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Hello - I'm not a programmer or even close to one, but I'm having some trouble setting up a small script. The network is a mess so I'm trying to use the PixelSearch function from a computer which is then using RDP to access a monitoring application. How I think this should work is that I should get an email and sound and popup when the particular color sets I'm looking for appear. Once I compile the script, however, I get "Error: Unknown function name." when I run it and simulate the color change. Here is my sanitized script (details such as server IP modified):

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
Local $i = 0
$email = MsgBox(4, "Email", "Send an Email on error?")
If ($email = 6) Then
                $emaildebug = MsgBox(4, "Debug Email", "Debug Email alert on send?")
$sound = MsgBox(4, "Sound", "Play a sound on error?")
$popup = MsgBox(4, "Popup", "Create a popup on error?")
                Local $aCoord = PixelSearch(5, 101, 90, 110, 16711680, 10)
                If NOT @error Then
                                If ($email = 6) Then
                                                Local $s_smtpserver = "IPADDRESSHERE"
                                                Local $s_fromname = "FROMNAMEHERE"
                                                Local $s_fromaddress = "FROMADDRESSHERE"
                                                Local $s_toaddress = "TOADDRESSHERE"
                                                Local $s_subject = "ERRORMESSAGEHERE"
                                                Local $as_body = "MORESPECIFICERRORMESSAGEHERE"
                                                Local $iresponse = _inetsmtpmail($s_smtpserver, $s_fromname, $s_fromaddress, $s_toaddress, $s_subject, $as_body, "", -1)
                                                Local $ierr = @error
                                                If ($emaildebug = 6) Then
                                                                If $iresponse = 1 Then
                                                                                MsgBox($mb_systemmodal, "Success!", "Mail sent")
                                                                                MsgBox($mb_systemmodal, "Error!", "Mail failed with error code " & $ierr)
                                If ($sound = 6) Then
                                                SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\tada.wav")
                                If ($popup = 6) Then
                                                MsgBox($mb_systemmodal, "WARNING!", "Postmaster is alarming!", 60)
                                If ($email = 6) Then
Until $i = 1


Can anyone take a look and help me figure out why it is saying the function name is unknown? Through trial and error I have determined that it is definitely the PixelSearch function which is causing this error but I really don't know why it is messing up beyond that. I don't see the pixelsearch function detailed in the MsgBoxConstants file but I don't see it in any others either, and the samples all include the MsgBoxConstants file so it seems as though pursuing that route must be a red herring, but again I kind of suck at scripting - Any assistance will be appreciated.

Posted (edited)

On my machine, the script above is complaining about missing the _inetsmtpmail function, not the PixelGetColor function.

Try including the source UDF that has that function (#include <Inet.au3>)


edit: Also, just a tip on posting code, try using the "Code" button when writing your post.  It is next to the Emoticon button and looks like Less-Then and Greater-Then symbols (<>).

Edited by spudw2k

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