinaryLocation, $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYVALUELEN, $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYVALUE) Then $bErr = True Else $iBinaryLocation += $EXPORTFILEKEYENTRYHEADER_KEYVALUELEN $iKeyValueStartLocation = $iBinaryLocation Local $dByte = 0 Do $iBinaryLocation += 1 $dByte = _BinaryExtract($dExportFileData, $iBinaryLocation, 1) If _BinaryCompare($dByte, $BINARYFORMAT_ETX) Then If _BinaryCheckEOF($dExportFileData, $iBinaryLocation, $EXPORTFILEEOFLEN, $EXPORTFILEEOF) Then $bEOF = True EndIf ElseIf $iBinaryLocation > $iExportFileLen - $EXPORTFILEEOFLEN + 1 Then $bErr = True ExitLoop EndIf Until _BinaryCompare($dByte, $BINARYFORMAT_RS) Or _BinaryCompare($dByte, $BINARYFORMAT_ETX) $iKeyValueEndLocation = $iBinaryLocation If Not $bErr Then $dRecord = _BinaryExtract($dExportFileData, $iKeyDateLocation, $DATEFORMATBYTELEN) & _ _BinaryExtract($dExportFileData, $iKeyValueStartLocation, $iKeyValueEndLocation - $iKeyValueStartLocation) If Not _BinaryCheckEOF($dExportFileData, $iBinaryLocation, $EXPORTFILEEOFLEN, $EXPORTFILEEOF) Then $dRecord &= StringToBinary("|") $dKeys = Binary($dKeys) & Binary($dRecord) EndIf EndIf Until $bEOF = True Or $bErr = True Return ($bEOF == True And $bErr == False) ? $dKeys : SetError(2, $bErr, -1) ;Failed to reach EOF and/or an error occured. EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveImportFileParse Func KeyArchiveImportFileValidate($dExportFile) ;Routine to Validate Key Archive file format [decrypted] Local $iExportFileLen = BinaryLen($dExportFile) Return (_BinaryCheckFileHeader($dExportFile, 1, $EXPORTFILEHEADERLEN, $EXPORTFILEHEADER) And _ _BinaryCheckEOF($dExportFile, $iExportFileLen - ($EXPORTFILEEOFLEN - 1), $EXPORTFILEEOFLEN, $EXPORTFILEEOF)) ? True : False EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveImportFileValidate Func KeyArchiveImportRoutine() HotKeyManager() KeyManager_Busy() Local $sPassGenExportFilePath = FileOpenDialog("PassGen Key Archive Import", @MyDocumentsDir & "\", "PassGen Key Archive (*.pge)", BitOR($FD_FILEMUSTEXIST, $FD_PATHMUSTEXIST)) If @error Then Return KeyArchiveImportCanceled() If Not FileExists($sPassGenExportFilePath) Then Return KeyArchiveImportCanceled("Unable to locate PassGen export file") $hExportFile = FileOpen($sPassGenExportFilePath, $FO_BINARY) $dExportFileContents = FileRead($hExportFile) FileClose($hExportFile) $bExportEncryptedFileHeaderValid = _BinaryCheckEncryptedFileHeader($dExportFileContents, 1, $EXPORTFILEENCRYPTEDHEADERLEN, $EXPORTFILEENCRYPTEDHEADER) If Not $bExportEncryptedFileHeaderValid Then Return KeyArchiveImportCanceled("File does not appear to be a valid PassGen Key Archive Export") EndIf Local $dAutoImportKey = _Crypt_DeriveKey(StringToBinary($TITLE & StringLeft(FileGetTime($sPassGenExportFilePath, $FT_MODIFIED, $FT_STRING),12)), $CALG_AES_256) $dExportFileData = _BinaryExtract($dExportFileContents, $EXPORTFILEENCRYPTEDHEADERLEN + 1, BinaryLen($dExportFileContents) - $EXPORTFILEENCRYPTEDHEADERLEN) $dExportFileData = _Crypt_DecryptData($dExportFileData, $dAutoImportKey, $CALG_USERKEY) _Crypt_DestroyKey($dAutoImportKey); Destroy the cryptographic key. Local $bExportFileValid = KeyArchiveImportFileValidate($dExportFileData) If Not $bExportFileValid Then Local $sPGEPassword = InputBox("Enter Export Password", "Enter the password that was originally to protect the key archive export.") Local $dDecryptionKey = _Crypt_DeriveKey(StringToBinary($sPGEPassword), $CALG_AES_256) $sPGEPassword = "" If @error Then Return KeyArchiveImportCanceled("An unexpected error occured while preparing the Decryption key") $dExportFileData = _BinaryExtract($dExportFileContents, $EXPORTFILEENCRYPTEDHEADERLEN + 1, BinaryLen($dExportFileData) - $EXPORTFILEENCRYPTEDHEADERLEN) $dExportFileData = _Crypt_DecryptData($dExportFileData, $dDecryptionKey, $CALG_USERKEY) _Crypt_DestroyKey($dDecryptionKey); Destroy the cryptographic key. $bExportFileValid = KeyArchiveImportFileValidate($dExportFileData) EndIf $hExportFile = 0 $dExportFileContents = 0 If $bExportFileValid Then $dKeys = KeyArchiveImportFileParse($dExportFileData) If @error Then $dExportFileData = 0 Return KeyArchiveImportCanceled("An unexpected error occured while processing the PassGen Key Archive") EndIf Else $dExportFileData = 0 Return KeyArchiveImportCanceled("Failed to decrypt PassGen Key Archive with the provided password") EndIf Local $hCtrl = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] If KeyArchiveGetCount() Then $iImportOverwrite = MsgBox(BitOR($MB_YESNOCANCEL, $MB_ICONQUESTION), "Import Key Archive", _ "Do you want to overwrite the existing Key Archive?" