Retrieves text from the clipboard.
ClipGet ( )
Success: | a string containing the text on the clipboard. |
Failure: | sets the @error to non-zero. |
@error: | 1 = if clipboard is empty 2 = if contains a non-text entry. 3 or 4 = if cannot access the clipboard. |
When multiple selecting file/dir are stored in the clipboard, the filename/dirname are returned as texts separated by @LF.
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
Func Example()
; Retrieve the data stored in the clipboard.
Local $sData = ClipGet()
; Display the data returned by ClipGet.
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "The following data is stored in the clipboard: " & @CRLF & $sData)
; Add new data to the clipboard.
ClipPut("A new string added to the clipboard.")
; Retrieve the data stored in the clipboard.
$sData = ClipGet()
; Display the data returned by ClipGet.
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "The following data is now stored in the clipboard: " & @CRLF & $sData)
EndFunc ;==>Example