enRAYYY Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Hi, I've recently been trying to get my head around a solution for a script that will search a .mdb file for a specific table called "REPAIR_DATA" search for a column named "KEY" and a specific value in that column and then copy the values of specific columns that line up with the row of the specified value for the "KEY" column. To explain this further i've attached a screenshot of an example access database. For example I would like to query the data base for the KEY "5" and return the values for columns "DATA1" and "DATA3" I would then like to output this to a text file so that the first line of the text file contains the value of "KEY,5" for "DATA1" and line 2 contains the value of "KEY,5" "DATA3" As per the included picture the text file would contain the following data: ;Start of text file 2 4 ;End of file I've gotten my head around most of the basic autoit syntax/functions however I'm really struggling with this one. Any and all help would be appreciated. Sidenote: Going through alot of personal issues atm and sleep is not something I have been getting alot of, If my question is too confusing I'll try to explain it a little better after a good nights sleep
spudw2k Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 (edited) You example is a little confusing to me. Shouldn't you be referring to the columns instead of having a row with headers? Anyways--as a starting point--here is an example I pieced together from a UDF I made a while back which queries in the fashion you want, but refers to the column names. The example creates a TempDB.MDB file (in the script dir), inserts test data, queries data, deletes TempDB. expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #Region - Constants and Variables Global $objConnection = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") Global $objRecordSet = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset") Global $errADODB = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","_ErrADODB") Global $adCurrentProvider = 0 Global $adCurrentDataSource = 0 Const $adOpenForwardOnly = 0 Const $adOpenKeyset = 1 Const $adOpenDynamic = 2 Const $adOpenStatic = 3 Const $adLockReadOnly = 1 Const $adLockPessimistic = 2 Const $adLockOptimistic = 3 Const $adLockBatchOptimistic = 4 Const $adProviderSQLOLEDB = "SQLOLEDB" Const $adProviderMSJET4 = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" Const $adProviderMSJET12 = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" #EndRegion #include <Array.au3> ;Only needed for This Demo Script $adCurrentProvider = $adProviderMSJET4 ;Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 $adCurrentDataSource = @ScriptDir & "\TEMPDB.MDB" ;Establish ADO Connection _OpenConnection($adCurrentProvider,$adCurrentDataSource) ;Create Table Dim $arrFields[4]=["[KEY] INTEGER","[DATA1] INTEGER","[DATA2] INTEGER","[DATA3] INTEGER"] ;Init Fields for Table Creation _CreateTable("REPAIR_DATA",$arrFields) ;Insert Records Dim $arrFieldsandValues[9][4]=[["[KEY]","[DATA1]","[DATA2]","[DATA3]"],[1,1,1,1],[2,1,1,1],[3,1,1,1],[4,1,1,1],[5,2,3,4],[6,1,1,1],[7,1,1,1],[8,1,1,1]] ;Init Fields and Values for Insert _InsertRecords("REPAIR_DATA",$arrFieldsandValues) ;Retrieve Records from Table with Where Clause Dim $arrSelectFields[4]=["KEY","DATA1","DATA2","DATA3"] ;Init Select Fields for Recordset Dim $arrWhereFields[1]=["[KEY] = 5"] $arrRecords = _GetRecords("REPAIR_DATA",$arrSelectFields,$arrWhereFields) _ArrayDisplay($arrRecords) ;Drop Database _DropDatabase() ;Closes ADO Connection first if using MS.JET.OLEDB.4.0 #Region - Functions, Subs, Methods Func _AddColumn($varTableName,$varColumnName,$varColumnType) If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1 $strAddCol = "ALTER TABLE " & $varTableName & " ADD " & $varColumnName & " " & $varColumnType Return $objConnection.Execute($strAddCol) EndFunc Func _CloseConnection() Return $objConnection.Close EndFunc Func _CloseRecordSet() Return $objRecordSet.Close EndFunc Func _CreateDatabase($varDatabaseName=0) If $adCurrentProvider = $adProviderMSJET4 Then $objADOXCatalog = ObjCreate("ADOX.Catalog") $strProvider = "Provider=" & $adCurrentProvider & ";Data Source=" & $adCurrentDataSource $objADOXCatalog.Create($strProvider) $objADOXCatalog = 0 Return 0 ElseIf $varDatabaseName Then $objConnection.Execute("CREATE DATABASE " & $varDatabaseName) Return $objConnection.Execute("USE " & $varDatabaseName) EndIf Return 0 EndFunc Func _CreateTable($varTableName,$arrFields) If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1 If Not IsString($varTableName) Then Return -2 If Not IsArray($arrFields) Then Return -3 $varFields = "" $varFieldCount = Ubound($arrFields)-1 For $x = 0 to $varFieldCount $varFields &= $arrFields[$x] If $x < $varFieldCount Then $varFields &= " ," Next Return $objConnection.Execute("CREATE TABLE " & $varTableName & "(" & $varFields & ")") EndFunc Func _DropColumn($varTableName,$varColumnName) If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1 $strDropCol = "ALTER TABLE " & $varTableName & " DROP COLUMN " & $varColumnName Return $objConnection.Execute($strDropCol) EndFunc Func _DropDatabase($varDatabaseName=0) If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1 If $adCurrentProvider = $adProviderMSJET4 Then _CloseConnection() If MsgBox(4+16,"Are you sure?","Are you sure you want to delete" & @CRLF & $adCurrentDataSource & " ?" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "This Cannot Be Undone!") = 6 Then Return FileDelete($adCurrentDataSource) EndIf Else $objConnection.Execute("USE master") Return $objConnection.Execute("DROP DATABASE " & $varDatabaseName) EndIf EndFunc Func _DropTable($varTableName) If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1 Return $objConnection.Execute("DROP TABLE " & $varTableName) EndFunc Func _GetRecords($varTable,$arrSelectFields,$arrWhereFields=0) If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1 If Not IsObj($objRecordSet) Then Return -2 _OpenRecordset($varTable,$arrSelectFields,$arrWhereFields) If Not $objRecordSet.RecordCount Or ($objRecordSet.EOF = True) Then Return -3 ; Dim $arrRecords[1][1] ; $objRecordSet.MoveFirst ; $x = 0 ; For $objField in $objRecordSet.Fields ; ReDim $arrRecords[1][$x+1] ; $arrRecords[0][$x]=$objField.Name ; $x+=1 ; Next ; Do ; ReDim $arrRecords[UBound($arrRecords)+1][$x] ; $x = 0 ; For $objField in $objRecordSet.Fields ; $arrRecords[UBound($arrRecords)-1][$x] = $objField.Value ; $x+=1 ; Next ; $objRecordSet.MoveNext ; Until $objRecordSet.EOF Dim $arrRecords $arrRecords = $objRecordSet.GetRows() _CloseRecordSet() Return $arrRecords EndFunc Func _GetTablesAndColumns($varSystemTables=0) If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1 $objADOXCatalog = ObjCreate("ADOX.Catalog") $objADOXCatalog.ActiveConnection = $objConnection Dim $arrTables[1][2]=[['Table Name','Columns Array']] Dim $arrColumns[1][2]=[['Column Name','Column Type']] For $objTable In $objADOXCatalog.Tables Local $varSkipTable = 0 If Not $varSystemTables Then If StringInstr($objTable.Type,"SYSTEM") or StringInstr($objTable.Name,"MSys")=1 Then $varSkipTable = 1 EndIf If Not $varSkipTable Then ReDim $arrTables[UBound($arrTables)+1][2] $arrTables[UBound($arrTables)-1][0] = $objTable.Name ReDim $arrColumns[1][2] For $objColumn in $objTable.Columns ReDim $arrColumns[UBound($arrColumns)+1][2] $arrColumns[UBound($arrColumns)-1][0] = $objColumn.Name $arrColumns[UBound($arrColumns)-1][1] = $objColumn.Type Next $arrTables[UBound($arrTables)-1][1] = $arrColumns EndIf Next $objADOXCatalog = 0 Return $arrTables EndFunc Func _InsertRecords($varTableName,$arrFieldsAndValues) If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1 If Not IsArray($arrFieldsAndValues) Then Return -2 For $y = 1 To UBound($arrFieldsAndValues)-1 $strInsert = "INSERT INTO " & $varTableName & " (" $varFieldCount = UBound($arrFieldsAndValues,2)-1 For $x = 0 To $varFieldCount $strInsert &= $arrFieldsAndValues[0][$x] If $x < $varFieldCount Then $strInsert &= "," Next $strInsert &= ") VALUES (" For $x = 0 To $varFieldCount $strInsert &= "'" & $arrFieldsAndValues[$y][$x] & "'" If $x < $varFieldCount Then $strInsert &= "," Next $strInsert &= ");" $objConnection.Execute($strInsert) If $errADODB.number Then If Msgbox(4+16+256,"Insert Record Error","Statement failed:" & @CRLF & $strInsert & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Would