Display a message if assertion fails
#include <Debug.au3>
_Assert ( $sCondition [, $bExit = True [, $iCode = 0x7FFFFFFF [, $sLine = @ScriptLineNumber]]] )
$sCondition | The condition (expression quoted) that must evaluate to true. |
$bExit | [optional] If true (Default), the script is aborted. |
$iCode | [optional] The exit code to use if the script is aborted. |
$sLine | [optional] Displays the line number where the assertion failed. If this value is not changed, then the default value will show the correct line. |
@error and @extended are not destroyed on return.
If _DebugSetup() has been call, instead of displaying a MsgBox(),
_DebugReport() will be used and $bExit will be force to False to avoid script termination.