Retrieves the current working directory for the specified process
#include <WinAPIProc.au3>
_WinAPI_GetProcessWorkingDirectory ( [$iPID = 0] )
$iPID | [optional] The PID of the process. Default (0) is the current process. |
Success: | The path to the working directory. |
Failure: | Empty string and sets the @error flag to non-zero. |
This function uses undocumented API functions and may stop working properly in future versions of Windows.
Using this function for some processes may require full access rights. Use _WinAPI_AdjustTokenPrivileges()
function to enable $SE_DEBUG_NAME privilege before calling this function.
#include <Array.au3>
#include <WinAPIHObj.au3>
#include <WinAPIProc.au3>
Local $aAdjust, $aList = 0
; Enable "SeDebugPrivilege" privilege for obtain full access rights to another processes
Local $hToken = _WinAPI_OpenProcessToken(BitOR($TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, $TOKEN_QUERY))
_WinAPI_AdjustTokenPrivileges($hToken, $SE_DEBUG_NAME, $SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED, $aAdjust)
; Retrieve working directories for all processes the system
If Not (@error Or @extended) Then
$aList = ProcessList()
For $i = 1 To $aList[0][0]
$aList[$i][1] = _WinAPI_GetProcessWorkingDirectory($aList[$i][1])
; Restore "SeDebugPrivilege" privilege by default
_WinAPI_AdjustTokenPrivileges($hToken, $aAdjust, 0, $aAdjust)
_ArrayDisplay($aList, '_WinAPI_GetProcessCommandLine')