you like to continue?") <> 6 Then Return -3 EndIf Next Return 1 EndFunc Func _OpenConnection($varProvider,$varDataSource,$varTrusted=0,$varInitalCatalog="",$varUser="",$varPass="") If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1 $adCurrentDataSource = $varDataSource $adCurrentProvider = $varProvider If $adCurrentProvider = $adProviderMSJET4 Then If Not FileExists($adCurrentDataSource) Then If MsgBox(4+16,$adCurrentDataSource & " does not exist.","Would you like to attempt" & @CRLF & "to create it?") = 6 Then _CreateDatabase() Else Return 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf $strConnect = "Provider=" & $adCurrentProvider & ";Data Source=" & $adCurrentDataSource & ";" If $varTrusted Then $strConnect &= "Trusted_Connection=Yes;" If $varUser Then $strConnect &= "User ID=" & $varUser & ";" If $varPass Then $strConnect &= "Password=" & $varPass & ";" $objConnection.Open($strConnect) If $varInitalCatalog Then Return $objConnection.Execute("USE " & $varInitalCatalog) Else Return 1 EndIf EndFunc Func _OpenRecordset($varTable,$arrSelectFields,$arrWhereFields=0,$varCursorType=$adOpenForwardOnly,$varLockType=$adLockReadOnly) If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1 If Not IsObj($objRecordSet) Then Return -2 $strOpen = "SELECT " $varFieldCount = UBound($arrSelectFields)-1 For $x = 0 to $varFieldCount $strOpen &= "[" & $arrSelectFields[$x] & "]" If $x < $varFieldCount Then $strOpen &= ", " Next $strOpen &= " FROM " & $varTable If IsArray($arrWhereFields) Then $strOpen &= " WHERE " $varFieldCount = UBound($arrWhereFields)-1 For $x = 0 to $varFieldCount $strOpen &= $arrWhereFields[$x] If $x < $varFieldCount Then $strOpen &= ", " Next EndIf msgbox(0,"Get Records",$strOpen) Return $objRecordSet.Open($strOpen,$objConnection,$varCursorType,$varLockType) EndFunc Func _ErrADODB() Msgbox(0,"ADODB COM Error","We intercepted a COM Error !" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "err.description is: " & @TAB & $errADODB.description & @CRLF & _ "err.windescription:" & @TAB & $errADODB.windescription & @CRLF & _ "err.number is: " & @TAB & hex($errADODB.number,8) & @CRLF & _ "err.lastdllerror is: " & @TAB & $errADODB.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _ "err.scriptline is: " & @TAB & $errADODB.scriptline & @CRLF & _ "err.source is: " & @TAB & $errADODB.source & @CRLF & _ "err.helpfile is: " & @TAB & $errADODB.helpfile & @CRLF & _ "err.helpcontext is: " & @TAB & $errADODB.helpcontext _ ) Local $err = $errADODB.number If $err = 0 Then $err = -1 EndFunc #EndRegion Edited March 19, 2016 by spudw2k enRAYYY 1 Spoiler Things I've Made: Always On Top Tool ◊ AU History ◊ Deck of Cards ◊ HideIt ◊ ICU ◊ Icon Freezer ◊ Ipod Ejector ◊ Junos Configuration Explorer ◊ Link Downloader ◊ MD5 Folder Enumerator ◊ PassGen ◊ Ping Tool ◊ Quick NIC ◊ Read OCR ◊ RemoteIT ◊ SchTasksGui ◊ SpyCam ◊ System Scan Report Tool ◊ System UpTime ◊ Transparency Machine ◊ VMWare ESX Builder Misc Code Snippets: ADODB Example ◊ CheckHover ◊ Detect SafeMode ◊ DynEnumArray ◊ GetNetStatData ◊ HashArray ◊ IsBetweenDates ◊ Local Admins ◊ Make Choice ◊ Recursive File List ◊ Remove Sizebox Style ◊ Retrieve PNPDeviceID ◊ Retrieve SysListView32 Contents ◊ Set IE Homepage ◊ Tickle Expired Password ◊ Transpose Array Projects: Drive Space Usage GUI ◊ LEDkIT ◊ Plasma_kIt ◊ Scan Engine Builder ◊ SpeeDBurner ◊ SubnetCalc Cool Stuff: AutoItObject UDF ◊ Extract Icon From Proc ◊ GuiCtrlFontRotate ◊ Hex Edit Funcs ◊ Run binary ◊ Service_UDF
enRAYYY Posted March 19, 2016 Author Posted March 19, 2016 Will have a fiddle with that example code and see what I can make from it. Thank you for your help. To explain my first post a little better (Have had slightly more sleep) Without actually creating the db I wasn't able to change the column names in the screenshot so the DATA1, DATA2, DATA3 were substitutes for the column names. A better explanation would be: I would like to select the row where the value for column key is "5" and then choose which columns from that same row to save data to the textfields. E.g I would like to query the db column"KEY" for the value "5" and save columns DATA1 and DATA3 from that row to the text file.
