Sets the position and/or text of a previously created Progress bar window.
ProgressSet ( percent [, "subtext" [, "maintext"]] )
percent | Percentage (value between 0. and 100.) to set the progress bar at. |
subtext | [optional] Set the text for the Sub, Normal, Lower label. |
maintext | [optional] Set the text for the Main, Bold, Upper label. |
Notice that the subtext argument comes before maintext.
If the "maintext" contain 2 lines the ProgressOn() must have set with 2 lines too.
#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
Func Example()
; Display a progress bar window (maintext with 2 lines).
ProgressOn("Progress Meter", "Increments every second" & @CRLF & "..." , "0%", -1, -1, BitOR($DLG_NOTONTOP, $DLG_MOVEABLE))
; Update the progress value of the progress bar window every second.
For $i = 10 To 100 Step 10
ProgressSet($i, $i & "%")
; Set the "subtext" and "maintext" of the progress bar window.
ProgressSet(100, "Done", "Complete")
; Close the progress window.
EndFunc ;==>Example