Writes to debugging session the content of a variable
#include <Debug.au3>
_DebugReportVar ( $sVarName, $vVar [, $bErrExt = False [, $iDebugLineNumber = @ScriptLineNumber]] )
$sVarName | string representing name of the variable or a comment |
$vVar | the variable to be reported |
$bErrExt | [optional] True if @error and @extended must also be displayed |
$iDebugLineNumber | [optional] can be used to overwrite the current calling line number. Default = @ScriptLineNumber |
If no _DebugSetup() have been issued the function always returns.
@error and @extended of the caller are preserved.
Each time _DebugReportVar() is called, the output is put on its own line.
#include <Debug.au3>
_DebugSetup("_DebugReportVar examples", True)
Local $aArray2D[5][2]
For $r = 0 To UBound($aArray2D, 1) - 1
For $c = 0 To UBound($aArray2D, 2) - 1
$aArray2D[$r][$c] = $r & "," & $c
_DebugReportVar("Array2D", $aArray2D)
Local $aArray[7] = [1, 1.1, "string", Binary(0x010203), Ptr(-1), False, Default]
_DebugReportVar("Array", $aArray)
Local $aArray3D[5][2][2]
For $r = 0 To UBound($aArray3D, 1) - 1
For $c = 0 To UBound($aArray3D, 2) - 1
For $k = 0 To UBound($aArray3D, 3) - 1
$aArray3D[$r][$c][$k] = $r & "," & $c & "," & $k
_DebugReportVar("Array3D", $aArray3D)
Local $aArray4D[5][2][2][10]
_DebugReportVar("Array4D", $aArray4D)
Local $iInt = -1
_DebugReportVar("int", $iInt)
Local $iInt64 = 2 ^ 63
_DebugReportVar("int64", $iInt64)
Local $bBool = True
_DebugReportVar("bool", $bBool)
Local $fFloat = 1.1
_DebugReportVar("float", $fFloat)
Local $vKeyword = Default
_DebugReportVar("keyword", $vKeyword)
Local $sString = "stringstring"
_DebugReportVar("string", $sString)
Local $dBinary = Binary("0x0102030405060708")
_DebugReportVar("binary", $dBinary)
$dBinary = Binary("abcdefghij")
_DebugReportVar("binary", $dBinary)
Local $pPtr = Ptr(0)
_DebugReportVar("ptr", $pPtr)
Local $hWnd = WinActive("", "")
_DebugReportVar("hwnd", $hWnd)
Local $tDllstruct = DllStructCreate("int; ptr")
_DebugReportVar("dllstruct", $tDllstruct)
Local $oObj = ObjCreate("shell.application")
_DebugReportVar("obj", $oObj)