Splits up a string into substrings depending on the given delimiters as PHP Explode v5
#include <String.au3>
_StringExplode ( $sString, $sDelimiter [, $iLimit = 0] )
$sString | String to be split |
$sDelimiter | Delimiter to split on (split is performed on entire string, not individual characters) |
$iLimit | [optional] Maximum elements to be returned =0 : (default) Split on every instance of the delimiter >0 : Split until limit, last element will contain remaining portion of the string <0 : Split on every instance, removing limit count from end of the array |
Use negative limit values to remove the first possible elements.
#include <Array.au3>
#include <String.au3>
Local $sText = "one##two##three##four##five##six##seven##eight"
Local $aArray1 = _StringExplode($sText, "##", 0)
_ArrayDisplay($aArray1, "StringExplode 0")
; [0] = one
; [1] = two
; [2] = three
; [3] = four
; [4] = five
; [5] = six
; [6] = seven
; [7] = eight
Local $aArray2 = _StringExplode($sText, "##", 4)
_ArrayDisplay($aArray2, "StringExplode 4")
; [0] = one
; [1] = two
; [2] = three
; [3] = four
; [4] = five##six##seven##eight
Local $aArray3 = _StringExplode($sText, "##", -3)
_ArrayDisplay($aArray3, "StringExplode -3")
; [0] = one
; [1] = two
; [2] = three
; [3] = four
; [4] = five