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Quick search did not supply existing threads.

Maybe I am missing something.

Problem is this 

Local $DisplayText="This & that, shows that this & that does not display the ampersand correctly"

MsgBox(0,"Show &",$DisplayText)

What I get is:

This _that, shows that this _that does not display the ampersand correctly.

For Labels one cures the problem with the style $SS_NOPREFIX, but what's to do with the MsgBox?

Just a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.

Thanks :)




Why is the snake in the sky?


I believe it is a UTF related issue. 

The example above works correctly :(

But when I read text from a .txt file and display that, I get the problem as discribed. So its probably not a MsgBox issue, but rather a file read issue... I will look at this again in the morning. 

Thanks. :)



Why is the snake in the sky?


I can't recreate that. Your ampersands get replaced with an underline?

Your code works just fine for me.



I've also tried this using FileRead (warning: this does an actual file write, read and delete to your temp dir, just saying).

Global $hFile = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\test1234.txt", 10)
FileWrite($hFile, "This & that, shows that this & that does not display the ampersand correctly.")


$hFile = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\test1234.txt", 0)
MsgBox(0, "", FileRead($hFile))

FileDelete(@TempDir & "\test1234.txt")

Same result as above. There must be something else to your code which alters it that way.

  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting...it sounds like it's creating an access key on the msgbox dialog box.  I'm not sure how that is happening or how to reproduce it.  You're not using a custom msgbox function are you?  


Standard MSGBOX in latest AutoIt, on Win7 and Win10.

However, what I did not mention is that string is encreypted, saved to disk, then another process decrypts and displays the text.  It is this second display that creates the problem...


Why is the snake in the sky?


It's probably not the message box that's the problem then, and has nothing to do with the error you're experiencing.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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And you are positive that the second script is using the standard MsgBox?  I don't mean to berate the point I am seriously struggling to reproduce the issue.  Can you post some code that does reproduce the issue?


Only if I use two scripts. If I use the example posted here, it works correctly. And I do not understand why


Why is the snake in the sky?


Its a set of encrypt / decrypt scripts that are basically mirrors. used for sending secure communication. deliver encrypted text file to recipient, opens it and sees the decoded content --- I actually started with the encrypter, then copied to the decrypt script and made minimal changes.

Its at the office.  I will sanitize and provide a copy. Thank you for your interest.


Why is the snake in the sky?

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