Strips the white space in a string.
StringStripWS ( "string", flag )
string | The string to strip. |
flag | Flag to indicate the type of stripping that should be performed (add the flags together for multiple operations): $STR_STRIPLEADING (1) = strip leading white space $STR_STRIPTRAILING (2) = strip trailing white space $STR_STRIPSPACES (4) = strip double (or more) white spaces between words $STR_STRIPALL (8) = strip all spaces (over-rides all other flags) Constants are defined in StringConstants.au3. |
Whitespace includes Chr(9) thru Chr(13) which are HorizontalTab, LineFeed, VerticalTab, FormFeed, and CarriageReturn. Whitespace also includes the null string ( Chr(0) ) and the standard space ( Chr(32) ).
To strip single spaces between words, use the function StringReplace().
StringIsSpace, StringReplace, StringStripCR
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <StringConstants.au3>
; Strip leading and trailing whitespace as well as the double spaces (or more) in between the words.
Local $sString = StringStripWS(" This is a sentence with whitespace. ", $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING + $STR_STRIPSPACES)
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", $sString)