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Posted (edited)

I'm a command-line kind of guy, and I write scripts primarily for myself.  Since many websites nowadays require strong passwords, I thought I'd write a simple password generator in AutoIt. I know that AutoIt mavens have written more elaborate pw generators; I offer mine for what it's worth. The compiled script, GenPass.exe, can be downloaded here. See below for Help text and source. Enjoy!


2017-05-06: Default password changed to variable length of 13-22 characters; argument "1" no longer supported

                      When compiled as GenPW.exe, password is sent directly to the clipboard, no message box unless password generation fails.

2017-05-05: Correction to bypass password generation if argument is ?|H|h

2017-05-03: Added special argument 1 to generate a password of variable length (10-18 characters) including two (2) separator characters

2017-05-02: Added option /S to set a (persistent) randomization seed


GenPass.exe|GenPW.exe -- CLD rev. 2017-05-06
Generate a strong password and save it to the Windows clipboard

Note: GenPW.exe has the same functionality as GenPass.exe, but
      sends the generated password directly to the clipboard.
      No message box is displayed (unless password generation fails).

"Strong" means that the password contains random combinations of
alphnumeric characters, including at least one uppercase letter
(A-N,P-Z), one lowercase letter (a-k,m-z), and one number (0-9).
(Generated passwords do not use uppercase O or lowercase l as
these characters are easily confused with the numbers 0 and 1.)

The length of the password is up to you (see Usage, below),
but needless to say, the longer, the stronger.

By default, GenPass generates a strong password of between 13
and 22 characters that includes two of the following separator
characters: $%&()*+,-./:;@[]_. Alternatively, you can supply a
command-line argument in which any number n from 1 to 9 stands
for a random sequence of alphanumeric characters of length
n, and any other character stands for itself. Thus, you can
include fixed words and other characters, such as separators,
in the generated password. Spaces in the argument are converted
to underscores. Here are some examples:

Usage             Sample output
-----             -------------
GenPass           MqU26A*6dS-53r8
GenPass 9         frdhPYDs9
GenPass 58        weoXYHKxDI1uQ
GenPass 5.5       UfA6j.43VBB
GenPass 3-4-3     0I0-6gq4-njc
GenPass 5,3.7     I2FSR,tRZ.fjeIsFy
GenPass 3)5(3     UMf)m8513(CBq
GenPass 3[haha]3  yLa[haha]P3y
GenPass Yes way5  Yes_way1BsUh

Seed Option (/S)
Adding switch /S to the command-line argument causes GenPass to
set a seed for the random generation of password characters. A
bare /S sets a randomized seed which is written to disk in a file
named GenPass.rnd; this seed is used for all subsequent launches
of GenPass with the bare /S option. Alternatively, you can specify
a seed (range -2^31 to 2^31-1) on the command line with /S [seed].
Here are some examples:

GenPass /S
GenPass /S 33.3333
GenPass 5,5,5 /S
GenPass 5,5,5 /S 33.3333

Note that any subsequent launch of GenPass without the /S option
will cause GenPass.rnd to be deleted.


#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****

GENPASS.AU3 -- AutoIt v3
CLD rev.2017-05-05
Generate a strong password and save it to the clipboard
>> Command GenPass ? for detailed help <<

#include <Clipboard.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <StringConstants.au3>
AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", -4)
FileInstall ("d:\path\GenPass.htm", @ScriptDir & "\GenPass.htm", $FC_OVERWRITE)

; Template/Seed
Local $sTemp = ""
Local $bSeed = False, $fSeed=False
If $CmdLine[0] Then
    $sTemp = $CmdLineRaw
    If $CmdLine[$CmdLine[0]] = "/s" Then
        $bSeed = True
        $sTemp = StringTrimRight($sTemp, 2)
        $sTemp = StringStripWS($sTemp, $STR_STRIPTRAILING)
    If $CmdLine[$CmdLine[0] - 1] = "/s" Then
        $bSeed = True
        $fSeed = $CmdLine[$CmdLine[0]]
        $sTemp = StringTrimRight($sTemp, 3 + StringLen($fSeed))
        $sTemp = StringStripWS($sTemp, $STR_STRIPTRAILING)
If Not $sTemp Then $sTemp = "8"
If $sTemp = "1" Then
    $aSeps = StringSplit("#$%&()*+,-./:;@[]_", "")
    $sTemp = String(Random(3,6,1)) & $aSeps[Random(1,$aSeps[0],1)] & _
        String(Random(2,4,1)) & $aSeps[Random(1,$aSeps[0],1)] & _
$sFn = @ScriptDir&"\GenPass.rnd"
If $bSeed Then
    If Not $fSeed Then
        If Not FileExists($sFn) Then
            $fSeed = Random(-1.999^31,1.999^31,0)
            If $h > -1 Then
                Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONWARNING, @ScriptName, "Error opening " & $sFn)
            If $h > -1 Then
                Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONWARNING, @ScriptName, "Error opening " & $sFn)
    If FileExists($sFn) Then FileDelete($sFn)

; Show help
If StringInStr("?Hh", $sTemp) Then
    If WinExists("[REGEXPTITLE:GenPass.exe:.*]") Then
        ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\GenPass.htm")

; Main
$sTemp = StringReplace($sTemp, " ", "_")
$iC = 1
While $iC < 10001
    $sPW = GenPW($sTemp)
    If $sPW Then
        If Not StringInStr (@ScriptName, "GenPW") Then _
            MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, @ScriptName, $sPW & _
            " saved to clipboard" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
            @ScriptName & " ? shows detailed help")
        $iC += 1
Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONWARNING, @ScriptName, "Password generation failed!")

