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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if there was an command/possibility which let users write their own variable for example in CMD "c:\users\johan\desktop\test.exe [54]".

So that the number that the user typed will be later used in a calculation function.



Edited by DavidW
Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, RTFC said:

Please read the section "command line parameters" here

Yes i have already done that, But it not answering my question (I could be wrong have low experience in autoIT)

EG; Is there an possibility that i change the "1" in this line to an variable, and whenever the user( who runs the script with a random number) the variable changes to the number given, so the variable is later used for another function

If  $Cmdline[0]>= 1 Then


Edited by DavidW
Posted (edited)

Sorry, little difficult to understand what you are asking...but if I understand what you are looking to accomplish, yes.

Consider the following:

From the help file link for running scripts
myProg.exe param1 "This is a string parameter" 99

$CmdLine[0] ; This contains 3 parameters.
$CmdLine[1] ; This contains param1.
$CmdLine[2] ; This contains This is a string parameter.
$CmdLine[3] ; This contains 99.

Notice that each parameter has it's own index in the array.  

$CmdLine[0] >= 1 is a good first check as it means at least one parameter was provided.  It will be up to you to verify the parameter(s) values.  You could then switch the condition of the parameter you need.  following the execution example above, let's switch the 3rd parameter and check for 99.

If $CmdLine[0] >= 1 Then
    Switch $CmdLine[3]
        Case 99
            ;Do Stuff


fuzzier, or clearer?

Edited by spudw2k
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the explanation, it makes a little bit more sense to me now

But a question, what if i do the following script ?

If $cmdline[0] = 1 Then
    msgbox (0, "", "cool")
if $cmdline[0] = 2 Then
    msgbox(0, "", "niet col")


and i run the following parameter MyProg.exe [2], why is  the msgbox of $cmdline[0] = 1 appearing?

Edited by DavidW
Posted (edited)

What i want to acomplish is the example in JavaScript. So that a user inputs a number in CMD like "Myprog.exe" [number] and then for example the script will run console.log (" with the number from the parameter")

var Number = prompt("Insert number between 0 and 100");

 if (0<Number<50){
       console.log("Low value");
}else if(50<=Number<100){
       console.log("High value");
       console.log("not a valid number");

Do i have to create a loop that checks every number till for example 999? till its reachs the number given in the parameters? or is there an easier way?

Edited by DavidW

You can for example use the Switch-Case construct to check fixed value ranges:

Switch $number
    Case 1 to 50
        msgbox(0,"number = " & $number,"Low number")
    Case 51 to 100
        msgbox(0,"number = " & $number,"High number")
    case Else
        msgbox(0,"number = " & $number,"Invalid number")

This also supports a sequence of specific values e.g.: Case  1, 3, 5 (do odd number action>, Case 2,4,6 <do even number action>, etc, as well as individual cases, e.g., Case 1 <do value=1 action>, Case 25 <do value=25 action>, etc.

Posted (edited)

RTFC thanks for the reponse!,  a couple of questions, already appreciate the help you've done

How do i eventually connect the variable $number to an cmdline parameter? that if the user runs cmd ("myprog.exe /14") the variable $number will be changed to 14

Another question if i may ask. What if want to add another parameter and i want to be able to run the parameters through cmdline so like (Myprog.exe /par 1 (number switch), /par 2 (option to choose if its minus/ equaled by/ plus etc)

Can i just create another switch ? if not could you give me a point in the right direction so i can try to figure it out?



Edited by DavidW
Posted (edited)

spudw2k already pointed you in the right direction. The following crude example checks first if at least one commandline parameter is parsed; if so, it is interpreted as a number that is checked further. It then checks if a 2nd parameter is parsed, and if so, displays it.

if $cmdline[0]>0 Then
    Switch $number
        Case 1 to 50
            msgbox(0,"number = " & $number,"Low number")
        Case 51 to 100
            msgbox(0,"number = " & $number,"High number")
        case Else
            msgbox(0,"number = " & $number,"Invalid number")

if $cmdline[0]>1 Then
    msgbox(0,"A 2nd parameter was parsed","The second parameter is" & $param2)

Of course, if the order of the parsed parameters can be flexible you'd have to create more sophisticated checking, and maybe cycle through all parameters in a For-Next loop to identifiy which is which. I'll leave you to figure that one out for yourself (but search $cmdline or $cmdlineRaw on the forums to find plenty of examples).;)

Edited by RTFC
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the example im going to make work of it, it now makes sense to me now!!

You're not gonna believe your eyes of the script im going to make !!


Edited by DavidW
2 hours ago, DavidW said:

You're not gonna believe your eyes of the script im going to make !!

Make your chest but already wet.

Roses are FF0000, violets are 0000FF... All my base are belong to you.

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