Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.
When using them you need to add a #include <GuiMonthCal.au3>.
User Defined Function | Description |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_Create | Creates a Month Calendar control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_Destroy | Delete the MonthCal control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetCalendarBorder | Gets the size of the border, in pixels |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetCalendarCount | Gets the number of calendars currently displayed in the calendar control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetColor | Retrieves a given color for the control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetColorArray | Retrieves the color for a given portion of a month calendar control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetCurSel | Retrieves the currently selected date |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetCurSelStr | Retrieves the currently selected date in string format |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetFirstDOW | Retrieves the first day of the week |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetFirstDOWStr | Retrieves the first day of the week as a string |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMaxSelCount | Retrieves the maximum date range that can be selected in a month calendar control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMaxTodayWidth | Retrieves the maximum width of the "today" string in a month calendar control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMinReqHeight | Retrieves the minimum height required to display a full month |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMinReqRect | Retrieves the minimum size required to display a full month |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMinReqRectArray | Retrieves the minimum size required to display a full month in a month calendar control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMinReqWidth | Retrieves the minimum width required to display a full month |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthDelta | Retrieves the scroll rate for a month calendar control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRange | Retrieves date information that represents the high and low display limits |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRangeMax | Retrieves date information that represents the high limit of the controls display |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRangeMaxStr | Retrieves date information that represents the high limit of the controls display in string format |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRangeMin | Retrieves date information that represents the low limit of the controls display |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRangeMinStr | Retrieves date information that represents the low limit of the controls display in string format |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRangeSpan | Returns a value that represents the range, in months, spanned |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetRange | Retrieves the minimum and maximum allowable dates |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetRangeMax | Retrieves the upper limit date range |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetRangeMaxStr | Retrieves the upper limit date range in string format |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetRangeMin | Retrieves the lower limit date range |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetRangeMinStr | Retrieves the lower limit date range in string form |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetSelRange | Retrieves the upper and lower limits of the date range currently selected |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetSelRangeMax | Retrieves the upper date range currently selected by the user |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetSelRangeMaxStr | Retrieves the upper date range currently selected by the user in string form |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetSelRangeMin | Retrieves the lower date range currently selected by the user |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetSelRangeMinStr | Retrieves the lower date range currently selected by the user in string form |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetToday | Retrieves the date information for the date specified as "today" |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetTodayStr | Retrieves the date information for the date specified as "today" in string format |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetUnicodeFormat | Retrieves the Unicode character format flag for the control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_HitTest | Determines which portion of a month calendar control is at a given point |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetCalendarBorder | Sets the size of the border, in pixels |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetColor | Sets the color for a given portion of the month calendar |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetCurSel | Sets the currently selected date |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetDayState | Sets the day states for all months that are currently visible |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetFirstDOW | Sets the first day of the week for a month calendar control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetMaxSelCount | Sets the maximum number of days that can be selected in a month calendar control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetMonthDelta | Sets the scroll rate for a month calendar control |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetRange | Sets date information that represents the high and low limits |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetSelRange | Sets the selection for a month calendar control to a given date range |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetToday | Sets the date information for the date specified as "today" |
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetUnicodeFormat | Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control |