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Yes = Overwrite, No = Append") If $iImportOverwrite = $IDYES Then For $iX = 0 To UBound($g_aKeyMgrChanges) - 1 $g_aKeyMgrChanges[$iX][0] = "DEL" Next _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($hCtrl) EndIf If $iImportOverwrite = $IDCANCEL Then $dKeys = 0 Return KeyArchiveImportCanceled() EndIf EndIf _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($hCtrl) Local $aKeys = StringSplit(BinaryToString($dKeys), "|", $STR_NOCOUNT) For $sKey In $aKeys Local $sKeyGUID = _WinAPI_CreateGUID() Local $sDate = StringLeft($sKey, $DATEFORMATBYTELEN) Local $sValue = StringRight($sKey, StringLen($sKey) - $DATEFORMATBYTELEN) KeyManager_AddKey($sKeyGUID, $sDate, $sValue) Next If KeyManager_GetActive() = -1 Then Local $iCount = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hCtrl) If $iCount > 1 Then _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($hCtrl, 1) Local $sFirstDate = idKMListView_GetItem(0, 1) Local $sLastDate = idKMListView_GetItem($iCount - 1, 1) Local $iDateDiff = _DateDiff("D", $sFirstDate, $sLastDate) If $iDateDiff >= 0 Then _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($hCtrl, 1) idKMListView_CheckItem(0) Else idKMListView_CheckItem(0) EndIf EndIf _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($hCtrl) KeyArchiveClearFromMem() KeyManager_ChangeMade() KeyManager_Busy(False) EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveImportRoutine Func KeyArchiveParseDate($sKeyGUID) Local $sKey = RegistryKeyRead($sKeyGUID) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") $sKey = KeyUnprotect($sKey) Return StringLeft($sKey, $DATEFORMATBYTELEN) EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveParseDate Func KeyArchiveParseValue($sKeyGUID) Local $sKey = RegistryKeyRead($sKeyGUID) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") $sKey = KeyUnprotect($sKey) Return StringRight($sKey, StringLen($sKey) - $DATEFORMATBYTELEN) EndFunc ;==>KeyArchiveParseValue Func KeyGetValue() Return StringStripWS(idTxtKey_Read(), $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) EndFunc ;==>KeyGetValue Func KeyHide() idBtnRevealKey_Depressed(False) idBtnRevealKey_AcceleratorOption() InputboxMask($aGUI[$idTxtKey]) EndFunc ;==>KeyHide Func KeyManager_ActivatedItem($iItem, $iSubItem) $aCurrentListViewItem[0] = $iItem $aCurrentListViewItem[1] = $iSubItem EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_ActivatedItem Func KeyManager_ActivatedItemPosition($hCtrl, $iItem, $iSubItem) Local $aListViewPos = ControlGetPos($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKeyManagerGUI], "", $hCtrl) Local $aSubItemRect = _GUICtrlListView_GetSubItemRect($hCtrl, $iItem, $iSubItem) Local $iLeft = $aListViewPos[0] + $aSubItemRect[0] + 1 Local $iTop = $aListViewPos[1] + $aSubItemRect[1] + 2 Local $iWidth = $aSubItemRect[2] - $aSubItemRect[0] - 2 Local $iHeight = $aSubItemRect[3] - $aSubItemRect[1] - 1 Local $aListViewItemPos[4] = [$iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight] Return $aListViewItemPos EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_ActivatedItemPosition Func KeyManager_AddKey($sGUID = "", $sDate = _NowCalcDate(), $sValue = "New Key!", $bActive = False, $bNew = True) Local $hCtrl = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] If $sGUID = "" Then $sGUID = _WinAPI_CreateGUID() KeyManager_ChangeMade() EndIf _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($hCtrl) Local $iNewItem = _GUICtrlListView_AddItem($hCtrl, "") _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($hCtrl, $iNewItem, $sDate, 1) _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($hCtrl, $iNewItem, $sValue, 2) _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($hCtrl, $iNewItem, $sGUID, 3) If $bActive Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemChecked($hCtrl, $iNewItem) If $bNew Then $iChangeArrayCount = UBound($g_aKeyMgrChanges) If $iChangeArrayCount = 0 Then Dim $g_aKeyMgrChanges[1][4] = [["", True, True, $sGUID]] Else _ArrayInsert($g_aKeyMgrChanges, 0, "") $g_aKeyMgrChanges[0][1] = True $g_aKeyMgrChanges[0][2] = True $g_aKeyMgrChanges[0][3] = $sGUID EndIf EndIf _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($hCtrl) EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_AddKey Func KeyManager_Busy($bFlag = True) $g_bKeyManagerBusy = $bFlag EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_Busy Func KeyManager_Cancel() ToolTip("") If $g_iEditing Then Switch $g_iEditing Case 1 Case 2 KeyManager_DeleteTempEditControl() If $bChangesMade Then KeyManager_ChangeMade() EndSwitch Return 0 EndIf KeyManager_Close("Cancel") EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_Cancel Func KeyManager_ChangeMade($bFlag = True) $bChangesMade = $bFlag Switch $bFlag Case True idKMBtnSave_Enable() Case False idKMBtnSave_Enable(False) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_ChangeMade Func KeyManager_Close($sMsg = "Close", $bForce = False) Local $bQuit = False If $bChangesMade And $bForce = False Then KeyManager_Busy() HotKeyManager() $iRet = MsgBox(BitOR($MB_YESNO, $MB_ICONWARNING, $MB_DEFBUTTON2), "Unsaved Key Manager Changes", "You have unsaved PassGen Key Manager changes." & _ @CRLF & "Any unsaved changes will be lost." