Calculates the square-root of a number.
Sqrt ( expression )
expression | Any nonnegative expression to get the square-root of. |
Success: | the square-root. |
Failure: | -1.#IND if parameter is negative. |
To compute an nth root, use the power operator: x ^ (1/n)
MsgBox(4096,"The cube root of 27 is", 27 ^ (1/3) )
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
Func Example()
; Assign a Local variable the square-root of 2.
Local $fSqrt1 = Sqrt(2)
; Display the result.
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", $fSqrt1)
; Assign a Local variable the square-root of 9.
Local $fSqrt2 = Sqrt(9)
; Display the result.
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", $fSqrt2)
EndFunc ;==>Example