Checks if a string contains only hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F) characters.
StringIsXDigit ( "string" )
string | The string to check |
Success: | 1. |
Failure: | 0 if string contains non-hexadecimal characters. |
Valid characters are 0123456789abcdefABCDEF.
Note that a string containing whitespace or the "0x" prefix will cause StringIsXDigit() to return 0.
StringIsAlNum, StringIsAlpha, StringIsASCII, StringIsDigit, StringIsLower, StringIsSpace, StringIsUpper, StringLower, StringUpper
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Is the string 42 a hexadecimal digit: " & StringIsXDigit("42") & @CRLF & _ ; Returns 1, as the string contains only hexadecimal (0-9, A-F) characters.
"Is the string 00 a hexadecimal digit: " & StringIsXDigit("00") & @CRLF & _ ; Returns 1, as the string contains only hexadecimal (0-9, A-F) characters.
"Is the string 1.0 a hexadecimal digit: " & StringIsXDigit("1.0") & @CRLF & _ ; Returns 0, due to the decimal point.
"Is the number 1.0 a hexadecimal digit: " & StringIsXDigit(1.0) & @CRLF & _ ; Returns 1, due to the number to string conversion.
"Is the string 'A string' a hexadecimal digit: " & StringIsXDigit("A string.") & @CRLF) ; Returns 0, due to the string containing whitespace.