Function Reference


Writes current date, time and the specified text to a log file

#include <File.au3>
_FileWriteLog ( $sLogPath, $sLogMsg [, $iFlag = -1] )


$sLogPath Path of the file to write to, or a file handle returned from FileOpen().
$sLogMsg Message to be written to the log file
$iFlag [optional] Flag that defines if $sLogMsg will be written to the end of file, or to the beginning.
If $iFlag = -1 (default) $sLogMsg will be written to the end of file.
Otherwise $sLogMsg will be written to beginning of file.

Return Value

Success: 1.
Failure: 0 and sets the @error flag to non-zero.
@error: 1 - Error opening specified file
2 - File could not be written to
@extended: 1 if trying to write at the beginning using file handle


Example 1

; Open the logfile in write mode.

#include <File.au3>

Local $hFile = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\Example.log", 1)

_FileWriteLog($hFile, "Text 1") ; Write to the logfile passing the filehandle returned by FileOpen.
FileClose($hFile) ; Close the filehandle to release the file.

Example 2

; Write to the logfile passing the filepath.

#include <File.au3>

_FileWriteLog(@TempDir & "\Example.log", "Text 2")