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Opened 16 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
#774 closed Bug (Fixed)
GUICtrlSetBkColor delayed mishap.(Labels turn White)
Reported by: | MvGulik | Owned by: | Jpm |
Milestone: | | Component: | AutoIt |
Version: | | Severity: | None |
Keywords: | GUICtrlSetBkColor | Cc: |
following code displays a window with a 10x10 label grid.
while running, the label's background color is continus changed (random label + random color)
after running for some time, all labels turn white.
ps: move mouse around to speed things up. (~15x Faster)+(mishap after ~5sec/2.4Mhz)
Also when the labels are white, moving the window also gives odd screen behaviors.
a compleetly gray screen for example.
[Environment = under WIN_XP/Service Pack 3 X86]
#cs GUICtrlSetBkColor delayed mishap.(Labels turn White) following code displays a window with a 10x10 label grid. while running, the label's background color is continus changed (random label + random color) after running for some time, all labels turn white. * move mouse around to speed things up. (~15x Faster)+(mishap after ~5sec/2.4Mhz) Also when the labels are white, moving the window also gives odd screen behaviors. - compleetly gray screen for example. [Environment = under WIN_XP/Service Pack 3 X86] #ce #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> ;~ #include <Debug.au3> ;~ ConsoleWrite( _DebugBugReportEnv() & @CRLF) Global Enum _ $LED_COUNT_X, _ $LED_COUNT_Y, _ $LED_SIZE_X, _ $LED_SIZE_Y, _ $LED_MARGEN_X, _ $LED_MARGEN_Y, _ $WINDOW_MARGEN_XY, _ $LEDGROUP_SIZE_X, _ $LEDGROUP_SIZE_Y, _ $WINDOW_SIZE_X, _ $WINDOW_SIZE_Y, _ $WINDOW_ID, _ $Data_A_Size Global $Data_A[$Data_A_Size] $Data_A[$LED_COUNT_X] = 10 $Data_A[$LED_COUNT_Y] = 10 $Data_A[$LED_SIZE_X] = 20 $Data_A[$LED_SIZE_Y] = 20 $Data_A[$LED_MARGEN_X] = 4 $Data_A[$LED_MARGEN_Y] = 4 $Data_A[$WINDOW_MARGEN_XY] = 10 $Data_A[$LEDGROUP_SIZE_X] = _ ($Data_A[$LED_SIZE_X] * $Data_A[$LED_COUNT_X]) + _ ($Data_A[$LED_MARGEN_X] * ($Data_A[$LED_COUNT_X] + 1)) $Data_A[$LEDGROUP_SIZE_Y] = _ ($Data_A[$LED_SIZE_Y] * $Data_A[$LED_COUNT_Y]) + _ ($Data_A[$LED_MARGEN_Y] * ($Data_A[$LED_COUNT_Y] + 1)) $Data_A[$WINDOW_SIZE_X] = $Data_A[$LEDGROUP_SIZE_X] + ($Data_A[$WINDOW_MARGEN_XY] * 2) $Data_A[$WINDOW_SIZE_Y] = $Data_A[$LEDGROUP_SIZE_Y] + ($Data_A[$WINDOW_MARGEN_XY] * 2) Global Enum _ $LED_ID, _ $LED_COL, _ $Led_A_Size Global $Led_A[($Data_A[$LED_COUNT_X] * $Data_A[$LED_COUNT_Y]) + 1][$Led_A_Size] SRandom(Mod(TimerInit(), 2 ^ 32) - (2 ^ 31)) ;; (SRandom,InputRange: -2^31..2^31-1) MAIN() Exit Func MAIN() BuildGui() GuiWait() ;~ _ArrayDisplay($Led_A) ;; to show that colors are not set to same color/white. EndFunc ;==>MAIN Func BuildGui() $Data_A[$WINDOW_ID] = GUICreate('Colorful Led Test', $Data_A[$WINDOW_SIZE_X], $Data_A[$WINDOW_SIZE_Y], -1, -1) GUICtrlCreateLabel('', _ $Data_A[$WINDOW_MARGEN_XY], $Data_A[$WINDOW_MARGEN_XY], _ $Data_A[$LEDGROUP_SIZE_X], $Data_A[$LEDGROUP_SIZE_Y], _ $SS_ETCHEDFRAME) Local $Style = $SS_SUNKEN If ($Data_A[$LED_MARGEN_X] < 2) Or ($Data_A[$LED_MARGEN_Y] < 2) Then $Style = 0 Local $LedNr = 0 Local $PosX, $PosY For $iy = 1 To $Data_A[$LED_COUNT_Y] For $ix = 1 To $Data_A[$LED_COUNT_X] $LedNr += 1 $PosX = (($ix - 1) * ($Data_A[$LED_SIZE_X] + $Data_A[$LED_MARGEN_X])) + $Data_A[$LED_MARGEN_X] + $Data_A[$WINDOW_MARGEN_XY] $PosY = (($iy - 1) * ($Data_A[$LED_SIZE_Y] + $Data_A[$LED_MARGEN_Y])) + $Data_A[$LED_MARGEN_Y] + $Data_A[$WINDOW_MARGEN_XY] $Led_A[$LedNr][$LED_ID] = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', $PosX, $PosY, _ $Data_A[$LED_SIZE_X], $Data_A[$LED_SIZE_Y], _ $Style) Next Next GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Data_A[$WINDOW_ID]) EndFunc ;==>BuildGui Func GuiWait() Local $msg While 1 Do $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop 2 Until Not $msg Led_Set() WEnd EndFunc ;==>GuiWait Func Led_Set() Local $LEdColor = RndColor() Local $LedNr = Random(1, UBound($Led_A, 1) - 1, 1) $Led_A[$LedNr][$LED_COL] = $LEdColor GUICtrlSetBkColor($Led_A[$LedNr][$LED_ID], $LEdColor) EndFunc ;==>Led_Set Func RndColor() Local $r, $g, $b $r = BitShift(Round(Random() * 255), -16) $g = BitShift(Round(Random() * 255), -8) $b = BitShift(Round(Random() * 255), 0) Return $r + $g + $b EndFunc ;==>RndColor
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Change History (2)
comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by MvGulik
comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by Jpm
- Milestone set to
- Owner set to Jpm
- Resolution set to Fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
Fixed in version:
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While Trying to take a printscreen-screenshot (for attachment),
I got a 'Insufficient memory to create the bitmap. ...' message.
(in case it matters, having 768mb of memory, with ~315mb free when running above progam)