Returns an array containing the enumerated drives.
DriveGetDrive ( "type" )
type | Type of drive to find: $DT_ALL ("ALL") $DT_CDROM ("CDROM") $DT_REMOVABLE ("REMOVABLE") $DT_FIXED ("FIXED") $DT_NETWORK ("NETWORK") $DT_RAMDISK ("RAMDISK") $DT_UNKNOWN ("UNKNOWN") Constants are defined in AutoItConstants.au3 |
Success: | an array of strings (drive letter followed by colon) of drives found. The zeroth array element contains the number of drives. |
Failure: | sets the @error flag to 1. |
@error is set to 1 if the parameter is neither a $ constant nor a string equivalent, or if the computer has no drives of the requested type.
Example: On a computer that has no CD/DVD drive, DriveGetDrive("CDROM") sets @error to 1
DriveGetFileSystem, DriveGetLabel, DriveGetSerial, DriveGetType, DriveSetLabel, DriveSpaceFree, DriveSpaceTotal, DriveStatus
#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
Local $aArray = DriveGetDrive($DT_ALL)
If @error Then
; An error occurred when retrieving the drives.
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "It appears an error occurred.")
For $i = 1 To $aArray[0]
; Show all the drives found and convert the drive letter to uppercase.
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Drive " & $i & "/" & $aArray[0] & ":" & @CRLF & StringUpper($aArray[$i]))