Retrieves the status of the specified virtual key
#include <WinAPISys.au3>
_WinAPI_GetKeyState ( $vKey )
$vKey | Specifies a virtual key ($VK_*). If the desired virtual key is a letter or digit (A through Z, a through z, or 0 through 9). |
The key status returned from this function changes as a process reads key messages from its message queue.
The status does not reflect the interrupt-level state associated with the hardware. Use the _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState()
function to retrieve that information.
Search GetKeyState in MSDN Library.
#include <WinAPISys.au3>
#include <WinAPIvkeysConstants.au3>
Local $aOnOff[2] = ['OFF', 'ON']
ConsoleWrite('NumLock: ' & $aOnOff[BitAND(_WinAPI_GetKeyState($VK_NUMLOCK), 1)] & @CRLF)
Send('{NUMLOCK toggle}')
ConsoleWrite('NumLock: ' & $aOnOff[BitAND(_WinAPI_GetKeyState($VK_NUMLOCK), 1)] & @CRLF)
Send('{NUMLOCK toggle}')
ConsoleWrite('NumLock: ' & $aOnOff[BitAND(_WinAPI_GetKeyState($VK_NUMLOCK), 1)] & @CRLF)