spudw2k Posted March 19, 2016 Posted March 19, 2016 (edited) Perfect. I modified my example to reflect the field names you want (KEY, DATA1, DATA2, DATA3). I also added a msgbox popup to show the SELECT statement being used against the MDB. The result(s) from a query are returned as an array. You could then pick out what you want from the array or optimize the results array and write to a file. Are you familiar with using arrays? Also, I just threw the UDF into and example in one script. If you visit the link I posted to the old UDF you can see when they are separated the usage is a little clearer. There are also clearer example comments. I may spend some time cleaning up the UDF and bringing it up to my current scripting standards. Edited March 19, 2016 by spudw2k enRAYYY 1 Spoiler Things I've Made: Always On Top Tool ◊ AU History ◊ Deck of Cards ◊ HideIt ◊ ICU ◊ Icon Freezer ◊ Ipod Ejector ◊ Junos Configuration Explorer ◊ Link Downloader ◊ MD5 Folder Enumerator ◊ PassGen ◊ Ping Tool ◊ Quick NIC ◊ Read OCR ◊ RemoteIT ◊ SchTasksGui ◊ SpyCam ◊ System Scan Report Tool ◊ System UpTime ◊ Transparency Machine ◊ VMWare ESX Builder Misc Code Snippets: ADODB Example ◊ CheckHover ◊ Detect SafeMode ◊ DynEnumArray ◊ GetNetStatData ◊ HashArray ◊ IsBetweenDates ◊ Local Admins ◊ Make Choice ◊ Recursive File List ◊ Remove Sizebox Style ◊ Retrieve PNPDeviceID ◊ Retrieve SysListView32 Contents ◊ Set IE Homepage ◊ Tickle Expired Password ◊ Transpose Array Projects: Drive Space Usage GUI ◊ LEDkIT ◊ Plasma_kIt ◊ Scan Engine Builder ◊ SpeeDBurner ◊ SubnetCalc Cool Stuff: AutoItObject UDF ◊ Extract Icon From Proc ◊ GuiCtrlFontRotate ◊ Hex Edit Funcs ◊ Run binary ◊ Service_UDF
enRAYYY Posted March 20, 2016 Author Posted March 20, 2016 Not familiar entirely with arrays but life is a learning curve and knowledge doesn't hurt to have. Will look into writing the array to a text file. Thank you for responses they are greatly appreciated spud.
enRAYYY Posted March 20, 2016 Author Posted March 20, 2016 (edited) Was able to tweak your example into an almost fully functional script for what I needed, Just having issues writing the array to a file. I added the include for file.au3 however placing the line "_FileWriteFromArray($sFilePath, $arrRecords, 1)" after the line "_ArrayDisplay($arrRecords)" is not writing to/creating a file. The array does however display correctly beforehand. In the long run I'm looking to split each columns field into a separate line in the text file any ideas? Edited March 20, 2016 by enRAYYY
spudw2k Posted March 21, 2016 Posted March 21, 2016 The last parameter you are setting in the _FileWriteFromArray function (1) is telling the function to start at the second row of the array. I know that seems counter intuitive, but arrays are (what is called) zero-based, which means the first Array element has an index of 0. If the array had more than one record in it, the _FileWrite function would've continued to write each record...but sine there was only one record returned you we're essentially "skipping" it. Remove the last param and it should work. _FileWriteFromArray($sFilePath, $arrRecords) If you are finding that the output of the array isn't what you want I can point you in the right direction to learn about using arrays. Spoiler Things I've Made: Always On Top Tool ◊ AU History ◊ Deck of Cards ◊ HideIt ◊ ICU ◊ Icon Freezer ◊ Ipod Ejector ◊ Junos Configuration Explorer ◊ Link Downloader ◊ MD5 Folder Enumerator ◊ PassGen ◊ Ping Tool ◊ Quick NIC ◊ Read OCR ◊ RemoteIT ◊ SchTasksGui ◊ SpyCam ◊ System Scan Report Tool ◊ System UpTime ◊ Transparency Machine ◊ VMWare ESX Builder Misc Code Snippets: ADODB Example ◊ CheckHover ◊ Detect SafeMode ◊ DynEnumArray ◊ GetNetStatData ◊ HashArray ◊ IsBetweenDates ◊ Local Admins ◊ Make Choice ◊ Recursive File List ◊ Remove Sizebox Style ◊ Retrieve PNPDeviceID ◊ Retrieve SysListView32 Contents ◊ Set IE Homepage ◊ Tickle Expired Password ◊ Transpose Array Projects: Drive Space Usage GUI ◊ LEDkIT ◊ Plasma_kIt ◊ Scan Engine Builder ◊ SpeeDBurner ◊ SubnetCalc Cool Stuff: AutoItObject UDF ◊ Extract Icon From Proc ◊ GuiCtrlFontRotate ◊ Hex Edit Funcs ◊ Run binary ◊ Service_UDF
