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Getting USB unique ID

i know very well in auto it a function named get serial # is also available ........my question is it is unique or not .e.g when i format it will change ?

how it is possible to get this type of info via autoit .................

Posted Image

OR another possible method to getting unique # info . i have Kingston data traveler 4 GB DTI

Thanks for reading waiting for answer


Serial numbers usually are unique,at least per machine. Why do you need this information? Perhaps someone here can think of a better method to do what you want, or a simpler one if not better.

Posted (edited)

thanks for kind reply .... actually i want develop dongle type application .... it only run from Authorized USB ...what is your Idea ?

Edited by ironmankho
Posted (edited)

Well a few ideas would be to setup a database and check the data from the drive against that or have a registration file inside the drive. Those can't be reproduced because they're unique for each computer/drive.





#include <date.au3>

#include <string.au3>

#include <array.au3>

Global $Debugit = 1

Local $securityCodeEncryptionKey = "somepassword";this must match the key generator

Global $mac = StringUpper (StringReplace (_GetMAC(),":","") & StringRight ( Hex(@mon),1)); this makes the mac address only valid during this month or registration, so if they discover the fake dll and delete it, the code only registers during this month of cousre they could figure on putting it back to the original registration month

Global $Generate = StringRight ($mac,5)

Global $restore = StringUpper (_StringEncrypt (1, $Generate, $securityCodeEncryptionKey , 1 ))

Global $myFakeDll = @Windowsdir & "\CBfu11.dll"; I suggest using a prefix of T for Trial software in the dllname and be sure it's not a dll name that is going to already exist you could hide it in the windows directory or anywhere else really

Global $trialPeriod = -1;days (use -1 if not trial software just regkey licenced)

Global $applicationName = "Choas Bot"

Global $dllEncKey = "O59yuey93";you can change this to whatever you like it is the ini encryption if made too long and it takes longer to read and write

Global $dlliniSection = Encrypt("iniSectionName");you can change this too if you really want to

If NOT FileExists ($myFakeDll) then



$validation = CheckValidation()

;============================================Main app Starts here============================================

If $validation <> -1 then

Msgbox(0,"","This is the main application start point" & @crlf & "If you can see this then you have a successfully registered application" & @crlf & "You have " & $validation & " Days left to evaluate this software")


Msgbox(0,"","This is the main application start point" & @crlf & "If you can see this then you have a successfully registered application")


Func EnterNewCode()

ClipPut ($mac & "F")

$entered = InPutBox ("Register", "This software is not freeware. Please email" & @crlf & "chaosbotncp@hotmail.com to obtain a registration code." & @crlf & "Please quote the following Code: " & @crlf & @crlf & $mac & "F" & @crlf & @crlf & "It has been placed on the clipboard for easy usage." & @CRLF & @CRlf & "Enter the unlock code below:","","",-1,250)

If @error = 1 then Exit;CANCEL WAS PRESSED

If $entered = $restore then

MsgBox (262144,$applicationName,"Successfully Registered")

IniWrite ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection,Encrypt ("DecodeKey"),Encrypt ($restore))

IniWrite ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection,Encrypt ("GeneratedMac"),Encrypt ($Mac))

If $trialPeriod <> -1 then

IniWrite ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection,Encrypt ("RegDate"),Encrypt (_NowCalcDate()))

$sysprep = _DateAdd ( "D", $trialPeriod, _NowCalcDate() )

IniWrite ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection,Encrypt ("FinalDate"),Encrypt ($sysprep))

IniWrite ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection,Encrypt ("LastRunDate"),Encrypt (_NowCalcDate()))

IniWrite ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection,Encrypt ("Count"),Encrypt (0))



MsgBox (262144,"Error","Registration code is incorrect")



EndFunc;==> EnterNewRegCode()

Func CheckValidation()

$RecordedMacCheck = StringLeft (StringRight (Decrypt (IniRead ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection,Encrypt ("GeneratedMac"),"Eric")),5),4)

$MacCheck = StringLeft (StringRight ($mac,5),4)

If $RecordedMacCheck <> $MacCheck then

Debug ("Recorded Mac = " & $RecordedMacCheck)

Debug ("Macaddress = " & $MacCheck )

Debug ("The Mac code didn't match")

If FileExists ($myFakeDll) then FileDelete($myFakeDll)


Return -1


If $trialPeriod = -1 then return -1

Splashtexton ($applicationName,@crlf & "This is evaluation software",250,60)

$finalDateCheck = Decrypt ( IniRead ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection, Encrypt("FinalDate"),""))

$RegDateCheck = Decrypt ( IniRead ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection, Encrypt("RegDate"),""))

$LastRunDateCheck = Decrypt ( IniRead ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection, Encrypt("LastRunDate"),""))

$CountCheck = Number( Decrypt ( IniRead ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection, Encrypt("Count"),"")) )

If _DateDiff ("D", _NowCalcDate(),$finalDateCheck) < 0 Then

;the date is 14 days past the registration date

Debug ("passed the " & $trialPeriod & " days Expired " & _DateDiff ("D",$finalDateCheck, _NowCalcDate() ) )


Msgbox (262144,$applicationName,"Evaluation Expired")

IniWrite ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection,Encrypt ("Count"),Encrypt ($trialPeriod + 1))



If _DateDiff ("D",$LastRunDateCheck,_NowCalcDate()) < 0 Then

;they have changed the clock bacwards so expire

Debug ("Clock date is set before last run date")


Msgbox (262144,$applicationName,"Date tampering detected Evaluation Expired")

IniWrite ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection,Encrypt ("Count"),Encrypt ($trialPeriod + 1))



If $CountCheck >= $trialPeriod then;second method for checking days used

;trialPeriod days are up so expire

Debug ("Count is greater than " & $trialPeriod)


