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Ok. I am writing a program for MANY other people to use, but don't want to include my source code.

The program asks users for a directory location (i.e. C:\Users\Bob\Desktop\Pictures) and then asks them for another piece of data (Both of which are being saved to a variable)

How can I hardcode those variables, after the person enters them once, into the program so they no longer need to put in that data?

I was going to read/write from a file, but that would require me to create a file ON EVERYONE'S PC and read from it everytime.



You could use a function such as FileSelectFolder to get the info assigned to a variable, and as long as the program is running, and that variable isn't changed, it will be 'hardcoded'. Into memory anyway. To permanently keep the value of that variable, I believe writing/reading to/from a file is the only recourse. Although I guess it's possible to add the code to a script needed to re-write and then re-compile itself..

- Bruce /*somdcomputerguy */  If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

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