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Are you sure you want to " & $sMsg & "?") If $iRet = $IDNO Then Return KeyManager_Busy(False) ElseIf $iRet = $IDYES Then $bChangesMade = False $bChangesPending = False $bQuit = True EndIf EndIf KeyManager_Busy(False) $g_aKeyMgrChanges = 0 KeyManager_Hide() idTxtPassphrase_OnChange() Return $bQuit EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_Close Func KeyManager_ContextMenu() If Not _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedCount($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView]) Then Return True Local $hMenu = _GUICtrlMenu_CreatePopup($MNS_AUTODISMISS) _GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hMenu, 0, "Set as Active Key", $e_KMActivate) _GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hMenu, 1, "") _GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hMenu, 2, "Change Key Date", $e_KMEditDate) _GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hMenu, 3, "Modify Key Value", $e_KMEditValue) _GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hMenu, 4, "") _GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hMenu, 5, "Remove Key", $e_KMEditRemove) _GUICtrlMenu_TrackPopupMenu($hMenu, $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKeyManagerGUI]) _GUICtrlMenu_DestroyMenu($hMenu) Return True EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_ContextMenu Func KeyManager_DeleteTempEditControl() $g_iEditing = False GUICtrlDelete($idTempEditCtrl) $idTempEditCtrl = -1 $hTempEditCtrl = -1 GUICtrlSetState($aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMListView], BitOR($GUI_ENABLE, $GUI_FOCUS)) _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKeyManagerGUI]) EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_DeleteTempEditControl Func KeyManager_EditDate() Local $sNewDTPValue = GUICtrlRead($idTempEditCtrl) Local $sCurrentDTPValue = idKMListView_GetItem($aCurrentListViewItem[0], $aCurrentListViewItem[1]) If $sNewDTPValue <> $sCurrentDTPValue Then KeyManager_SetValue($sNewDTPValue) Else KeyManager_DeleteTempEditControl() If $bChangesMade Then KeyManager_ChangeMade() EndIf EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_EditDate Func KeyManager_EditItem() GUICtrlSetState($aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMListView], $GUI_DISABLE) Local $hWndFrom = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] Local $iItem = $aCurrentListViewItem[0] Local $iSubItem = $aCurrentListViewItem[1] Local $aItemPos = KeyManager_ActivatedItemPosition($hWndFrom, $iItem, $iSubItem) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($hWndFrom, -1, False, False) $sText = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hWndFrom, $iItem, $iSubItem) Switch $iSubItem Case 1 $idTempEditCtrl = GUICtrlCreateDate($sText, $aItemPos[0], $aItemPos[1], $aItemPos[2], $aItemPos[3], $DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT) GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $DTM_SETFORMATW, 0, "yyyy/MM/dd") Case 2 If $sText = $sHiddenPassword Then $sText = KeyArchiveParseValue(_GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hWndFrom, $iItem, 3)) $idTempEditCtrl = GUICtrlCreateInput($sText, $aItemPos[0], $aItemPos[1], $aItemPos[2], $aItemPos[3]) EndSwitch $hTempEditCtrl = GUICtrlGetHandle($idTempEditCtrl) Sleep(10) _WinAPI_SetFocus($hTempEditCtrl) $g_iEditing = $iSubItem Switch $iSubItem Case 1 _SendMessage($hTempEditCtrl, $WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 1, $aItemPos[2] - 10) idKMBtnSave_Enable(False) HotKeyManager($e_HotKeyESC) Case 2 KeyManager_EditValue() EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_EditItem Func KeyManager_EditValue() $g_iEditing = 2 GUICtrlSendMsg($idTempEditCtrl, $EM_SETSEL, 0, -1) HotKeyManager($e_HotKeyESC + $e_HotKeyEnter) TempEditControlValidKeyValue() EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_EditValue Func KeyManager_EditValueSave() KeyManager_Busy(False) ;~ HotKeyManager($e_HotKeyDEL) Local $bValidKeyValue = TempEditControlValidKeyValue() If Not $bValidKeyValue Then Return KeyManager_EditValue() EndIf Local $sText = GUICtrlRead($idTempEditCtrl) Local $sCurrentText = idKMListView_GetItem($aCurrentListViewItem[0], $aCurrentListViewItem[1]) If $sCurrentText = $sHiddenPassword Then $sCurrentText = KeyArchiveParseValue(idKMListView_GetItem($aCurrentListViewItem[0], 