Msgbox (262144,$applicationName,"Evaluation Expired")



If _NowCalcDate() <> $LastRunDateCheck Then;if the date is different to the last ran date then increase the days used by 1

$CountCheck += 1

Debug ("Increase the used count; Count is now " & $CountCheck)

IniWrite ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection,Encrypt ("Count"),Encrypt ($CountCheck))

IniWrite ($myFakeDll,$dlliniSection,Encrypt ("LastRunDate"),Encrypt (_NowCalcDate()));log the new last run date


Sleep (2000)


Return ($trialPeriod - $CountCheck)

EndFunc;==> CheckValidation()

Func Encrypt ($string)

Return _StringEncrypt (1, $String, $dllEncKey , 1 )

EndFunc;==> Encrypt()

Func Decrypt ($String)

Return _StringEncrypt (0, $String, $dllEncKey , 1 )

EndFunc;==> Decrypt()

Func Debug ($var)

If $Debugit then ConsoleWrite ($var & @crlf)

EndFunc;==> Debug to Scite()

Func _GetMAC($getmacindex = 1)

$ipHandle = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c ipconfig /all', '', @SW_HIDE, 2)

$read = ""


$read &= StdoutRead($ipHandle)

Until @error

$read = StringStripWS($read,7)

$macdashed = StringRegExp( $read , '([0-9A-F]{2}-[0-9A-F]{2}-[0-9A-F]{2}-[0-9A-F]{2}-[0-9A-F]{2}-[0-9A-F]{2})', 3)

If Not IsArray($macdashed) Then Return 0

If $getmacindex < 1 Then Return 0

If $getmacindex > UBound($macdashed) Or $getmacindex = -1 Then $getmacindex = UBound($macdashed)

$macnosemicolon = StringReplace($macdashed[$getmacindex - 1], '-', ':', 0)

Return $macnosemicolon


keygenerator: (not really needed if incorporated but helpful to keep separate to ensure only authorized devices run)

#Region;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=Chaos Bot Keygen.exe
#EndRegion;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AutoIt Version: 
; Author:        Chris Lambert
; Script Function: KeyGen for trial/licensed software
;   Template AutoIt script.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here


Local $securityCodeEncryptionKey = "somepassword";this must match the applications key

$str = InputBox ("ISS Drive Check Registration","Input code")
$str = StringTrimRight( $str, 1)
If @error = 1 then exit
$Generate = StringUpper (StringRight ($str,5))
$restore = StringUpper(_StringEncrypt (1, $Generate, $securityCodeEncryptionKey , 1 ))

ClipPut ($restore)

Msgbox (0,"ISS Drive Check","The registration code is: " & $restore & @crlf & @crlf & "The code has been placed on the clipboard")

All you need to do is change "somepassword" to whatever you want your password to be (make sure it's the saem in the keygen and program) and then your program won't work withouth authorization. Also change my registration email to whatever you want yours to be. This is much easier to read in SciTE so it will make more sense there.

Edited by dbzfanatic


File streams

or File Contents

or File Presence

or Drive's Serial maybe combined with drive's total space and label

Maybe not the safest thing in the world but it's very simple

Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------http://torels.altervista.org


chrome says the link you posted is infected and not safe :mellow:

Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------http://torels.altervista.org

Posted (edited)

How about the PNPDeviceID? *The example below only works with Fixed or Removable drives. CDrom and Network drives fail because of WMI calls.

$drive = StringLeft(FileSelectFolder("Pick a Drive",""),2)
$id = _GetPNPDeviceID($drive)

Func _GetPNPDeviceID($drive,$fullid=0)
    $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
    If Not IsObj($objWMIService) Then Return -1 ;Failed to Connect to WMI on Local Machine
    $colDevice = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * from Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition")
    For $objItem in $colDevice
        If StringInStr($objItem.Dependent,$drive) Then 
    If Not $var Then Return -2 ;Failed to Find Drive Letter
    $colDevice = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * from Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition")
    $diskpartition = $var
    For $objItem in $colDevice
        If StringInStr($objItem.Dependent,$diskpartition) Then
    If Not $var Then Return -3 ;Failed to Find Physical Drive #

    $colDevice = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * from Win32_DiskDrive")
    $physicaldrive = StringReplace(StringReplace($var,"\\","\"),'"',"")
    For $objItem in $colDevice
        If $objItem.DeviceID = $physicaldrive Then
    If Not $var Then Return -4 ;Failed to Find PNPDeviceID
    If Not $fullid Then $var = StringTrimLeft($var,StringInstr($var,"\",0,-1)) ;Return Ugly Full PNPDeviceID
    Return $var
Edited by spudw2k
Posted (edited)
Posted (edited)

Yes !!! you ............ first i read "updating" now i read "updated" .......

my result "5B721B8A98A4&0" on 1st PC

my result "5B721B8A98A4&0" on 2nd PC

working good !!! Thanks for help :mellow:

Edited by ironmankho
Posted (edited)

No prob. Now, you may get the same ID if two of the same USB drives are used. I haven't tested that as I do not have two of the same type of thumb drives.

I was able to test this using two GeekSquad 1GB sticks that were purchased from the same store within a week apart from each other.



ID's appears to be unique for each device as well. :mellow:


tested with two more similar drives. Unique. I assume they have to be, otherwise, how would the pc know how to identify each one accurately.

Edited by spudw2k
Posted (edited)

ok !!! next day i will post more result ......hope magic will work :mellow:

988000000000000045B46330-&0 - kingston DT100 1GB

5B871B-000031-&0 - kingston DTi-1014GB

5B721B-8A98A4-&0 kingston DTI 4 GB

200809010000000000000027&0 -kingston 8 GB DTI

5B841E0044C3&0 - kingston 1 GB DTI

Edited by ironmankho

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