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Posted (edited)


I tried like this but windows/screens are still not hidden. It does go each step and completed. All steps were visible, not hidden. Please help.


Run("setup.exe", "",@SW_HIDE)
WinWaitActive("Software Setup")
WinSetState("Software Setup", "",@SW_HIDE)
WinWaitActive("Software Config")
WinSetState("Software Config","",@SW_HIDE)


Edited by aiuse

Are you sure that the installer can't use silent switches for example below are some of the most common:

Setup.exe /s
Setup.exe /silent
Setup.exe /verysilent
Setup.exe /q
Setup.exe /quiet
Setup.exe /s /v" /qb /norestart"
Setup.exe /s /v" /qn /norestart"

Posted (edited)

Have you tried using the window handle?

Local $hWnd = WinWait("Software Setup", "", 10)
WinSetState($hWnd, "", @SW_HIDE)

Also, I suspect that your Send funcs will fail if the window in not visible.  You should use ControlClick or another appropriate Control* function to manipulate the hidden GUI.

What is the setup.exe installer for? What application?

Edited by spudw2k

@ spudw2k - I tried as you suggested. the screen minimized and stayed on the task bar and completed. I want to hide it totally. I will try with control function also. This program was created internally by someone long time ago. It is the company accounting software. I am trying to uninstall it silently from employees computer and they have new software. Not found uninstall string info in registry.

the new code is here please tell me how to hide this for 0 visibility

Run("setup.exe", "",@SW_HIDE)
WinWaitActive("Software Setup")
Local $hWnd = WinWait("Software Setup", "", 10)
WinSetState($hWnd, "", @SW_HIDE)

WinWaitActive("Software Config")
Local $hWnd = WinWait("Software Setup", "", 10)
WinSetState($hWnd, "", @SW_HIDE)




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