3)) If $sText <> $sCurrentText Then KeyManager_SetValue($sText) Else KeyManager_DeleteTempEditControl() If $bChangesMade Then KeyManager_ChangeMade() EndIf ToolTip("") ;~ HotKeyManager($e_HotKeyDEL + $e_HotKeyESC) EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_EditValueSave Func KeyManager_GetActive() Local $iActiveItem = -1 Local $hCtrl = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] For $iX = 0 To _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hCtrl) If _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($hCtrl, $iX) Then $iActiveItem = $iX Next Return $iActiveItem EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_GetActive Func KeyManager_Hide() ToolTip("") HotKeyManager() If $bChangesMade Then $bChangesPending = True GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKeyManagerGUI]) GUICtrl_SetChecked($aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuViewShow], False) If idTxtKey_Read() Then UILock(False) Else UILock() idTxtPassphrase_SetData("") EndIf GUISwitch($aGUI[$hGUI]) EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_Hide Func KeyManager_IsBusy() Return $g_bKeyManagerBusy EndFunc Func KeyManager_KeyActivateEvent() Local $hCtrl = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($hCtrl) Local $iActivatedItem = $aCurrentListViewItem[0] Local $iActivatedItemIsChecked = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($hCtrl, $iActivatedItem) If $iActivatedItemIsChecked Then For $iX = 0 To _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hCtrl) - 1 If $iX <> $iActivatedItem Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemChecked($hCtrl, $iX, False) EndIf Next Else If KeyManager_GetActive() = -1 Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemChecked($hCtrl, $iActivatedItem) EndIf EndIf KeyManager_ChangeMade() _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($hCtrl) EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_KeyActivateEvent Func KeyManager_KeySetActive($iIndex) Local $hCtrl = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] Local $sGUID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hCtrl, $iIndex, 3) Local $bActive = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($hCtrl, $iIndex) If $bActive Then RegistryKeySelect($sGUID) idTxtKey_SetData(KeyArchiveParseValue(RegistryKeyGetCurrent())) EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_KeySetActive Func KeyManager_OpenGUI() KeyManager_Populate() KeyManager_Show() EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_OpenGUI Func KeyManager_Populate() Local $hCtrl = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($hCtrl) _GUICtrlListView_SetSelectedColumn($hCtrl, -1) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($hCtrl) Local $aKeyArchive = KeyArchiveGet() Local $iCount = UBound($aKeyArchive) If $iCount Then $g_aKeyMgrChanges = $g_aKeyArchive _ArrayColInsert($g_aKeyMgrChanges, 0) _ArrayColInsert($g_aKeyMgrChanges, 0) _ArrayColInsert($g_aKeyMgrChanges, 0) Local $sCurrentKey = RegistryKeyGetCurrent() For $iX = $iCount - 1 To 0 Step -1 Local $sDate = StringLeft($aKeyArchive[$iX][1], $DATEFORMATBYTELEN) Local $sValue = "" If GUICtrl_GetChecked($aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuViewShow]) Then $sValue = StringRight($aKeyArchive[$iX][1], StringLen($aKeyArchive[$iX][1]) - $DATEFORMATBYTELEN) Else $sValue = $sHiddenPassword EndIf Local $sGUID = $aKeyArchive[$iX][0] Local $bActive = ($sGUID = $sCurrentKey) ? True : False KeyManager_AddKey($sGUID, $sDate, $sValue, $bActive, False) Next EndIf _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($hCtrl, 0, 50) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($hCtrl, 1, 100) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($hCtrl, 2, 158) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($hCtrl, 3, 0) _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($hCtrl) EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_Populate Func KeyManager_RemoveSelected() Local $hCtrl = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] If Not _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedCount($hCtrl) Then Return 0 $aSelectedItems = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($hCtrl, True) For $iItem = 1 To $aSelectedItems[0] Local $sGUID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hCtrl, $aSelectedItems[$iItem], 3) Local $iChangesArrayLocation = _ArraySearch($g_aKeyMgrChanges, $sGUID, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3) _ArrayDelete($g_aKeyMgrChanges, $iChangesArrayLocation) $iNewItem = _ArrayAdd($g_aKeyMgrChanges, "DEL") $g_aKeyMgrChanges[$iNewItem][3] = $sGUID Next _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($hCtrl) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItemsSelected($hCtrl) If