enRAYYY Posted March 22, 2016 Author Posted March 22, 2016 You are a gentlemen and a scholar. With the array written to the text file I can go back to mainly using autoit for window automation (Found that super easy). I'm really appreciative for your help, I'm honestly keen to get you a $10 giftcard for something (not much but im broke) Is there anything like steam/Playstore/Playstation/Xbox that I could get you a $10 giftcard for for your help? It's been awesome. Also will look into arrays further as it can't hurt to know how to manipulate them better even though i don't currently need to, is there any links you could provide for that that you would recommend, haven't found too much useful info thats not already in the autoit help file on google.
spudw2k Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 Don't worry 'bout it...it's a nice gesture, but I'm happy to help. Treat yourself to a charleston chew and chill it in the freezer. This wiki article has some good info on arrays and how they can/are used in AutoIt. Spoiler Things I've Made: Always On Top Tool ◊ AU History ◊ Deck of Cards ◊ HideIt ◊ ICU ◊ Icon Freezer ◊ Ipod Ejector ◊ Junos Configuration Explorer ◊ Link Downloader ◊ MD5 Folder Enumerator ◊ PassGen ◊ Ping Tool ◊ Quick NIC ◊ Read OCR ◊ RemoteIT ◊ SchTasksGui ◊ SpyCam ◊ System Scan Report Tool ◊ System UpTime ◊ Transparency Machine ◊ VMWare ESX Builder Misc Code Snippets: ADODB Example ◊ CheckHover ◊ Detect SafeMode ◊ DynEnumArray ◊ GetNetStatData ◊ HashArray ◊ IsBetweenDates ◊ Local Admins ◊ Make Choice ◊ Recursive File List ◊ Remove Sizebox Style ◊ Retrieve PNPDeviceID ◊ Retrieve SysListView32 Contents ◊ Set IE Homepage ◊ Tickle Expired Password ◊ Transpose Array Projects: Drive Space Usage GUI ◊ LEDkIT ◊ Plasma_kIt ◊ Scan Engine Builder ◊ SpeeDBurner ◊ SubnetCalc Cool Stuff: AutoItObject UDF ◊ Extract Icon From Proc ◊ GuiCtrlFontRotate ◊ Hex Edit Funcs ◊ Run binary ◊ Service_UDF
enRAYYY Posted April 1, 2016 Author Posted April 1, 2016 Thanks again for all your help spud, I've been racking my brain about this for a couple of hours over the past few nights, so in the array I have multiple columns from a single row of the open table, I would like to write each columns field of said row to separate lines of a text file so the first columns field is the first line, the second columns filed is the second line ect. Is there any chance you'd be able to help me out with this one? The array already contains all the information I need, i'd just like to separate each column to a separate line in the text file.
jchd Posted April 1, 2016 Posted April 1, 2016 _ArrayToString is your friend here. This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe hereRegExp tutorial: enough to get startedPCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta. SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)
enRAYYY Posted April 1, 2016 Author Posted April 1, 2016 (edited) Ahhhhh appears I was looking too hard in the wrong places. That easily got me going. $arrArray = _ArrayToString($arrRecords, @CRLF) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "Output.txt", $arrArray) Thank you. Edited April 1, 2016 by enRAYYY
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