Func GenPw($sTemplate)
    Local $aIn = StringSplit($sTemplate,"")
    Local $sOut = ""
    Local $sABC = _
    Local $aAB = StringSplit($sABC, "")
    Local $bUC = 0, $bLC = 0, $bNR = 0
    For $i = 1 To $aIn[0]
        If Int($aIn[$i]) Then
            $iK = $aIn[$i]
            For $j = 1 To $iK
                $iR = Random(1, $aAB[0],1)
                    Case StringInStr("0123456789", $aAB[$iR])
                        $bNR = 1
                    Case StringInStr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ", _
                            $aAB[$iR], $STR_CASESENSE)
                        $bUC = 1
                    Case StringInStr("abcdefghijklmnpqrstuvwxyz", _
                            $aAB[$iR], $STR_CASESENSE)
                        $bLC = 1
                $sOut &= $aAB[$iR]
            $sOut &= $aIn[$i]
    If ($bUC And $bLC And $bNR) Then
        Return $sOut
        Return 0


Edited by CarlD

Looks pretty neat.  My only criticism is that the password is randomized each time.  It would be nice if there was a "seed" mode that could consistently generate the same password like a hashing function.  I could see both methods being useful (consistent output and random) depending on the use case.  

Without downloading and running the exec, can you share the contents of the GenPass.html file?

3 hours ago, spudw2k said:

Without downloading and running the exec, can you share the contents of the GenPass.html file?

Sure, it's the Help text included in my OP.

The idea of a "seed" option is an interesting one. Will look into it. Thanks for your comments.

Posted (edited)

Added a seed option (/S), in response to @spudw2k.  Details are in the updated Help text, in the OP.  :)

Edited by CarlD
9 hours ago, TheDcoder said:

If you need a very good password management system, you should try KeePass. It contains everything you expect... if you need something extra, you can always look for plugins :)

Thanks for the tip. I've resisted password managers due to cultural/age reasons. As far as I'm concerned, the natural order of things is a monospace green screen font on a black background, and there is (or should be) no such thing as a password. In other words, my excuse is that I'm old. :D

Posted (edited)

Update: Special argument 1 generates a strong password of variable length (10-18 characters) that includes two separator characters #$%&()*+,-./:;@[]_ . See the updated Help text in the OP.


Edited by CarlD
Posted (edited)

Update: Default password is now variable length 13-22 characters. Also,  when compiled as GenPW.exe, password is sent directly to the clipboard, no message box unless password generation fails.

Edited by CarlD

Please, let's create a program like this:


GUI Script:

Global $nMsg, $hGUI = GUICreate("Password Generator", 456, 243, 192, 124)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password Include:", 5, 5, 440, 17, 0x0200, 0x00100000)
Global $sLowercase = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz", 8, 24, 209, 17, 0x0C00)
Global $sUppercase = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ", 8, 48, 217, 17, 0x0C00)
Global $sNumber = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("0123456789", 8, 72, 97, 17, 0x0C00)
Global $sSymboy = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("~!@#$%^*()_+", 8, 96, 97, 17, 0x0C00)
Global $sOther = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Custom Char:", 8, 120, 92, 17, 0x0C00)
Global $pOther = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 112, 120, 137, 21)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password Leng:", 16, 152, 92, 17, 0x0200, 0x00100000)
Global $pLenFrom = GUICtrlCreateInput("8", 112, 152, 49, 21)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("to", 176, 152, 21, 17, 0x0200, 0x00100000)
Global $pLenTo = GUICtrlCreateInput("8", 200, 152, 49, 21)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password file:", 16, 184, 92, 17, 0x0200, 0x00100000)
Global $pSaveFile = GUICtrlCreateInput(@ScriptDir & "\PasswordLib.txt", 112, 184, 257, 21)
Global $iStatus = GUICtrlCreateLabel("TIP: Select your option and select path file to save your password!", 8, 216, 428, 17, 0x0200, 0x00100000)
Global $bGenerator = GUICtrlCreateButton("Generator All && Save", 256, 32, 193, 145)
Global $bSelectPath = GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 376, 184, 59, 25)
While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case -3


7 hours ago, Trong said:

Please, let's create a program like this:

I've never done GUI scripting, so there would be a learning curve for me. If you'd like to use/improve my code above, feel free. And, of course, there are other GUI options, for example:


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