Sets the size of the internal buffer that used the _WinAPI_FindTextDlg() and _WinAPI_ReplaceTextDlg() functions
#include <WinAPIDlg.au3>
_WinAPI_SetFRBuffer ( $iChars )
$iChars | The size, in TCHARs, of the internal buffer. The buffer should be at least 80 characters long. The default buffer size is 16384 wide characters (32 KB). |
This function does not initialize the buffer, just sets its size. Actually, this buffer is initialized only by
_WinAPI_FindTextDlg() and _WinAPI_ReplaceTextDlg() functions. The _WinAPI_SetFRBuffer() must be called before
using the _WinAPI_FindTextDlg() or _WinAPI_ReplaceTextDlg().
You can destroy the internal buffer by calling the _WinAPI_FlushFRBuffer() function.
_WinAPI_FindTextDlg, _WinAPI_FlushFRBuffer, _WinAPI_ReplaceTextDlg