KeyManager_GetActive() = -1 Then If _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hCtrl) Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemChecked($hCtrl, 0) EndIf _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($hCtrl) KeyManager_ChangeMade() EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_RemoveSelected Func KeyManager_Save() KeyManager_Busy() If $g_iEditing Then Switch $g_iEditing Case 1 Case 2 KeyManager_EditValueSave() EndSwitch Return 0 EndIf For $iItem = 0 To UBound($g_aKeyMgrChanges) - 1 If $g_aKeyMgrChanges[$iItem][0] == "DEL" Then RegDelete($REGKEYPATH, $g_aKeyMgrChanges[$iItem][3]) ElseIf $g_aKeyMgrChanges[$iItem][1] == True Or $g_aKeyMgrChanges[$iItem][2] == True Then Local $hCtrl = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] Local $sDate = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hCtrl, $iItem, 1) Local $sValue = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hCtrl, $iItem, 2) Local $sGUID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hCtrl, $iItem, 3) If $sValue = $sHiddenPassword Then $sValue = KeyArchiveParseValue($sGUID) Local $bActive = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($hCtrl, $iItem) If $bActive Then RegistryKeySelect($sGUID) KeySaveToReg($sGUID, $sValue, $sDate) EndIf Next KeyManager_KeySetActive(KeyManager_GetActive()) $bChangesMade = False idKMBtnSave_Enable(False) KeyManager_Busy(False) KeyManager_Close() EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_Save Func KeyManager_SelectAll($bFlag = True) Local $hCtrl = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($hCtrl) For $iX = 0 To _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hCtrl) - 1 _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($hCtrl, $iX, $bFlag) Next _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($hCtrl) EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_SelectAll Func KeyManager_SetActive() idKMListView_CheckItem($aCurrentListViewItem[0]) KeyManager_KeyActivateEvent() EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_SetActive Func KeyManager_SetValue($sValue) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView], $aCurrentListViewItem[0], $sValue, $aCurrentListViewItem[1]) $g_aKeyMgrChanges[$aCurrentListViewItem[0]][$aCurrentListViewItem[1]] = True KeyManager_ChangeMade() KeyManager_DeleteTempEditControl() EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_SetValue Func KeyManager_Show() KeyManager_Busy(False) GUISwitch($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKeyManagerGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_Show Func KeyManager_ShowKeys($bFlag) Local $hCtrl = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($hCtrl) For $iX = 0 To _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hCtrl) - 1 Local $sGUID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hCtrl, $iX, 3) Local $sValue = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hCtrl, $iX, 2) If $bFlag Then If $sValue = $sHiddenPassword Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($hCtrl, $iX, KeyArchiveParseValue($sGUID), 2) Else If $sValue = KeyArchiveParseValue($sGUID) Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($hCtrl, $iX, $sHiddenPassword, 2) EndIf Next _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($hCtrl) EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_ShowKeys Func KeyManager_ShowKeysToggle() $iState = GUICtrl_MenuItemToggle($aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMMnuViewShow]) Return KeyManager_ShowKeys(($iState == $GUI_CHECKED) ? True : False) EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_ShowKeysToggle Func KeyManager_Sort($iCol = -1) Local $hCtrl = $aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView] If $iCol = -1 Then $iCol = GUICtrlGetState($aKeyManagerGUI[$idKMListView]) If $iCol = 0 Then Return 0 _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($hCtrl) _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($hCtrl, $iCol) For $iItem = 0 To _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hCtrl) - 1 Local $sGUID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hCtrl, $iItem, 3) Local $iChangesArrayLocation = _ArraySearch($g_aKeyMgrChanges, $sGUID, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3) $g_aKeyMgrChanges[$iChangesArrayLocation][0] = $iItem Next _ArraySort($g_aKeyMgrChanges) _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($hCtrl) EndFunc ;==>KeyManager_Sort Func KeyProtect($sValue) Return _CryptProtectData($sValue) EndFunc ;==>KeyProtect Func KeyReadFromReg($sKeyGUID) idTxtKey_SetData(KeyArchiveParseValue($sKeyGUID)) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>KeyReadFromReg Func KeySaveToReg($sGUID, $sValue, $sDate = "") If $sDate = "" Then $sDate = @YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY $hProtectedKey = KeyProtect($sDate & $sValue) RegistryKeyWriteBinary($sGUID, $hProtectedKey) EndFunc ;==>KeySaveToReg Func KeyShow() idBtnRevealKey_Depressed() idBtnRevealKey_AcceleratorOption(1) InputboxMask($aGUI[$idTxtKey], False) EndFunc ;==>KeyShow Func KeyUnprotect($hProtectedKey) Return _CryptUnprotectData($hProtectedKey) EndFunc ;==>KeyUnprotect Func PassphraseGetValue() Return StringStripWS(idTxtPassphrase_Read(), $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) EndFunc ;==>PassphraseGetValue Func PassphraseIsValid() idTxtPassword_SetData("") idLblPassphraseMsg_SetMessage() idLblPasswordMsg_SetMessage() Local $sPassphrase = PassphraseGetValue() If StringLen($sPassphrase) < 1 Then Return False $bIsPassphraseComplex = IsStringComplex($sPassphrase, 8, 0, 0) If $bIsPassphraseComplex = False Then Switch @error Case 1 idLblPassphraseMsg_SetMessage("Passphrase is too short." & @CRLF & "Must contain at least 8 characters.") EndSwitch EndIf If $bIsPassphraseComplex == -1 Then Return False Return $bIsPassphraseComplex EndFunc ;==>PassphraseIsValid Func PasswordClear() ClipboardClear() idTxtPassword_SetData("") EndFunc ;==>PasswordClear Func PasswordHide() InputboxMask($aGUI[$idTxtPassword]) EndFunc ;==>PasswordHide Func PasswordShow() InputboxMask($aGUI[$idTxtPassword], False) EndFunc ;==>PasswordShow Func RegistryKeyGetCurrent() Local $sRegValue = RegRead($REGKEYPATH, $REGKEYCURRENT) Return SetError(@error, 0, $sRegValue) EndFunc ;==>RegistryKeyGetCurrent Func RegistryKeyRead($sKeyGUID) Return RegRead($REGKEYPATH, $sKeyGUID) EndFunc ;==>RegistryKeyRead Func RegistryKeySelect($sKeyGUID = "") If $sKeyGUID == "" Then $sKeyGUID = RegistryKeyGetCurrent() RegWrite($REGKEYPATH, "CurrentKey", "REG_SZ", $sKeyGUID) EndFunc ;==>RegistryKeySelect Func RegistryKeyWriteBinary($sKeyGUID, $hValue) RegWrite($REGKEYPATH, $sKeyGUID, "REG_BINARY", $hValue) EndFunc ;==>RegistryKeyWriteBinary Func TempEditControlValidKeyValue() Local $sValue = idTempEditCtrl_Read() Local $sMsg = "" Local $aWinPos = WinGetPos($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKeyManagerGUI]) Local $aEditCtrlPos = ControlGetPos($aKeyManagerGUI[$hKMListView], "", $hTempEditCtrl) $bIsKeyComplex = IsStringComplex($sValue, 8, 3, 0) If Not $bIsKeyComplex Then Local $iError = @error Switch $iError Case 1 $sMsg = "Key is too short." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Must contain at least 8 characters." Case 2 $sMsg = "Key does not meet complexity requirements." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Must contain at least 3 of the 4 following requirements:" & @CRLF & "Uppercase, Lowercase, Number, Symbol." EndSwitch Else $sMsg = "Press the Enter key to finish editing," & @CRLF & "or press the Esc key to cancel." EndIf ToolTip($sMsg, ($aWinPos[0] + $aEditCtrlPos[0] + ($aEditCtrlPos[2] / 2) + 8), ($aWinPos[1] + $aEditCtrlPos[1] + ($aEditCtrlPos[3] / 2) + 50), "", 0, BitOR($TIP_BALLOON, $TIP_CENTER)) Return $bIsKeyComplex EndFunc ;==>TempEditControlValidKeyValue Func UILock($bFlag = True) AutoPurgeTimer(False) Switch $bFlag Case True If ClipboardContainsPass() Then ClipboardClear() idBtnKey_Focus() idBtnPassphrase_Enabled(False) idBtnPassword_Enabled(False) idBtnRevealKey_Enabled(False) idTxtPassphrase_Enable(False) idTxtPassword_Enable(False) idTxtPassword_SetData("") idLblPassphraseMsg_SetMessage() idLblPasswordMsg_SetMessage() If idTxtPassphrase_Read() = $sEmptyPassphraseMsg Then idTxtPassphrase_SetData("") Case False If idTxtKey_Read() = "" Then Return 0 idBtnKey_Enabled() idBtnRevealKey_Enabled() idTxtPassphrase_Enable() idTxtPassword_Enable() idTxtKey_Visible() idBtnPassphrase_Enabled(False) idTxtPassphrase_OnChange() If Not StringLen(idTxtPassphrase_Read()) Then idTxtPassphrase_SetStyle(1) idTxtPassphrase_SetData($sEmptyPassphraseMsg) EndIf EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>UILock Func UpdatePassGen() ;~ If AutoStartIsEnabled() And @ScriptFullPath <> $PROGRAMPATH Then AutoStart(1) If AutoStartIsEnabled() Then AutoStart(1) If @ScriptFullPath <> $PROGRAMPATH Then FileCopy(@ScriptFullPath, $PROGRAMPATH, $FC_CREATEPATH + $FC_OVERWRITE) Run($PROGRAMPATH) Exit EndIf EndFunc ;==>UpdatePassGen #EndRegion - Additonal Functions #Region - Internal Functions Func _BinaryCheckEncryptedFileHeader($dData, $iBinaryLocation, $iBinaryLen, $dBytes) Return _BinaryCheckBytes($dData, $iBinaryLocation, $iBinaryLen, $dBytes) EndFunc ;==>_BinaryCheckEncryptedFileHeader Func _BinaryCheckFileHeader($dData, $iBinaryLocation, $iBinaryLen, $dBytes) Return _BinaryCheckBytes($dData, $iBinaryLocation, $iBinaryLen, $dBytes) EndFunc ;==>_BinaryCheckFileHeader Func _BinaryCheckEOF($dData, $iBinaryLocation, $iBinaryLen, $dBytes) Return _BinaryCheckBytes($dData, $iBinaryLocation, $iBinaryLen, $dBytes) EndFunc ;==>_BinaryCheckEOF Func _BinaryCheckValueHeader($dData, $iBinaryLocation, $iBinaryLen, $dBytes) Return _BinaryCheckBytes($dData, $iBinaryLocation, $iBinaryLen, $dBytes) EndFunc ;==>_BinaryCheckValueHeader Func _BinaryCheckRecordHeader($dData, $iBinaryLocation, $iBinaryLen, $dBytes) Return _BinaryCheckBytes($dData, $iBinaryLocation, $iBinaryLen, $dBytes) EndFunc ;==>_BinaryCheckRecordHeader Func _BinaryCheckBytes($dData, $iBinaryLocation, $iBinaryLen, $dBytes) Return _BinaryCompare(_BinaryExtract($dData, $iBinaryLocation, $iBinaryLen), $dBytes) EndFunc ;==>_BinaryCheckBytes Func _BinaryExtract(ByRef $bData, $iStartByte, $iByteLen) ;Internal Function to Extract bytes from Binary Data Return BinaryMid($bData, $iStartByte, $iByteLen) EndFunc ;==>_BinaryExtract Func _BinaryCompare($bData, $bCompareData) ;Internal Function for Binary Data Comparrison Return ($bData == $bCompareData) ? True : False EndFunc ;==>_BinaryCompare Func _CryptProtectData($sString, $sDesc = "", $sPwd = "", $iFlag = 0, $pPrompt = 0) $hDLL_CryptProtect = DllOpen("crypt32.dll") ;funkey 2014.08.11th Local $aRet, $iError, $tEntropy, $tDesc, $pEntropy = 0, $pDesc = 0 Local $tDataIn = _DataToBlob($sString) If $sPwd <> "" Then $tEntropy = _DataToBlob($sPwd) $pEntropy = DllStructGetPtr($tEntropy) EndIf If $sDesc <> "" Then $tDesc = DllStructCreate("wchar desc[" & StringLen($sDesc) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($tDesc, "desc", $sDesc) $pDesc = DllStructGetPtr($tDesc) EndIf Local $tDataBuf = DllStructCreate($tagDATA_BLOB) $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_CryptProtect, "BOOL", "CryptProtectData", "struct*", $tDataIn, "ptr", $pDesc, "ptr", $pEntropy, "ptr", 0, "ptr", $pPrompt, "DWORD", $iFlag, "struct*", $tDataBuf) $iError = @error _WinAPI_LocalFree(DllStructGetData($tDataIn, "pbData")) If $sPwd <> "" Then _WinAPI_LocalFree(DllStructGetData($tEntropy, "pbData")) If $iError Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(2, _WinAPI_GetLastError(), "") Local $tDataOut = DllStructCreate("byte data[" & DllStructGetData($tDataBuf, "cbData") & "]", DllStructGetData($tDataBuf, "pbData")) Local $bData = DllStructGetData($tDataOut, "data") _WinAPI_LocalFree(DllStructGetData($tDataBuf, "pbData")) DllClose($hDLL_CryptProtect) Return $bData EndFunc ;==>_CryptProtectData ;http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa380882(v=vs.85).aspx Func _CryptUnprotectData($bData, $sDesc = "", $sPwd = "", $iFlag = 0, $pPrompt = 0) $hDLL_CryptProtect = DllOpen("crypt32.dll") ;funkey 2014.08.11th Local $aRet, $iError, $tEntropy, $pEntropy = 0 Local $tDataIn = _DataToBlob($bData) $sDesc = "" If $sPwd <> "" Then $tEntropy = _DataToBlob($sPwd) $pEntropy = DllStructGetPtr($tEntropy) EndIf Local $tDataBuf = DllStructCreate($tagDATA_BLOB) Local $tDesc = DllStructCreate("ptr desc") Local $pDesc = DllStructGetPtr($tDesc) $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_CryptProtect, "BOOL", "CryptUnprotectData", "struct*", $tDataIn, "ptr*", $pDesc, "ptr", $pEntropy, "ptr", 0, "ptr", $pPrompt, "DWORD", $iFlag, "struct*", $tDataBuf) $iError = @error _WinAPI_LocalFree(DllStructGetData($tDataIn, "pbData")) If $sPwd <> "" Then _WinAPI_LocalFree(DllStructGetData($tEntropy, "pbData")) If $iError Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(2, _WinAPI_GetLastError(), "") Local $tDataOut = DllStructCreate("char data[" & DllStructGetData($tDataBuf, "cbData") & "]", DllStructGetData($tDataBuf, "pbData")) Local $sData = DllStructGetData($tDataOut, "data") Local $aLen = DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "UINT:cdecl", "wcslen", "ptr", $aRet[2]) Local $tDesc = DllStructCreate("wchar desc[" & $aLen[0] + 1 & "]", $aRet[2]) $sDesc = DllStructGetData($tDesc, "desc") _WinAPI_LocalFree($aRet[2]) _WinAPI_LocalFree(DllStructGetData($tDataBuf, "pbData")) DllClose($hDLL_CryptProtect) Return $sData EndFunc ;==>_CryptUnprotectData ;Creates a DATA_BLOB structure where the function stores the decrypted data. ;When you have finished using the DATA_BLOB structure, free its pbData member by calling the _WinAPI_LocalFree function. Func _DataToBlob($data) ;funkey 2014.08.11th Local $iLen, $tDataIn, $tData, $aMem Local Const $LMEM_ZEROINIT = 0x40 Select Case IsString($data) $iLen = StringLen($data) Case IsBinary($data) $iLen = BinaryLen($data) Case Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndSelect $tDataIn = DllStructCreate($tagDATA_BLOB) $aMem = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "handle", "LocalAlloc", "UINT", $LMEM_ZEROINIT, "UINT", $iLen) $tData = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iLen & "]", $aMem[0]) DllStructSetData($tData, 1, $data) DllStructSetData($tDataIn, "cbData", $iLen) DllStructSetData($tDataIn, "pbData", DllStructGetPtr($tData)) Return $tDataIn EndFunc ;==>_DataToBlob Func _LegacyKeyConvert() RegRead($REGKEYPATH, "Key") If @error = -1 Then Return 0 If @error = 0 Then $iConvertResponse = MsgBox(BitOR($MB_YESNO, $MB_ICONQUESTION), "PassGen - Old version key detected", "A PassGen key was detected that was produced using an older version of the PassGen Tool. " & _ "This version is no longer compatible with 1.3+ version of PassGen." