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What are the differences between "Switch...Case...EndCase" and "Select...Case...EndCase"?  They seem to have the same function to me. Are there situations in which one is more beneficial than the other?



Switch is comparing against one expression, and then using the Cases to determine which one matches it. Select is more like a compact form of If/Then and each case can be a totally unrelated test parameter to any other comparison being done.

; Switch example
$a = 5
$x = 3
$b = "Dog"
Switch $a
    Case 5
         ;"do this"
    Case 4
        ; "do something else"
    Case Else
        ; "nothing matched so do this"
    Case $a = 4
        ; "do this"
    Case $x = 2
        ; Do this instead
    Case $b = "Dog"
        ; Do something totally unrelated
    Case Else
        ; Do Nothing


If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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No new info here, but I tend to think of it this way.

A switch statement acts...like a switch....doy....  Think of a multiple state toggle switch; a pickup selector switch on a guitar makes for a decent example.  When the switch is moved, it is evaluated based on the discrete value/condition and outputs as designed/programmed.  

A select statement could be seen as the whole guitar.  If I turn the volume nob, adjust volume output...if I adjust a tuning peg, tighten or loosen string...if I plug in guitar...you get the idea.


Cool analogy, but I think of Switch as a whole guitar and Select as a whole guitar shop.

Local $vGuitar = 'more expensive model', $vDuffer = 'cheap guitar', $iDollars = Random(100, 140, 1)

Switch $vGuitar
    Case 'more expensive model'
        ; get a good quality guitar case
    Case Else
            Case $vDuffer = 'cheap guitar' And $iDollars <= 120
                ; check out the more expensive model
            Case Else
                ; pay in installments


Posted (edited)

Thanks! Those are really helpful concepts. So as far as I understand, going with my own little analogy, a select could include a bunch of different spacecraft and according to some criteria choose between them. Then with switch, you could determine different travel times based on the different warp drives for each one. Basically that a select deals with different parameters (rebel, empire, purpose) and switch is used for a single expression (millenium falcon)

Local $vXWing = ;type of drive
Local $vMilleniumFalcon = ;type of drive
Local $vTieFighter = ;type of drive

Local $vMyShip
Local $vRebel = 'no'
Local $vEmpire = 'no'
Local $vPurpose = 'smuggling'

    Case $vRebel = 'destroy death star'
        $vMyShip = $vXWing
    Case $vEmpire = 'yes'
        $vMyShip = $vTieFighter
    Case $vPurpose = 'smuggling'
        $vMyShip = $vMilleniumFalcon
        Switch $vMilleniumFalcon
            Case 'standard' ; = type of drive that $millenium falcon is set equal to when declared 
                ;plan for imperial boarding
            Case 'upgraded'
                ;She can outrun an imperial star destroyer
            Case 'Han Solo custom'
                ;kessel run in 12 parsecs
End Select


Edited by Tumulus
corrected syntax of code.

Select is sugar for if...else if...else

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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