Opened 17 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
#508 closed Feature Request (Completed)
Static variables
Reported by: | cbruce | Owned by: | Nutster |
Milestone: | | Component: | AutoIt |
Version: | Severity: | Blocking | |
Keywords: | static variable scope | Cc: |
AutoIt is a wonderful product folks - thank you so much...
It would be nice to see Static variables added to AutoIt. A Static variables is defined as a variable whose scope is local to a function, but that maintains its value between invocations of the function that the Static variable resides in.
Currently, I have to use Global variables to achieve this effect. This creates a greater opportunity for introducing bugs in a program. [Man, does it ever - I just bit myself again - 3 hours of debugging - the impetus for submitting this feature request]. With Static variables, there is less dependence on the programmer's memory.
I love, and need, Global variables; but the addition of Static variables would make me a more productive programmer in AutoIt.
Bruce Huber
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Change History (11)
comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by Gary
comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by Valik
- Resolution set to Rejected
- Status changed from new to closed
Gary, the value needs to be mutable. For example, a counter for the number of times a function is called could be implemented as a static variable (or global, obviously).
cbruce, much like many other things that some other languages offer as "features", you can do this yourself. It just requires you to develop your own rigid naming system to prevent collisions. For example, a name in the form "$g_vStatic_MyVar" will help reduce collisions. Adding the function name in can help disambiguate names further at the cost of increased length in the name.
Closing as rejected.
comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by Valik
Err, that should have been two $[underscore][underscore]g. Apparently I accidentally triggered the wiki's underline thing.
comment:5 follow-up: ↓ 6 Changed 17 years ago by Gary
Valik your correct, I was thinking one thing and posted along another thought line.
An example of what Valik is stating can be found in UDFGlobalID.au3 ( $_UDF_GlobalIDs_Used) where I named it so it shouldn't be reused anywhere.
The above variable is an array but you should get the drift of the idea.
comment:6 in reply to: ↑ 5 Changed 17 years ago by cbruce
Like I say, it's more work for the programmer - but an absolutely pragmatic approach. I'll start using this type of naming convention in AutoIt.
Thanks folks,
comment:7 Changed 16 years ago by Nutster
- Milestone set to Future Release
- Resolution Rejected deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
I'll start working on this.
comment:8 Changed 16 years ago by Nutster
- Owner set to Nutster
- Status changed from reopened to accepted
comment:9 Changed 16 years ago by TicketCleanup
- Milestone Future Release deleted
Automatic ticket cleanup.
comment:10 Changed 15 years ago by Valik
- Severity changed from None to Blocking
comment:11 Changed 15 years ago by Nutster
- Milestone set to
- Resolution set to Completed
- Status changed from accepted to closed
Added in version:
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look at "Global Const"