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Do you want to convert the older key to the new format?" & @CRLF & "Yes = Convert old key, No = Remove old key" & _ @CRLF & @CRLF & "You will need to change the key date as appropriate.") If $iConvertResponse = $IDYES Then $sKeyGUID = _WinAPI_CreateGUID() $sOldKey = KeyUnprotect(RegRead($REGKEYPATH, "Key")) $sDate = _LegacyKeyRegGetTimeStamp() If Not _DateIsValid($sDate) Then $sDate = "" KeySaveToReg($sKeyGUID, $sOldKey, $sDate) RegistryKeySelect($sKeyGUID) EndIf RegDelete($REGKEYPATH, "Key") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_LegacyKeyConvert ;tailored from https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/76544-registry-timestamp/?do=findComment&comment=556271 Func _LegacyKeyRegGetTimeStamp($iPC = "\\" & @ComputerName, $iRegHive = 0x80000001, $sRegKey = "Software\PassGen") Local $sRes = '', $aRet, $hReg = DllStructCreate("int") Local $hRemoteReg = DllStructCreate("int") Local $FILETIME = DllStructCreate("dword;dword") Local $SYSTEMTIME1 = DllStructCreate("ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort") Local $SYSTEMTIME2 = DllStructCreate("ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort") Local $hAdvAPI = DllOpen('advapi32.dll'), $hKernel = DllOpen('kernel32.dll') If $hAdvAPI = -1 Or $hKernel = -1 Then Return SetError(1, $aRet[0], 'DLL Open Error!') $connect = DllCall("advapi32.dll", "int", "RegConnectRegistry", _ "str", $iPC, _ "int", $iRegHive, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hRemoteReg)) $aRet = DllCall("advapi32.dll", "int", "RegOpenKeyEx", _ "int", DllStructGetData($hRemoteReg, 1), _ "str", $sRegKey, _ "int", 0, _ "int", 0x20019, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hReg)) If $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(2, $aRet[0], 'Registry Key Open Error!') $aRet = DllCall("advapi32.dll", "int", "RegQueryInfoKey", _ "int", DllStructGetData($hReg, 1), _ "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($FILETIME)) If $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(3, $aRet[0], 'Registry Key Query Error!') $aRet = DllCall("advapi32.dll", "int", "RegCloseKey", _ "int", DllStructGetData($hReg, 1)) If $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(4, $aRet[0], 'Registry Key Close Error!') $aRet = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "FileTimeToSystemTime", _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($FILETIME), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($SYSTEMTIME1)) If $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(5, 0, 'Time Convert Error!') $aRet = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime", _ "ptr", 0, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($SYSTEMTIME1), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($SYSTEMTIME2)) If $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(5, 0, 'Time Convert Error!') $sRes &= StringFormat("%.2d", DllStructGetData($SYSTEMTIME2, 1)) & "/" $sRes &= StringFormat("%.2d", DllStructGetData($SYSTEMTIME2, 2)) & "/" $sRes &= StringFormat("%.2d", DllStructGetData($SYSTEMTIME2, 4)) Return $sRes EndFunc ;==>_LegacyKeyRegGetTimeStamp #EndRegion - Internal Functions Edited January 13, 2022 by spudw2k Reveal hidden contents Things I've Made: Always On Top Tool ◊ AU History ◊ Deck of Cards ◊ HideIt ◊ ICU ◊ Icon Freezer ◊ Ipod Ejector ◊ Junos Configuration Explorer ◊ Link Downloader ◊ MD5 Folder Enumerator ◊ PassGen ◊ Ping Tool ◊ Quick NIC ◊ Read OCR ◊ RemoteIT ◊ SchTasksGui ◊ SpyCam ◊ System Scan Report Tool ◊ System UpTime ◊ Transparency Machine ◊ VMWare ESX Builder Misc Code Snippets: ADODB Example ◊ CheckHover ◊ Detect SafeMode ◊ DynEnumArray ◊ GetNetStatData ◊ HashArray ◊ IsBetweenDates ◊ Local Admins ◊ Make Choice ◊ Recursive File List ◊ Remove Sizebox Style ◊ Retrieve PNPDeviceID ◊ Retrieve SysListView32 Contents ◊ Set IE Homepage ◊ Tickle Expired Password ◊ Transpose Array Projects: Drive Space Usage GUI ◊ LEDkIT ◊ Plasma_kIt ◊ Scan Engine Builder ◊ SpeeDBurner ◊ SubnetCalc Cool Stuff: AutoItObject UDF ◊ Extract Icon From Proc ◊ GuiCtrlFontRotate ◊ Hex Edit Funcs ◊ Run binary ◊ Service_UDF
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